F3 Knoxville

Building the six-pack

THE SCENE: Beautiful sunny day, cool outside

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 American Hammers, 10 Slow-Timed Merkins, Planks with arm and leg raises, 10 Body Twists

Mosey to grassy area to the north of the stop sign at the northeast corner of the administration building.  20 Bicycle Kicks (4 count).

Mosey toward the Lyons Bend Gate Entrance to Lake Shore Park.  Go on trail that hits the road on the eastern side of the road.  We will be sprinting to every fourth light along the trail and then bear crawl to every fifth light along the trail until the trail end at the top of Cardiac Hill.  Then we will do the same routine going back to the road we started from.

Mosey on the park perimeter trail until we reach the bottom of Mt. Everest.  20 Box Cutters.

Sprint up Mt. Everest but stop at the shaded area above the grove of trees that is below the summit.  We will be sprinting in a counterclockwise direction to various locations in this area and performing exercises at each location.  The following are the locations and the exercises to be performed there:

  • Location 1 is at grove of trees below the summit:  Ten Burpees
  • Location 2 is in the flat area at the summit:  20 Bicycle Kicks (four count)
  • Location 3 is at the top of the stairway on Roadshow Run:  20 Star Jumps
  • Location 4 is in the grassy area below the first stairway leading down Roadshow Run:  20 Merkins
  • Repeat above two more times

Mosey to Boulder Pile.  Each man gets a partner.  Each partner team gets one boulder.  The team will do the following exercises, having one partner run to Cone 5 (about 25 yards away), do 10 Squat Jumps there, while the other partner works with the boulder.  When Partner One gets back, Partner Two runs to Cone 5 and does the squat jumps.  This is repeated until the following exercises are completed:

  • Overhead Lifts
  • Curls
  • Lifts from stomach to neck

Mosey to AO



Isaiah 46:9 ESV

Remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me

Colossians 3:16 ESV

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Henri Nouwen claims that it is not so much events that shape our lives but the memories we have of those events.  As a psychologist, I believe that is true.  Two people can see the same event, yet perceive and remember it quite differently.  If we can learn to perceive events through God’s eyes (asking what God might be seeing or wanting us to see), then those events, whether happy or sad, will impact us in a different and more powerful way.  We will become better men because we are experiencing those events from a perspective where God is involved with us.  This will impact or memories in a fruitful way and help sew the very fabric of our lives.

Our next 3rd F event will be on Saturday, March 24, 8:30 am at the Outlook (directly behind and above Stephanos on the University of Tennessee strip.

Hiding in the Bushes

THE SCENE: High 40s, drippy and drizzly but not pouring

SSH x25 or something like that.  Q screwed up the cadence so reps uncertain
LBAC x20 each way IC
TN Rocking Chairs x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck Jumps x8
Hindurkins x15 IC

Mosey to the steps by the ball. Hop up first flight of stairs on right foot,
head south and down the steps, circle back around to hop up stairs on left foot.

Keep heading south and down the steps that some idiot decided should be painted with high-gloss paint. Successfully navigated without injury.
Pair up in groups of 3, each group picks up one large and two small coupons from the bank of the stream.

Cross the street to the safe, unpainted set of stairs.
One PAX at top, one PAX at bottom, one PAX in motion for each group
Small coupon exercises on the streetcorner at the bottom of the stairs until relieved:
-Side Raise
-Wax On/Wax Off
-Raise the Roof

Large coupon exercises at the top (hidden by the bushes to avoid indecency citation during Hip Thrust)
-Fwd Raise
-Hip Thrust

2 rounds through the circuit and it’s time to head back.

Squeaked in some Protractors and 3 rounds of Row your Boat
15 strong, no FNGs braved the drizzle. Good to see Acapella visiting the gloom from South GA
Jeremiah 2:13 – “For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, The fountain of living waters, To hew for themselves cisterns, Broken cisterns That can hold no water.”

Last week I had to replace my water heater. It was old, and had a good run, but it sprang a small leak. Fortunately I managed to get it out before a catastrophic failure. Pulling the old, leaking tank, partly full of sediment, out of the house made me think of Jeremiah 2:13. Be careful where you are looking for your water, your fulfillment. Anything but the source of Living Water is just a cracked and useless cistern.



