F3 Knoxville

Snaggletooth VQ

THE SCENE: muggy & overcast

SSH 20x, tempo squat 20x, “pineapple pickers” 10x, baby arm circles fwd/bkwd 20x, 4-count squats 25x, burpees 10 (OYO), mosey to upper parking lot


Partnered up with battle-buddy. Stick together for 21s:

  • run 50 yards to end of parking lot
  • 21 merkins
  • run back – 21 BBSU
  • run back – 20 merkins
  • run back – 20 BBSU
  • rinse & repeat…
  • we finished up with our squats for the monthly challenge and our leftover burpees from Speedo’s Q on Wednesday.

No time for Mary.

Fast/Easy, Sty, Doubtfire, SAP, WaxJob, Sweeper, Bartman, Speedo, Trolley, Snaggletooth

Hebrews 12:1-3

In the same way a battle buddy sticks with you, Jesus – the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, sticks with us, knowing us and knowing the way. Keep your eyes on Jesus. 


Roads in the Desert (Isaiah 43:19)

THE SCENE: 70 and the Sun was already up…
SSH (IC x 25)
Feet Together Straight Down Stretch (10 sec. hold)
Imperial Squat Walkers(IC x 10) *20 Squats for the Monthly Challenge!
Quad Stretch (10 sec. hold ea leg)
Little Baby Arm Circles (IC x 5 ea direction)
Medium Baby Arm Circles (IC x 5 ea direction)
Big Baby Arm Circles (IC x 5 ea direction)
Michael Phelps (10 sec. movement)
Plank (forward leaning rest position 30 sec. hold)
Side Plank (30 sec. hold ea side)
Beach Pose (15 sec. hold ea side)

Bear Crawl (50 yards)
Overhead Hand Claps (IC x 15)
Bear Crawl (50 yards)
Groin Stretch (20 yards)
Walking Lunge Stretch (20 yards)

Each round will introduce a new movement further down the running path. After each round run back to the beginning to start the next round. Each round will start from the original movement (3 Balls to the Wall.

Round 1:
3 Balls to the Wall (BTTW)

Round 2:
3 Balls to the Wall
5 Pull Ups

Round 3:
3 Balls to the Wall
5 Pull Ups
10 Merkins

…Working up to 10 Rounds

Round 10:
3 Balls to the Wall
5 Pull Ups
10 Merkins
15 V-Ups
20 Squats
25 Dips
30 Shoulder Taps
40 BBS
50 Overhead Hand Claps
Run Full Length

There was no time for Mary…We worked till the end!

8 Pax including Breakfast Club from Lexington SC and FNG (Abraham) from Maine.  Both of these men were based at Tyson McGee and crushed the workout!  It was GREAT having you guys out!  Please pass on the word to anyone else at the base!

I shared a bit about my past and one of the strongest memories I have of God answering prayer.  In 2015 in the parking lot of a CrossFit gym I found myself taking a knee one morning after giving everything I had to finish up a training secession.  I had a conversation with God that morning and asked for there to be a way (if it be His will) to incorporate fitness and endurance events with God’s path for my life.  A way for me to raise His name and to be an inspiration to those around me and ultimately through Gods word.  This prayer was confirmed 2 days later when in a conversation with a visitor at work (they visited us once a week) and he had mentioned he was interested in getting back into fitness and that I was a true inspiration for him and how much he appreciated our fitness and health conversations.

I’m sharing this because I think its very easy to “forget” about the things we have asked for and the realization of them coming true and into play.  As I was driving to the AO this morning and trying to finalize my thoughts about the Word I was wanting to give at the end of the beatdown I looked over to my passenger seat of the car and saw my bible with all my workout notes and signs stuffed into it.  At that moment I felt like God had hit me upside the head to help me realize that I am living out my prayer and that God is still answering and providing me with the opportunity I had asked for 3 years ago…Praise God!

If anyone would like to hear this story in greater detail please feel free to reach out to me, I would love to share it with you!

Drifter’s baby girl has been born and is doing well!  Prayers for a safe and quick recover for his M!  Let’s get our minds right and do it all over again Tuesday!
KICKBALL TOURNMENT!  Sign up: Team Name – Shock & Awe…Shucks.

Brickyard Bearcrawl Association

THE SCENE: 70 and beautiful!!

