F3 Knoxville

Five do Rucking

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: bluebird, Coolio (Greg Fox), Gibbler, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Jack-Jack, Rugby
FNGs: None
COUNT: 5.2
THE THANG: 4 miles

COT: Heard @Rainbow tell us about the “Lost Art of Discipleship”

Earned the Frosty Badge!

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Z-Pack, Gmail
FNGs: None
WARMUP: ruck a lap around the park
THE THANG: ruck some mo’
MARY: not today
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brolympics tomorrow 11/4
2.0 workout at Brickyard 11/18
Growruck training event prep at Asylum 12/2
COT: prayer and a great start to the day

Ice Ice Baby

AO: asylum-am
Q: Gibbler (Tim Basch) , Cosmo 2, Hot Tub (John Muller)
PAX: Cosmo 2, Gibbler (Tim Basch), Hot Tub (John Muller)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: zero. @coolio would be proud
THE THANG: 8 mile run
COT:Hot Tub tripped on a crack. Watch your feet

November 2 Circuits

AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff (Daniel Hereford)
PAX: Mayberry, Ribbed, Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Choir Boy, I-Beam, Madoff (Daniel Hereford), Junk (Sam Yoakum)
FNGs: None

15 SSH
10 tempo squats
10 Rockettes
5 Cherry pickers
Run across street to hockey court

3 Circuits – 40 seconds work 20 seconds rest – 1 min rest between circuits

12 min – Circuit 1: Cardio
      Inch worm to Merkin
      Skaters Jumps

12 min – Circuit 2: Legs and Glutes

      Squat to Alternating Side Leg Raise
      Reverse lunge
      Georgia Cheerleaders
      Gas Pumpers

12 min Circuit 3: Core Strength

      Plank with Alternating Leg Lift
      Dead Bug
      Sweat Angels

Brolympics and GoRuck Event mentioned
Discussed the role of intentional communication as a leader. Working hard to be understood and as a leader taking the hit in any conversation where you are misunderstood. Have to be willing to swallow pride or anger when we are misunderstood.

Birdhouse – Accelerate Week 1: “Mental Battle Retreat”

AO: rampart
Q: Outnumbered
PAX: Outnumbered, Porthole, Route 44 (Aaron Childs)
FNGs: None
Welcome + Disclaimer
• SSH x20 IC
• MTN Climbers x10 IC
• Shoulder warmup
The Thang:
PATTYCAKE Merkin (aka “Hand Slap Merkins”) Circuit:
Merkin w/ PAX clap. 14 merkins represent the 14.3% of men who have a form of anxiety disorder. The 40 Mary exercises represent the 40% of men who won’t talk about their mental health.
• 14 x Diamond Merkins
• 40 x Single Count Dead Bug
• 14 x Standard Merkins
• 40 x Single Count Flutter Kicks
• 14 x Wide Merkins
• 40 x Single Count Heels to Heaven

BROPEE Circuit: Synchronized Burpee w/ a High 10 and Bro-Squats back-to-back squats. 6 million men suffer from depression. We will do 6 bropees to bring those struggles to light.
• 6 x Bropees
• 14 x Bro-Squats
• 6 x Bropees
• 14 x Bro-Squats
• 6 x Bropees
• 14 x Bro-Squats

Dora, of sorts: half the group holds a plank while the other runs ~100 yds, then swap. Normal plank, then a Bear plank.

Mary: a few rounds of exercises

CoT Talking Points:
Here are some facts on Men’s mental health:
1) 6M+ men suffer from depression
2) 14.3% of men have a form of anxiety disorder
3) 2.9% of men have bipolar disorder
4) 40% of Men Won’t Talk About Their Mental Health
5) Text or call “998” if you’re in crisis
6) 80% of all completed suicides in the U.S. are by men

We talked about how 2nd F is really helpful and the importance of having brothers to hold you up.

Completely forgot announcements…