Simple but effective

THE SCENE: 46 w Drizzle my nizzle

last year we did a February challenge that Capn started. It was really good and especially when traveling. The challenge was simple. Do 2017 reps of merkins, big boys, squats, burps, dry docks, pull ups in the month of February. This averaged out to just over 70 reps a day of each exercise to reach the goal of 2017 reps of each. Based on such, I did mine in sets of 20 (10 on the burps)for 7 rounds. Between each round, I ran roughly a 1/4 mile. It’s a great , simple, triedsbd true workout that takes about 45 minutes. This morning, we modified a little and went like this;

  • 7 rounds w a lap between each round
  • Each round consisted of , 20 merkins, 20 big boys or other AB, 20 over head presses w CMU(replaces dry docks) 20 rows w CMU(replaces pull ups), 20 squats, 10 burps and added 20 cmu curls .
  • When running the lap, we moseyed, we did Indian run for a lap abs a few laps of reverse Indian run.
  • We completed 6 rounds

Was this this workout a ball buster, NO! Was it cray cray creative, NO! Did we sweat, yes! Did we get some reps in, yes! Did we get cardio in , yes!! Did we stay together and get better together, YES! Sometimes, a good workout is keeping it simple and effective.

Part of the thang
8 pax
I was out all week last week resting my hamstring. It killed me not to be in the gloom w my F3 brothers. I needed the rest but I also felt myself slipping to the dark side. I know that I need accountability. I need to be in the gloom w my brothers from another mother. I am not the type of guy that will go 100% alone as it’s too easy to take a break and walk when I should run . Long story short, I need to be surrounded by positivity (F3), I am a glass is half full guy but still need the accountability and the positivity that F3 has to give. So, if your injured, rest up and get well but don’t let yourself slip out of the positivity and consistency that F3 offers.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Enjoy the Ride

THE SCENE:  40 and clear


  • Quickly welcomed the group because the Q was running late!


  • 30 second stretch OYO (so I could put my watch & gloves on)
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • LBAC forward & backward
  • This/that, these/those, Michael Phelps


  1. Lunge to concrete pylons
    • 30 Box Jumps on the pylons when you get there
  2. Burpee broad jump across parking lot to the sidewalk
    • 50 Calf Raises when you get there
  3. Bear Crawl across big parking lot
    • 50 Carolina Dry Docks when you get there
  4. Inchworm Merkin up the street to the first turn-in
    • 50 Jump Squats when you get there
  5. Groucho Walk up the street to the fire hydrant
    • 50 Big Boy Situps when you get there
  6. Forward Crab Walk back down the street to the first turn-in
    • 25 Diamond Merkins when you get there
  7. Gorilla Shuffle to the flag poles
    • no exercise when you get there….it’s 6:13!
  8. Mosey back to the AO


No Mary – out of time

8 strong this morning:  Booster, Waxjob, Neutron, Scrum, Snaggletooth, Sweeper, Trolley, Bartman


Today’s workout was all about how to get from Point A to Point B.  In life we are usually focused on getting to “Point B” as quickly as possible.  “Point B” can be anything:  new job, more money, success, popularity, etc.  I reminded the group this morning that sometimes we need to slow down and enjoy the ride.  Take the long route, enjoy your current situation, stop & smell the roses.   Some of those are metaphorical and some are literal, regardless the point is that we don’t always need to be sprinting in a straight line at all times.  There are times to sprint, and there are times to stroll.  Pay attention and try to know the difference to prevent yourself from getting burnt out.



  • Hardship Hill coming up May 19th
  • Remember JUCO is now meeting on Friday each week

Cardio at the Truck Stop

THE SCENE: 42 and clear

We got out of our cars.

We went for a run.

We didn’t do it because we ran.
There were only 3 of us so we skipped this step.
Butter’s shared about his sister’s kidney transplant.
My foot hurt and I limped back to the AO while the other two ran ahead.  Sorry guys.  Butters and I decided we both need new shoes.
We made fun of Frosty and Tank for not showing up.