F3 Knoxville

BEAR my burdens

The Dog Pound

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

The Scene: 49 deg in the gloom


20x SS hops

20x baby arm circles

Mosey to CMU pile

Return w/CMU overhead TO AO

Plank on CMU till ‘six joins


The Thang:

Mosey w/CMU to Kory Hill

Alternate 10 CMU curls and 10 CMU squats, while partner bear crawls up hill and bear crawls down the hill. Switch. Repeat twice each partner.

Curls and squats till ‘six finishes

Mosey to Matterhorn w/CMU

Wagon wheel to maintain contact with the ‘six

30 sec recover

Battle buddy up

Stations of 5 burpees, 10 SSHs, 20 squats

Staying together, one partner farmer walks with both CMUs one does bear crawl. Both do exercise and Switch at each station.

At last station leave CMU and run to top. Plank and 10 ‘merkins till the ‘six arrives

Mosey to “pavalon”, do 5 pull ups, 10 dips and 10 squats, repeat for two minutes. Mosey back to top

Plank and 10 ‘merkins until 6 joins

Mosey down get CMU and mosey to sign. One partner carries both CMUs while other actively moseys beside him. Switch after 50 yards. Then, two lines of Slow Indian run w/CMU back to AO.

At AO, 30 sec recover

5 burpees

AMRAP arm curls w/CMU while partner runs 40yards and back. Switch. X2

Mosey to CMU pile to return CMU and back to AO.


Ring of Fire-Circle hold up legs ab crunch, each person pushes others legs down till complete circle. Repeat if time allows with jumping over planks.

Count off and Name-o-Rama


Often times, especially with our busy lives, we don’t recognize when others need help. The Bible says:

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:2

The “law” that Paul is writing about in Galatians is most undoubtedly referring to “love your neighbor”

We need to look for ways to ease our neighbor’s burdens. To search out ways to serve our neighbor. Christmas time is a very stressful time for my M, she suffers from depression and anxiety and it is compounded during the holidays. I usually try and stay away from her and do everything possible at the house to ease her anxiety when she feels bad, but it doesn’t help always. A clean house…What I thought was her burden, was not, she needed affection and attention. As men we try to fix things the way we want or the way we think they should be fixed. My M doesn’t agree. She sometimes doesn’t even want it fixed! She just wants to vent about it.

The point is, we need to ease our neighbor’s burdens not what we think their burdens are.