F3 Knoxville

First 2017 Mosey at the Dog Pound

The Dog Pound

The Scene: 53 damp as the rain had just moved through

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer


Mosey to the bottom of Matterhorn

50 4ct x IC Mountain Climbers

25 4ct x SSHs


Up the Matterhorn, down the Matterhorn, and back up again

Circle back to pick up the 6 and Mosey to the Pav-a-lon

50 x OYO Pull-ups

50 x OYO Toes to Bar (sub Imperial Walkers when needed)

50 x OYO Squats

Mosey to the upper parking lot and Battle Buddy up


50 x Burpees

100 x Domo Arigato Squats

200 x Merkins

300 x LBCs  (you only get wet once)


Merkin Ring of fire



With New Years here and everyone making New Years resolutions here is mine: “I am 3rd.”  While there are physical and personal goals I want to meet this year, the biggest and most challenging is to remember “I am 3rd.”  What that means in order is 1. God, 2. Family, friends, F3 Brothers, and strangers, 3. Me.  In our world where it is all about me, me, me, to put others before oneself is a challenge but what a wonderful blessing for the recipients, and prime example of Jesus.  We have been a recipient of Jesus putting God first, others even his enemies second, and himself third.  I can think of no better example to follow than his leadership.

Every time I go to read the Bible with my son, he wants to read his favorite verse.  He just turned 7. His favorite verse is Philipians 4:13 which is perfect for the strength we need to accomplish all our goals, but especially to remember to be 3rd

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength”

Moleskin: Lots of F3 brothers either fartsacked due to the rain, or the pull-ups.  Prayer request for Amelia whose M will soon have a 2.0, and also for the family in Martin TN  who is suffering through the loss of 2 of their 2.0s in a house fire.