F3 Knoxville

Mani Pedi at JUCO

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Baby Arm Circles 10 /10

Tempo Merkins 15

Tempo Squats 20

Claps 10

overhead claps 10

SSH 30

Mosey with the flag and a CMU because we can!

Quarter Pounder hold the cheese, 25, 50,75,100 merkins, squats, Mtn Climbers, SSH

Mosey to the Campus police station

Bear Crawl to Heaven 15 ( had a couple of Almost Merlots )

Mosey to the Resource Center

5/1 Burpees to Body Builders

Mosey to TTU Portables

Burpee Broad jump a long freakn way!

Mosey back to the AO

Star Gazers
20 HIMs
Patience is a Virtue


3rd F this Sat 830 at Outlook

TTTP  August 25 6-10am  DO IT!!

Plan A or Plan B?

THE SCENE: Rainy will some thunderstorms

25 Squats, 20 Seconds of Squat Pulses, 20 Merkin Jacks (Abrupt Ending Due to Thunderstorms)

Pick up bricks in my car (each man gets one set of two bricks) before we mosey.  Mosey to Pavillion.  We will start off with doing 25 Squats while holding bricks in front of our chests.  We will then do Totem Poles with 30 seconds of each exercise as we symbolically climb up and down the totem pole.  Thus we will do each exercise for five thirty second segments by the end of the totem pole.  The following are the exercises.

  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Picnic Table Pull Ups
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Bench Butt Raises

Note:  some ladies were having a gathering at the pavilion so we had to shift pavilions in the middle of the exercises.  We moseyed to the pavilion at the south ball fields.

After the totem pole exercises we did the following exercises with bricks:

  • With back on ground, 25 bench presses
  • Back on ground, 25 wings up
  • Back on ground, 25 overhead to knees
  • Back on ground, 25 overhead to back of head.

Next we did the following calve raises only going half way down after each raise up so as always to be on toes:

  • 25 calve raises with toes pointing straight
  • 25 calve raises with toes pointing at outward angle
  • 25 calve raises with toes pointing at inward angle

Mosey with bricks to outdoor shelter that is close to outdoor chapel.  25 Squats while holding bricks forward in front of chest.

Pickets charge with bricks to Admin Bldg and AO.  Drop off bricks.

Eight men and one dog (Woodshack’s dog named “Chevy” was an incredible addition to our crew).
Cherish your relationships.  Pray for those you love.  Today is may daughter’s birthday and I cherish the 23 wonderful years that Faith has been my child.  She recently made a difficult decision NOT to go to graduate school after being accepted back in the spring and planning to start in the fall.  As a father, my initial thoughts and emotions, after she decided not to go to grad school, were mixed with disbelief, doubt and anger.  I thought to myself, “You are blowing an opportunity to have a masters degree by the age of 25.”  I was thinking her decision was impractical.  But it wasn’t my decision.  It was Faith’s and after four years of majoring in a very difficult program of English at her university, she just wasn’t ready for more classes, more studies, more reading.  She wants to work now and get a masters later.  I am glad that God told my wife and I to be patient, to consider her viewpoint, to look at her dreams, and to remember times in our own lives when we made important heart-felt decisions that were not the “practical thing” but which were right for us at that particular time in our life journeys.  Faith has been busy since making her decision not to attend grad school and has been applying for various America Corp positions in various parts of the United States.  She has already been offered one position and is still interviewing with a few others.

Be patient with those you love.  We can influence and we can give advice, but we should not control their life decisions.  We can show them we love them and want the best for them.  We can pray for them.  And, we can pray to God for direction before we choose what to say to them when they do make difficult life decisions.

3rd F this Saturday.  Kickball next Saturday.

Back to Basics (reps + reps + reps)

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

  • SSH IC x20
  • Tempo Merkins IC x10
  • Mountain Climbers IC x10
  • LBACs IC Forward & Reverse x10
  • Air Press IC x10

Mosey to the splash pad for our Back to the Basics work.

4 Rounds of:

  • 50 Squats
  • 40 BBS
  • 30 Merkins
  • 20 Lunges
  • 10 Burpees
  • Run the loop around the splash pad

Mosey to planters for 11s – 2 count step ups & decline CCD.

