F3 Knoxville

[bluegrass-pm-otb] Q101 at Bluegrass

Asylum AM
AO: bluegrass-pm-otb
Q: Pele (Jon Lindberg) , Steam
PAX: Pusher, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Down Under, Curveball, The Situation, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Splinter, Short Bus
FNGs: 2 Splinter, Short Bus
Steam started things off, explaining the disclaimer, the five core principles of F3, its credo, and a demonstration of warm-up exercises with various cadences and counts, including SSH, Merkins, and Man Makers.

Steam took us down to the track to do 11s with Merkins at one end and Butterfly sit ups, then passed it over to Pele.

Pele led the PAX on a mosey to the back parking lot of the school and talked about some of the finer points of planning and structuring a workout. Then we did a Quarter Pounder (four cones, do 25 Merkins at first, 50 Squats and second, 75 Mountain Climbers at third, and 100 SSH at last, returning back to first cone each time).

Moseyed back to flag, demonstrating a Wagon Wheel to let the 6 catch up. Did DORAs on the sloped road with one partner running down to a tree, doing 5 SSH, then returning with partner doing exercises, then switch off. Exercises were 50 Carolina Dry Docks, 50 Jump Squats before we ran out of time.

Mosey to flag.
Did some Core exercises to demonstrate how the Mary can be used to fill up the time until the 45 minutes are over.

Talked about how the Word and Prayer are often the biggest barriers for guys Q’ing the first time. Discussed the fact that this doesn’t have to be a long speech, or something terribly impressive, just speak from the heart, be positive and encouraging, and you’ll be just fine. Steam led us out with prayer.