F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE 74 and humid

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x 32 (IC)
Windmill Merkins x10 (IC)
Toy Soldiers x10 (IC)
Diagonal Lunges x10 each leg (IC)
Arm Circles Forward x10 (IC)
Arm Circles Backward x10 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x10 (IC)

Mosey to amphitheater.  Once at amphitheater divide into two groups.

Group 1
Stairway to Glory
Break down into teams of 3.  2 men stay at the bottom of the stairs, 1 at the top.  1 man will alligator crawl up the steps.  Once at top the man at the top will step-squat down the steps.  Man at the bottom then alligator crawls to top and the circle continues!

While waiting at the bottom:
Decline Merkins
Bulgarian Split Squats

While waiting at the top:
Let me Ups
Reverse Lunges

Group 2
Fast and Furious (HIITs – 20sec on 10sec rest)
R1: Diamond Merkins 10 Rounds
Run around the pavilion

R2: Star Jumps 10 Rounds

Groups flip flop

Mosey back to start point

Freddie Mercurys x20 IC
Flutter Kicks x20 4ct IC

Number Off and Name-O-Rama – 20 PAX

Genesis 1: 27 tells us explicitly that God created man and woman “in his own image, … male and female he created them.” In this passage, the word male is translated from the Hebrew word zakar, which means “the remembering one.” What a curious word to describe a man. One might have expected a word meaning “the strong one,” “the one who leads,” or “the powerful one.” But instead man is described as the one who remembers. Why? What is a man supposed to remember? Should he be better at remembering where he left his keys? Should he work harder at recalling important dates, like anniversaries and birthdays? If that’s what it means for a man to be the remembering one, then all but the most compulsive among us are in trouble. The idea of remembering carries a far more profound significance. It means first that we have something important to remember; second, it suggests we have a reason to remember.

We are created to remember a greater story, a deeper reality, a higher identity and an eternal purpose.

But it’s not just about us.  Deuteronomy 4:9-10
“Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children— 10 how on the day that you stood before the Lord your God at Horeb, the Lord said to me, ‘Gather the people to me, that I may let them hear my words, so that they may learn to fear me all the days that they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children so.’

Men are called to pass on something important to future generations: not just a passing on of history but a passing on of the memory of God in our lives.

PAX came to work and work we did.  It’s amazing what you can do with a few stairs and a desire to get better.  Great work as always…this PAX knows nothing else!

CMUs, Sprints and Hills…

THE SCENE 74 and humid

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Forward arm circles x10 IC
Reverse arm circles x10 IC
Michael Phelps x10 OYO
Leg swings x10 each leg OYO
Plank Complex IC
Merkins x 10 4ct IC

CMUs on baseline. Get a BattleBuddy

//BattleBuddy. 3 minutes per round.
1. Farmer carry down and back + Box jump on curb
2. Weighted lunge down and back + split lunge
3. Sprint down and back+ CMU SSH

x10 Carolina Dry Docks IC

Grab CMU and mosey to base of New Hill (Along the way: 20 LB sit ups OYO. 20 American Hammers OYO)

Base of the New Hill…it’s a torturous hill and deserving of a terrible name.

//BattleBuddy: 3 minutes per round
1. Run up hill + Merkins
2. Run up hill + BBSU

Mosey with CMU to base of Everest

 //Everest+Deconstructed Burpees:
10 squats
10 merkins
10 leg thrusts
10 Merkins
10 squats…Then sprint up Everest
Rinse/repeat. AMRAP: 3 minutes

Plank combos while you wait for those on Everst

Mosey with CMU to the flag (LBSU, flutter kicks, etc while you wait for everyone to mosey back)

Number Off and Name O Rama

We were running a little behind so Elvis just prayed us out.

Around the World

THE SCENE 62 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH x15 (IC)
Baby Arm Circles x15 (IC)
Reverse Baby Arm Circles x15 (IC)
Michael Phelps (OYO)
Squats x15 (IC)

Gathered the PAX to challenge them to think about the world and the role HIM’s can play. PAX numbered off 1-4 and let them know that at each of the 4 stations was associated with a country and prayer requests to pray if they chose to do so. It’s so easy to think about “nothing” while working out, but challenged the group to pray/consider these requests this morning.

Gather at your station

Myanmar Merkins x1:40 (rotate-50 second transition)
Swedish Single-Leg Step Up’s x1:40 (rotate-50 second transition)
Djibouti Derkins x1:40 (rotate-50 second transition)
Jordanian Jump Lunges x1:40 (rotate-50 second transition)

PAX gathered at mid-field and reminded them that this is the 34th anniversary of the World’s Fair. So we celebrated by doing the stations again counter-clockwise with 34 reps at each station.

