F3 Knoxville

Shamrock – Trivia

THE SCENE: 22F really dang cold

Run in circles 

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 10

Quad stretch 

Tie Fighters X10 

Cherry Pickers  x5

Toe Merkins 4-ct IC – 10


For the entire workout we are going to do merkins and play trivia. 

10 Merkins, then team 1 answers 1st question within 10 seconds as we walk.  Always on the slow move. 

Then we do 10 more Merkins, then team 2 takes the next question. 

We ended up with 480 Merkins per person.

20 more Merkins to get us to 500 for the day thanks to Mermaid’s suggestion.
14 men:  8-seconds, Slappy, Dumpster Dive, Betty, Nadia, Skid Mark, Hot Pants, Anchorman, Curry, Fabio, Kick-Flip, Mermaid, Voo Doo, Waxjob

Listen to words from the Holy Spirit from songs, the Bible, sermons or just out from nowhere. 

A few weeks ago while running, the Lord’s Prayer popped into my head. I was searching for what I should pray for and the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray the Lord’s Prayer.  I got stuck on the “Thy Kingdom Come” 

I spent the rest of the time considering, “What did Jesus mean by this? What did he want his disciples and future Christians to take away from this? 

When I finished my run and got back to my hotel I opened a devotional book to the next section I was planning to read titled “Meditation”

It started out with this verse – The Kingdom of God is within you (or within your grasp) says the Lord. Luke 17:21

It goes on to say “Turn, then, to God with all your heart. Forsake this wretched world and your soul shall find rest. Learn to despise external things, to devote yourself to those that are within, and you will see the kingdom of God come unto you, that kingdom which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

I found an article that helped with 3 points about it:


I have pasted only parts of it below. 

Cry of Loyalty

When we pray, “Your kingdom come” there is a real sense of yearning and loyalty. We are anticipating the coming kingdom, on board with God’s agenda and that we love the King himself. Those who love the King eagerly yearn for his kingdom.

And through our prayers, it’s as if the Holy Spirit lifts our chins above our earthly horizon to see the fleet of God’s coming kingdom advancing on the open sea. And we cry, “Make haste! Come, O King and kingdom!”

Cry of Treason

When I talk about this prayer being a cry of treason I mean that Jesus is teaching his followers to pray for the overthrow of the kingdom of this world, the coup of its leader, and the establishment of a new king. This is a cry of dissatisfaction. It wants a chance.

But, please note, I am not talking about the overthrow of the U.S. government—or any other natural government. Instead, I’m talking about the spiritual government of this world, led by Satan. He is the spiritual king of this world. Scripture calls him the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). He has a ruling seat (Rev. 2:13). His kingdom is darkness (Col. 1:13). He planted his flag in the ground in Genesis 3. He has set up dominion by storming the castle of our minds and hearts (Eph. 2:1-32 Cor. 4:1-4).

When we pray for the kingdom of God to come we are pleading for the kingdom of Satan to be toppled. Like is so often the case when a tyrant is displaced, we want his statues to be defaced, toppled, and dragged in open view. We want Satan and all of his demonic scheming, tactical assaults, deadly seduction, hissing lies, and destructive systems to be shattered!

Cry of Conquering

As we await the full realization of the inaugurated kingdom, we cry for the kingdom to come and conquer souls.

Ever since the garden of Eden, we have turned our hearts from upon God and towards ourselves and our pleasures. It is a spiritual ignorance, even a darkened ignorance. Thomas Watson observed,

Ignorance is a black veil drawn over the mind. Men by nature have a deep reach for the things of the world, and yet are ignorant of the things of God. In 1 Samuel 11.2 Nahash the Ammonite would make a covenant with Israel to thrust out their right eyes. Since the fall our left eye remains, a deep insight into worldly matters, but our right eye is thrust out, we have no saving knowledge of God. Ignorance draws the curtains around the soul so that we are blind and in darkness.

