F3 Knoxville

Got It.

THE SCENE: Cloudy, temp in forties.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Mountain Climbers, 10 Windmills, 10 Slow Timed Squats, 7 Michael Phelps, Little of This Little of That


Mosey to parking lot just south of playground.

Partner up with a buddy.  While one buddy does exercises, the other buddy bear crawls to first inlet, hops to second inlet, then runs to end of parking lot and back.  The buddies then take places.  The exercises that will be done, as a team, while the other buddy runs, are:

  • 100 merkens
  • 100 big boys
  • 100 squats
  • 100 shin raises

Mosey to roadway heading south.  Go on roadway as it heads west. About 25 yards from stop sign we will do:

  • 20 Box Cutters

Mosey to stop sign.  Then mosey on road going north toward Admin Bldg.  At next stop sign that is southeast of Admin Bldg,, head north up road that goes to Admin Bldg. parking lot.  Just past the stop sign we will do:

  • 20 Hello Dollies

Mosey to boulder pile by Admin Bldg parking lot.  Each man picks up a cinder block weight boulder.  We will do the following exercises with the boulders:

  • 20 Overhead Presses
  • 20 Curls
  • 20 Twists with boulder held out like a steering wheel
  • 20 Squats
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to grove of trees part way down summit of Mt. Everest.  We will do the following exercise at various points located on a counter clockwise circle

  • At grove of trees:  5 Burpees Then run to top of Mt. Everest
  • At top of Mt. Everest:  10 Big Boys.  Then run to bat nest pole by stairs to left of roadway.
  • At bad nest pole:  20 Star Jumps.  Then run down stairs to grassy area below.
  • At grassy area at bottom of stairs:  30 Squats.  Then run south to grove of trees on Mt. Everest.
  • Repeat three more times.

Mosey back to AO.

We will do following exercises:

  • 20 Pavement Pounders
  • Boat Canoe Routine
  • 20 American Hammers
  • 20 Second Relax and Look at the Sky
    12 men.  One of them was FNG:  Travis Truitt who now has F3 name of “On Tap.”
    As men, some of us have anger issues frequently, while most of us have anger issues at least some of the time.   We must learn to control our anger.  Anger is not a bad thing in itself.  It tells us something is wrong.  We need to logically fix what is wrong, go to others for help, or pray to God about the matter. What we don’t need to do is become hostile or lose control of our emotions.  Through prayer and truly asking God to work with us, we can overcome anger issues.  We can also go to our brothers if we have an anger issue and ask for their guidance and help.ANNOUNCEMENTS:
    3rd F at Outlook on December 9, 8:15 AM to 9:00 AM, immediately after Saturday Morning Workout at Big Ball.  Special Workout tomorrow in Mechanicsville at 2:00 PM , leading youth living near that area.  See announcement on group me.

Confucius Say…..

