F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE 66 and clear

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SSH x 11 IC
Power T toe touches x11 IC
Sumo Squats x11 IC
Oblique Claps x 11 IC
LBACs x11 IC

Mosey to the trail of tears

11 circuits
Power T LBCs
Run the field
Dry docks
Run Back

Mosey to the coupon pile

11 curls
11 presses
11 dips
11 times

Count-a-rama and Name-a-rama

I was in the stadium two years ago that the first checkerboard game one Florida looks so awful against Tennessee. I was into thousands and thousands of fans screen their lungs out for 3 1/2 quarters. It was deafening and, frankly, impressive. Even as a Gator fan I was proud of these fans pouring their hearts out for their team. I wanted so desperately for their team to win and were excited to the point of near madness at the possibility of winning after losing 9 straight.

Then, the fourth quarter came and Jalon Tabor had a strip sack, recovered the fumble and a touchdown was scored by a back up quarterback in the ensuing drive.

The place went silent as the grave. All of those screaming fans didn’t make a sound. I was stunned. How can so many people, so excited and so sold out, have lost faith so quickly. I realized later in that stadium there were many, many fans but very few believers. Everyone hoped they would win, but they truly believed they could not. Even though we were still losing my relaxed. I knew that the fans didn’t believe they could win and therefore the boys on the field would believe the same. It actually saddened me.

This morning, I talked to the man about not being fans but rather being believers. In family, as we lead our teams at work, and most importantly with God. Belief is not simply hoping. Belief = faith + action. Be a believer, not just a fan

I laid the gator talk on the thick today…trying to get a rise out of the PAX. The men handled it well, there was good mumble chatter and excellent intensity. They worked their tails off and we had a great time together. Looking forward to the game this weekend.


64 degrees and hazy

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Baby arm circles forward IC x 10
Baby arm circles reverse IC x 10
Tempo Squats ICx10
Burpees OYO x 10
Merkins ICx10

Tour of World’s Fair Park
Mosey over to south stairs for:
Incline Merkins           ICx10
Squats                         ICx10
Decline Merkins          ICx10

Mosey to Market Square
Stopping 2x for Burpees OYOx10

Dora w/ battle buddy for:
Burpees (50)
American Hammer (75)
Carolina Dry Docks (100)
One-armed Pickle Pounders (125)
Nipple scraper Merkins (150)
(w/ PAX #1 running down Market Square while PAX #2 is doing exercise)

Mosey to Pete’s Coffee Shop
Stop for 5 burpees OYO

Mosey to Henley Street
Incline Merkins ICx10
Decline Merkins ICx10

Mosey back to World’s Fair Park
Full-speed 100 yard sprints

Back to AO

Hello Dolly ICx10 (P-nut)
Boat/Canoe (Quickbooks)

Number Off and Name-o-Rama


Scripture focus on Psalm 119:105.  It’s dark out there, men.  We need God’s word to provide light and instruction for us.  However you chose to do it…whenever you choose to do it…just do it.  Get in God’s word each day.

Prayer led by P-nut

Spirited mumblechatter from all PAX, particularly from Proton and Dimples.  Schick had been AWOL for a long time and couldn’t remember his F3 name (Rascal to the rescue).

Touring the Dog Pound

THE SCENE 60s and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

* Run in place for 1 minute
* Side straddle hop
* Run in place for 1 minute
* Cherry pickers
* Run in place for 1 minute
* High knees + butt kicks
* Run in place for 1 minute
* Walking lunge
* Run in place for 1 minute
* Crossing toe touches

The Tour
Incline Merkins x 20
Dips x20
Decline Merkins x10

Crab crawl back up hill (now called Kory Hill)
American hammer x20 at top of hill
Rinse and repeat x2

Mosey to bottom of Matterhorn
Squats x20
Reverse lunges x10 each leg

Incline Merkins x20
Dips x20
Decline Merkins x10

Mosey to outhouse
Box jumps x10
Calf Raises x10

Mosey back to Tennis Courts
Wind sprints (each doubles line) x2
30 seconds between

Mosey back to AO

AB circuit:
Flutter kicks x20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x10 OYO
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
BBS cross pattern x20 IC
LBC x20 IC

Count off and Name-o-Rama

“Ships don’t sink because of the water around them.  Ships sink because of the water that gets in them. So don’t let what happens around you get inside and weigh you down” – Unknown

It’s far too easy to allow the circumstances to define who we are and what we believe.  These circumstances can waddle away at our person moving us further and further away from our Father.  We need to continually pivot ourselves toward the Father through study, prayer and reflection to ensure our goal is to glorify God.

Do not love the world or the things in the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him – 1 John 2:15

A “Dreamy” Tuesday Evening…

THE SCENE 90 and hot

F3 Welcome and disclaimer

SSH x 25 IC
IWs x 15 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Deep Slow Squats x 10 IC
Arm circles forward and backwards x 10 IC
30 high knees in place OYO

Mosey to coupons to pick up two and run to top of the hill.

Do the following exercises in 5 Rounds.
R1: 10x each of Curls, low rows, burpees, overhead press, squat jumps
R2: 15x Curls, low rows, burpees, overhead press
R3: 20x Curls, low rows, burpees,
R4: 25x  Curls, low rows
R5 30x Curls

Mosey to the base of Everest partner up with a battle buddy

Everest DORAs
100x Merkins and run to the 2nd big tree
150x BBS

Mosey back to start point for Planks for a minute til 6:30 and then COT and BOM.

Number Off and Count-O-Rama

Mosey with Mayberry

THE SCENE 69 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Imperial Walkers

MOSEY w/ Mayberry
50 tuck jumps
50 mtn climbers
50 lunges up the hill
50 pull ups
50 squats
50 LBCs
50 burpees

10 Merkins
1 forward roll (add one each round)
Aimed in duck walk
5 celebration jumps

SWAT guys get the girls
50 bicep curls
50 tri extensions
50 Merkins
50 Single leg deadlifts

AO Abs
20 bicycles
20 pickle pounders
20 BBS
20 Russian twists (4ct)

Count-o-rama / Name-o-rama

My man Frosty, put it on my heart to talk about something we don’t do.  Something that even when we set out to do it we sometimes call an abort or chicken out at the last minute.  My fellow Christians and I are called to witness, or go out and spread the word about our Savior to others.  How quickly we talk about F3, invite other men to F3, wear F3 shirts, post on the F3 site or even post in on our F3 GroupMe, FaceBook, Instagram or whatever, but how often we fail to go out and teach others about Jesus.  Whether it be for societal reasons, or our own personal fears.  (I know I struggle with feeling that I will say the wrong thing and scare people off. ) However, what we need to know is that when we speak about Jesus, He will give us the words he wants us to speak.  He will work in us, through us, and use us to spread His message.

Mark 16:15-16
“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

I don’t want our brothers, F3 or otherwise to be condemned.

21 men showed up to go on a Mosey with me today.  I tried to make it challenging, and contrary to the mumblechatter I was NOT trying to have anyone splash merlot. I also wanted to push some of the PAX to try things.  If we go into a challenge thinking we won’t succeed, guess what? we won’t succeed.  When you come around the corner and you see “Burpees 50” or “Pull-ups 50” written on the ground, how do you get better if you don’t try?  I am proud to say that everyone in this PAX tried.  No one gave up and quit, everyone kept moving and working hard.  I give it to the PAX that they went on a Mosey with me and never gave up.

Also “Nice roll Hondo” to my man Junk.