F3 Knoxville

THE SCENE: Overcast 65 degrees

Switchgrass and A-Rod – Pre-Ruck 5.1 miles with PT

Windshield wipers x 10 IC

Windmill x 15 IC

T-Plank Arm Circles x 10 EA ED IC

Tempo Squat x 15 IC

SSH x 40 IC

WMD Crawl: Wide merkin, “reglar” merkin, diamond merkin x 15 at each cone. Bear crawl between each cone wide, normal, narrow. Down parking lot and back.

Wilt Chamberlain: (100 ft cone spacing) 100 LBCs at start, run to cone 100 squat, run back to start 100 flutters, run to cone 100 lunges.

Rosie: First round mtn climbers and flutters 4 ct. Round two single count. Round three 1/2 number of reps single count.

  • 30 mtn climbers
  • 42 LBC
  • 30 mtn climbers
  • 39 hammers
  • 30 mtn climbers
  • 56 flutters

Walmart Burpee: Drop to squat all the way to 6. Roll to shoulder blade then roll forward to normal burpee = 1 rep. AMRAP till Q says stop

3 of Spade Card: 5 merkin, 10 bbs, 20 squat – 5 Rounds

Capn Thor

We get great words to live by and apply to our lives. It took just over one hour on Thursday to completely forget the words Tractor gave us Thursday morning. “If Jesus was standing behind us, would you be embarrassed by the conversation or words that you were having/using?”. I had a homeless man throw a full two liter bottle of soda off the Gay Street bridge onto my work truck which dented the roof and scared the crap out of me. I came “unglued” and let the man know my displeasure. It is alright to be angry, however the words I used to express my anger should not be coming out of my mouth. I need to apply what I hear and know to my life. Control my tongue and keep my head during stress filled situations. Application is just as important as hearing the words given to us in the morning.

AO challenges will be coming! We will be competing with other AOs for most reps of chosen exercise.


THE SCENE: muggy yet vaguely inspiring

  • -Michael Phelps x10 IC
  • -SSH x20 IC
  • -Squats x20 IC
  • -Merkins x10 IC


Mosey down the path, through the lower parking, periodically doing the following: Lunge / Side lung / Bear Crawls / Merkins / American Hammer / Dips

Mosey to big field.

Derby Race. With a Battle Buddy. 1st Pax runs the lap. 2nd Pax does the exercise. Switch when runner finishes a lap. AMRAP 3 Minutes. Rest 10 seconds. Then repeat with new exercise.

  1. Squats
  2. Merkins
  3. Carolina Dry Docks OR Hello Dolly

Mosey to another hill with 3 tiers (“something something’s Charge?”)

At the base.

SSH x30 IC. Run up the hill. Jog down the hill. Plank until everyone is back.

Squats x30 IC. Run up the hill. Jog down the hill. Plank until everyone is back.

Merkin CHOOSE YOUR OWN NUMBER OF REPS, OYO. Run up the hill. Jog down the hill. Plank until everyone is back.

Then. Run up and down hill AMRAP in 3 minutes.

Mosey to steps in front of Asylum.

Derkins on the benches x10 OYO

Then run up the steps. Jog down the steps.

Rinse and repeat AMRAP, 3 minutes.

Mosey to AO

5 minutes of Dealers Choice.
8 brave souls

If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to read The Goal by Eliyah M. Goldratt (link below). If you’re not into reading, practice the art of asking yourself this simple question throughout your day in various situations, “What is the goal?” Whether it’s a difficult conversation with a spouse or deciding which task to tackle next at work. This simple question can help you dig through your personal biases and pay closer attention to the incentives and mental frameworks that are dictating your decision making. 


Release the kRUCKen!!!!!

THE SCENE: Beautiful clear skies and warm temps!

None needed today, “cheetahs do not stretch before they chase their prey”-Ken Griffey JR
Time hack ruck to middlebrow and back through West Hills. Around 4 miles total roughly.

  • The kRUCKen PT was performed.
    • PAX members got into 2 man teams (1 3 man team due to odd numbers) to complete the kRUCKen (kraken style workout with rucks on and 2 extra tentacles for 2 rounds of 5 exercises for 10 total exercises)
    • Round 1 (PAX interchanged with sandbag carries between each lap of rotation in the kRUCKen)
      • Ruck Merkins x25/Ruck Rows x25/ Ruck Squats x25/ Ruck Presses x25/ Flutters on 4 ct. x20
    • Round 2 (PAX still do sandbag rotation…)
      • Mr. Rucktacular (Mr. Spectacular except ruck is your coupon for the shoulder press) x10
      • Ruck Swings x20/ Ruck O.H. Lunges x20 (1 ct. each leg)/Ruck Thrusters (aka Lion Kings) x15/ Sit-Ups w/ ruck on feet x20
    • Sandbag Ruck around the large loop at the park.

