F3 Knoxville

VQ by Pew Pew

AO: the-farm
Q: Pew-pew
PAX: Aladdin, Bartman, Choir Boy, Einstein, Lightweight, Oil Check
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Regular

Ladders by 2 to 20, bear crawl and mosey around playground between each set, total:
110 curls
110 squat thrusters
110 box jumps
20 pull-ups
20 merkins

MARY: gas pumpers, hello dolly’s, big boy sit-ups

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2nd F lunch today @ noon – Corner 16 restaurant

COT: We were never promised no suffering, matter of fact we are called to embrace suffering, and be thankful for the strength we gain through it. Regardless of whether we see it, the turmoil in our lives is all in His plan, and we need to have faith in Him, and be at peace, even in difficult times.

IPC 2024 – Week 2

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Grandslam, P3, Cinco (Scott McGuire), Gibbler, Cosmo 2, Hot Tub (John Muller), Cat Gut (Mike Davis), White Belt, Backflow, Tecmo
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Plant the :shovelflag: and explain the hieroglyphics

– Circuit Work Done for Time:
1. 800m Run
2. 80 Merkins – 15YD Weighted Lt. Dans – 14 Cactus Squats – 15YD Weighted Lt. Dans
3. 80 CMU Plank Jacks – Murder Bunnies – 14 Cactus Squats – 15YD Reverse Murder Bunnies
4. 60 Merkins – 15YD Brick Layers – 14 Cactus Squats – 15YD Brick Layers
5. 60 CMU Plank Jacks – 15YD Weighted Lt. Dans – 14 Cactus Squats – 15YD Weighted Lt. Dans
6. 40 Merkins – 15YD Brick Layers – 14 Cactus Squats – 15YD Brick Layers
7. 40 CMU Plank Jacks – Murder Bunnies – 14 Cactus Squats – 15YD Reverse Murder Bunnies
8. 20 Merkins – 15YD Weighted Lt. Dans – 14 Cactus Squats – 15YD Weighted Lt. Dans
9. 20 CMU Plank Jacks
10. 800m run

MARY: No time for her.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: IPC 2024 – Week 3 is next Friday

COT: Simple thoughts on how to share God with others. Use an acronym of SOAP:
– Scripture
– Observation
– Application
– Prayer / Praise

hey you stay off of my cloud

AO: asylum-am
Q: Matlock (Bill Maddox)
PAX: TheWalrus, Grandslam, P3, Tropicana, TRC/Crab legs
FNGs: None
WARMUP:cherry pickers then on the Pav for Rocky 7 minute Tabata

THE THANG: Super 21s. Mindful of IPC tomorrow and the gajillion Merkins contained therein we did CDDs and Big Bois
1 CDD 1 Big boi
2 CDD 2 Big bois
3 CDD 3 Big bois

(You catching my drift)

Running laps after rounds 5, 10 and 15

Then one round of Loredo (modified)
24 Rockettes (non Bunny style)
24 squats
24 walking lunges
400m run

MARY: 2 rounds of Dante’s Core
10 hollow rocks
10 v ups
10 tuckups
30 second hollow hold

ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayers for Sawdust in his cozy little bed

COT: Forgiveness is non negotiable for God. He has Forgiven you AND those who have hurt you. Vengeance is mine says the Lord. Let go of those hurts. Find the freedom in Christ

IPC Week 2

AO: the-project
Q: Biohack
PAX: Ocho, Biohack, Mathlete, Tom Tom, Hurrayus
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Loosen up and explain the workout.


# March to the Arch
– **Run 800 meters**
– **80 Merkins** → [Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs out 15 yards](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** (*no cheat/no surrender*) → [Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs back](#)
– **80 Coupon Plank Jacks** (*toes down & up =1*) → [Murder Bunny out](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** → [Reverse Murder Bunny back](#)
– **60 Merkins** → [Bricklayers out](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** → [Bricklayers back](#)
– **60 Coupon Plank Jacks** → [Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs out](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** → [Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs back](#)
– **40 Merkins** → [Bricklayers out](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** → [Bricklayers back](#)
– **40 Coupon Plank Jacks** → [Murder Bunny out](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** → [Reverse Murder Bunny back](#)
– **20 Merkins** → [Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs out](#) → **14 Cactus Jump Squats** → [Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs back](#)
– **20 Coupon Plank Jacks**
– **Run 800 meters**
– 200 Merkins
– 200 Coupon Plank Jacks
– 98 Cactus Jump Squats
– 1 mile running
– 630′ coupon traveling



Does anybody look forward to Iron PAX? Not really. In fact, we often dread it. So, why do we do IPC? We do it because it’s hard. We do it to prove to ourselves we can do hard things. So we are prepared, physically and mentally, when life throws hard things at us.

IPax Week 2

AO: shamrock
Q: Stitch
PAX: Squatter, Butterknife, Tinker, LeBling, Mermaid, Crawlspace
FNGs: None
Warmup: 800 meter run


80 Merkins
Lt. Dan’s Magic Legs – 15 yards
14 Cactus Jumpsquats
Lt. Dan back

80 Coupon Plank Jacks
Murder Bunny
14 Cactus jumpsquats
Reverse murder bunny

60 Merkins
14 Cactus Jumpsquats
bricklayers back

60 coupon plank jacks
Lt Dan magic legs
Repeat Cactus JS

40 merkins

40 coupon plank jacks
murder bunny

20 merkins
Lt. Dan

20 Coupon plank jacks

800 meter run


My son has these wristbands that have Bible verses on them. He wanted some of those and I loved that. Now, I’m not a fan of reading a single Bible verse, without context, because it’s easy to take and use them in ways they were not intended.

Anyway, I was looking through his collection the other night and one really simple one jumped out at me. It was Colossians 3:2 which says “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Some translations say to seek. Seek, meaning to desire, have passion for. Well as a matter of fact, that entire day I spent all of my time and focus on earthly things. I was exhausted. I was stressed and I was feeling some despair.

Whether it was about food, money, sickness, work, responsibilities, home repairs, you name it. My day was spent focused on those things.

19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. – Matthew 6

Store up treasures you can access today AND tomorrow. Spend your time focused on the ONE and the ones who matter most. Your mind, body and soul will also benefit today.