F3 Knoxville

Brickyard – 150 Club

THE SCENE: Balmy and 62 with a hint of clouds near the approaching sunrise.

Cherry Pickers

Imperial Walkers x 15

21s – Everyone struggled to understand these and we ended up doing a penalty of 10 merkins

Little baby arm circles x 15 each way

21s – We messed up the count again and did another 10 merkin penalty

Windmills x 15

Moseyed over near the splashpad/playround with our trusty CMUs.  Paired up in groups of 2.

Alternated running and exercises with partner doing the following to join the 150 Club:

  • 150 Curls
  • 150 OH Press
  • 150 Tricep extensions
  • 150 Bent Rows
  • 150 Squats

The guys blew thru these and while the last group was finishing up on the 150s, there were some lunges, windshield wipers, and even a few burpees thrown in.

We then moseyed over to the planters at the school entrance, dropping our CMUs off at the rally point along the way.

Did 40 box jumps/step ups followed by 20 merkins.

Moved back to the rally point and attempted 21s again, following a demo from yours truly.  We still were all out of sync and did another 10 merkin penalty.


  • Little baby flutter kicks
  • Bruce Lees
  • Reverse Crunches
  • Captian Thors
  • Hello Dolly
  • Windshield Wipers

6 PAX (0 FNG)

When we have an interaction or conversation with others, would we be embarrassed if we immediately turned around and talked to Jesus?  In reality, he’s always there and we should be a reflection of him in our speech and actions.

Also, prayers for the family of the young man who was killed in auto accident on Clinton Highway yesterday.




Finish Strong and Keep it Moving

THE SCENE: Clear and Perfect for a beatdown

Baby Arm Cicles Forward x10 IC, Side Straddle Hops x15 IC, Baby Arm Circles Backward x10 IC, Hillbillies x10 IC
2-line mosey at first section of Big Ball steps

  • 7’s (Merkins/American Hammer’s x4 count)

2-line mosey to TN Ampitheatre

  • 7’s Prison Box Jumps (hands interlocked behind head) and Rows

Partner up and form 2 line mosey beside your partner to road that runs between AO and The Tennesseean Hotel for DORAS.

  • DORAS (200 merkins/150 squats/ 100 Carolina dry docks/ 50 4 ct. flutter kicks)

Mosey to the benches at AO for 2 rounds of:

  • 25 dips OYO/10 box jumps OYO

10 set (Ab exercise introduced by Plunger to the PAX)

Pickle Pounders x12 IC on 4 ct.
22 PAX (0 FNG’s)
Romans 12:11. Keep present in the day and finish the week with PASSION! We are the energizer for other’s batteries. Be the MAN! OWN IT!

G-6 made PAX aware that Cheatsheet was speaking at Bible Club at West High this am and wanted us to keep that in mind.

Keep it Simple

THE SCENE: Perfect day for a beat down

10 SSH

10 Merkins

10 Inch Worms

Jog 25% then 5 Tempo Squats

Jog 50% halfway then lunge halfway

Umbro took some PAX for his Q and Compost’s group did:

Mosey to parking lot “track”.

10 Merkins each cone (5 cones)

Sprint between each cone

Pair up and do 10 Fireman Squats or Buddy Carry Squats at the first and last cone

Carry your buddy around the track (75meters)

Repeat 3 times

Mosey to dugouts:

5 pull-ups

5 toe touches

X2 bear crawl between dugout and pavilon

5 dips at the pavilon

Switch out bear crawls with lunges 1x

Bear crawl to AO. Run to top of Baby Hill

10 Flutter kicks

10 Back extensions

10 fireman/ buddy squats at bottom of Baby Hill and repeat 3x

Bear Crawl halfway up Baby Hill then 10 Burpees.

23 PAX killed it this morning
Share your wisdom with others. You have real knowledge to pass down to the next generation. Not knowledge about the latest sports stats or other “junk” knowledge – but knowledge on how to love our wives well, or how a child can understand their identity in Christ as a boy or girl. We need to understand how to reach the heart.
Prayers for G6 and Rascal’s friends who are struggling with cancer.

Change of command

THE SCENE: 48* and perfect weather, SWAT team liked it too

SSH x15 IC
Merkins on 4 ct x15 IC
Hillbillys x15 IC
Cherry pickers x10 IC

Form two lines and mosey to amphitheater. Assemble at the stage and partner up.  Routine of 12s: Each partner does one merkin at the bottom of the stairs, runs to the top of the stairs and perform 11 WWII sit ups.  One partner holds the others ankles then flapjack.  Return to the bottom of the stairs, increasing merkins by one rep each time at the bottom and decreasing WWII sit ups at the top each time.

Jackrabbits perform merkins and planks on stage waiting for the 6 to finish.

Change of command ceremony with Steam handing off command to Abort.

Form back into lines, mosey toward lawn of WFP (after investigating the two dummies handcuffed to the rails). Assemble on the sidewalk at the southside of the lawn.  Next routine is Route 66 – start with 1 rep of named exercise, run to the next light pole along the sidewalk and increase rep count by until reaching 11 reps at the top of the hill at the entrance to world’s fair park.

First iteration of Route 66 with 8 count bodybuilders.  This got a few poopy faces among the PAX.  Jackrabbits return to the start of the routine for ab work while waiting for the rest of the PAX to dodge the SWAT team on the way back down.

Recover and 10 count.  Second iteration of Route 66 with jump squats.  This seemed like a better idea until about the fifth or sixth light pole.  Recover to the start point of the routine, form two lines and return to start point of AO for Mary.

Box cutters x25 IC
20 strong: Preacher, Butterfly, Careless, Cowbell, Steam, Half Caff, Passport, Quarantine, Downhill, Pfeiffer, Rousey, G6, Petey, Swanson, Soup, Threadcount, Bitcoin, Uncle Rico, Rascal, Abort
Leaders surround themselves with other leaders.  I came to F3 for the fitness, and in doing so surrounded myself with leaders without even trying.  Thankful for all the leaders who show up at 5:30 every morning to make me a better man.

Suicides by light posts

THE SCENE: 47 I think

Ratchet effect

squatsx 20 ic

merkind x 10 ic

SSH x 20 ic

jog across PL x 2

millennial run x2

millennial sprint x 2
Super 11s

  • At the light post, start w one rep each of merkins, squats and big boys
  • Run 2 light posts then run back one light posts, increases rep by one .
  • Always run 2 light posts and back one between PT
  • Super 11 is where you start at one and go to 11, with each exercise
  • Once we reached 11, go back down to one
  • again, between exercises, running 2 Light posts and back one
  • mosey to the pull up bars
  • 4 sets of 5 pull ups
  • run a lap
  • mosey to the parking lot
  • suicides x1
  • millinnial sprint suicide x1
  • time was up!

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
14 pax
Just one of those days where you don’t want to be or do. I was on Q of course but yesterday and today was just one of those days that I struggled to wake up and post at F3. But, the big BUTT! I could have stayed in my bed aka comfort zone but told myself that these are the times you need to suck it up and BE and DO!

i Figured we might have 6-8 guys….maybe that was me not feeling it and thought the rest of the guys would not be feeling it and not show up. I was DEAD WRONG! So glad I sucked it up and was there this morning! Not only did we have 6 guys Rucking but we had 14 men total for the F3 workout . So greatful for you guys and to know that you guys were there to embrace the suck with me!

Sometimes, it’s ok to not want to do or be but those are the times to really challenge yourself . AYE!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.