F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 50s and no Q in sight.

LBACF, LBACB, OHC (ALL IC, x25), Tempo Merkins x20, Cherry Pickers x7,  Tempo Squats x20, High Knees with a Burpee x3
Separate into two groups of 9 and mosey to assigned parking lot for 4 corners (1 Exercise, 40-30-20-10). Once corners are complete, switch parking lots and do another 4 corners of different exercise.  We did Merkins/Squats, Hello Dollies/4ct Flutters, Mountain Climbers/SSH.

Stay in assigned parking lots, groups travel across lots as called by the Q.  We did 3 rounds of Bear Crawl down, Lunge Back.

Burpees! x10, x8, x6
18 Strong
Commission volunteered to do the BOM.  What is God calling you to do that you keep giving an excuse (a “but”) NOT to do? We see this several times in the Bible and the results that come from not following God’s call.
Fingerfood’s alarm let him down!
Sign up to Q!

Five in the Nave

THE SCENE: Clear and still cool – Promise of a beautiful day! Let’s get it started right!

Mystery Q this morning… Nobody signed up! Let’s see if a Q materializes.


While we wait for a Q to show up, each PAX picks an exercise:

Waxjob – SSH x25 IC
Charger – Merkins x25 OYO
Mayberry – Cherry Pickers x5 IC
Wall Ball – This and That stretches
Biscuit – Imperial Walkers x15 IC


Still no Q…. Let’s get on the mosey. Maybe Q will arrive and catch up.

Pit stop at the concrete bleachers. YHC suggests 11s while we wait for the Q. Box jumps at the bottom of the hill, V-ups at the top.

11s complete, back to mosey. Pit stop at the restrooms – Charger suggests another set of 11s while we wait for the Q. Easy-ups and Merkins.

11s complete, Wall Ball suggests holding pattern in the parking lot: Bear crawl to the top, 25 merkins, lunge back, and 25 squats.

Still no Q, back to mosey. Biscuit suggests 5 merkins and 5 big boys at every light post, to keep us from moving too fast for Q to catch up. Followed this pattern all the way from the restrooms around the park by the flagpole to the AO.

Still no Q. Mayberry suggests rolling the exercise die while we wait. Many planks.

Hey, it’s 7:00. Oh well. No Q ever showed up. Maybe next week!

Planx and Planx and Planx
5 PAX today
Garrison Keillor sign-off: “Be well, do good work, and keep in touch”. Plus, in light of his harrassment scandal: “Keep your hands to yourself”. Which is also appropriate in today’s environment.
Extra kudos to Charger… Right up until 6 it looked like a choice between a beatdown and donuts. Charger picked a beatdown.
Murph on Memorial Day at the Pound. 10th anniversary at Cape Fear in January.

Spin Fun Knowin’ Ya

THE SCENE: 60 an Sunny

Seal Claps
Overhead Claps
Michael Phelps
Cherry Pickers
Temp Squats
Hand Release Tempo Merkins

Kraken at the Elementary School Including Mt. SuckMore. Once Pax Complete the Movement Run Around Kraken and up SuckMore for 10 Incline/Decline Merkins Before Coming Back Down and Completing Loop to Next Movement.

  • 20 V-Ups
  • 20 BBS
  • 20 X’s & O’s
  • 20 American Hammers (2 ct.)
  • 20 Pickle Pointers
  • 20 Iron Mikes
  • 20 Tempo Squat Jumps
  • 20 Monkey Humpers (4 ct.)

Pax Roulette with LBC Cash Out.
9 Hims
Times are tough and people are finding themselves in foreign places. Don’t fall away from the circle, but lean in and find the shoulder of the HIM to your right/left. Reach out, open up and be honest…your not in this alone, I promise.

Was great to see Rain Check back to the grind this morning.
Shout out to Fins getting nearly 8 miles in this morning! Amazing Brother, Stick with it!

Movin’ To Slack for Communication.

Tune That Name

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Are we allowed to call it F3 again?

SSH, Cherry Pickers, Rockets. I read somewhere that if you can do 40 Merkins, your chances of dying in the next 5 years are really low. So statistically, whoever didn’t skip reps is doing OK.

10 Burpees OYO in honor of Crawdad and Jumbo’s standard on-time arrival.

Moseytown USA.

Every 5th light pole we pyramided up to 5 burps, 10 merks, 15 squats, 20 LBCs. Then back down.

Up towards the Asylum, where various spectators had come with tickets to the gun show. We Bearcrawl 360d our way over to the center of the Colosseum, and it turns out all they really wanted was to see Mr Jinxy in action. Take a number, ladies.

We played Tune That Name, winner moseys while loser holds position. Gore, plank, arm circles, lunges for everyone, and we provided melodic entertainment for a couple at the cafe table. I think it’s safe to assume we saved their marriage.

Native American run down the dragon, and Q forgot how fast US State’s Attorneys run, so Choirboy got in some extra mileage after a late directional call from Q.

The Cloud is as closed as Amazon is to a Robertson Dickens thriller that mentions COVID, so we made use of the Pavilon for some Box Baby Box Rows, followed by a wall sit that severely tested our ability to endure Convoy’s deep concentration.

Over to the stairs in honor of Crablegs who is doing calf raises somewhere in the fine state of Florida today.

Then to the Meadow for some Jack Webb, just in case anybody had anything left.

PAX choice whether to sprint or Bernie up mini cardiac (finally paved! What the what?!?).

Q made the unwise decision to sprint and it almost cost him last night’s Dead End barbecue.
Mary is a High Heels kind of a thing, and High Heels was fartsacking.
This thing is dragging on and it’s time for me to recommit to loving my family well, not being a jerk, and being kind. But the way for me to do that is not to decide and just make it happen – that doesn’t really work, not for me anyway. I have to recognize my need for Christ (pretty easy to do if I take the time) and then out of gratitude for the life he’s given me, I more or less naturally find myself wanting to love people better.
Great to have Beavis back in town! Praying for Choirgirl, Swimmies’ friend, and of course Mrs. Lilly.
Go download The Other Virus by Roberston Dickens! One of these days he’s going to sew up that legendary pectoral, and when he does, we’re all in for a really bad beatdown.

7’s and 11’s

THE SCENE: Perfect – Upper 50’s, clear skies

SSH x 15, Arm Circles x 10 forwards and backwards, Shoulder Taps x 10, Michael Phelps, Tempo Squats x 10, Cherry Pickers x 5

  • Sunsphere: 11’s – Pull ups at the bottom on the Sunsphere and Edward Scissor Legs at the top of the stairs
  • Bridge over Cumberland: 7’s – Big Boy Sit Ups at the start of the bridge, bear crawl across, Sumo Squats at the end of the bridge, bear crawl back
  • Parking Lot: 11’s – Merkins at one end of lot, Carolina Dry Docks at the other end
  • Field by the Fountains: Partnered up, one partner started bear crawling across field while the other did 5 body builders then ran and caught up to bear crawler. After catching up, swap roles

Talked about how in Jeremiah 29 God tells the Israelites, before being taken into slavery by the Babylonians, to build houses, plant gardens, eat of their fruit, get married, and pray on behalf of the city you’re being taken to. So essentially, instead of sitting around and waiting for liberation, God told His people to live well in captivity while also looking forward to freedom. With this quarantine I’ve done the exact opposite. I’ve sat around and moped and waited until things get better rather than tried to make the most of the season the Lord has us in. So my encouragement for us this morning was, even though we’re transitioning back to normal slowly, to be thinking of how we can live well right now in quarantine rather than sit around and just wait for things to be better