Squat in cadence 50

Merkins in cadence  20

Cherry Pickers 10

Little this / That

Imperial Walkers

Baby Arm Circles forward – backwards


Choices A /B

A ) Bear crawl forward 5 Squats – Crawl Bears back 5 Squats

Lunge forward 5 squats – Lunge Back 5 Sqauts

Duck Walk forward 5 squats – Duck walk back 5 squats

B ) Brickyard Bear Crawl ( a good Merlot Maker!! )

Bear crawl drive 1 merkin , bear crawl back 2 merkins, up to 11

Mosey to back lot,

cone 1) 5merkins, BBS, Squats, CDD, LBC, Tempo Squats

run to middle cone 5 Burpees

cone 2) 10 reps

middle cone MTN Climbers

cone 3) 15 reps

middle cone 15 squats

cone 4) 20 reps

middle cone 20 Body Builders

back to the start, and choose a cone.

cone we chose was repeat in 5,15,10,20 sequence

No time
Golden Rule!!

keeping members of our PAX in mind while healing, traveling, changing jobs, and all others suffering


Community Q

THE SCENE: 60 and clear

Each PAX selected their favorite warm-o-rama exercise and led us through it.

We moseyed to the top soccer field where each PAX led their favorite field/movement exercise.  The PAX soon learned that paying attention to what the man before you called was of significant value

We moseyed to the playground and soccer field where we repeated the same process.

We moseyed back to the AO.

A couple of PAX led us through their favorite ab-o-rama exercise.


F3 challenges us to be leaders in our communities, homes, jobs, etc.  But how can we be leaders if we aren’t comfortable calling out stupid exercises with our friends in the dark?  How can we be leaders if we don’t listen and know what has happened in the community, home, job?  We can’t.  We are called to lead and we are called to know what is going around us.  Reaching out of our comfort zone to help others is what we should be doing.

Aug 18. Tank’s kickball tourney

Aug 25 Truckin to the Pound

Nov 3/4 F3 Anniversary weekend

1/2 a SeaDangus

THE SCENE: Just imagine perfect, thats what it was


My usual thing

SSH IC x20

Cherry Pickers IC x 10

T-merkins IC x10

T squat IC x 10

THis and that OYO
Mosey to Iculus the rock next to lakeside

  • Route 66 squats to Matterhorn
  • Seadangus on Matterhorn  (10 burpees, 20 merks, 30 squats- 1 lap, exercises, 2 laps….)
  • Some flutters and box cutters after 1/2 the SeaDangus was slayed
  • Mosey back to Iculus the rock
  • Mosey to the mighty rail—– Dips IC and merks OYO
  • Mosey to AO
  • Ribbed lead us in some LBCs  thank ya very much Ribbed

We dont wait for Mary, I sprinkle her in there

Recycle from Monday, but I love this book and this particular section.


Frankl writes from Man’s Search for Meaning-
“Let us first ask ourselves what should be understood by “a tragic optimism.” In brief it means that one is, and remains, optimistic in spite of the “tragic triad,” as it is called in logotherapy, a triad which consists of those aspects of human existence which may be circumscribed by: (1) pain; (2) guilt; and (3) death. This chapter, in fact, raises the question, How is it possible to say yes to life in spite of all that? How, to pose the question differently, can life retain its potential meaning in spite of its tragic aspects? After all, “saying yes to life in spite of everything,” to use the phrase in which the title of a German book of mine is couched, presupposes that life is potentially meaningful under any conditions, even those which are most miserable. And this in turn presupposes the human
capacity to creatively turn life’s negative aspects into something positive or constructive. In other words, what matters is to make the best of any given situation. “The best,” however, is that which in Latin is called optimum—hence the reason I speak of a tragic optimism, that is, an optimism in the face of tragedy and in view of the human potential which at its best always allows for: (1) turning
suffering into a human achievement and accomplishment; (2) deriving from guilt the opportunity to change oneself for the better; and (3) deriving from life’s transitoriness an incentive to take responsible action.”
This is why I love F3 and all of you men. It seems that all of this applies to my time with you all.

Link to the pdf of the book is below. http://www.fablar.in/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/Mans_Search_for_Meaning.78114942.pdf


Kickball- 18th

TTTP- 25th

F3 Anniversary- 11/3-4