F3 Knoxville

Return to Core Mountain

THE SCENE: Jucomanjaro-r-us

Welcome to new FNG – Dave -> DC

Mosey to Juco-manjaro base and start the Thang!

Core Mountain:

Starting at the base of Juco-manjaro, do 20 reps of an exercise and then go to the next station. The road to the top is 1800 feet divided by 18 stations that’s 100 foot transitions.  The exercises and transitions are

  1. Big Boy Situps
    1. Bear Crawl
  2. Crunches
    1. Crab Walk
  3. Scissors
    1. Lunge
  4. Flutters
    1. Burpee Broadjumps
  5. American Hammers
    1. Run 300 feet (out+back+out)
  6. Leg Lifts
    1. Peter Parker crawl
  7. Bicycles
    1. Bear Crawl
  8. Cross Toe Touches
    1. Crab Walk
  9. Rainbow Drops
    1. Lunge
  10. Windshield Wipers
    1. Burpee Broadjumps
  11. Cross Mountain Climbers
    1. Run 300 feet (out+back+out)
  12. Heel Touches
    1. Peter Parker Crawl
  13. Box Cutters
    1. Bear Crawl
  14. Hello Dollys
    1. Crab Walk
  15. Groiner
    1. Lunge
  16. Side Crunches
    1. Burpee Broadjumps
  17. Supermans
    1. Inchworms
  18. Plank Destroyers
    1. Peter Parker crawl

The first time (back on August 8th, 2018) we ran out of time at station 11. This time we made it to 14 when 6:07 timer went off.  We used the Mary time to get to the top with half the reps and only running in-between stations.  NEXT time we’ll probably just run in-between each station.  That would probably leave extra time for warm up and marry.  


Mary, we don’t need no stinkin Mary, we’re too busy climbin a hill.

Snaggletooth, Neutron, Chaco, Booster, FNG(DC), Trolley

Reminder info about bible app that has compare mode to see different versions, reading plans, and verse of the day.  Verse today https://www.bible.com/verse-of-the-day Wait on the Lord : be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord .  Psalm 27:14


THE SCENE: 72. Pretty humid.  Wispy clouds scuttling across the pale face of the waning gibbous moon.

SSH x30 IC
Crab Kicks x(something… PAX lost the count after 1. I blame Mayberry.)
Windmills x10 IC
Travoltas x10 each side IC
Cossack Squats x20 IC
Hand Release Merkins x10 OYO

Special add-on of 5 burpees for every vote of “*&$## Waxjob!” in last night’s poll about swimming in the beatdown… Surprisingly, only 5 burpees!


Grab a battle buddy, grab one CMU per team, and mosey to the hockey rink.

Line up on one side for some Humpty-Dumpty Dora 1,2,3!
Partners share 100 merkins, 200 big boys, and 300 squats.
As one partner does reps, other partner:
-Runs to opposite wall,
-Picks up CMU and sets it on the wall
-Vaults over the wall
-Sets CMU on the ground
-Runs to the asphalt and does a burpee
-Reverses the wall process with CMU and does another burpee
-Runs back to partner

After a 10 count, line up along the end line for 7s OYO: 8-count Body Builders on one end, Squat Jumps on the other.

Gather up CMUs and head back to the AO

Surprisingly, only one Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. 10 burpees all around in memoriam.

On your six for 15x Flutter Kicks IC, hard switch to 15 more Slutter Kicks IC
Left-Right-Center LBCs OYO until time
19 PAX today including FNG Earwig! (Jerry Valentin)
Ps. 37:4 – “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart”.

Sounds great. “God’s gonna give me everything I want!” But that’s not what it says. He will give you the desires of your heart. His desires for you will be planted in your heart, such that they become your desires. These are his best for you, and these are what He will fill!

I posted a poll last night to see who was interested in a swimming leg for today’s beatdown. Can’t say I was surprised by the responses to the negative, but also just a hair disappointed. That cool water woulda felt good this morning…
Lunch this Thursday… It’s gonna happen! Also don’t forget F3-Versary first weekend in November.

