F3 Knoxville

Delayed Gratification

THE SCENE: 60 and nice


  • Imperial squat walker x 12
  • Tempo merkins x 12
  • Jump squats x 12


Sprints across grinder with 10-1 burpees


Half start on one side as “it”.

Other half start on other side of grinder must broad jump. “It” must bear crawl. When you get tagged 10 burpees. No tag backs. Those being chased can only move 10 broad jumps at a time. 10 merkins to earn 10 more broad jumps.

We changed this to 2 burpees and probably only played about 5 min. Too much standing around. Next time maybe the broad jumpers need to be doing air squats while waiting to get tagged. Also, merkins were a death sentence so maybe just 5 of those next time.

Bear crawl suicides with burpees each direction change

Sprint across grinder 5 times with 20 squats each pass

Plank walk across parking lot and back

Sprint across grinder 5 times with 20 merkins each pass


11 HIMs

Putting in the work first makes the reward that much sweeter. In all things in life, delaying those feel good brain chemicals conditions your body to accept it must work to earn that reward. 

At least we didn’t count up in the burpee sprints…

June 16 – Beer Mile at Moses’. Bring the Ms, no 2.0s. 5.0% + ABV beer. BYOB and side dish. Grilling and chillin after.

Monday Throat Punch

THE SCENE: 60 degrees and perfect weather to train

30 SSH

Warmup/Orientation loop

Run across parking lot. Do 2 Burpees every line (roughly 10 lines)

50 squats

Lunge back

50 squats

run up baby hill and around the loop

repeat 2-3 times.

Plank 30 seconds

Elbow Plank 30 seconds

Left plank 30 seconds

Right plank 30 seconds

Back extensions 10 IC

Leg lifts 10 IC

Mountain climbers 10

Repeat 3-4 times

20 Merkins OYO

50 Squats OYO

???? Can’t remember the last exercise until time
35 Strong men
It’s hard to believe God is there in the middle of the valley. It’s easier to believe it when I am on the mountain top. But the truth is that God is with us on the mountain top and in the valley. Even though I don’t feel or see or experience God walking with me – it doesn’t mean He isn’t there. I have to hold fast to that anchor when I get overwhelmed. That’s my challenge to myself and to you: Believe He is there even if it seems that He isn’t.


I’m preparing a swim lesson plan for those who are interested in learning to swim. It will be free of charge to the men of F3. Contact me on GroupMe if you are interested.

Fun Behind the Schoolhouse

THE SCENE: Just a little humid. Getting light a lot faster than I expected. Should have set up on the splashpad instead of behind the building…

SSH x25 IC
TN Rocking Chair x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck x9 IC

Burpee Race:
Split into 2 groups. One group does 2 burpees then plank while other group runs a lap. Then switch. Next round is 4 burpees and plank. Keep increasing by 2 burpees each round until one group can’t complete burpees before entire running group completes the lap.

Mosey to the big parking lot behind the school for a game of Memory
PAX take turns flipping 2 cards. If the cards don’t match, all PAX do BOTH exercises.
If the cards match they’re removed, and PAX just do that exercise followed by running a lap around the parking lot.

The cards:
15 Merkins
15 Dry Docks
10 Iron Mikes (each leg)
10 Squat jump
10 Burpees
15 Monkey Hump 4ct
20 Mtn Climber 4ct
Bear Crawl to light pole, Crawl Bear back
20 Flutter Kicks 4ct
20 Big Boys

Didn’t complete the deck, but we came pretty close. So far only Bomb Shelter has finished the whole game!
Just mosey back to the AO
8 strong today!
Perspective… Part 2.  As I mentioned to the JUCO crew, when you’re on the mosey for a lap, you don’t even notice the distance from the game board to the light pole.  While you’re bear crawling to the pole, it looks a lot further.  While you’re crawling backward, the distance looks nearly insurmountable.  We all have areas and times in our life when we’ve got those different perspectives.  When you’re in a “mosey” stage, remember that not everyone is there.  Give grace to those who are at the backward bear crawl.
Always a pleasure to visit the Brickyardigans!  Filter joined us too so he could get his beatdown in early and get home for his 2.0’s birthday.  Kudos on not using that as an excuse to fartsack!
None this week.

Merkin Mania!!

  • THE SCENE: warm, humid, armpit-like
  • SSH IC 20
  • Tempo squats IC 15
  • little this and a little that
  • Michael Phelps
  • Cherry pickers IC 10
  • Imperial walkers IC 20
    We started out over to the play ground, by way of a baatan death march, the PAX were concerned about what exactly “merkin mania” was going to look like for them. Once to the playground we finished our warm up with some 7’s, pull ups at the bottom 4ct calf raises at the top Burnie Sanders up the hip and bear crawl every other trip down. Once we woke up our shoulders we officially said good morning to them with some bear crawls in the parking lot. 30yds out with 10 dry docks at every 3rd parking space and 30yds back with 10 plank jacks. Then we mosied over to the concrete bleachers….it was there we had merkin mania….
  • 7 one arm incline merkins & 7 super man merkins
  • 15 diamond merkins & 15 cobra merkins
  • 10 one legged merkins and 10 grasshopper merkins
  • 15 alligator merkins & 15 lizard merkins
  • 15 decline & 15 Spider-Man merkins

After each complete round the PAX would run to the end of the fence and back and start again eliminating the bottom set. I called an audible after two rounds through.

We then slow mosied to the soccer field and did some sprints (600yds worth)

then it was back to the AO

We started with some ring of fire abs (legs up at 45), then 25 each of flutter kicks, hello dollies, and LBC (which bartman led us in). And lastly an agonizing minute of boat canoe.

I have been reading a book titled “Beautiful Outlaw” and in reading through it I often pondered how awesome it would be to be a disciple of Jesus in those times, all the camp fires they sat around laughing and cutting up, miles and miles they walked with Him, and many numerous gatherings they were a part of with Jesus. It almost gave me a feeling of envy to think how close they became with Jesus while he was walking amongst us. It then dawned on me how that is exactly what we are called to as Christians today. Jesus may no longer be walking amongst us in Human form but He is still very much alive and speaking and listening. I encouraged the PAX to not fall into the trap of trying to fall in love with a set of rules or the idea that God loves them but instead to pursue a friendship with the person of Jesus, just the same as his disciples did so long ago.
Closing prayer

Humble Pie

THE SCENE: Overcast, cooler and humid.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – forgot this

Traditional ruck the loop with 6 60lb sandbags. Stop and do 50 squats with sandbags at bench, T, and bridge.

100m sprint with 60lb sandbags.

20 8-counts

20 Lion Kings

Bear Crawl 50m

2 PAX Grab the COW and wooden “Stretcher” and begin moving up lovers lane. The rest of the PAX carry 60lb sandbags. Loop around lovers lane back to the AO alternating carrying the COW and sandbags. Drop the COW and sandbags.

Ruck around the neighborhood loop about a 1.5 milesStop every 500m and do 50 Squats. End at the AO.

Ruck to the top of lovers lane and back to AO. Ruck back to lovers lane and do 1 exercise at the bottom ruck to the top and do 1 exercise at the top.

30 Merkins /30 Squats

30 4-count flutter kicks /30 4-count mountain climbers

30 Lunges each leg/ 30 starbursts without the ruck

30 back extensions. Ruck back to the AO

30 Hello Dollies IC

27 Burpees until time.


8 PAX. Switchgrass, Wallace, Captain Crunch, Umbro, Savanna, Woodshack, Proton, Compost.
God is showing me that I need to submit to Him. Even during the workout I had my plan of how I wanted things to go, but God had other plans. My challenge to myself is to submit to Him more.