F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Sunny, temperature about 30 degrees.

Motivators starting with seven, 10 Windmills, 10 Twisties, 10 Rockettes, Standing Stretches.
Mosey to Lilypad.

From one curb we will sprint to the other, stopping at each of the tall light posts to lunge forward five parking spaces before sprinting again.  We will then Bernie Sanders back, stopping at each light post to lunge backwards five parking spaces.

Mosey past the southern Pavilion to the perimeter trail and head south.  We will go right toward the fence of the water treatment plant.  We will split into teams of two men each for Doras.  While one partner runs to the park bench just down the trail and back, the other works on exercises.  The partners trade places when the running partner gets back.  Here are the exercises:

  • 150 Flutter Kicks
  • 150 Baby Crunches
  • 150 Hello Dollies

Mosey west on the perimeter trail.  We will stop about halfway to do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey west again to the area near the electrical transformers and the dock.  We will split into three groups to go to three different areas and perform exercises at each area.  After completing the exercises, men run to the next area.  The areas and the exercise performed at each are:

  • Area 1:  Boulders near perimeter trail.  Pick up Boulder and perform 20 Bench Presses, 20 Curls, and 20 Rows.
  • Area 2:  The benches near the dock.  At benches do 20 Bench Jumps, 20 Bench Dips and 20 Incline Merkins.
  • Area 3:  At cone on perimeter trail west of the dock.  Do 20 Iron Mikes and 20 Squats.
  • Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey back to the area we did the American Hammers at.  We will do 20 Box Cutters.

Mosey to soccer fields.  We will go from west to east.  We will Bear Crawl for 10 Counts then Run for 30 Counts and continue this to the east side of the soccer fields.

Mosey to the Lily Pad.  We will stop to do 15 Imperial Walkers.

Mosey to parking lot that is just south of the Playground.  We will do 20 Bench Dips

Mosey to the Playground.  We will do elevens at benches starting with 10 Box Jumps and 1 Decline Merkin.

Mosey to eastern curb of the AO parking lot.  We will Karaoke left to other western curb and the Karaoke right back to the western curb.  Then will will sprint to the western curb.

Leg lifts.
19 men with one FNG.  Welcome new member Stubing!!


In our modern world we are often distracted by so many different things . . . the internet on our cell phones, social media, tv shows and tv advertisements, the daily onslaught of mail in the mail box, emails, traffic, job duties, commitments to different organizations and causes, and . . . well, I could keep on going but you get the idea.  These distractions keep us from connection to our true selves and to God.  These distractions leave us off kilter and lead to our worries.

I recently read the following paragraphs from the great priest, theologian, professor and writer, Henri Nouwen.

Today, worrying means to be occupied and preoccupied with many things, while at the same time being bored, resentful, depressed, and very lonely.  I am not trying to say that all of us are worried in such an extreme way all the time.  Yet there is little doubt in my mind that the experience of being filled yet unfulfilled touches most of us to some degree at some time.  In our highly technological and competitive world, it is hard to avoid completely the forces that fill up our inner and outer space and disconnect us from our innermost selves, our fellow human beings, and our God.

One of the most notable characteristics of worrying is that it fragments our lives.  The many things to do, to think about, to plan for, the many people to remember to visit, or to talk with, the many causes to attack or defend, all these pull us apart and make us lose our center.  Worry causes us to be “all over the place” but seldom at home.  One way to express the spiritual crisis of our time is to say that most of us have an address but cannot be found there.

I don’t think I even need to add to Nouwen’s message because it is so clear and strong.  I will, however, add one more quote from Henri Nouwen about worries:

It wasn’t that the gospel proved useful for my many worries but that the gospel proved the uselessness of my worries.

Prayers of thanks for Stubing having a baby coming soon and for two of F6’s work colleagues having recent babies.  Prayers of thanks for Waffle House and his son’s safe return from Guatemala.  Prayers for Captain Crunch on the recent loss of one of his parents.
Hot Toddy Triple Birthday Q at Asylum on Saturday, January 28.  Today is first day of Cap’n Crunch’s five week leadership study at Panera Bread Conference Room, Bearden.

Proverbs 21:3

THE SCENE: A little overcast with some rain

The PAX mosey to the front of library and did 10 SSH in cadence… then mosey to the library parking lot and did 10 apple turnover… then mosey to the coupon and carried them back to senior center doing rotation of curls,OHP, FARMER carry
20 minute timer

  • 10 and 4 of these excerise wolverine/4 mountain climber
  • Curls down the hill
  • Murder bunny up
  • 10 and 4 Iron hulk
  • Curls down the hill
  • Murder bunny up

Did the cupid shuffle  then PAX led heavy core exercise till time

Proverbs 21:3 To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.

Proverbs 21:3 ESV

Mark 4:3-9

God wants us to sow the seeds of his message by living righteous and just. When we sacrifice righteous and justice we are allowing the seeds of the gospel to be choked by the thorns of this life.