But, when God awakens a person to behold the glory of Christ, he conquers their rebellious hearts and makes them his. Those who formerly would not give Christ honor but pledged allegiance to another (John 19:14-15) are brought into the kingdom of Christ (Col. 1:13-14).

When we pray for the kingdom of God to come we are praying that God would conquer souls! And that he would shine the kingdom of grace upon the hearts of men, women, and children so that they would see and savor the kingdom of glory!

So we pray: “Lord, your kingdom come, your will be done! Conquer hearts by your Holy Spirit to set up the administration of grace in their hearts! Let them see the beauty and worth of your glory! Like Narnia melt the ice of winter and give way to the buds of grace and the dawning day of the kingdom of glory! We know you can do this and delight to do it because you’ve done it to us!”


Pi and other Universal constants

THE SCENE: Cold for March. Actually, cold for anytime.

  • Projectivators
  • Tempo Squats
  • Grady Corn
  • Moroccan Nightclubs
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Newton’s Cradle


  • Mosey to the bell
  • Pi = 3.14159265359
    • 3 burpees
    • 14 Merkins
    • 15 Squats
    • 92 LBCs
  • e = 2.71828 18284
    • 27 dips
    • 18 Merkins
    • 28 Lunges
    • 18 Wide Merkins
    • 28 Split Squats
    • 4 burpees
  • Mosey to the Pool wall
  • Golden Ratio = 1.618033988749
    • 16 Wall-ups and 18 Pull ups, divided as you think will be golden
  • Planck’s constant (J/Hz) = 6.62607015×10−34
    • 6 diamond merkins
    • 6 Catalina Wine Mixers
    • 26 shoulder taps
    • 34 seconds of PLANK
  • Gravitational constant (m3/kg s2) = 6.67430×10-11
    • Find another body, as a team do 66 BBS, 74 Squats, and 30 wall-ups
  • Avogadro’s Number (mol-1) = 6.02214076×1023
    • 60 LBCs, 22 Tie fighters
  • Speed of Light (m/s) = 299,792,458
    • Dash 299.792 meters, 1 millionth of a light second

We did some.


One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches? And if you have not been faithful in that which is another’s, who will give you that which is your own? No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. – Luke 16:10-11

When I read this first, I was planning to talk about the first bit, the struggle that I have with being faithful in little things. And that’s a good thing to ponder, to be disciplined in the details of our lives because how we deal in these small things inevitably forms our response to the big things, i.e. you perform the way you practice.

But the middle verses struck me. Nestled between these two classically quotable lines, there are two strange questions. “If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches?” This clearly implies that when Jesus says “a very little” he means wealth. Do I think of my wealth as “a very little”? NO, I don’t. A massive portion of my waking hours are consumed by my wealth: acquiring, distributing, and managing. Even if it doesn’t steal my allegiance, it still feels like a big responsibility. The follow up is no less baffling: “And if you have not been faithful in that which is another’s, who will give you that which is your own?” This plainly indicates that my wealth is not my own, an idea which is oft floated from the pulpit but difficult to really embody. It leaves me wondering, What would it be like to have something that is actually my own? Because evidently, I have a twisted idea of what that even means. The sense in which my wealth is “not my own” seems to me the same sense in which everything else is given me by God. So again, what frame of reference do I even have for what might be “my own?”

Timed out pretty well. Plan was on the complicated side, so I missed a couple things I had wanted to do.
Cardinal Widow House Painting, Escape from Haw Ridge April 14th, Hardship Hill Memorial Day, Wild at Heart Retreat.

College Graduation 2 – The Pukeless Sequel

THE SCENE: Mid 40’s, light/limited rain

In honor of my nearly four year anniversary, I decided to take on the second bootcamp I attended, which had me puking my brains out at during the BOM. I wanted to see where I stood in You vs. You fashion. Trolley’s words and workout are cut and pasted below:


  •  SSH x 20 (4 -count)
  • Cherry Pickers x 5 (4 -count)
  • Merkins x 10 (4 -count)
  • Squats x 10 (4 -count)


  • At the CMU (aka Freshman) wall,  harken back to when you were a freshman.  Just doing a pushup or finding a class was a challenge.  So for freshman we keep it simple.