Back to it

THE SCENE: Nice morning

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 each side IC
Squats x20
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Mosey to the grinder. Do 4 exercises at the pavalon, then bear crawl about halfway across grinder. Inch worm merkin the rest of the way to the scrapyard. Do 4 exercises at the scrapyard, then run down the path and back around to the pavalon. Rinse and repeat until Q calls time.

Pavalon Exercises:

  • CMU Bent Over Rows x10
  • One Hand CMU Merkins x12
  • CMU Curls x15
  • Goblet Squats x20

Scrapyard Exercises:

  • Burpees x10
  • BBS x20
  • Side Tri Rise x10 each side
  • Flutter kicks x15 (4 count)

Boxcutters x20 (with a little extra, led by Hammy)
Captain Thor up to 7×28 (Led by Snorkel)
ATMs (led by Woodshack)
LBC OYO to cash out
13 men strong this morning. No FNGs.
I didn’t really prepare anything this morning, so I just talked a little about my experiences the past couple months. The last two months I have only made it to a few F3 workouts (if that) and I have been stress eating a lot. I’ve gained back about 12-15 pounds of the weight that I had lost since I started F3. I have been so busy and stressed that I started shutting down. I realized that when I get to that point, I put myself down. I am hard on myself for not getting things done. I get mad at myself for not doing 28 hours of work in a 24 hour day and I am very unhealthy. Instead of (as Tony Horton would say) doing my best and forgetting the rest, I do an ok job and then beat myself up for not doing better. I am going to try to do better and keep myself healthy the next time that I get that busy. One great thing about F3 is that we have men we can lean on and talk to when things get tough. Instead of leaning on my F3 brothers, I kept my distance. We all go through times when we feel overwhelmed and stressed. We need to approach these times with our heads up and our brothers on our 6. Staying healthy and talking to our brothers are two of the most important things we can do to stay happy in this life.
Keep praying for Bumblebee and his family.
No announcements this morning.

The Hateful 8

On way to cmu pile do 10 of plank walk merkins, Imerpial Lunge Walks, crab walk, overhead lunges, bear crawl, spinning thrusters, and hand stand walks.  All in order to get a cmu to the parking lot.
THA-THANG: The Hateful 8

Run to CMU pile, each HIM gets one and brings to adjacent Parking lot. Perform the following exercises along the lengths of 8 parking space painted sections.   When reaching the end of a section run to the adjacent painted section to start the next exercise going down (or up) the parking spots.  The exercises alternate from bringing the cmu with you to not bringing it.  When you need to start a section with a cmu and you don’t have one, run back to where you left your cmu (it should be two sections over/back) and run it back to the start of the next exercise.  In essecense you do a ziz-zag accross the parking lot with and without your cmu.

    1. Plank Walk Merkins +CMU  (do 1 merkin at each stall)
    2. Imperial Lunge Walkers
    3. Crab Walk +CMU
    4. Burpee Broad Jumps
    5. Overhead Lunges + CMU
    6. Bear Crawl
    7. Spinning Thrusters + CMU
    8. Handstand walk or Bear crawl Dry Docks (do 1 dry dock at each stall)

    We made it to Spinning Thrusters when 6:07am recovery alarm went off. Next time, go straight to the cmus with less warm up. Oh,, and there will be a next time!

    Stai, Chaco, Sweeper, Guano, Archie, Bartman, Waxjob, Snaggletooth.
    Luke 21 The widows offering..   Can you give it all?  Don’t let materializm eat you alive.  Heed Jesus’ words that the temple and stones will all be torn down.

Monday’s Rock

THE SCENE: The gloom was in full effect – not too cold, not too hot, just right.

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness, Fellowship, & Faith. My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • I am not a professional – you are here on your own volition – which means I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have. So if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning – do it.
  • That being said: you’re not here for you, you’re here for them. Push yourself and those around you. 