Justice Family

THE SCENE: Cool start at 30 F, but the sun shone and warmed it right up. Bright and clear

  • SSH
  • Windmills
  • LBACs
  • Grady Corn
  • Squats
  • merkins


  • Mosey to the friendship bell
    • Pair up – Lazy Dora
    • Plank-merkins 50
    • Gore-Squats 50
  • Mosey to the back porch
    • Trench runs – 3 tie fighters (each side) then run up to the porch and run the trench
    • Repeat three times (Gold leader, Red leader, Red 5)
  • Mosey to the playground
    • Hang out on something for a while
    • 10 flutter kicks IC
    • Climb and slide
    • 10 LBCs IC
    • Creep and Crawl
    • 10 Big boys IC
  • Mosey to the ampitheater
    • Animal train – bear crawl, crab walk, bunny rabbit, frog hopper
    • Joke circle
  • Mosey to the fountain
    • Pair up – Lazy Dora
    • Gore-step ups – 60
    • Dips – 50
  • Mosey back to bell – swing on the porch posts along the way

One burpee then ring the bell


  • Box cutters, Heels to heaven

2.0s – Nerf, Buttercup, Sunflower, Hotwheels, Mozart, Flo-nase, Mac, Bolt, and Gator
FNG – Speedy Gonzalez

Justice is a word that gets used a lot these days, and it has many meanings. Today, I want to focus us on the way that is most effective in our everyday life. It has a lot to do with the way we treat others, and I think of it in two big ways: I do at least my fair share of the work and I don’t take more than my fair share of the good stuff.

When there is work to do, a person of justice works hard to carry an equal part of the load. Don’t hold back and see if maybe somebody else will do it for you. Don’t try to find the easy part to do while someone else does the hard part. Just step up, do your best, and work to help finish the job.

Likewise, when there is something good to be had, a person of justice is careful only to take what is right. Pay attention to how much others will get. No tricks to get extra. No excuses like “I’m hungrier”, “I didn’t get any last time”, “He got too much, so I should, too”.

Finally, I want to make clear that this is focused on how I behave. It’s not about making sure someone else does their fair share. It’s not about putting myself in charge of how much everyone gets. And it certainly isn’t about making everyone else do what I think is right. It’s just focused on making sure I am doing the right thing.

This is not to say that there is no place for you to seek justice for others, but before we do that we must first do the work of enforcing justice upon ourselves.
This went pretty well, almost felt too organized for a family workout.
We will shoot for another one February 4th unless the weather stops us, then we will just move it to the next week until we get one.

Will Lindsay with CMU

THE SCENE: Cool, overcast and 29 degrees.  Perfect for this beatdown

SSH X 15, Tempo Merkins X 5, Tempo Squats X 10, Willie Mays Hays x 6, LBAC (Front/Back) x 10, OH Claps x 5 and switch to seal claps x 5, Chattanooga Cherry Pickers x 10, and finish with Knoxville Cherry Pickers x 5.

Rifle carry the CMUs to the track.

Part 1:  Modified Burpee half mile

  • Run 1/2 mile and complete 50 burpees partitioned by your own choosing.

Part 2:  Will Lindsay WOD with CMU (For time remaining AMRAP)

  • 3 blockees
  • 22 Split Squats (11 per forward leg)
  • 19 Heavy Squats

Rifle carry the CMUs back to the circle.

Undertakers X 10, Fire hydrants X 15 per leg, finished with 1 minute of monkey humpers
12 PAX including 4 FNGs.
Message on prayer from Nehemiah 1:11 “Please, Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant and to that of your servants who delight to revere your name.  Give your servant success today, and grant him compassion in the presence of this man. At the time, I was the king’s cupbearer.”

As men, we shouldn’t neglect prayer.  It is our source of strength when things get difficult.  And after we pray, we should trust in our God and move according to His purpose.  Much like Nehemiah, we should pray first, then take action.  That makes us high impact men (HIMs).

Prayer for Bobbit, Angel Soft, and all the guys that are DR or on the DL.
Named our FNGs.  Welcome:  “Runaway Bride”, “Hardhat”, “TLC”, and “Ride Along”.

January Metric + Following Your Vocation as a Father

THE SCENE: Just north of shorts weather.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done and Done well!


Typical Blindside Warmup-y things: 

SSH IC x15 | TieFighters IC x10 each way | Tempo Squats IC x10 | Little bit of this, Little bit of that


January Metric Workout:

  • 150 Curls
  • 125 CMU Squats 
  • 100 OHP
  • 75 CMU Swings 
  • 50 CMU Squat Thrusters 
  • 25 Blockees 

After every 25 reps, run 25 yards, do two burpees, and return to start 

Each round is 525 reps (don’t count burpees). 

How many did you get? Record the total HERE


Fellowship Mosey™ to the Smokehouse to return CMUs as Mary 


14 HIMs; 0 FNGs; 3 PreRuckers  


Excerpt from the foreword of “Man to Man, Dad to Dad: Catholic Faith and Fatherhood” by  Brian Caulfield:

I hear from many men who are quietly yet heroically living a life according to conscience, guided by natural law and the teaching of the Church. Even if they have not lived perfect lives, these men understand the dual meaning of the term “Fathers for Good.” First, once a man has a child, he is a father for good– there is no giving back the gift or commitment that comes with responsibilities. Second, every man, amid his own sin and weakness, deep down wanted to be a good father. He wants to offer something of lasting value to his child that only a father can give. He knows that despite many negative portrayals in popular media and culture, there is a great dignity in the role of father. 

Despite our best efforts, these are still difficult days for men and for fathers. Our identity and duties have been in flux for decades, and it is time for us to start building something new and better from the shifting sands of our culture. It’s time to build the next Greatest Generation. If you’re a man who has faith even the size of a mustard seed, there is a path for your marriage and your fatherhood that leads to the greatest satisfaction a person can have in this world– the grace and accomplishment of finding your vocation. True fatherhood is a call from God the Father. 


5.11 Memorial Ruck tomorrow (1/21) at 8 am at 5.11 Tactical in Cedar Bluff. Perfect opportunity to double up with a beatdown at TruckStop from 6-7 then hit the ruck afterward!