4 count shoulder taps w/ rucks on x15/ 4 count plank jacks w/ ruck on x15/ ISO squats (led by Barbie) until time (2 mins)
9 PAX, 0 FNG’s
Words to encourage PAX to enjoy and embrace the day!
The PAX smoked this workout and worked hard together! Very thankful for this group of men!!!!

Around and around we go

THE SCENE: cool and comfortable

  • 2 laps around the parking lot
  • windmills
  • rockettes
  • tempo squats
  • tempo merkins

4 corners – increasing #’s for each of the below exercises 5, 10, 15 and 20 followed by running up the hill w/2 burpees at the top

  • wide merkins
  • LBC
  • CDD
  • squats
  • narrow merkins
  • iron mikes
  • flutter kicks
  • narrow squats
  • hello dolly
  • diamond merkins

merkin/bear crawl across parking lot and lunge back with a twist at each lunge

20 PAX
own what you need to own.  Don’t do a non-apology apology.  Be honest and transparent with people.  Have integrity and admit when you’ve messed up.  we all mess up and will again.  don’t be too big to ask for forgiveness


THE SCENE: Sunny and warm, temp in low 80’s.

20 Side-straddle hops, 10 Twisters, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Tempo Merkins
Mosey to stop sign at southeast corner of Admin Bldg.  20 American Hammers

Mosey down hill by road east of Admin Bldg and below stairs that lead down from road.  We will do Doras.  Partner one runs up hill, then up stairs to road.  Partner one does 10 Merkins then runs back down stairs and down hill.  Meanwhile partner two is exercising.  Then partners switch places.  The partners together will do the following exercises at bottom of hill:

  • 250 Baby Crunches
  • 200 Squats
  • 100 Big Boy Situps

Mosey to stop sign at northeast corner of admin bldg.  20 American Hammers

Mosey to trail coming off lower northeast end parking lot.  We will bear crawl distance of one light then run for distance of four more lights.  We will repeat this procedure until we get to entry road at Northern gate of park.

Mosey across street and for short distance until we hit grass at bottom of Roadshow Run.  20 American Hammers

Mosey up Roadshow Run to road north of Admin Bldg.  Do Baby Crunches until all men arrive.

Mosey to Rock Pile.  Each man grabs boulder.  We will do the following exercises, with boulders, in cadence:

  • 25 Overhead Lifts
  • 25 Curls
  • 25 Rows
  • We then run down summit of Mt. Everest to grove of trees.  We do five burpees and run back up to rock pile.
  • Rinse and repeat the lifts, curls and rows.

Drop rocks in pile and mosey back to AO.
Five men.  No FNG’s.
Recently saw Beautiful/The Carole King Musical and was inspired by it.  First, was amazed at how many hit songs she wrote BEFORE she created her famous Tapestry Album.  These hits were sung by other artists.  For most of the songs, she wrote the music while her husband at the time, Gerry Goffin, wrote the lyrics.  These songs, many of which hit no 1, included Locomotion, Up on the Roof, One Fine Day, I’m Into Something Good, Pleasant Valley Sunday and Natural Woman.  Carole King was not confident in her own voice.  Others, such as James Taylor, had to encourage her to sing her own music.  After her divorce from Gerry Goffin, she did start to create albums where she sang.  This woman, who was afraid to sing on her own, created the famous Tapestry album.  It not only was voted the best album of the year, it included the best song of the year “It’s Too Late” and had a song on it that James Taylor made a number one hit “You’ve Got a Friend.”  Also, this woman who felt she didn’t have a good enough voice became female vocalist of the year.

Sometimes we fail to see how much talent we have.  I look at the men in our PAX and I see amazing talent.  That talent comes in athleticism, in a personal connection with others, in a willingness to grow, in a capability of being true influences in our community.  We may not see it.  But a great thing about F3 is that your brothers do see it.  In F3 we encourage each other, help each other.  This leads to a greater belief in ourselves and how we can help our community.  Who knows what you are capable of – what each one of us are capable of!

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
May 19 – the Big Event!!!