SSH: 12×4 (in cadence)

Cherry-Picker: 8×4 (in cadence)

Squat: 12×4 (in cadence)

Merkin: 12×4 (in cadence)

SSH: 12×4 (in cadence)

Mosey to rock pile at the top of the OG Asylum and execute good PT

  • Every stop sign passed = 15×4 squats
    • Q chose 1 PAX member to lead each time
  • Every parking lot passed = 10 1-count merkins
    • Q chose 1 PAX member to lead each time
  • Mosey from AO to Rock Pile at OG Asylum
  • Rock Pile
    • battle buddies
    • 3 Rounds
      • R1
        • BB1: 25 chest presses & hold above head until relieved
        • BB2: sprint down to tree on right (.25/mile) & execute 5 squats –> sprint back and recover BB1
        • After both BBs complete 50 chest presses each = hold plank @ rock pile
      • Between R1 & R2: 20 SSHs led by called upon PAX member by Q
      • R2
        • BB1: 20 curls & hold in bent over row position until relieved
        • BB2: sprint down to tree on right (.25/mile) & execute 4 merkins –> sprint back and recover BB1
        • After both BBs complete 50 curls each = hold plank @ rock pile
    • Drop rocks –> 2 lines mosey
    • Peel = 2 men out front peel around and to the back of the PAX and call out for the next men to peel when they get back in formation (think reverse American Indian Run)
  • Pause at rock overlooking the new fields/river/mountains
    • Covered by fog/gloom
    • Q said mini-BOM: You can’t see it now but there are beautiful mountains in view and the river and the park when it is clear. But the gloom is preventing you to see this right now. Take this metaphor into your life. Do you trust Him that they’ll still be there when the gloom clears in your life? Even though you can’t physically see it right now, it’s there, more importantly, HE is there, do you trust that this week?
  • Mosey down to curved path leading into the parking lot across from AO
    • 7 light poles
    • With your battle buddy, alternate between BBS (battle buddy situps) & flutter kicks every light pole
    • On flutter kick poles –> Q appointed a member of PAX to lead the cadence
    • 10 BBSs/pole & 20 flutter kicks/pole
  • Back Home @ the AO
    • Motto cadence call led by QIC
  • 12 Man-Makers (8-count Merkins)

Heavy breathing
43 HIM came out and crushed the Monday gloom (2 FNGs included)
1) Know that you are fully equipped and capable of whatever mission the Lord tasks you with this week. Know your mission and that where he sends you this week, there you’ll be.

2) Don’t be afraid to Wagon-Wheel this week. I’m not good at it. My pride gets in the way. A key component of wagon-wheeling is dying to yourself and your own ambitions or work so that you can go back and bring those falling behind out of the gloom. Don’ the afraid to wagon-wheel this week – to be that voice of encouragement that circles back around to speak life into those that may have/are falling behind or that you’ve noticed need to be encouraged. When people see the F3 logo – that means something. The commitment to pursuing the Lord as HIM, as well as to each other is vital to the nature of F3.
G-6 gave me encouragement this morning before things got kicked off – I always get nervous about my BOM because I don’t want to word vomit or get in my own way of sharing what God’s put on my heart/letting my words be far and His words be here & clear. G-6 gave me encouragement that went something like: God will put on your heart what he wants you to say/communicate when the time comes. That is important. And meant a lot. Because that means that we don’t have to worry or stress about saying the right thing or focus on how we sound – God’s got it already taken care of and He will put on our hearts what he wants us to say. A prayer I’ve been working on (and off unfortunately) for some time has gone something like this and when I remember to say it – man it hits home.

Lord, give me eyes to see like you, ears to hear your truth, lips to speak life, hands and feet to go and serve where you call me, and a heart to love like you.

Kinda just puts it in perspective of how much we need God to come into our everyday being and let the Holy Spirit allow us to be purpose-driven High Impact Men in everything we say and do.

Prayer Request from G-6: Lunch $’s (Jay Cobble) father died last night – keep their family in your prayers please.