F3 Knoxville

Dimples Barbie Co-Q

The Scene: 42 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

The Thang

Warmup: Butt kicks, high knees, Frankenstein walk

Mosey to Pavilion

Circuit 11’s: Reverse pull ups / Box Jumps with pull ups(5) and merkins(10) in between

Mosey to Playground

11’s with Incline Merkins / Dips

Barbie takes over and Mosey to parking lot

Find battle buddy: Dora (100 dive bombers, 200 smurf jacks, 300 american hammers) battle buddy bear craw downhill, do 5 merkins back pedal up the hill and switch

Lunge across parking lot for cool down

COT: Number off and Name-O-Rama

BOM: 1 Peter 4:10 each one of us has received a gift use it to serve others for God’s glory

Moleskin: Great start to the week and fun group this am.


Hooker’s Q?


The Scene:

48 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

The Thang

Warmup: SSH x20 (IC), This right here, that right there, Michael Phelps x10, Merkins x10 (4-count IC)

Number off in 1’s & 2’s

Mosey to coupon pile: grab two coupons or one CMU

Mosey to Pavillion w/ coupon/CMU: 1’s on wall sits, 2’s on rows @ picnic tables for 1min.; switch; rinse & repeat

Mosey to dugouts w/out coupon/CMU: 1min. of pullups

Grab coupons and mosey to Cardiac Hill: Arm Circuit: Curls x10, Bent over rows x10, Overhead Press x10

To first switchback: Weighted Squats x25

To 2nd switchback: Jumpsquats x25

To the top: Arm Circuit



Return coupons

Abs: BBS x20, Pickle Pounders x20, Lance Armstrong x20

Suicides: each parking lot line to other curb, plank until all done

Circle up: dealer’s choice: Playpen – Hello Dolly x20


Number off & Name-O-Rama


As we move into the holiday season, let’s think about how blessed we are and not get caught up in how we are going to “provide” the silly things for the ones we love. Bless those around you, in your community. Use whatever resources you have, do not be selfish — time, finances, talent, etc. Give back this Christmas season!


It was a great morning, covering a good deal of ground and carrying plenty of extra weight. Great to have Patty join the PAX, and to see High Tide check out a Knoxville AO! Looking forward to giving back to the community in the name of F3 this December!

Start Together-Finish Together

The Scene: 50 and damp

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Imperial Walkers IC 4ct x 25
Burpees 10 OYO
Merkins IC 4ct x 25

Mosey Indian run style to first stop
Mtn climbers IC 4ct x25
Lunges up the hill 50
Mosey to the pavilion

At pavilion
5 rounds
5 pull ups
10 squats
5 toes to bar
10 good mornings

Mosey to the lower parking lot
5 rounds
10 LBCs
10 burpees
10 Freddie Mercury
10 dry docks

Mosey to CMU trailer
5 rounds
10 bicep curls
10 tri extensions
10 bent over rows
10 thrusters

Merkin relay countdown
Split into teams
Sprint 5 merkin sprint back
Rest of the PAX holds a plank
Sprint 4 merkin sprint back

Floor wipers IC 4ct x
American hammers IC 4ct x
V-ups IC 4ct x

Never Give Up!

We started off gettin’ the PAX movin’ right off the bat!  Good mumblechatter and an OTB trip to Starbucks brought the PAX closer together after the workout.  Good to see you guys and grab a little Second’F and a great start to Thanksgiving Day!


In the BOM I talked about Lt. Brian Murphy and how he never gave up, and how he never left anyone behind. At a conference I met Murphy and he added the guys on his shift had an agreement that what they  “Start together finish together.”
Who do you not want to leave behind? What makes you fight and make sure to never give up? Who else chose never to give up? The true constant is Jesus. He never gives up on us. He pursues us to be saved through him. When we live our life for Jesus we have eternal life. Jesus is our savior, and we can only be saved through him. He leads us and he encourages us to be leaders of others. He fights for us, and he doesn’t want to leave behind. He gives us strength, strength to never give up. He pursues us so that we can finish together and begin a new life in heaven. We are encouraged through each other, we fight for each other.

And he gave us F3. He gave us a group of brothers from another mother, and we come out each morning and push each other, we also never leave anyone behind. We always pick up the Six. And I am thankful for that, thankful for you guys, in so many ways that I just can’t say it.

I can think of no better verse to describe this than:

Prov 18-24

“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother”

700 Club – Ropes & Bells

The Scene: 42 and mild

F3 Intro and Disclaimer

Mosey to the outhouse
Around the Worlds
Figure 8s
30 Jump Ropes
30 Merkins
12 Russian Swing
12 American Swing

100 Jump Rope
25 KB Swings
25 Big Boy Sit Ups
100 Jump Rope
25 KB Swings
25 Walking lunges
100 Jump Rope
25 KB Swings
25 Hand Release Merkins
100 Jump Rope
25 KB Swings
25 Burpees
100 Jump Rope
25 KB Swings
25 Squats
100 Jump Rope
25 KB Swings
25 SSH
100 Jump Rope

Flutter Kick

Things falling apart is a kind of testing and also a kind of healing.

Tweet-E kept wishing he’d not eaten those three pancakes at I-Hop last night, and I think Tank ripped through the workout and left his Kettlebell in a hasty retreat…so now there is an extra one in the bunch for next week.  Podunk and Swirly had a great time at their first attempt at the Ropes & Bells…looking forward to seeing them out next week with I-Beam on Q!

Stairs, Circuits and Sprints

THE SCENE 30 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

High Knee / Squat (8 HK, 1 Sqt) on 8ct x15 IC
Merkins 4ct x20 IC
Baby Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles Backward x12 IC

Mosey to stairs near the Sun Sphere


Jelly Legs
Start bottom of stairs.
R1: Hold squat position for 10 count, perform 10 squats, run stairs, at the top do 2 Burpees.
R2: Hold squat position for 20 count, perform 20 squats, run stairs, at the top do 4 Burpees.
R3: Hold squat position for 30 count, perform 30 squats, run stairs, at the top do 6 Burpees.
R4: Hold squat position for 40 count, perform 40 squats, run stairs, at the top do 8 Burpees.
R5: Hold squat position for 50 count, perform 50 squats, run stairs, at the top do 10 Burpees.

4ct Flutter Kicks x25 IC
4ct Shoulder Tap/Merkins x15 IC

Mosey to open field.  Number off into 3 groups.

Stations + Suicides
S1: Superman Swims / Ice Skaters
S2: Carolina Dry Docks / Froggy Squats
S3: Spiderman Pushups / Reverse Lunges

Complete 3 rounds of all 3 stations,
R1: 120 sec (change exercise at 60 sec)
R2: 90 sec (change exercise at 45 sec)
R3: 60 sec (change exercise at 30 sec)

After everyone has completed all 3 stations everyone lines up and does suicides after R1 = 1, after R2 = 2.

Hello Dollys 4ct x25 IC
Freddy Mercury 4ct 20 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama

From Boyhood to Manhood
Luke 2:52 – “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.”
Wisdom – Intellect
Stature – Physical
Favor with God – Spiritual: relationship with God the father
Favor with Man – Spiritual: relationships with others

9 PAX came out to World’s Fair for an intimate beat down.  The goal was to move nonstop for 45 minutes…mission accomplished!

Always an honor and blessing to lead the K-Town PAX