    25 Merkins and run around wall.

    Recollect that when certain people would for the first time, spend a full year at the dorms, eating potatoes and carbs for three meals a day, their thighs ended up being a bit large..  So we did a larger (from bottom to top) hill and

    50 Squats + Sophomore Hill

    Then, as a junior you were more refined, you were getting the hang of classes, and getting through the “CORE” classes as well as some of your major classes.. so:

    Run the Junior Hill Stairs and do 75 (four count) Freddy Mercuries

    Then, in preparation for the real world your major courses were kicking your tail, it was and is a long grind, you did what you had to, to reach the graduation finish line.. so

    Run the Senior Stadium hill and follow it up with 100 Burpees.   Break-em up into sets of 15, then 10, and find a battle buddy to do whatever you can to graduate.

In the spirit a of leave no man behind, we helped the 6 push through the last 25 burpees and made sure that everyone graduated. We still had some time so we did Imperial Walkers x 20 (4 count) and Tempo Squats x 10 (4 Count)

Just shy of 4 years ago (29 March 2019), I attended my first boot camp after seeing Erector’s post about The Project. Having not seriously worked out in nearly 10 years, Booster’s birthday Q was tough but manageable and had me wanting to come back for more after taking a week’s rest. My second boot camp was led by Trolley and he absolutely murdered me with the above. I remember thinking when he said that we were to do 100 burpees that my goal was to get to 30. I ended up getting to 60 and feeling so proud of myself. Back then, on that day at least, modify as necessary was not a thing. Trolley went down the line confirming each HIM reached his 100. I announced my 60 and he told me to keep going and had everyone else go too. I made it to 80 before we headed back to the flag, feeling spent but prouder still. For the Mary, Trolley asked me what number I got to…so it was more burpees for all. I know we were well past 6:15 but 5K, BOOSTER, ERECTOR, GUANO, KENJO, ROCKET, SNAGGLETOOTH, SPOTTER, TROLLEY, and WAXJOB racked up 100+ burpees to bring me up as the 6. I have no idea what Trolley said because my head was spinning and when he called us in to prayer, I stumbled over to the median and merlot’d the water in my belly. I am pretty sure everyone was thinking, “Well, he’s not coming back!”

Today was a different story. Four years later, I knocked out 100 burpees at the Stadium and another 21 bringing up the 6 and we still had time to do two Mary’s. We have seen a lot of HIMs come and go, including Trolley, but the men of F3, their talent, their character, their effort to be better continues to encourage me and it is the point I emphasize when I share what we do with sad clowns. You gentlemen make this quote easy to live out – “Every man I meet is my superior in some way, in that I learn from him.”

Today, I graduated college!

Piston’s Derriere Destroyer

THE SCENE: 45 degrees and drizzling rain (about to rain hard). Wonderful day to start with a gloom sess.

10x of the following:  SSH; Tempo Merkins; Tempo Squats; WMH; Chattanooga Pickers; Moroccan Night Clubs; Knoxville Pickers; finish with Undertakers.
Mosey to pavilion.

  • 1 burpee; 2 “Nancy Kerrigan” (Crossover back lunge – think skating); 3 Pickle Pointers
  • 2 burpees; 4 “NK”; 6 PP
  • 3 burpees; 8 “NK”; 12 PP

Continue this model until round 5 modify to 20 NK and 50 PP each round while continuing to add burpees.

At round 9, hold a glute bridge for 3-4 minutes, if you don’t break, you can skip round 10 of burpees.

Continue until round 12 of burpees.  For rounds 11 and 12, change PP to Fire Hydrants (25 per side).

Hold Al Gore for 1 minute.  30 second glute stretch each side; 30 second adductor stretch each side; 30 second forward stretch for hamstrings.