Mosey to the AO


  • Flutter kicks IC x15
  • Leg raises IC x10

I’ve been reading the book of James lately and was thinking about the first verse.

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,

To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations:


James was the half-brother of Christ. Growing up together, knowing that Jesus was the Son of God, in my mind would have caused some sibling rivalry. But James grew up to not only follow Christ but to call himself a servant or bond-servant or slave of Christ. He willingly devoted his life, even unto death, to follow and serve his half-brother. How many of us can say we would willingly follow and serve our siblings? James is an example to us all for putting ourselves to the side and serving others. How can we take this servant attitude out into the world and serve not only our families but our friends, co-workers, or strangers on the street? We all need to be willing to step up and be servant leaders and set the example for our own children.

Squat challenge – don’t forget to post your numbers.
Truckin to the Pound on Aug 25 and 3F at the Outlook on Sat. Aug 11.

Old Miss Lucy’s dead and gone

THE SCENE: The air was thick!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Nope, not a professional

Stretching feels so good.

Mosey to “painted steps” for 10 minute circuit of:

  • bear crawl down steps
  • forward lunge, side lunge, other side lunge, backward lunge (light pole to light pole)
  • 80%-90% run up the ramp
  • R&R

Mosey to parking lot towards the Tn River

  • select a coupon (challenge yourself)
  • squat to the lyrics of “Flower” (Moby)

Mosey to greenway along TN River

  • stop at every third light pole alternating between 10 merkins and 10 squats

Mosey back to AO

This was my VQ – step up and lead if you have not done so!

including 1 FNG – Gesundheit
Run wild. To risk everything. To hold nothing back.
To lay it all on the line: your reputation, your success, your comfort.
It’s that moment when fear is overcome by faith. Live free.
It’s not the liberty to do whatever you want whenever and wherever you want,
But rather it’s living in accordance with the author of humanity
And finding freedom by connecting with the creator who conceived you.
Let the light flood into your eyes for the first time.
Feeling the blood course through your veins, finding the truest version of yourself
By knowing the one who knows you even better than you know yourself.
Love strong. Because you were first loved. Because without love we all perish.
Because the earth and the stars can and will pass away, but love, love will always remain.

from”Oh God Forgive Us” by For King and Country

Make sure to attend 3rd F this Saturday and the CSAUP on the 25th at the truck stop!

Core Mountain

THE SCENE: 74 and awesome!

I am not a professional but will try to kick your butt like one.

Do a mini version without the incline and distance or reps of all the 18 different exercise and transition stations just to go over any weird or new exercises people might not know.

Core Mountain:

Starting at the base of Juco-manjaro, do 20 reps of an exercise and then go to the next station. The road to the top is 1800 feet divided by 18 stations that’s 100 foot transitions.  The exercises and transitions are

  1. Big Boy Situps
    1. Bear Crawl
  2. Crunches
    1. Crab Walk
  3. Scissors
    1. Lunge
  4. Flutters
    1. Burpee Broadjumps
  5. American Hammers
    1. Inchworms
  6. Leg Lifts
    1. Peter Parker crawl
  7. Bicycles
    1. Bear Crawl
  8. Cross Toe Touches
    1. Crab Walk
  9. Rainbow Drops
    1. Lunge
  10. Windshield Wipers
    1. Burpee Broadjumps
  11. Cross Mountain Climbers
    1. Inchworms
  12. Heel Touches
    1. Peter Parker Crawl
  13. Box Cutters
    1. Bear Crawl
  14. Hello Dollys
    1. Crab Walk
  15. Groiner
    1. Lunge
  16. Side Crunches
    1. Burpee Broadjumps
  17. Supermans
    1. Inchworms
  18. Plank Destroyers
    1. Peter Parker crawl

We ran out of time at Cross Mountain Climbers.  Hindsight suggests that to make the full workout we would do almost no warmup and just make sure everyone knows what the exercises are while we are ascending the mountain.


Mary, we don’t need no stinkin Mary, we’re too busy climbin a hill.

Did the COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: on the walk back down the hill. Encouragement to live and know and use as a resource, the infinite God we know and love to get out of any pit or “stuckness” we feel we might be in. He designed all the stars and galaxies as well as the dna for every living thing and every element and atom — He surely can see a way through or out of our problems.