Myanmar Merkins x34 (OYO)
Swedish Single-Leg Step Up’s x34/leg (OYO)
Djibouti Derkins x34 (OYO)
Jordanian Jump Lunges x34/leg (OYO)

Choose a battle buddy, mosey to amphitheater.

Battle buddy 1: 10 Inch work push ups
Battle buddy 2: Reverse pulls until BB finishes
AMRAP for 7 minutes

Mosey back to AO

Sprinters x20 each side (IC)
Fat Man’s 1 minute
Star Gazers

Number off and Name-O-Rama

Faithfulness. What does that look like in our lives? Often times, we have pictures in our minds of faithful people that you can count on at any time, yet still, these people will let us down. Whether it’s a spouse, friend or family member, at some point they’ll let us down or not follow through on what they said they would do. In 1 Corinthians 1:9, the apostle Paul writes, “God, who has called you into fellowship with his son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.” As we think about what this looks like in our lives, we can always remember that no matter our hardship or worry, that God is faithful. For several years, I raised my own salary and the faithfulness of God to provide literally for my every need was humbling. Trusting God and His faithfulness can be a challenge, but let us rest in this attribute. The “Jesus Story Book Bible” describes the faithfulness of Jesus as  a “Never stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever love.” May be find comfort in this!

The 15 PAX showed up ready to work on what felt like a fall morning. It’s easy to forget that for several months in 1982 Knoxville was “on the map” around the world. I wanted us to remember that in the same moment we’re doing our Merkin, that there are famine, wars, and persecution happening at that exact time. Hopefully the stations reminded us of this. It was a fun VQ and hope to continue to put the EH on many others who live in the downtown area!

Merkin Merkin Merkin!!

THE SCENE 60s and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH x10 (IC)
Chinooks x 21 (IC)
Merkins x21 (IC)
Arm Circles Forward x10 (IC) & Backward x10(IC)
CMU Burpees x 10 (OYO)

Pick a Battle Buddy
Mosey to Mini Everest with CMU above head

11s at Mini Everest
Diamond Merkins at BottomMerkins at Top

50 CMU Burpees
100 curl / press
200 Merkins
Audible due to time

Mosey back to start

Flutter kicks x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x 20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x 10 OYI
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Merkins x 20 OYO
LBC x 20 IC


Count off and Name-o-Rama

“Dreams is what I want to do. My mission is what God put me on my his berth to do.”  Inky Johnson

What is your mission in life?

The PAX pushed hard today. Busting out some good mumble chatter as we pushed through lots of Merkins and CMU Burpees. Shoutout to Mayberry going all beast mode.

Sprints and Merkins

THE SCENE 65 and clear

F3 Welcome and disclaimer

Side straddle hop x25 IC
Burpies x10 OYO
Baby arm circles x10 IC
Michael Phelps x10 IC
4ct Squats x10 IC
Carolina Drydocks x10 IC

Start at one curb, sprint to opposite curb, fast walk back.
Rinse and repeat x10

Merkin Sprints
Sprint to far curb, 20 merkins.
Sprint back, 19 merkins.
Continue to sprint back and forth performing 1 less merkin until down to 1.

Mosey to cardiac hill

Cardiac Hill…Like a Beast
Bear crawl to first turn, perfrom20 merkins.
Bear crawl to second turn, perform 20 merkins.
Crab walk down to first turn perform 20 merkins.
Crab walk to bottom, perform 20 merkins.
Sprint up cardiac to benches, fast walk back to AO.

Tunnel of Love
Finish up with a little tunnel of love

Number off and Name-O-Roma: 29 PAX, 5 FNGs

Yes, in a tennis match love means “nothing”—–15-love, 30-love, 40-love. But to a Christian and a HIM (High Impact Man) love is everything. Jesus commands us to love one another. Sometimes this is not easy to love others who are not like us, don’t treat us well, or don’t believe the same as we do. Matthew 22:37 Jesus was asked which commandment was the greatest. He replied “love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, and your mind. And the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself”. How do we love God with all our heart? Obey His commands, spend time in His word, spend time meditating and in prayer. How do we love our neighbor? Look for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Just for today make the decision to be less selfish and more Christ-like—–encourage others, engage with those around you and help them however you can. Serve others, love on your wife and kids, love on your parents and friends—-love them well!!!!