F3 Knoxville

It’s actually above freezing?

THE SCENE: Mid 30’s….slight mist….perfect conditions compared to last week

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: F3 Disclaimer, no FNG’s


  • SSH IC x 20
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 10
  • Tempo Squat IC x 15
  • Merkins IC x 20


Everest Circuit:

  • Mosey from AO to the bottom of Everest. Stopped on the way and did 5 Burpees OYO (mainly because we were all surprised by the lack of burpees from Proton’s Q yesterday)
  • All out up Everest stopping at the rock pile
  • Grab a rock (all exercises done with said rock):
    • 20 curls, 20 rows, 10 American Hammers
    • Drop rock, run to Asylum stairs, and return to rock
    • 20 Overhead Presses, 20 Squats, 20 Flutter Kicks (4 count)
    • Drop rock, run to Asylum stairs, and return to rock
    • 20 Tricep Pulldowns, 20 Lunges, 20 BBSU’s
    • Drop rock, run to Asylum stairs, and return to rock
  • Mosey the circle encompassing the Asylum, stopping for 20 Merkins OYO
  • Mosey down the road towards the bottom of Everest, stopping for 20 Pickle Pounders & 20 Hip Thrusters OYO
  • All out back up Everest to the rock pile. Rinse & Repeat all sets with the rock
  • Mosey back to the AO

Only had 20 seconds left, so AMRAP LBC’s until time expired


6 HIM’s came out to enjoy this beautiful morning


“Never doubt in the dark what God has told you in the light.” – The Purpose Driven Life

It’s easy to feel like we’re growing in our faith when things are going well in our lives, but it’s also easy to revert back to our old selves when we’re “in the dark” or struggling through tough times. Those difficult circumstances/situations are the times that test our faith. And through the testing of our faith comes spiritual growth. The Word is Truth – in the light and in the darkness.

Day 1 – List of 10

THE SCENE: 35 and really warm!

Cherry Pickers 15x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 15x
Hand Release Merkins 15x
ISO Squats 20x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 15x
Hand Release Merkins 15x


In partners – One partner runs 400m while other exercises. Then swap until all reps are completed for that exercise. Begin and end each round together, so Al Gore or plank until all in.
200 total reps of each per team= 2,000  (we made it through about 1500 reps, and over 2 miles)
Round 1 – ‘Merkins
Round 2 – Alternating Lunges (1 leg=1)
Round 3 – Mountain Climbers (2-count)
Round 4 – Big Boy Sit-ups
Round 5 – Carolina Drydocks (1=1)
Round 6 – Squats
Round 7 – Overhead Press
Round 8 – Bobby Hurleys
Round 9 – AbClaps
Round 10 – Burpees

AbClaps aren’t that great of an exercise

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups to invigorate male community leadership. We need to be constantly reminded of our mission so we know who we are and why we’re here. The same is true in your life. What is your mission? Can you articulate your mission clearly?  Probably worth spending some time to craft it, so it rolls off your tongue..

B.O.M.B. Drill

THE SCENE: Bone Chilling…Ice forming on clothing and beards

Park Recon Capri Lap.
Steve Earle (copperhead squats, hillbilly) ICx10
Sixty Second Arm Circles (SSAC) (T-plank Arm Circles, LBC, T-plank Other Arm Circles, Merkins) ICx15
Goofball ICx20
Absolution OYOx15…ish
Febreze (2:10 Ratio – BBS:Air Press w/feet 6″ off ground) x10:50

Partner up. Partner 1 completes 50 meter suicides while partner 2 completes as many movements as possible. Once the team has completed 200 Merkins they will replace the suicides with burden carries; carrying 2 CMUs 50 meters down and back.
Burpees x100
Overhead Triceps Extensions (w/cmu) x150
Merkins x200
BBS x250
Squats x300

While waiting on 6 to finish B.O.M.B.S. we started Mary and each team joined as they completed B.O.M.B.S.
Cross Crunch ICx10
Heel Touches ICx10
American Hammers ICx10
X’s & O’s for time

9 PAX Pushed Through The Extreme Cold Beatdown!
Short and sweet….The ability to see the Lord’s signs and take them for what they are.

Start making your Headlocks now, Most people are going to tell you it’s too cold, but with the new year resolutions going around and people wanting to get back into fitness now is the time to plant the seed!  Tell them about F3 and we’ll see them in a few weeks!!

Granite rock

THE SCENE: 34 degree, HOT!

SSH x20 IC x2, Squats x20, Merkins x10 IC,

  • Mosey over to the playground for pull ups and 11’s(LBC and RBC)
  • “run this way” QIC runs a little, you run a little, shuffle some, you shuffle some, lunge a bit, you lung a bit, all the way to the bridge.
  • Everybiody knows G6 but they dont know he has his own song. They do now! Pax holds plank during the entire song, each time song mentions G6 do a merkin…..
  • Mosey to the Amphitheater for SUPER 11’s. Box Jump Burpees starting at 1 going to 11, Run up to the top and do 1 banana up to 11 bananas. Harder than I thought 🙂
  • Jail break back to the AO, out of time!

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
11 inc 2 FNG Big Dipper and BITCOIN!
Smooth granite rock that I had. Probably took 1,000-2,000 years for this rock to get smooth rumbling and tumbling in the ocean. NOTHING is perfect, but we as granite rocks can get smoother/BETTER by rumbling and tumbling thorugh life getting better, embracing the suck, staying out of our comfort zone. Dont become stagnant!
Be consistent and stay out of your comfort zone
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

pushing the cold out

THE SCENE: 11 degrees and clear. Oh, and it was a little chilly

2 capri laps, SSH x20, Squats x20


  • Mosey to the dragins tail for 11’s. Burpees and Big boys
  • Hair burners/Grinders for 10 minutes. 3 Pax at each station. Each station had a plate that is pushed from Point A to B. As plate is being pushed , Pax 1 at point A is doing merkins and Pax 2 is at point B doing froggie squats. As Pax 3 pushes the plat to pint B, Pax 2 poushes the plate back to Point A. Pax 1 pushes plate back, rinse and repeat
  • Bench pull ups to Sally at the PAVALON
  • Mosey to the top trail for Protonic Suicides. Run to 1st light , 5 burps, run back to start, run to 1st light 5 burps, run to next light, 10 squat jumps…..always running back to the start and repeating the exercises…5 burpees, 10 sq jumps, 15 supermans, 20 merkins, 25 squats, 30 dry docks, etc…

Hello Dolly x10, Iron cross, then Power T flutter, Box cutters by Crawdad
18 Pax including 1 FNG John Thurman PIPE WRENCH
FISH ON! As we grow, its about getting more FNGs out to join F3. That does not mean your all over the sadclown with lots of pessure to join us. Sometimes, its just throwing the line out from time to time, let the sadclown swim around the bait for a while. Eventually a sadclown gets hungry and takes the bait! Once hooked, reel them in and keep them!
Keep Fishing
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.