F3 Knoxville

The Fantastic 4 & Their Joint Custody of a 30lb baby

THE SCENE: 33 degrees, patches of snow & some isolated ice around AO, cloudy

“Welcome to F3 – Fitness -Fellowship – & Faith. My name is Steam and for the next 60 minutes I’ll be your Q in charge. I am not a professional – you are here on your own volition – which means I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so but we will all push each other to give 100%”

1. Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 25 x 4 in cadence

2. Cherry-Picker: 12 x 4 in cadence

3. Big Ass Baby Arm Circles: Forward: 10 x 4 in cadence & Backward: 10 x 4 in cadence

4. High Knees: 15 x 4 in cadence

5. Forward Lunge: 12 –> hold for 3 seconds in the lunge position

**PAX put keys/phones in Steam’s ruck** ——– **introduced the 30lb ruck plate = baby

  • Established battle buddies for the duration of the Q before stepping off
  • Mosey to Big Ball amphitheater with baby (American Indian run formation/style)
  • Super Stadium Steppers
    • (1) Battle-buddy teams sprint to top of amphitheater stairs
    • (2) Execute 5 pull-ups (overhand or underhand) individually
    • (3) Sprint Back down –> hold incline Merkin position until PAX recovers
    • (4) All PAX American-Indian runs with baby around Big Ball pond perimeter
      • halfway point = each PAX executes 5 squats with baby
    • (5) After completion of perimeter mosey –> PAX members execute 20 x 4 Big Boy Sit-Ups (BBSs) and/or 20 x 4 Little Baby Crunches (LBCs)
      • Last Round = 10 overhand pull-ups, battle buddy teams carried baby between them for 30 seconds on/30 seconds off, 5 squats with baby AND 5 baby chest presses
  • Mosey American Indian run style past AO start point –> under bridge by STEM Academy.
    • PAX lined up against bridge wall in wall-sit formation
    • From L –> R
      • (1) Execute 5 merkins (next PAX member holds baby during wall-sit)
      • (2) Rinse & Repeat 3x
  • Mosey back to AO start-point
    • 30 seconds on/10 seconds off
    • (1) American Hammers
    • (2) Leg extensions –> Up (vertically) & out (horizontally)
    • (3) Flutter Kicks
    • (4) Hello Dollys (Happy Birthday Dolly —- yesterday)
  • ATMs
    • Merkin plank position
    • 15 x 4 shoulder taps
    • 10 slow cadence merkins
    • 10 fast paced merkins

Heavy breathing, cursing of the 30lb baby – moral sustained 🙂
Pax Count: 4

Quarantine – Red Writer – Operation – Steam

Q shared his working thesis for the year: “It’s not about me” & “Allowing myself to fully understand and accept God’s grace”

When you look back at this upcoming year –> will you be able to say that you listened to God?

Focus in on where God is calling you this year & think about what your thesis or theses is for this year as you go back to your families, relationships, marriages, work, as High Impact Men of character.

Birthday Beat Down

THE SCENE:9 degrees.  A little ice, some snow and no wind

Cheatsheet “Get ya some” x 20

Mosey to the trail at the top parking lot

  • 15 Flutter kicks followed by Mosey
  • 15 merkins followed by Mosey
  • 15 big boys followed by Mosey
  • 15 squats followed by Mosey
  • repeated 4 times until we got to the base of Everest
  • 15 Flutter kicks
  • 15 merkins
  • 15 big boys
  • 15 squats

Summited Everest to the rock pile

  • Grab a rock
  • 15 Flutter kicks
  • 15 merkins
  • 15 big boys
  • 15 squats

Mosey Down the hill toward soccer field

  • 15 Flutter kicks
  • 15 merkins
  • 15 big boys
  • 15 squats

Mosey to the soccer field

  • High Knees
  • Ankle to butts
  • 25% sprint
  • 50% sprint
  • rest
  • High knees
  • Up and downs x5
  • Up/downs/roll over in the snow x3


  • Mosey to the church
  • 15 Flutter kicks
  • 15 merkins
  • 15 big boys
  • 15 squats
  • Mosey to AO

Boat Canoe (Power T) for 1 last minute!
12 strong with 1 FNG! Welcome Topless! (Casey Holbrook) Pasted out donuts

Lord What is the Measure of my Days

O Lord, make me know my end
    and what is the measure of my days;
    let me know how fleeting I am!
Behold, you have made my days a few handbreadths,
    and my lifetime is as nothing before you.
Surely all mankind stands as a mere breath! Selah
    Surely a man goes about as a shadow!

Life is fleeting.  God teach us to number our days.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Living an abundant life (with lots of coupons)

THE SCENE: asylum, clear and cold (14F).

2 loops around the parking lot, then pick up “coupons” (firewood blocks from the back of a truck) to be carried the whole workout.

