F3 Knoxville

CMUs and Stairs

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: Evan Wilson
FNGs: None
Standard Z-Pack Warmup
Abe Vigoda
Cherry Pickers IC
Little This & That, These & Those Shoulder Stretch
Michael Phelps
Tempo Merkins IC
Tempo Squats IC
Over Head Claps IC
Mountain Climbers IC

CMU workout using Tabatha timer. Six CMU exercises for 45 seconds each then 10 seconds rest.
1. OH Press
2. Curls
3. Decline Merkins
4. Flutter Kicks while pressing the CMU
5. Squats
6. Rows
Travel to 1st set of stairs – go up and down stairs 5 times with CMU.
Repeat CMU exercises.
Travel to 2nd set of stairs – go up and down stairs 5 times with CMU.

Coming off the GTE this past weekend, I wanted to share with Skid Murse about the event and specifically the most emotional and inspiring moment of the weekend for me. It was of course the log carry. I was in Blue Platoon and the log evolution was a terrible struggle. I was under the log for awhile, then with a sandbag, switching like this for sometime. Occasionally I had a break with no weight. The log beat us down pretty quickly and the cadre took two of our three sandbags away. Spellcheck was platoon leader. He gave me a break from the log and I got the remaining sandbag and the flag to carry for the rest of the evolution. The remainder of the the platoon (18 guys) were under the log. We inched on, and the cadre told us we had 1.2 miles to the destination. Then a few minutes later, like angels descending, Red Platoon with their red headlamps began pouring down onto Neyland Drive and rescued Blue from our burden. I get choked up thinking about it. Red Platoon had already finished their log carry and was given the choice to come back for us or not. They didn’t hesitate to come back for their brothers. Red perfectly demonstrated the F3 Credo “Leave no man behind, and leave no man where you find him.” It was awesome!


AO: dogpound
Q: I-Beam , Earmuffs (Dan Studt)
PAX: Wall Ball (Rob Harlow), Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Mayberry, Lightweight, Frosty, La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith), Madoff
FNGs: None
Gloomy, rain at the end

• Welcome to F3: Fitness, Fellowship and Faith

• My name is I-Beam and I’ll be your Q today

Five Core Principals
• Free of Charge
• Open to All Men
• Held Outdoors
• Peer Led
• Ends with a COT (Circle of Trust)

• You are here on your own volition
• I’m not a professional

Side Straddle Hops x 10 IC
6ct Burpees x 10 IC
Cherry Pickers x 5 IC
No Cheat Merkin x 10 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10 IC

Burpees x 10

Mosey to Poopetorium
Wall Sits x 10 Arm Raises Each PAX
Rest x 20 seconds
Box Jumps / Step Ups x 10
Decline Merkins x 10

Wall Sits x 10 Push Press Each PAX
Rest x 20 seconds
Box Jumps / Step Ups x 10
Decline Merkins x 10

Wall Sits x 10 Overhead Claps Each PAX
Rest x 20 seconds
Box Jumps / Step Ups x 10
Decline Merkins x 10

Mosey to Backbone
Pull Ups x 5
Burpees x 5
BBS x 5
Rinse and Repeat 3x

Mosey to the stairs
7’s – squat and SSH

Mosey to the guardrail
Dips x 20
Inkins x 10

Ab Cycle
3 exercises without putting feet down
Flutter Kicks x 10 IC
Hello Dolly x 10 IC
Gas Pumper x 10 IC

Count Off

What’s the standard? Find it, lead it and stand up to it.

Starting position, pause
In Cadence

W/cheese and salsa

AO: brickyard
Q: fast-n-easy (Nate Votta)
PAX: fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Gmail, Herbie, Natty, Simmons
FNGs: None

Fellowship faith fitness
10 burpees
Faith fitness fellowship
10 burpees
Fitness faith fellowship
10 burpees

Fitness fellowship faith – finally
Mosey lap
10 burpees
10 Windmills
4 burpees M’s Birthday
10 tempo squats
10 bakerds 7s

4 corners quarter pounder
5 burpees
25 merkins
5 burpees
25 merkins
50 squats
:rotating_light: infraction – 30 flutter kicks tempo style
5 burpees
25 merkins
50 squats
75 4ct mountain climbers
5 burpees
25 merkins
:rotating_light: infraction – 30 flutter kicks tempo style
50 squats
75 4ct mountain climbers
100 4ct SSH
:rotating_light: infraction – 30 flutter kicks tempo style
5 burpees

7 Brickyard bear crawls

20 flutter kicks tempo style


We are all clay and the lord is the potter. We are all made by his hand

Gmail shared some takeaways from the GTE

Show and Tell: Tonka Edition

AO: shamruck
Q: Eliza
PAX: Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Tonka, Mermaid, Dumpster Dive, Eliza, Johnboat
FNGs: 1 Johnboat
Three easy miles around the school and the track listening to Tonka talk about the good the bad and they ugly of the GTE.

Mid ruck we were joined by an FNG who spotted us in the Gloom. Welcome Johnboat who leads the Side Straddle Hops better than most of us.

Make a list of things you are thankful for today, and when you feel discontent, pull it out pray on it and add to it. God has put you where you are right now with all that you have right now for a reason.

Captain’s Log

AO: asylum-am
Q: Charmin (John Willis)
PAX: Gibbler, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Waffle House (Brady Greene), bluebird, Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Bunny, Charmin (John Willis), F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Pac-man, Cinco (Scott McGuire), Sawdust, Code Brown, Button Fly, Tecmo
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Abe Vagoda, Tie Fighters, tempo Merkins, Imperial squat walkers, Rocky Balboas, Karaoke

THE THANG: Wall Walkers did whatever. Rest of us grabbed the Asylum Log, divided into 3 teams and moseyed to Circus Maximus.

Bump drill: one team is moving the log from top of CM to the bottom. Team at the top is doing AMRAP merkins and then switching to squats. Team at the bottom; AMRAP BBS, switching to CDD.

Move log back to AO and mosey the back way to the bottom of Cardiac. Bernie to the first curve, mosey to the second, all out to the top. 25 dips at the top.

Mosey back to AO

MARY: Howling Monkeys.


COT: take a little time to focus on one part of God’s creation. Give thanks with gratitude.