  • THE SCENE: Dark n stuff and what not
  • Jog across parking lot x2, High Knee Skip x2, butt kicks x2, Karaoke x2
  • Squats IC x20, Hillbillies IC x20, SSH IC x20, Merkins IC x10, Burpos x10 oyo
  • HAIRBURNERS!!. 10 minutes of Pushing plates back and forth. At one end PI is doing curls with CMU, The other end P2 is doing Bent over rows with the CMU, P3 is pushing plates between cones and alternated out pushing plates with P1 and 2 for 10 minutes. AMRAP on the reps of Curls and BOR, once smoked on the reps, switched up to triceps and/or presses with the CMU. PAX did not like doing it for 10 minutes straight so we stopped for a moment of Clarity to find out WHY we are out here trying to get better. We got motivated again and pushed through the last few minutes! GREAT WORK PAX!!
  • After the Hair burners, we needed a break so we did CAPN THOR. Actually not much of a break but a great AB smoker! We did all the way to 10 BBS: 40 American hammers. PAX killed it!
  • Mosey to Mount Crumpit! 7’s on Mt Crumpit. Merkins and BBS
  • Mosey back for some Mary/Abs. POWER T flutter IC x10, Iron Cross, Hello Dolly ICx10, Never Cross Dolly IC x10, JLO’s x10 IC, Hold Plank.
  • PAX CHOICE! Music or Cones? For some reason PAX always choose Music and they think it sounds easier than cones?? The word cones must relate to pain and suffering…Actually, Music is just as bad, they just did not know it! 🙂 PAX chose music so we did CUMBAWUMBA, I get knocked down song. SSH the whole song and when they say I get knocked down, do a Burpee. About 33 burpees and is a great Smoker/Cash out for the end of a workout! Again, the PAX killed it!
  • About 2 minutes left. FINS has not q’d yet so he lead us in some Boxcutters IC x20. He did awesome and now is ready to Q!!
    15 including FNG(SLUMLORD) Hugh Ladd
    Confucius Say……Better a diamond with Flaw than a pebble with out, The gem cannot be polished with out friction, NOR man perfected with out trials. You get it, IRON SHARPENS IRON!
    I love silly quotes, Confucius quotes, simple words of wisdom.etc..What is comes down to is that we are not perfect but if you think you are or you think you will never be, you will NEVER grow and get better as a man! A man with out Fault will never grow so don’t be afraid to fail. Last week, I asked the guys to think about their WHY? Why are you coming out to a free workout early in the morning? When it gets tough, what motivates us to push through the suck? WELL, Fins came up to me today after the workout and shared his WHY with me. I was grateful to hear his WHY. I just met FINS and he came to me an opened up to me. That means a lot to me and is what I love about F3. Being a part of F3, we all know and have an unconditional bond with one another, even if we don’t know each other(YET). I believe we all have a similar WHY. Thank you FINs for sharing with me and I look forward to getting to know you more.
  • 2.0 workout tomorrow with TANK. Paying it forward with young men that do not have Fathers or Male role models in their life. Contact TANK for details.

Brickyard AO Plant!

THE SCENE: Cloudy 48 degrees

  • Baby arm circles x10 each direction IC
  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Tempo Squat x 10 IC
  • Tempo Merkin x 13 IC
  • Happy Jacks (5 SSH, 2 Jump squat) x 5
  • Ascending curb crawl (1 to 13 merkins with bear crawl)
  • Mosey to back parking lot
  • Kracken:

Three laps around four stations (65 yds x 55 yds square)

Station 1: Squat, Jump squat, smurf jack x 15

Station 2: BBS, LBC, Flutter (4ct), x 15

Station 3: Merkin, CDD, Shoulder taps x15

Station 4: Mtn Climbers, Peter Parker, Dolly x15 (all 4ct)

  • Mosey back to AO
  • Burpee Dan in parking lot

4 lunge:1 Burpee across parking lot, run back to start

4 lunge:2 Burpee across parking lot, run back to start

4 lunge:3 Burpee across parking lot, run back to start

4 lunge:4 Burpee across parking lot, run back to start

  • Hurricane Hoedown:

Flutter kicks with arms up x 20

Flutter kicks inclined position x 20

Flutter kicks (5 @4ct) and bbs x 20

  • Dealers Choice!

American Hammers x 20

Boat Canoe


15 PAX with 5 FNGs!
CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: We are not designed to operate alone. We are designed to be within a community and to operate together. F3 provides the opportunity to enter into community with other men to provide leadership. Together we push each other, support each other, and are accountable to each other. This is OUR AO and we need to seek out those within our community and encourage them and be leaders in our community.
Tuesday and Thursday mornings 5:30-6:15 at Brickyard!!

Truck Stop Trail

The Scene:
46 degrees…perfect weather for some work to be done

Warm up:
Little of this and thats
5 burpees

“The level of your commitment is measured by what it takes to stop you.”

