F3 Knoxville

Hunting Wabbitt- Natty Style

THE SCENE: Clear and 60 degrees

Windmills x 10 IC, Barishnikov Squats x 10 IC, Imperial Walker squats x 10 IC, SSH x 25 IC, Chinook OH arm circles IC x 10 both directions

HUNT Wabbit

The plan is to follow the arrows and find the cones that have exercise instructions.  There will be little rest on this hunt.  A couple surprises may be found at the end.

  • Backwards Run, 1 lap around the parking lot
  • Lunge walking across street to next cone, then 25 Merkins
  • Duck Walk to pavilion, then 50 BBS
  • Jog to Rock Pile, then 10 Burpees..then grab one large rock
  • Run to next cone (Marathon gas station) with rock, then do 100 chest presses
  • Mosey / Run to back Parking lot, next cone with rock
  • Set rock down and perform 150 squats
  • Advance to next cone, hold an Al Gore then grab a partner
  • Wheelbarrows to next cone…switch, wheelbarrow back
  • Grab rock back and run back to Gas station….side shuffle middle front lot, opposite side to end of front lot
  • Advance with rock to rock pile and dump it.  Then perform 5 Burpees
  • Run to splash pad benches and perform 25 descending Merkins
  • Run to Planter Boxes and do 25 step ups followed by 20 Dips
  • 1st one done grabs cone across street and keeps the hidden Natty Light (A-Rod winner..he thinks)
  • 2nd pick runs to available prize cone….but Tractor failed to advance to proper cone, no worries as Mr. Wedgie grabs the prize and cone (Turtle Anarchy Stout)

Flutter kicks x 25, Hello Dolly’s x 25, Boat Canoe led by A-rod the remaining time
7 Vets including: A-Rod, Mr. Wedgie, Tractor, Herbie, Zamboni, Whammy, Natty
Take the time to slow down and be a turtle, not a rabbit.  Listen to friends, family, co-workers, the sounds of nature.  Soak it in and learn.  Learn how to relate to others on their level and communicate.
Dudes, thanks for the opportunity to be part of this awesome group of leaders…speaking of which, its time for some new ones to Q!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Not everyone has 6 inches

THE SCENE: Perfect… you know what that is


SSH x 20 IC

Mike Phelps OYO

Arm Circles

Merks x 10 IC

Potty Mosey

30 secs of own choice

Indian Run to Matterhorn

Flutters IC….. car interrupted so idk how many

  • Partners   1 runs while the other does 20,20,20 (Merks, Squats, BBS) 3 sets
  • Mosey to lil hill
  • 7s  Burpees and Squats
  • Mosey to the court with a duck walk at the end

Alligator 1/2 Inch worm 1/2 Lunge back

30 sec Wall Sit

We done

I don’t know Mary well enough I guess.



The last couple weeks I have felt a bit flat. Things for the most part of gone well. For some reason I have felt a little disinterested in things I usually like. I have been a little more cynical lately. I could not figure out why. I was listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast and he had David Goggins on the podcast. Goggins was explaining what went wrong in his life after he left the airforce, although I think he would say this was a theme of his entire life. He said, “The more comfortable I was, the more uncomfortable my mind was.”

I think that this is true for people. I know it certainly is for me. The last couple of weeks I have not been posting as much and I really think that is why I was feeling off. Getting up in the morning and embracing the suck makes everything better for my day. To make a lateral step I think it relates to the idea that being strong is not about succeeding, it’s about accepting the suffering continuously. So, I would like to thank all of you for posting and being a part of this great community. I am approaching a year in F3, and I think this has been one of the better years of my life. It would not have been without the opportunity to go out and suffer every morning with you all. Cheers!


Podcast link with Goggins
CSAUP Next Weekend Alcoa   Moses is your guy for that if you have Qs, or hit up one of those other Alcoa hunks for details

Mucho Chesto with Dora and Paula

THE SCENE: low 50’s…absolutely perfect



  • SSH x20 IC
  • Tempo Squats x10 IC
  • Tempo Merkins x10 IC
  • Burpees x10 oyo


  1. Mosey to the amphitheater
    • Battle buddy up
    • DORA reps of the following while partner runs to end of stage and completes 10 box jumps
      • 100 Thrust Merkins
      • 100 Incline Merkins
      • 100 Decline Merkins
  2. Mosey to the Methodist Church parking lot
    • Keep same battle buddy & grab 1 rock per team
    • DORA reps of the following while partner runs to top of parking lot and completes 5 burpees
      • 100 Overhead Press
      • 100 Goblet Squats
      • 100 Squat Press
  3. Stay in same parking lot
    • Paula Abdul the parking spaces (2 forward, 1 back)
    • 10 merkins each trip forward
    • 10 squats each trip backward
  4. Mosey back to splash pad


  • Flutter kicks x20 IC
  • Boat/canoe
  • Peter Parkers

35 strong including 2 FNG and 1 out of towner.

