F3 Knoxville

Modified Murph…

30 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer given!

– SSH x15 (IC)
– Squat (slowly) x15 (IC)
– Merkins x15 (IC)
– Forward Arm Circles x10 (IC)
– Reverse Arm Circles x10 (IC)
– Imperial Walker x15 (IC)

Mosey to the rock pile

“Partner Mini Murph” (no weight vest either)
– 1 Lap of Marina Drive
– 100 Shoulder Presses split between pair (other partner holds rock above head)
– 200 Merkins (partner holds rock up)
– 300 Squats (partner holds rock up)
– 1 Lap of Marina Drive

Mosey to Circle of Fire

We had some good livin’ with a 60lb sand bag – each man took two laps while the circle had dealer’s choice:
– Plank
– Iron Cross
– Boat/Canoe
– Heels to Sky
– Not-So-Lazy-Boys
– Inverse Pickle Pounders


Bandwagon Beatdown…

35 degrees, clear, but damp

Intro and Disclaimer

– Side Straddle Hops x20 (IC)
– Rockettes x15 (IC)
– Imperial Walkers x15 (IC)
– Merkin x10 (IC)
– 2 Laps around parking lot

The Bermuda Triangle
Three cones set up around the parking lot in the shape of a triangle.
– Cone 1- 5 Burpees and then Bear Crawl to next cone
– Cone 2- 10 Merkins and then Crab Walk to next cone
– Cone 3- 15 Squats and then sprint back to the first cone
Rise and repeat for 8 minutes.

Mosey to Playground

Elevens on Playground
Start with 10 Dips and 1 Box Jump, then 9 Dips and 2 Box Jumps, etc.
Everything =11 until 1 Dip and 10 BJs

Mosey to top of Cardiac Hill with Coupons

Hills & Cheers
Split into two groups. First group at top of Cardiac Hill does exercise while group Two runs to the cone at the bottom and back up. Once group one finishes their exercise they stood at the top and encourage and cheer for our brothers and urge them back to the top.

Then the two groups switch. Rinse and repeat.
– Round 1 Exercise = 10 Manmakers
– Round 2 Exercise = 15 Burpess

Mosey back to Homebase for ABS

Pickle Pounders x15 (IC) led by Pickle

Count off and Name-O-Rama 34 PAX, 1 FNG

Sometimes after finishing an exercise it can be more encouraging to our fellow PAX if we just simply stand, yell, and encourage them to finish strong. Many PAX members today took it to an extra gear along the last stretch of Cardiac Hill when they heard the PAX screaming and cheering them on. It takes selflessness to stop what you are doing and shift the focus away from yourself and put it on another person. Sometimes encouragement can be uncomfortable, but its impact is limitless. As a basketball coach, it is important to create good culture, and we are constantly trying to create an encouraging culture. In life, some people are energy givers, while others are energy takers. Energy givers are selfless, encouraging, enjoyable, and create positive culture. Energy takers are selfish, deceiving, joy-kills, and destroy positive culture. Hopefully as F3 Knoxville continues to grow the culture is one of encouragement to your fellow PAX, but even more important is to take that encouragement to your home, with your wife and kids. Or to your workplace with co-workers and help push people around you to achieve. Encouragement is a powerful tool, and this PAX encourages me every morning! Go be an energy giver this week!

The PAX was eager to get back to work this morning at The Asylum after missing Monday due to the ice storm. The PAX was constant this morning, never stopping, moving from thing to the next quickly. The PAX pushed each other through by encouraging each other over the top of Cardiac Hill twice, and survived a Bandwagon Beatdown!

Bandwagon (Submitted by Cap’n Crunch)

Good Morning Dora!

34 degrees, damp but clear

SSH x 30 IC
– Imperial Squat Walkers x 20 IC
– Shoulder touch Merkin x 15 IC
– Good mornings x 10 OYO
– Jungle Climbers x 25 IC (New Lexicon? Similar to it’s cousin, “The Mountain Climber” but you swing your feet up on the outside up to your hands, working the abs and stretching your groin/hip flexors simultaneously)

No FNG’s so we hopped right into an Indian Run (2 lines) mosey .4-.5 miles to the lower sloped parking lot next to the marina, setting ourselves up for a nice workout with our friend, Dora.

Doras with a partner, making sure we “sprint” up the hill, really working out our leg workout reps.
– 100 w/ partner x Jump Squats
– 150 w/ partner x Lunges
– 200 w/ partner x Squats

Audible on round two of Chest of Doras. Extra mosey caused for extra time, so we took a mosey back to the COP for a nice 10 min killer ab/core workout.

COP – Abs
– Fifer scissors x 20 IC on the Q’s count
– Oblique raises x 15 each side IC
– Flutter kicks x 25 IC
– Starfish Crunch x 15 IC
– Heels to Heavens x 30 IC


As the famous Greek parable goes: “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”

The fox spends his days, crafting up a devious, sly plan to attack the hedgehog daily. Always testing out every complex decision. The hedgehog goes about his every day activity of gathering food to provide for his family.

