F3 Knoxville

Big Ball rock stars

THE SCENE: 48* and clear, perfect weather

  • Side straddle hops x20 IC
  • Tempo squats x10 IC
  • Merkins on 4 count, x20 IC
  • Imperial squat walkers, x10 IC

Begin mosey away from AO, pass bottom of Big Ball and pause just before Cumberland Avenue to wait on 6.  PAX perform 20 merkins and 20 squats OYO. Continue Mosey to Church Street parking lot right next to Henley Street Bridge.  PAX pick up pet rocks for rock circuit.  PAX who start with Colt 45s bump the group ahead of them to next exercise, 4 corners of lot with exercises:

  • Colt 45s – 15 rock curls from bottom to halfway point of ROM, 15 rock curls from halfway point to top of ROM, 15 rock curls full bottom to top
  • Big boy sit ups with rock pressed in the air.  Exercise until bumped by group behind
  • Squats with rock pressed above head.  Exercise until bumped by group behind
  • ABCs – Write the letters of the alphabet with the rock.  Exercise until bumped by group behind

Rotate through all exercises twice.  Replace pet rock and recover.  Mosey across Henley Street to hill at Walnut Street, and meet at bottom of hill.  Perform Lt. Dan’s all the way up hill (1 squat, 4 lunges, 2 squats, 8 lunges, etc maintaining 1:4 ratio until you reach the top).  Recover.

Mosey back towards AO, stopping at the Big Ball for Contra Burpees (increasing number of merkins in the burpee by each repetition until you reach 10 merks in the burp).  Recover. Mosey back to AO SP.

Box cutters x15 IC
17 PAX, 0 FNGs.  Hang Tight, Steam, Blazer, Jenner, Savannah, Manwich, Cowbell, A-Rod, Frank, Passport, Outlaw, Uncle Rico, Quarantine, Eggo, Singlet, G6, Abort
Workouts with F3 have been a game changer in my life.  I’ve tried doing workouts and rucks that we’ve done on my own, and there is no push and the workouts have no effect.  The men that join each morning are why I’m here.
Trucking to the Pount Saturday, Big Ball AO begins Saturday workouts on Saturday as well

I’m a Classic Man – F3 Classic

THE SCENE: 48 F – Crisp & Clear

  • Smurf Jack x 10 IC
  • CDD x 15 OYO
  • MTN Climber x 15 IC – keep plank
  • Merkins (4 ct) x 10 IC – keep plank
  • Thruster Merkins x 10 OYO – keep plank
  • BabyArm Circ fwd/back x 10 IC
  • CDD x 15 OYO
  • Tempo Squat x 10 IC – Hold for 10 count on 10

Grab a #BattleBuddy

  • Classic Dora 1-2-3 (100 Merkins, 200 BBS, 300 Squats) Mosey When Finished
  • CDD x 15 OYO
  • Wind Sprints to the Silver Truck
  • At the Pavilion – Partner A 20 Step Ups/Partner B Penguins until A is finished then switch x 3
  • 1 AYG Sprint to the Silver Truck


  • LBC x 25 IC
  • Side Crunch x 10 IC ea side
  • ATM’s

14 Pax & 1 FNG Henhouse
Pride is a double edged sword. It can be used for good or bad. It is probably the source of many foolish moments and mistakes we have made. However, if we can learn to harness or bridle our pride, we can begin to direct it to work For us, instead of Against us. The challenge is to start learning when your pride gets out of line and how reign it back in.
Great day of work. There are a lot of Cheetah’s here that killed it on the Sprints. I’m pretty sure Woodshack was feeling the heat.
#tttp, 2 year Potluck and fellowship, Moses is organizing a Car Pool to the Truck Stop for Csaup


No Jabronis Allowed

THE SCENE: Darkish, gloomy, the air was almost as cold as the ice in my veins.

2 laps around parking lot

Baby Arm Circles x20

SSH x15

Tempo Squat x15

Tempo Merkins w/ pause x5

  • Mosey to the Cloud
    • Deck Squat Burpees
    • V-Ups
  • Mosey to Pavillion
    • Battle Buddy
      • One does wall sit and holds other’s feet
      • Other does 10 merkins, then switch, then 8,6,4,2
  • Mosey to Cardiac
  • Escalators
    • 10 burpees
    • 10 burps, 15 plank jax
    • 10 burps, 15 plank jax, 20 merkins
    • 10 burps, 15 plank jax, 20 merkins, 25 squats
  • Side plank taps in cadence (10 each side)
  • Mosey to AO
  • Doras across parking lot
    • One parter does alternate leg burpees while other runs across lot, 6 tuck jumps, then runs back and switch.
    • Accumulate 75 total alternate leg burpees
  • Circle of Core
    • Hello Dollys in cadence x20
    • Suitcases in cadence x20
    • Tempo merkin w pause x3

Guppy, Too Late, Smalls, Cap’n Crunch, Doublewide, Anchorman, Butterfly, Pusher, Snitch, Neutron, Booster, Big Bird, Ponzi, Proton, Quickbooks, Charmin, Rusty, Rainbow, Woodchuck, Code Brown, Ribbed, Star Brite, Cat Gut, Flanders, Fabio, Jenner, Compost, Umbro, Bunny, Gibbler, Frank, G-6

“Familiarity is a danger for the church even today. The moment we become comfortable and over-familiar with our own culture, we tend to disregard those who are foreign to our ‘family.’