Cowbell, Uni, Popeye, Crawdad, Cramps, Plunger, Bermuda (FNG), Abort, Passport, Preacher, Plunder, Uncle Rico, Prom King, G-6, Swanson, Faceplant, Petey, Frank, Quarantine, Primo (Charlotte), Gretzky, Hillary, Bessie, Putt-Putt, Cardigan, Rascal, Guppy, Gerber (FNG), Stagehand, Steam, Soot, Cougar, Red Writer, Careless, Bartman

“Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter”.  This quote is attributed to Francis Chan as well as DL Moody – regardless of who said it first it is absolutely true and has been a challenge for me this week.  Where do I invest my time?  Is it on worldly possessions?  Comforts?  Fitness?  My career?  All of these things, while nice, are ultimately not what our focus should be.  Jesus is in the relationship business and we should be too.  Our efforts should be toward brotherhood, accountability, being bold in our faith, helping our brother when he falls.  These are what is important in light of eternity.



  • G-6 mentioned he is in need of a person to help at one of his camps.  It’s a paid position…contact him for more information.
  • Alcoa CSAUP is coming up this Saturday 2/24 @ 6am.

Partners In Pain!

THE SCENE: 52 and awesome!

  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT
  • Side Straddle Hops (IC) 4 CT
  • Squats (IC) 4 CT
  • Hand Release Merkins – OYO
  • Karaoke
  • Mosey to back of campus


Maintenance Building – Partner Workout

We partnered up w/ the coupons. One partner lifted while the other ran up & down the stairs.  We switched out on every lap.

  • 100 Overhead
  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Goblet Squats
  • Mosey to Sophomore Hill at Fitness Center

Sophomore Hill at Fitness Center – Partner Workout

One partner worked while the other ran up & down the hill.  Switched every lap.

  • 50 burpees
  • 100 BBS
  • 200 Merkins
  • 300 Squats
  • Mosey


No time…

Bartman, Onesie, Wall Ball, Waxjob & Booster


“Patience is a virtue” but not a strong virtue of mine.

Impatience can be defined as a strong serge of animosity toward the weaknesses, faults and failures of others…a bad driver, a long line, a coworker, a spouse or child taking a while to get ready.

Stephen Covey – told a story about a man and his wild kids getting on a subway one Sunday morning; the kids were throwing people’s newspapers, yelling, etc. while the man just just sat there ignoring them. Covey asked the man if we man was going to discipline his kids; the man said his wife, their mother, just died and he guesses the kids aren’t sure how to process her death nor did he. Covey went from irritated to compassionate towards the man.

In situations…Be Patient. Show Empathy.

Remember, we sin every day so God has tremendous patience for us.  We should strive to be patient like him.


  • JUCO now has a Friday workout! Be There! Encourage others to join you!
  • CSAUP Event is this Saturday at Springbrook Park (The Bomb Shelter), 6:00am – 9:00am
  • FiA is coming to Knoxville! Encourage the women in our lives to join



THE SCENE: Drizzly, Cool & Gloomy

  • SSH IC x 25
  • Tempo Squat IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10
  • Nancy Kerrigan IC x 10


3 Man Teams – 4 Circuits

Circuit I (2x Through running until PAX completes)

  • A – Goblet Squat
  • B – Burpee
  • C – Goldi-Blox (Travel Exercise)

Circuit II

  • A – Brick Switch Merkins
  • B – American Hammers
  • C – Weighted Lunge

Circuit III

  • A – Weighted Calf Raise
  • B – Rock Climber
  • C – Squat Walker (Weighted Duck Walk)

Circuit IV

  • A – Squat & Press
  • B – Merkins
  • C – Broad Jumps

Sprint 2x Through


Quarter Pounder (Cheese Optional)

  • Run 25 yards – 25 Merkins
  • Back Peddle – Run 50 Yards – 50 Squats
  • Back Peddle to start – Run 75 Yards – 75 American Hammers
  • Back Peddle to start – Run Full Length of the Parking Lot – 100 SSH

We ran out of Time – I had Colt 45’s planned though

16 PAX

The common denominator in all of these mass shootings, and the sexual misconduct violations are that all of the perpetrators are MEN. It’s men that are hurting our women and children. It stresses the importance of pulling men out of isolation and into community.


With all of my mis-q’s today it felt like a VQ. I’m thankful for you men that I consider brothers. Thankful for your support and your leadership. Iron truly sharpens Iron.
See Announcements section