Tha Thang:
Mosey along the 1+ mile trail (long way around) to the bleachers stopping at 10 different cones for:
5 Burpees
10 lunges
15 Merkins
20 Squats
9th cone plank til 6 catches
10th Cone 15 shoulder touch Merkins and 20 Ratchet Squats
At bleachers :
30 second fence Spider-Mans
10 pull ups
Bleacher box jumps x3 then bear crawl up hill to field

At the field,
50 yd Sprint, 2 Round the clock Merkins, 50 yd sprint, 20 BBS, ….repeat 3 Times

Mosey to the bottom field hill up from the  baseball field trail.
7s with Dry Docks at bottom and SSHs at the top.

Mosey to bottom of trail:
100 Merkins
200 BBS
300 squats
Partner runs up the trail hill to park bench (60 yds) alternating Bernie Sanders each trip up.

Mosey to AO
No time for Mary

Count off and name-o-rama

“The level of your commitment is measured by what it takes to stop you.”

What stops you? Fear? hardship? Pain?

With exercise, we can sometimes find strength from within ourselves.
With life we can push ourselves only so far without the help of God. Lean on his mighty shoulder. Trust him that he has you covered.

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3-4‬ ‭

Moleskin: Great job by everyone this morning. we stuck together pretty tight on the trail and wasn’t much of a need to wait for the 6 to catch up.

Announcements and Prayer requests:
Inner city kids workout tomorrow
La-z-boy traveling
Kids to find a mentor at the workout tomorrow


Pirates vs Vandals

THE SCENE:  52 (way to kick it off, December) and…. um, moist.
Started with 0.01s to spare… Welcome FNG!


Good ol’ increasing OYO burpee warmup:

SSH x30 IC – 2 burpees
Windmill x20 IC – 4 burpees
*Hindurkins x15 IC – 6 burpees
Al Gore Tuck Jumps x6 IC – 8 burpees
LBAC x20 each way IC – 10 burpees

*Plank, down for 1, push fwd with toes for 2, stay low and pull back, bending knees without touching ground, until arms are straight forward for 3, extend knees with arms straight to return to plank.

Mosey to the base of Everest, plank for 6.
LBC – 4-count x20 IC
Jailbreak all the way to the road at the top!

Pick a coupon and circle up:
Squrls x30 OYO – Squat plus curl, rock has to hit the ground (stones don’t though)
Drop coupons and move to the fifth one on your right.
Weight check – Lighter than your original? Everyone says “No”. Lack of honesty is disturbing…
4-count fwd raise – nice and slow – IC x10
4-count back-and-forth across chest – IC x10

Number off 1s and 2s (Pirates and Vandals)
Put all coupons in a line across the road, Pirates stay with coupons, Vandals line up 50yd away
Pirates begin exercise… Vandals come steal all coupons (2 each) and observe exercise, return to line and do exercise.
When the last Vandal has made it back, Pirates stop exercise, run steal all coupons, return, and begin next exercise.
Iron Mikes
Bobby Hurleys
Monkey Humpers

Dang. Running out of time. Mosey back to AO

Made it back to the AO right at 6:15. No time to row the boat.
32 strong – Welcome to Streak (Paul Chattaway)
Today each group stole the other group’s coupons while they were busy doing an exercise.  The enemy often looks for similar opportunities to steal, kill, and destroy while we are busy or distracted.  Often that distraction is indeed important and valuable, but don’t lose sight and vigilance over what you’ve been entrusted with that is truly valuable.
The construction up here wreaked havoc on my preparation this morning. I ran into roadblocks several times trying to follow my map to get around.  Also, I learned a little Q-tip this morning.  Sidewalk chalk disappears almost completely if the pavement is the slightest bit… moist.
Wesley House 2.0 workout Sunday at 2 with disadvantaged kids.  Check GroupMe for more info from Tank.  Bring a wrapped gift!

Praise from Tonka – 2.0 is 14 weeks into construction!