F3 Knoxville

Anniversary Gift

THE SCENE: Cool 18 Degrees, clear

SSH x 30 IC

T-Plank Arm Circles x 10 IC ED both arms

5 Burpee OYO

Tempo Merkin x 15 IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC
On the hop to planters

Aiken Legs: Box Jump x 20, Squat x 20, Split Jack x 20. Rinse and repeat x 3

Mosey to big lot


  • Cone 1: CDD x 20
  • Cone 2: Narrow squat x 20
  • Cone 3: 4ct Flutters x 20
  • Cone 4: Star jumps x 20
  • Cone 5: 4 ct Shoulder Taps x 20
  • Cone 6: Reverse Lunges x 20
  • Cone 7: 4 Ct bicycle x 20
  • Cone 8: Smurf jacks x 20

Mosey to start point

Burpee broad jump down and back parking lot

7s at planters: Incline merkin, dips

American hammers x 20 IC

Hand Release Merkin x 10 IC

4 ct Flutters x 20 IC

Diamond Merkin x 20 IC

Hello Dolly x 20 IC

Wide Merkin x 20 IC

Side Crunches x 20 Each side IC

Ranger Merkin x 20 IC

Capn’ Thor 1:4 up to 5:20

Mr. Wedgie, FNG Wood Tick (Todd Justice)
Be a man! We are called to stand in the gap. To hold our post. Put on the full armor of God (Eph 6:10-19). It is easy to shrug and walk away from this World and leave it to the “whatever”. We are not called to do that and we cannot abandon our post. Stay at your position until relieved. We are armed and ready.

Icy ruck

THE SCENE: 29 but felt colder, ice on the path

10 merkins

10 squats

Coupons, 50# pipe, 60# sand bag

Ruck about 1 mile stopping 2x

Merkins & squats

Incline merkins & step ups

At hill behind basketball goal

2 men carry the coupons to the top of hill and back.   3 remaining pax do amrap PT then switch.




OH press


Ruck another mile


No time left
I-beam, butters, Mayberry, waxjob, Frosty
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd

Burpley Mile

THE SCENE: 30 and dropping

mosey to the elementary school, 20 squats , 20 merkins and 20 rows. Oh, so nobody brought a team weight, we had a 10 burpee penalty . Mosey in to BMS track

Burpley Mile;

  • Stop every 1/4 lap and do burpees. Starting w 20 all the way down to 1.
  • Ends up being just over a mile 1.25 +\-
  • 210 burpees total
  • Between each set of burps, front carry ruck to the next stop.
  • aftercompletion, we found the COW(150lbs), dead by the track. 8 pax cost shared carrying the COW ALL THE WAY back to the AO . The kicker was that we had to make it back by 6:15. It was a success!!
  • about 4.5 miles for the total Ruck

8 Pax strong!
What is your why? What pushed you through the suck? When things get tough, it’s easy to fall into a dark place but if you can or know your why, stay positive , you can push through anything !
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

A lot of B.O.M.B.S

THE SCENE: Low 40’s and No Wind.  Quite the Heat Wave.

SSH – IC x 20

Cherry Pickers – IC x 6

Cadre Dan Cherry Pickers (Moses Special) – IC x 50

High Knees across the P Lot and back

Butt Kickers half way across P Lot and back.

Lunges across the P Lot and Side Lunges back.

We partnered up on the grinder.  There is a .25 mile loop the begins and ends on the grinder.  We started out with everyone running 2 laps.  Upon returning to the grinder, each partner did 10 burpees.

Once completed, partner one took off on another lap while partner 2 continued the work.  One partner was working on the below list while the other partner ran a lap.  We switched out on every lap.

  • 150 Burpees
  • 200 OH Press with CMU
  • 250 Merkins
  • 300 BBS
  • 400 Squats.

We stopped a little short of people finishing in order to get some Mary in.
Flutter Kicks – IC x 15

Slutter Kicks – IC x 15

LBC cash out for final minute.
16 PAX in attendance.

1 Timothy 4:8

“Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.”

We are willing to put in work and grind out brutal workouts in order to see our physical bodies become the best that we can possibly make them.  We do that so that we can withstand attacks on our physical bodies and care for ourselves while maintaining good health.

We must also be willing to work on and train our spirit man by reading the word and spending time with God in prayer to strengthen our spirit.  When we do this, we strengthen our spirits to be able to withstand the attacks of the enemy on our lives.  Make sure you are training your spirit as, if not more diligently than you do your physical body.



The Inside Look


Am I conducting my life with 100% integrity, even when no one else sees?

Am I currently loving my wife in a sacrificial way, putting her needs above my own?

What are the idols that exist currently in my life?

Is Jesus really the Lord of my life?

Am I currently submitting to all of the authority in my life (2 Peter 2)?

Do I regularly ask for God’s guidance with regard to my finances?

In what areas of my life am I currently being arrogant?

In what areas of my life am I currently being inauthentic?

Am I currently breathing life into my kids or am I sucking life out of them?

Am I regularly engaging in desperate prayer?

Am I currently honoring my mother and father in every way?

Am I currently honoring my mother in law and father in law in every way?

In what ways am I currently being a hypocrite?

Am I currently connected to the vine?

Am I currently bearing fruit?

Has my pursuit of making money and accumulating things taken over my heart?

Am I fiercely encouraging my kids?

Am I sacrificing anything for the Lord?

If someone asked my kids if their dad had “self control”, what would they say?

The Bible says be COMPLETELY gentle, humble, and patient (Ephesians 4)? How am I doing?

Is there any HINT of immorality, impurity, or greed in me (Ephesians 5)?

Am I ridding myself of ALL malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander (1Peter 2)?

Am I engaging in godless chatter (2 Timothy 2)?

Am I treating God like a magic genie?

Am I really loving my wife and kids or am I just meeting my own needs through my relationship with them?

Am I really in the word of God on a daily basis?

Am I currently fighting spiritual battles for each of my children through prayer?

Do I really love and care about the people around me or am I just manipulating them?

Is my identity currently found in my relationship with Christ or in something else?

Am I putting my wife’s needs, wants, feelings, and desires before my own?

Are my food/exercise decisions reflective of my body being the dwelling spot of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6)?

Do I really want God’s will to be done, or would I rather force my own will?

What areas of my life are currently not 100% surrendered to Christ?

Do I really believe that Jesus Christ is who he says he is?