Q: Bail Bonds
PAX: fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Natty, Otis, Biohazard (Jay Shepherd), Herbie, Colonel (Alex Wallace), Bail Bonds, Madoff (SC)
FNGs: None
SSH, OH Claps, Seal Claps, Tie Fighters, Tempo Squats, Mucho Legos, 23 Merkins, X-Factor
365 yards of travel and 365 Merkins!!
Mosey to track for 27 merkins
Start at 35 yrd line. Run 5 yards, do 4 merkins to endzone. Squats to wait on 6.
Go back down field, lunge walk every 5 yards do 4 merkins. Flutter kicks for the 6.
Run a lap
Burnee every 5 yards do 4 merkins to endzone. LBCs for the 6.
Run a lap.
Run 5 yards do 4 merkins to endzone. BBs for the 6.
Run a lap.
Do 23 merkins.
Run a lap, incorporating running the bleachers on the final stretch.
Hold a plank for the 6.
Go to planters for 11’s of dips and Bonnie Blairs.
Go to the flag for shoulder taps, cherry pickers, and some this and that, finishing with Phelps.
3/7 Launch of Lost Pearls AO
3/28 Escape Haw Ridge
The feeling associated with doing wrong or missing an opportunity. Sometimes causing the.need for repentance.
II Corinthians 7:9-10 NKJV
[9] Now I rejoice, not that you were made sorry, but that your sorrow led to repentance. For you were made sorry in a godly manner, that you might suffer loss from us in nothing. [10] For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.
Ask for forgiveness when you’rewrong. Apologize. Don’t live with regret. Forgive others. Don’t miss opportunities. Put Christ firat, and let him be your guide.