F3 Knoxville

Celebrate the Filthy 50

Scene: Clear and 45

Welcome and disclaimer

10 OYO Burpees
10 IC Cherry pickers
20 IC Merkins

MOSEY to outhouse
50 OYO box jumps
50 IC mtn climbers
50 OYO lunges up Matterhorn, each leg
50 OYO pull ups/aka upper body squats
50 IC squats
50 IC Merkins

Wind sprint races between the light poles with Merkins. All start at the same time.
10×17 poles of Merkins 170
10×6 poles of CCD 60


Batman has 9 abs
10 IC Dive bombers
10 IC cowgirls
20 IC pickle pounders
50 4ct LBCs


I think we all know the story of the prodigal son, but just in case…

A father has two sons and he has promised than part of an inheritance. One son tells his father he is leaving and wants his part of the money. The son gets the money runs alway and spends it on hookers, booze, and wild parties. He thought he had it all, the money, the women, and tons of friends. But when the money dried up, and the women were gone, so were his “friends”. He found himself working as a pig farmer, but unable to even eat the food the pigs were eating. Wearing rags and living off pig scraps he decided to return to his father and beg for a job.

And we all know that he got there and he had sinned and asked for forgiveness the father celebrated and gave home sandals, a robe, a ring, and a feast. And they celebrate. The image being that God celebrates whenever we are lost from him and we return.

Celebrate being able to get up in the morning to come to F3, celebrate our jobs, celebrate or wives, celebrate our children. Celebrate the love God has for us and share that love as we go out today.

Luke 15:11

Prayer requests
– Handbell’s wife to give birth to a healthy baby girl….SOON
– Pogo and his family safe travels to see the Mouse
– Judge Samurai as he kicks cancer in the face!

Around and Around we Go

The Scene: 63 nice breeze Perfect weather

The Thang:

Warm Up:

  • Cherry Picker x10
  • Merkins x10

Everyone grab CMU and split evenly in 4 corners of parking lot.

  • 1st corner: x20 Curls
  • 2nd corner: x20 Overhead press
  • 3rd corner: x10 Burpess jumping over CMU
  • 4th corner: x20 Row

After you finish rep run to next, constantly moving. After 4th corner run up hill and back to start back on 1st corner. Did this over and over and over and over.


  • X35 Flutter Kicks
  • Captain Thor 1-7 BBS and 4-28 American Hammers
  • X20 Flutter Kicks
  • X12 Cherry Pickers
  • X10 Merkins

Count-O-Rama: 31

Name-O-Rama: 2 FNG’s Tonka and Hack Job

BOM: Difference between Joy and Happiness. Are you Joyful? Where does your Joy come from? What are you seeking? Spoke on Contentment.


King Cake

The Scene: 53 and pre-storm humid

F3 Intro and Disclaimer

Mosey to Outhouse
15 Merkins
Around the Worlds
Figure 8s
150 Jump Ropes
Russian Swing
American Swing
Mosey to Outhouse

3 Rounds
– 100x Jump Rope
20x Swing-Catch-Squat
– Speed Bump Mosey
30x American KB Swings
– 100x Jump Rope
20x Goblet Squats
– Speed Bump Mosey
20x Snatch (10 each)
10x Burpees

Flutter Kick
Side Crunches



Wow – we tried the single arm “Swing-Catch-Squat” and that was surprisingly hard.  Good one.  Note to self: Don’t put that AND the Alternating Weighted Sumo Squat in the same workout…

Island Hopping

The Scene – 40 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH x 15 (IC)
LBAC Forward and Back x 15 (IC)
Cherry Pickers X 10 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x 15 (IC)

Tha Thang
Line up at fence for calf rasies.
Round 1 – 20 calf raises
Trip to outhouse
Round 2 – 20 calf raises with toes out, heels in
Trip to outhouse
Round 3 – 20 calf raises with heels out, toes in
Trip to outhouse

Pee rocks, tried a plank row with a pee rock but it didn’t seem to do anything good so we stopped it abruptly…

Battle Buddy and get 1 larger rock
One runs to the boat and back while the other does the following exercises with the pee rock. Switch after each trip to the boat
Tricep extensions – AMRAP
Curls – AMRAP
Overhead Press – AMRAP

Indian run to the base of the Matterhorn

4 corners of the loop, 20 merkins at 2 corners, 20 BBS at other 2 corners

Mosey to AO

Hello Dolly (Boulder)
LBC (Junk)
Planks with a TV Remote (Tank)

Count off and Name–O–Rama

Changes occur every day. We can either pitch a fit about them or adjust to them.

The new thing I warned about this morning was that Swirly was going to Q for me as his make up VQ. He had an accident last night and couldn’t make it. I believe it was a blessing in disguise because he shared his plans with me and it will be tough if he ever gets to do it!

Stripper names and Burpees, what more can you ask for!

The scene : Pretty Dang nice out!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

The Theme: Stripper names and Burpees, what more can you ask for!



Copper head squats

Hill Billiy’s

Hill billy squat walkers

SSH x10 IC

Merkins x10 IC

Burpees x10

5 more burpess because nobody brought the flag!

MOSEY to Run Cadence by Boulder! Great job!

RT 66 to the bottom of everest. one burpee at the 1st light pole ascending one rep per light pole, 11 light poles! 66 burpees.

4 burpees at the bottom of everest, 3/4 the way up forward, then bernie sanders the last STEEP part, 4 more burpees. Back down and rinse and repeat x3.

Mosey IC w Boulder to the soccer fields

Quarter Pounder….with cheese please!

25 yard sprint, 25 merkins, back shuttle to the start, 10 burpees(the cheese)

50 yard sprint, 50 squats, back shuttle to start, 10 burpees

75 yard sprint, 75 MTN Climbers, back peddle to start, 10 burpees

100 yd sprint, 100 SSH w Crawdad calling the cadence (Crawdad loves things x100)

Mosey back to the AO IC with Boulder calling it

Bottom of Cardia Hill, RT 66 all over again with burpees


Iron Cross

Power T flutters ( iron cross while doing flutters) GBO!

10 more burpees

20 merkins


First, Leading a group of men in a workout is a humbling thing to do. Though YHC was the “Q”, I asked Proton to CO Q with me and asked Boulder to do his run cadence to keep the pax together and have fun too! Crawdad loves everything to 100, so we asked him to IC the SSH. When in the lead, ask for help! You can’t do it all by yourself!

Secondly, WHY do we have F3 names?? Well,I think its about stripping us down to the core and keeping us humble. No we don’t all have cool nicknames and I think that’s the point. Keep us humble and reminds everyone that we are all here to get better and we are no better than anyone else.

Lastly, on the lighter side of F3 nicknames, the other morning at the DOG POUND AO, Mayberry was having some fun watching Frosty doing squats and mentioned something about having glitter and dollar bills on his 6! At that time I thought about our F3 nicknames and thought about them as Stripper names! I could not stop laughing! So, enjoy life and think about the nickname you have or the man to the right or left of you and think of his name as s stripper name!