F3 Knoxville

Army PT Test

THE SCENE: Crisp 29

SSH x 20

Cherry Pickers x 10

Imp. Walkers x 10

Merkins x 10

Mosey to upper field
Army PT Test, AMRAP for 2 minutes



1 mile run

Start at bleachers on field, derkins x10, bear crawl to center field, CCD x 10, run to sideline, 20 squats, bear crawl to center field, CDD x 10, run to bleachers

Repeat with crab walks instead of bear crawls


A) stay at end line doing squats

partner b, runs to 18 yard line does 20 CDD and runs back to end line.  Then partner A goes.

At the 50 yard line, 15 CDD

At other 18 yard line, 10 CDD

At other end line 5 CDD

Mosey to AO

Ring of Fire Merkins, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10

Swirly, Mayberry, Crossbar, Bartman, Showcase, Shooter, Butters, FNG (Space Camp)

When making your resolutions for 2018 make them really big and bold!

Bartman had the highest PT score of 285/300.  Mayberry was second with 277/300.  I believe everyone passed the Army PT test for graduating from basic training.  We can do it again in 6 months and see what improvement has been made.


1-2-3 Pyramid

30 and Clear

1 Loop around West Hills Park (1.3 miles), end with 20 merkins & 20 squats (ruck on).

1-2-3 Pyramid (all exercises done with ruck)
Ruck to Walkers Springs Park Pavilion (2.0 miles one way), stopping at each mile to do the following pyramid routine:

Mile 1:
1 Curl, 2 Merkins, 3 Squats
2 Curls, 4 Merkins, 6 Squats
3 Curls, 6 Merkins, 9 Squats
4 Curls, 8 Merkins, 12 Squats
5 Curls, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats

Mile 2:
6 Curl, 12 Merkins, 18 Squats
7 Curls, 14 Merkins, 21 Squats
8 Curls, 16 Merkins, 24 Squats
9 Curls, 18 Merkins, 27 Squats
10 Curls, 20 Merkins, 30 Squats

Mile 2 is at the pavilion.  After doing the routine, head back to SP and do the following:

Mile 3:
9 Curl, 18 Merkins, 27 Squats
8 Curls, 16 Merkins, 24 Squats
7 Curls, 14 Merkins, 21 Squats
6 Curls, 12 Merkins, 18 Squats

Mile 4:
5 Curl, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats
4 Curls, 8 Merkins, 12 Squats
3 Curls, 6 Merkins, 9 Squats
2 Curls, 4 Merkins, 6 Squats
1 Curls, 2 Merkins, 3 Squats

Total = 5+ miles, 100 Curls, 200 Merkins and 300 Squats.

It’s Not About Me or You, It’s About Us

THE SCENE: 20 degrees

25ish SSH IC

10 Merkins IC

We started our UTK tour with a mosey to the base of Ayres Hall (2 Lines):

  • 15ish Squats IC
  • 20 BBSU OYO
  • 30 Merkins OYO

Insert 1st “Me” story- Fall 1988, smoking cigarettes as you walk to class really wasn’t as cool as I thought but I was 18. I’m wiser now…

Mosey to top of AH (2 Lines):

  • 15ish Squats IC
  • 20 BBSU OYO
  • 30 Merkins OYO

Mosey to the Torch (2 Lines):

  • 15ish Squats IC
  • 20 BBSU OYO
  • 10 Perfect Merkins OYO

2nd “Me” story: Young Detention mis-read the intentions of a pretty blonde-headed co-ed from Memphis. Asked her out in front of the torch, she looked surprised but said yes. One and done on that date. Live and Learn.

Mosey to the Rock (2 Lines):

Team-building activity on giving the Rock an F3 face lift. PT while the PAX painted and then team photo.

3rd “Me” story- told the PAX about kicking some tail in flag FB on the intramural fields near us back in the day. We were in the midst of a strong playoff run when we got busted for not having any players (maybe 1-2) who were actually attending UTK… At the time, I was a proud 25ish alum making college kids look silly in cleats. Glory days die hard. If you don’t believe me, ask Proton or Tank- they played a huge roll in this historic event.

We made one pit-stop on the way back for some PT and then headed home to AO.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
FNG- Rockport

I told “Me” stories as we toured campus. All this to point out that this life is not about me, not about you, it’s about us. We are here to serve and love. The PAX was challenged to live this day for others!