In order to be a High Impact Man, you need to be out of your comfort zone

Challenge: Bring someone who you have nothing in common with to F3. If they won’t come, share a meal with them

Testing the limits

THE SCENE: 50’s and Full of Mumblechatter and what not

SSH x20 ic, Flying Squats x10, Imperial Walker x10, Imp Squat Walker x10, Merkins x10, Ratchet effect x ALOT, Iron Mikes x20, Calf raises x20x3

Mosey TO the Baseball field

  • P1 drags P2 to 1st cone, both do Merkins x10, repeat 2nd, and 3rd cone, Switch Partners
  • P1 wheel barrows P2 1st cone, both do V ups x10, repeat 2nd and 3rd cone, switch Partners
  • P1 and P2 stay together and Lung to each cone. At each cone do 10 squats
  • Between each exercise, we talked about how Iron sharpens iron. What man are you, ALL LOVE, ALL TRUTH or a Little bit of both. In order to Sharpen each other ,we need to be a little bit of both.
  • TIME TO SHARPEN IRON with a PT test of Merkins, big boy sit ups, squats, and Burpees. AMRAP for 1 minute each. While P1 is doing the test, P2 is holding P1 accountable by making sure he does proper form. No form, NO count of the REP. While doing so, encouraging each other!
  • Mosey to the HILL(no name yet) 11s with star jacks and merkins. Running out of time, mosey backto AO for Mary

Iron Cross

Hello DOlly

Never cross dolly

ended with a CROWD pleaser, Pickle Pounders
20 pax including 3 FNGs
Summarized Iron Sharpen Iron, Talked about the Impact of F3 and how it can change you and your surroundings
With a new AO, its always a great time to test ourselves and see where are fitness wise. With that, we can also sharpen each other by encouraging and holding each other accountable while we compete. As men, we need competition, healthy competition of course! With that, we can become better men in all facets of life. Iron sharpens Iron. AYE!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

La La Leggy

THE SCENE: 65 with a chance of rain.   5 pax post for a pre-beatdown ruck.   25 more pax post to get the legs in shape to start the week of right.  Lots of good mumble-chatter catching up from the weekend.


5:30am Sharp -Circle of Trust

  • Side Straddle Hop x 20
  • Imperial Squat Walkers X 15
  • Baby Arm Circles x 15 each way
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 (4 count)

Burpee Dan’s – Groups of 4

  • 4 Burpee : 4 lunges across lot.
    • Down to touch the fence and back up in reverse sprint back to start
  • 3 burpees : 4 lunges back to starting position.
  • 2 burpees : 4 lunges back to starting position.
  • 1 burpees : 4 lunges back to starting position.

Mosey to the playground

Aiken Legs – Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Mary Catherine Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Reverse Lunges (10 each leg forward). x 2

Mosey to Baby Cardiac

Burp Back Mountain

  • The exercise is then performed by pairing up with one person proceeding to run backward up the hill/forward down the hill 5X while the other person is performing burpees. The individuals continue to alternate running with burpees until 100 total burpees are completed. When finished, pax continue to run hills until entire PAX completes.

Wheel Barrel Push-ups – up to 10    

The Chase

  • Bear Crawl – 20 yards Sprint to the end 2 Burpees and run back
  • Crawl Bear – 20 yards Sprint to the end 2 Burpees and run back
  • Raccoon Crawl – 20 yards Sprint to the end 2 Burpees and run back

MARY – Hands of Time

Q starts the PAX, legs up at 90 degrees, hands under your rear. One pax at a time in a wave like motion- Each pax counts off aloud as they drop and hold 1,2,3, etc around the circle until finished.  Drop straightened legs to 10 degrees

30 PAX.

Coolio, Music City, Ivanka, Toll Bridge, Cougar, Hand tight, Pablo, G-6, Eggo, Cherry Picker, Pluto, Too Late, Snitch, High Heels, Bow-flex, Walkabout, Pusher, Rascal, Rusty, Charmin, Ribbed, Rainbow, Cat-Gut, Cheat sheet, A-Rod, Captain Crunch, Woodshack, Code Brown, Fabio, Proton, Barbie.


I am grateful to the Brothers that come out and push me to get better physically every day.  God also calls us to push each other and support each other spiritually through prayer by lifting up our brothers.

James 5:13-18

13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. 14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

15 And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

As in the verses above God continually shows us in scripture that He intends for us to be in community with other believers.  God uses community to build and strengthen us, Satan uses isolation to destroy.   Make a commitment this week to pray for the brothers that were to the left and right of you today.