14 HIMs in the gloom today.

Leadership many times means having to think on the fly and be able to articulate things off the top of your head.  Abraham Lincoln was one of the best at extemporaneous speaking.  But Lincoln’s secret was that he actually practiced speaking extemporaneously – whether verbal or non-verbal in his preparation.

And while there may be times when we are completely taken off guard by something, as leaders we need to be ready to lead – with verbal and non-verbal leadership.  So care must be given in our preparation even if we never have the opportunity to demonstrate our preparedness.

1 Peter 3:15 states, “but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.”

Working through scenarios of preparedness is something we should do in several areas of life, whether for work, home, F3, and our Christian walk.  Be ready to lead.

Praises for new babies; prayers for Ride Along (sick) and Binks (House Hunting).
Binks to update Slack about 2nd F opportunity for rock climbing gym in Knoxville, discussed Ruck prep, and discussed purchase of AED during coffee.  Reviewed who was on Q over the next couple of glooms.


THE SCENE:   Mid 40s and drizzly.  Perfect for a beatdown.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered



Grady corns


Tempo Merkins

Down/Up dog

Mosey to the back lot


Separate into two teams.  Each team has half the parking lot and cones grouped into one group of 2, one group of 3, one group of 4, and one group of 5.  At “go” PAX grab a tennis ball, run to touch the far curb, then run to one of seven battle stations.  Perform the exercise at that station, then throw the ball at the enemy’s ships.  Work at each battle station before you repeat one.  Continue until one team’s ships are sunk.

Exercises were;

  • 25 Merkins
  • Lunges 10 each leg
  • 20 star jacks
  • 25 Mountain Climbers
  • 25 hello dolly
  • 20 flutter kicks
  • 15 carolina dry docks

Team 2 won the battle!


Rehabilitate your fleet (set the cones back up – this time a little further away).  Play another round.  Flip the cards over for new exercises – these were;

  • 20 diamond merkins
  • 15 Bobby Hurleys
  • 20 shoulder taps
  • 15 smurf jacks
  • 25 plank jacks
  • 15 BBS
  • 10 box cutters

Team 1 won this time!


Line up at one end of the parking lot.  10 parking lot lines.  Bear crawl 1 line, do 10 merkins mosey back.  Bear crawl 2 lines, 9 merkins, mosey back.  Repeat until 10 lines, 1 merkin.


PAX huddle for exercises led by YHC.  2 men at a time take turns hurling the 60# sandbag toward the shovelflag.  After 10 throws each, PAX rally on the bag and start again with a different 2 men throwing the bag.  Repeat until we reach the shovelflag.



Just in time for a massive Guantanamo and 1 minute of plank.



Me and 12 of the best men I know.


On Monday, Anchorman talked about a line from the Lord’s Prayer that jumped out at him, “Your kingdom come…”.  I followed his lead and also talked about a line from the Lord’s Prayer.

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, a but deliver us from the evil one.”

After He finishes teaching this prayer, the very next thing that Jesus says to his disciples – as if this is the point that He needs to hammer home – “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Our forgiveness for the people who have done us wrong is critical to our relationship to the Heavenly Father and a prerequisite to our forgiveness.  What’s more…if you harbor unforgiveness for a wrong done to you long ago – or a perceived wrong – who do you hurt most?  You are harming yourself.  Unforgiveness is poison in your heart.

In the original Greek, the word rendered “forgive” in this text is aphiemi.  It does not mean to sweep it under the rug or pretend like you were not hurt.  In the Greek, aphiemi can literally mean, “to hurl”.  Like we did to the sandbag this morning.  Hurl away the offense, and in doing so heave that poisonous resentment as far from your heart as you can.  Aphiemi – hurl it!  That is how our Father forgives our trespasses – and it’s how we are to forgive those who trespass against us.

Here’s the hardest thing you’ll do yet today.  Search your heart for forgiveness that you’ve been withholding and that resentment is staining your soul.  Now…HURL IT AWAY!



It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. – Francis of Assisi

Nice to meet “Fire” and “8 Seconds” today!

T-Claps to the men who cleaned up our battlefield for me this morning!