11 brave souls combatted the cold and our pace was brisk from the go. I could tell this crew meant business and wanted to push them hard this frigid winter morning. We covered right at 3 miles. Our FNG came out with a strong shoe game: he was wearing his work/casual date night dress shoes. Impressive stuff and the PAX saw fit to coin him “Rockport”. Not sure the Big Ball was ready for dress shoes. S/O to Pfeiffer and Abort for the pre-workout Ruck with Paulie. Pound for Pound- they are the two baddest mothers in F3 Knoxville. Zygote showed great flexibility moving from leader of the pack to picking up the 6 with ease. It was good prep work for his “Call of Duty” plans for the day. It was a pleasure leading this crew (from the back) this morning!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

It’s Only Cold If You Stop Moving…


19, Clear and Windy




SSH 4ct x30 IC
Tempo Squats 4ct x15 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers 4ct x15 IC
Tempo Merkins 4ct x15 IC
Baby Arm Circles Fwd 4ct x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles Bkw  4ct x12 IC

Mosey to path near pavilion and connect with a Battle Buddy for the morning.


Burpee Loop
Run the marked loop, stopping at each cone.  At the first cone do 2 burpees, add 2 burpees at each consecutive cone (ending with 10 total at last cone).

Mosey to parking pavilion.


Bench Work
Grab a bench with your Battle Buddy.  We will do 4 Rounds, each round 2 min with 30 second break between rounds.  One man do exercise 1 while the other does exercise 2, then flip flop until time is up.

Rd Exercise 1 Exercise 2
(Done until Partner finishes Ex1)
1 Step Ups x10/leg Bench Dips
2 Bulgarian Split Squats x10/leg Incline Merkins
3 Side Step Ups x10/leg Decline Carolina Dry Docks
4 Reverse Pickle Pounders x15 Bench Dips

Mosey to parking lot.


Stand at the orange cone with your Battle Buddy.  There are six drills which each have an exercise to be completed on the spot and an exercise involving shuttles.  One Battle Buddy from each pair completes a shuttle while the other Battle Buddy completes the exercise on the spot. As soon as the shuttle is completed, tag your Battle Buddy and swap exercises.

Two minutes each drill, 30 seconds rest in between each set.

Drill Shuttle Exercise Exercise at the Cone
1 Sprint Diamond Merkins
2 Bear Crawl Star Jumps
3 Lunges Burpees
4 Sprint Carolina Dry Docks
5 Bear crawl Squat Jumps
6 Lunges Burpees

Circle up for Mary.


Flutter Kicks 4ct x20 IC
Side Crunches, Rt. 4ct x10 IC
Side Crunches, Lf. 4ct x10 IC
Hello Dolly 4ct x15 IC



12 PAX, 1 FNG (Headlamp)


Memento Mori (Latin: “remember that you have to die” is the medieval Latin Christian theory and practice of reflection on mortality, especially as a means of considering the vanity of earthly life and the transient nature of all earthly goods and pursuits.

Psalm 90:12 – “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”

Life is a gift and stewardship, given to each of us for the benefit of others.  We are blessed as we are a blessing where we are.  Choose to live fully today, choose to be a life-giver wherever you are.


Every since day one the men of Alcoa get it!  They never disappoint and are poised to leave a huge mark in 2018.  TCLAPs brothers…onward and upward!!


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

Frozen Chosen

THE SCENE: 17 degrees, clear…yup, straight up cold.

Cherry Pickers (Cadre Danny style)

Merkin x 10 (4ct) IC

SSH x 25 IC
Four cones: Run to cone, perform exercise, run backwards to start, then run to next cone.

  • 25 yrd cone = 25 merkin
  • 50 yrd cone = 50 squat
  • 75 yrd cone = 75 Mtn Climbers (single ct)
  • 100 yrd cone = 100 SSH

Deconstructed Burpee: 10:1 Exercise. Squat, leg thrusts, merkin, leg thrusts (10 of each, then 9, 8, 7, etc)

Suicides: Same four cones. Sprint to each cone and run backwards back to start. Complete 5, 10, 15, 20 merkin working through cones.

Ascending Curb Crawls: Bear crawl between curbs in driveway and perform merkin each time you cross to other side. First time across 1 merkin and keep adding 1 merkin each time you cross until reaching 13.

100s (20), Crunchy Frog (15), WWII sit-ups (25), flutters (20). Final Sprint.
FNG – David Eubanks (Dilbert)
Read Matthew 1:1-17 about the Genealogy of Christ. We also have a great pedigree. We are sons of the Living God. We live here on His earth and represent Him. As we head into the new year remember who we represent. All our words, actions, and thoughts should be pleasing to Him. We are not perfect but we need to remember who we represent. The World is watching.
Matthew 1:1-17
Wax Job will be on Q Saturday 12/30/17. Our Coffeteria is closed until after the New Year. Wax Job will choose where to meet after Post.