F3 Knoxville

Bears & Bunnies in the Church Back Yard


THE SCENE: Upper 50s believe it or not. Perfect temperature for a bear-bunny beat down!  The grass was really wet.

Side shuttle hops, cherry pickers, windmills, 2 laps around the basketball courts.
Lugged our CMUs all the way across the road to the bottom of the hill in the church back yard.

  • 15 CMU Curls
  • Murder Bunny up the hill to the cone
  • 15 incline merkins using CMU
  • Resurrection Bunny back down the hill to the cone
  • 15 decline merkins using CMU
  • Bear crawl up the hill pulling CMU with
  • 15 CMU crunches
  • Crawl Bear down hill pulling CMU with
  • Repeat until recover

Little baby arm circles, Freddie Mercuries, World War I until time

My family recently recovered from Covid and were fortunate to have mild symptoms.  I did lose my taste completely for over a week.  Before I got Covid, I heard about this symptom and didn’t think too much of it because I’ve lost my taste and smell when I’ve been sick with sinus issues before.  This was a different experience.  I felt completely normal but could taste or smell even a hint.  I even tested by drinking straight lemon juice and the ultimate test, white vinegar.  I also made my wife try them (she still had her taste/smell) for kicks.  After a week I really started missing the taste of food and was ready for it to return, although I was super grateful this was my worst symptom.  Reflecting on the experience during the time made me think about how many other things we take for granted in our every day lives that we would miss dearly if taken away from us.  Covid has take so much from so many people!  Don’t wait until you lose things to reflect on how much you cherish them.  Take time to be grateful for what you have and thank God for blessing you with those things and especially for giving us the sense of taste!

Pray for Avocado as he travels to Egypt next Wed.