The hedgehog crosses into the foxes path and the fox attempts to attack, the hedgehog thinks to itself, “Here we go again,” and he curls up into a tiny ball, putting out his thorns and spikes on his back, protecting him. The hedgehog wins, every time.

We desire to live life like the hedgehog, but spend most of our time acting like the fox.

Foxes pursue many ends at the same time and see the world in all its complexity. they are “scattered or diffused, moving on many levels, never integrating their thinking into one overall concept or unifying decision.”

Hedgehogs, on the other hand, simplify a complex world into a single organizing idea, a basic principle or concept that unifies and guides everything. Anything that does not somehow relate to the hedgehog idea holds no relevance.

Call to action on discovering your core values:
1 – Listen (Psalm 46:10) – Step out of the traffic!” Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.”
2 – Look out, not in. When our focus is on ourselves, our problems, living for ourselves, we will not understand the meaning of our lives.

Habakkuk 3:17-19

18 anxious PAX ventured to the Dog Pound this morning, hungry for a good workout due to the postponed Monday workout because of frozen rain and ice.  We were ready to get after it, no standing around!  As always the PAX brought their A-game…getting better together!

Edit (submitted by Cap’n Crunch)

Super Thursday

27 Degrees clear skies with little to no wind (Perfect Conditions)

20 X Arm circles forward IC
20 X Arm circles backward IC
20 X Forward stiff leg kicks touching vertical hand IC
20 X Box squat jumps IC

Mosey to a lit parking lot a near Parkside Tavern about two hundred yards from the Dog Pound AO.

Tribute to Super Bowl 50
First Half
5 Sprints slight downhill and back uphill (About 200 yards round trip).

After the first sprint: 50 merkins
After the second sprint: 50 BBS
After the third sprint: 50 lunges
After the fourth sprint: 50 SSH
After the fifth sprint: 50 squats

Second Half
Then we went in reverse order:
After sixth sprint: 50 SSH
After seventh sprint: 50 lunges
After eight sprint: 50 BBS
After ninth sprint: 50 merkins

Mosey back to the Dog Pound AO beside the tennis courts.

20 X Flutter kicks IC
20 X Hello dolly’s IC
15 X American Hammers IC

Note: The PAX ran individually down and back and then 50’s individually. Those that finished early planked until everyone was done after each round. The PAX started each sprint together. Each person pushed hard on each sprint especially more so with a small group.  One PAX member pushed through some calf cramps like a champ and finished very strong.


Discussed work ethic and not letting other people outwork you. Remember the acronym O.W.E = Out Work Everyone.

I may not be as fast as Proton, or able to do squats like Ratchet, or merkins like Bandwagon, but that isn’t going to stop me from trying.

I used to encourage my Marines that hard work eventually pays off. It may not pay off today, tomorrow, next week, or next month, but eventually hard work always pays off.

Encouraged the PAX to apply the same enthusiasm and work ethic that they do at F3 in other parts of their daily activities.

Finally, we talked about attitude. All the hard work in the world will be forgotten if you do not do it with a positive attitude.

Getting better together like a Boss!!
Hydro (Submitted by Cap’n Crunch)

Revival at the Asylum

19 degrees, wind gusts and a light snow

F3 disclaimer
Welcome to the FNG’s

COP #1
Side Straddle Hop IC x 10
Calf raises IC x 10
Bobby Hurley OYO x 10
Hillbillies IC x 10
Baby arm circles forward IC x 10
Baby arm circles reverse IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10

Tour of the parking lot; mosey over to brick pile for two coupons and head to the church

COP #2
Overhead press w/ coupons IC x 10
Arm curls w/ coupons IC x 10
Back flies w coupons IC x 10
Squats IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10

Bear crawl down the side of the church, lunge across the back, bear crawl back the opposite side and lunge back to the front of the church

COP #3
Elevated merkins on coupons IC x 10
Unbalanced merkin; left side IC x 10
Unbalanced merkin; right side IC x 10
Chest flies with coupons IC x 10
Chest press with coupons IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10

Mosey back to brick pile to return coupons; mosey to the playground (planks by PAX until all arrive)

Hydraulic squats OYO x 10
Flutter kicks IC x 25 (led by Timberlake)

Tunnel of Love


Scripture focus on Philippians 3:17-21. Be imitators of Christ, and walk with those who want to live faithful lives.

prayer led by P-nut

41 men came ready to bring light to the early morning gloom. Spirited mumblechatter despite a wind chill of 7 degrees and gusty winds. Love this PAX…love this movement in Knoxville.

Strength and Honor,
P-nut (Submitted by Cap’n Crunch)