SSH 30 reps with coupons

Slow merkins 5 rep with star pose both sides

big arm circles both arms with coupons

mogul jumps over coupons 10 reps 4 ct

TIE Bombers (lunge position with baby arm circles with coupons 15 forward and 15 backward)

Skaters (4ct) 15 reps with coupons optional

Wide merkins and narrow merkins 10 ct over coupons

5 more slow merkins



Buddy up with Battle Buddy then Cadet salute holding coupons with pax bear-block crawling thru the tunnel

mosey to the playground:

11’s pistol squats(alternating both legs/11’s Star jacks (coupons) and CDD’s

mosey to pavillion

11’s rows and dips/11’s flutter kicks(4ct)BBS

mosey to far parking lot.

yonder in the distance lay 3 logs with musher harnesses attached…

8 volunteers drag the logs around the lot while the other pax does Burpee Merkin ladders until all the logs are back,

rinse and repeat with new volunteers x1

mosey back to the AO

plenty of abs in the 11’s of flutter kick and BBS earlier

21 PAX strong

Charmin, Frenchie, Mogul, Ribbed, Coolio, Gardener, Woozy, Cheatsheet, Catgut, Fabio, Gibbler, Denied, Fur Coat, Tollbridge, Pusher, Bowflex, Doubtfire, Beans, Rainbow, Code Brown


Abundance. It is hard to beat the true fellowship at 5:30 AM experienced in the PAX, Though no one can afford their salvation, abundance comes through application of discipline in each area of the heart, soul, strength and mind.  “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” John 10:10

Tour De Park

THE SCENE: 9 degrees and snowy

Seal to Predator Jacks  x 15 4-count IC  (arms out front hand together, jack down into a wide squat)

Suicide Combo, fwd 3, bck 2:

Sprint Suicides

Bear Crawl suicides


Tour de Park – start towards the fountain 5 stops: 1. Right around the corner from fountain 2. Far back side of park 3. Mt Crumpet 4. Sidewalk straight to grinder 5. In front of the church

Extra stop at rock pile for some shoulder work:

  • Rock Pile Shot Put x 20 each arm
  • Rock Pile arm circles fwd/bck x 20 each
  • Rock Pile fly-row-press-rev curl

(active rest: duck walks, bernies, plank, al gore)

10 reps each of the 5 stops:

  • Burpees
  • Dry Docks
  • Roll up v up
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Squats lateral side to side


In and Outs x 20 4-count IC

9 PAX no FNGs


Some Wise Quotes

When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new – Dalai Lama

Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do – Unknown

There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live – Dalai Lama

Open-minded people don’t care to be right, they care to understand. There’s never a right or wrong answer. Everything is about understanding – Unknown

The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back – Unknown


Looking Back

THE SCENE: I Bomb Shelter, clear skies, light wind, 27 degree F.
WARM-O-RAMA:  Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull

  • Baby arm circles – 20x both rotations
  • SSH 20x – 4 count
  • Tempo Squats – 20x
  • Tempo Merkins – 20x
  • Imperial Squat Walkers – 20x

THA-THANG:  Whipping Post by The Allman Brothers Band Live at the Fillmore East

  • Indian run to Mt. Crumpet (2x sprint to front)
  • Mt. Crumpet workout – 5 trips up (run, Bernie, run, bear crawl, run), 5 burpees decrease to 1 burbee at top, 2 BBS to 10 BBS (increase by 2 each trip) at the bottom of the hill, mosey down each trip.
  • Mosey to fountain center – 10 dips, 10 merkins, times two reps
  • Mosey to Grinder stopping halfway for 10 BBS and then 10 BBS at Grinder
  • Grinder workout – 10 bench hops, 10 merkins, 10 dry docks, 20 dips. Each one separated by running length of the grinder for 20 SSH then back.  (Two repetitions.)


  • Hello Dolly’s in cadence 20x
  • Leg lifts/box cutters on command
  • Bicycles
  • Superman/Banana
  • Little baby crunches

17 including FNG “Tinkle” and renamed PAX “Pup”
I read my response to an email chain with a former boss from April 17, 2003.  Towards the end he asked me if I missed my days as a volunteer baseball and soccer coach and the days when my children were still at home.  In it the following thoughts and points were presented.

Do you miss the past? Do you wish you had done things differently?  Do you find joy in the here and now?

What we make of life is mostly above our shoulders.  How much better would it be if we let our hearts rule!  How much better would our memories be if we just let our hearts have more influence and be less selfish!

The impact the parents have on their children and their children have on parents is a blessing.  Parents are teachers, bosses, and friends to them but the emphasis must be on the first two.  They can find friends elsewhere but they can’t find other parents.  What a joy it is when their is mutual respect especially as they reach adulthood.

Strive to live in a way where the need to “go back” doesn’t exist, where there is satisfaction in the past.  Look forward to the next bend in the road or the crest of hill knowing that the days of the past will help us face it.  Live by faith with Spirit and Truth.

I am so thankful that I have joined up with F3.  I am thankful that my son, I-Beam, thought to invite me, to have faith that I could endure this.  I look forward to the Fitness, I have come to cherish the Fellowship, I am blown away by the Faith that I have come to experience with F3.  I don’t know how long I will be physically able to stay involved but I do know that whether it is 1 year or 5, I will look back with great satisfaction knowing that this time will help me face the future.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
CSAUP February 24, 2018