F3 Knoxville

Water tower run

THE SCENE: 32, clear and cold


Stretching only

Mosey to the water towers at the top of Valley Vista Rd.   Approx 2.5 miles and 345 feet of elevation climb.  Stopped for 4 sessions of 10 burpees, 10 merkins, 10 squats.   Also stopped at one storefront for 1 minute wall squat followed by single leg wall squats.


  • Captain Thors
  • 1 min of Merkins & 1 min of LBCs  (compliments of Scrum)

3 PAX:  Waxjob, Scrum, Bartman

This weekend I spent Thanksgiving with my in-laws which consisted of fixing a lot of plumbing issues.   I found myself getting frustrated with my father-in-law and questioning his stewardship of his resources.   As always, I was thinking about this while driving home and turned the question around on myself.   Am I a good steward of all that God has given me?  What do I do with my time and my money?  This a good exercise for all of us to go through.  If we were to insert ourselves in the parable of the ten talents, which person would we be?



Kill the Turkey

THE SCENE: Gorgeous sunrise. At one point, we were just going to climb 1/2 of Everest, but with no view of the rising sun, Proton proclaimed, “Let’s just run to the top of Everest so we can see the sun rise.” A great idea. I almost puked.


-Mosey around parking lot x1

-Continue moseying around parking lot and periodically doing the following: Lunge / Reverse Lunge / Side shuffle / BBS / Bear Crawls / Merkins / Carolina Dry Dock (no more than 10 reps of each…just gettin’ the blood flowin’)


Mosey to Everest. Along the way at various locations in order to keep the PAX together—American Hammer, Derkins, LBCs, Merkins.

At the base of Everest.

  • SSH x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Squats x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Burpee x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Merkin x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • BBS x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Sprint Everest…all the way up.
  • Plank at the top. Mosey back to base of Everest.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Mosey back to AO

Circuit. Groups of 3. 1st Pax on one line doing 1st exercise. 2nd Pax on line 20 yards away doing second exercise. 3rd Pax runs from 1st to 2nd and switches with 2nd Pax who then runs. AMRAP 3 Minutes per round.

  1. SSH + Squats
  2. Calf Raises + Lunges
  3. Peter Parker + Sundials
  4. Mountain Climbers (or Merkins) + Hello Dolly

5 minutes of Dealers Choice.

28. High Heels, Pluto, Abacus, Proton, Pheiffer, Hawk, Abcess, Sleepwalker, LillyDipper, Saul, CheatSheet, Scooter, Hooker, Cap’N Crunch, Umbro, QVC, LifeChamp, Rainbow, Pablo, Pinto, Gus, Anklet, Archie, Abort, A-Rod, Mr. Jinxy

FNG: Probe

I spent several hours on Thursday looking through pictures and videos from the past 5-10 years.

  • Epiphany #1: There were always more people surrounding me in community than I realized during that period of life.
  • Epiphany #2: There was always more joy than I realized during that period of life.

New personal goal: Shorten the time gap between the Present Moment and the Moment of Realization.

Don’t Drop The CMU


Low 40’s, partly cloudy but brightening


This workout is a modification of a CapNCrunch beatdown. Big thanks for the help!


  • SSH x25 IC
  • Tempo Squats x15 IC
  • Tempo Merkins x15 IC
  • Hot foot x 15 per foot 4 count reps IC
  • Baby Arm Circles Fwd x10 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles Bwd x10 IC


Mosey to hill. Stop along the way for the following:

  • 20x air squats (single count IC)
  • 20x in-place lunges (10x each leg IC)
  • 10x squat jumps (single count IC)
  • 10x jumping lunges (5x each leg IC)


Run to cone and do exercise. Run back down hill and do other exercise. Do both exercises with the following reps: x5, x10, x15, x10, x5.  We will do 2 rounds.

Rd 1

  • Tuck Jumps
  • Dry Docks

Rd 2

  • Narrow Squats
  • Wide Merkins

Mosey to Grinder. Gap jumps over path

3 Exercise HIIT

Everyone performs the HIIT series, 20 sec on, 10 sec off, 3 sets of each round, 2 rounds.

Rd 1

  • High Knees
  • Overhead Press w/CMU
  • Run Squat Switch

Rd 2

  • Ice Skaters
  • Bent Over Rows w/CMU
  • Burpees


Box Jumps & Dips on benches, suicides out to cones in between


  • Flutter Kicks x20 4ct IC
  • Hello Dolly x20 4ct IC
  • Side Crunches Rt. x20 IC
  • Side Crunches Lft. x20 IC
  • Boat / Canoe on Q

7 Pax

Push yourself in F3 to not only get stronger, faster and better out there but in all life. There have been studies that working out makes the mind sharper. Also reports that those that start their days early are more productive. I find when I push myself out here I smile more I feel more energetic throughout the day and I perform better in daily life just taking the groceries in or digging a hole in the back yard. Push through the temporary discomfort to grow and see what you are really capable of.


Fun Facts & Strong Backs

THE SCENE: A Character-Building 32 degrees; Cold hands, warm hearts, can’t lose.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – & Faith. My name is Steam and for the next 45 minutes I will be in charge and serve as your Q. I am not a professional – you are here on your own volition and I don’y know any injuries you may or may not have so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so for your own safety but always give 100%. This morning we will sound off loud and we will not accept anything less than 100% from ourselves and our PAX. Aye? This is the standard this morning – we will meet and exceed it for all 45 minutes.

*** “G-6: What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?” –> Ask 1 member of PAX what G-6’s favorite Thanksgiving food is.

I. Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 20 x 4 in cadence

Repeat *** with different PAX member(s)

II. Cherry Picker: 20 x 4 in cadence

Repeat *** with different PAX member(s)

III. Baby Arm Circles: 12 x 4 forward in cadence & 12 x 4 backward in cadence

The Merkin: 15 x 10 in cadence

Mosey to WFP (World’s Fair Park) amphitheater with Flag out front (FNG Caleb carried flag)

  • PT –> take a lap around amphitheater with a battle buddy –> PT –> take a lap with a NEW battle buddy
  • Each lap –> each battle buddy shares an interesting fact about themselves
  • 4 laps & 100 reps
    • (1) The Incline Merkin: 25 x 4
      • Take a lap w/Battle Buddy around the amphitheater
      • Back to amphitheater –> ask 1 member of PAX to share the interesting fact they learned on the lap
    • (2) The Squat: 25 x 4
      • Take a lap w/new battle buddy
      • Back to amphitheater –> ask another member of PAX to share the interesting fact they learned on the lap
    • (3) The Ground Pounder: 25 x 4 (Forearm plank –> up to push up plank 1 hand @ a time –> back to elbow plank 1 hand @ a time)
      • Take a lap w/new battle buddy
      • Back to amphitheater –> ask new member of PAX to share interesting fact they learned on the lap
    • (4) The Little Baby Crunch: 25 x 4
      • Take a lap (all PAX together) –> hold @ top of amphitheater
    • BOM (Pt. 1)
      • Q asked PAX: “Why have I been asking questions all morning?
      • 3 things: Ask – Listen – Remember
        • If you know and remember who’s on your team – you’ll find that coming out here and doing this crazy thing called F3 becomes a lot more meaningful but a ton more fun. Aye? Know your PAX, the man to your left and right, they’re out here, locked and loaded at 5:30 just like you.
    • Run up by Big Ball (flag out front – Caleb) to Bridge across WFP
      • 2 columns facing across the bridge
      • Mosey across bridge –> every rectangular concrete plant holder = 10 x 4 squats
        • have different member of PAX call it in cadence each time
      • Form up in 1 line @ end of bridge (flag out front -Caleb)
    • Motivational Cadence Call Mosey Back to AO
      • (1) F3! –> PAX repeats –> Good For You! –> PAX repeats –> Good For Me! –> PAX repeats
      • (2) All Day! –> PAX repeats –> Everyday! –> PAX repeats
      • (3) 1, 2, 3! –> PAX repeats –> I Love F3! –> PAX repeats –> 4, 5, 6! –> PAX repeats –> Pickin Up Sticks! –> PAX repeats –> 7 and 8! –> PAX repeats –> F3 is Great! –> PAX repeats –> 9 and 10! –> PAX repeats –> Let’s Do It All Again! –> PAX repeats
      • Repeat # 1 – 3 at Q’s discretion
    • Arrive @ Field Across from AO –> Take The Field!
      • 150% –> your 100% is not good enough because you are better than your 100%, aye? You can do better than 100%, you have what it takes! TAKE. THIS. FIELD.
      • All out 150% sprint across the field to AO

Caleb was the only FNG Big Ball had this morning. Putting the new guy in charge of something so sacred – the American Flag that always stays out front when we mosey and goes with us wherever we go – (I believe) helped him become more comfortable and integrated @ his first time @ F3.
PAX Count: 14 + 1 FNG
Proverbs 11:14 –> “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisors.”

This is a call to action. When you look around at our world today – our nation is falling and it’s sad. Because there is a clear lack of guidance. we, men in F3, are called to be HIM = High Impact Men. Your nation needs you, your family needs you, your community needs you, F3 needs you. Take charge and be a leader. You are all leaders in some capacity whether you realize it or not. We found out earlier that when you know who’s on your team it’s a lot easier to embrace the suck knowing who’s beside you going through the same thing. Along with that – we are all cops. A cop is someone who upholds the law and holds others accountable to the law. Who’s the cop in your life? Who holds you accountable and helps you uphold who you were created to be? Are you a cop in anyone else’s life? I need that, we all need that. Men, great work this morning, I cannot begin to tell you what an honor it is to be out here and have the opportunity to lead and serve as your Q. You are free to lead. Take charge and make it happen.

Pray it out.
Big Ball Saturday Qs will be officially (re)starting in 2 weeks –>  3 December 2017

lots of leg, thigh, and breast meat…

THE SCENE: 32°F and clear

• SSH x20 (IC)
• Ankle Biters x10 (IC)
• Imperial Walkers x20 (IC)
• Peter Parkers x10 (IC)
• SSH x10 (IC)

• Escalation
Two minutes each drill, 1 round (30 sec break between drills, 2 rounds)
Learn about what the other guys at your station are thankful for. Share after the first round.
Drill    Shuttle Exercise       Exercise On Spot
○ 1          Sprint                    Merkins
○ 2         Lunges                     BBS
○ 3       Bear Crawl                Burpees
○ 4          Sprint              Carolina Dry Docks
○ 5       Broad Jump                Squats
○ 6        Crab Walk                Burpees
None- ran out of time
8- Snitch, Umbro, Neutron, Music City, Hawk, Gibbler, Slide Rule, Archie (QIC)

My take away from GrowRuck:
Knowing how to follow is just as important as knowing how to lead. It’s all about balance and knowing what role you are in. Be humble.

“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:1-8‬ ‭ESV

The Tuesday Thursday Asylum regulars are a solid group. I look forward to getting to know these guys better going forward.