THE SCENE: 40°, clear
10 curls
10 tricep extensions
10 upright rows
10 blockees
Route 66 style CMU OH run together through park with doing exercises at every other light pole going up to 11 then back down again.
Tricep extensions
Upright rows
CMU flutter kicks x 25
CMU hammers 2-count x 20
10 mighty men
9 unconscious beliefs blocking our path to inner peace:
1. “I Need to be Doing Something Right Now.”
Though our ego tricks us into believing we need this feeling to get things done, when we can let it go we see a lot of our anxiety dissolves and our relaxation deepens. We’re also much more likely to enjoy what we need to do without the constant internal pressure of feeling that what we’re doing in this moment is never enough.
2. “When I Get What I Want I Will be Happy.”
When we see we’re doing this we can practice letting go of that need, even if only for a brief moment. The more capable we become at doing so, the more we will naturally experience happiness in the present, and the less our minds will fixate on ideas of the future for fulfillment.
3. “Finding Inner Peace Is Difficult.”
Often it is letting go of the belief that what we want is so far away, and understanding that when you stop striving so aggressively you will start to see the calm you’re looking for.
4. “If I Express My Emotions Honestly People Will Think I’m Weak.”
The irony in this is that as everyone is dealing with the urge to be authentic, those that actually do so are often met with respect and admiration.
5. “If People Knew the Real Me, They Wouldn’t Like It.”
We hide certain aspects of our personality, defining ourselves publicly by what we show and privately by what we’ve hidden. The reality is that you are a lot more than either of those stories, and people will gravitate toward the real you because they appreciate honesty.
6. “I Should be Happier Right Now.”
Happiness isn’t something you need to have all the time; it comes and goes, like any experience, but it’s not a prerequisite for being human.
7. “Not Being the Best Me Isn’t Good Enough.”
When you can strip yourself of this idea you’ll soon realize that the chase to being your best self is infinite and anxiety-inducing.
8. “I Owe the World.”
Though gratitude is important, it doesn’t mean we should walk around with the feeling that we’re in debt to the universe. When we let go of the deep feeling of debt and obligation, we can then really start to give people what we have to offer.
9. “There Was a Time in My Past That Absolutely Sucked.”
Often we become so identified with bad times in our past that they get in the way of us enjoying the present. When we come to realize that they are far less significant than we initially thought, we stop feeling like imposters and we let old memories fall away.
– From Tiny Buddha
BrOlympics Saturday!