F3 Knoxville

Mog Mile

THE SCENE: Warm but comfortable morning at Arsenal

Mosey to the Oval Office
19 reps of each of the following  rinse and repeat for time with a goal of 4 rounds to complete a mile. The CMU cannot leave your body at any time or you have to restart your round

  • Ground to overhead
  • Front squats
  • Hand offset Merkins (19 each side)
  • 400 meter run

No time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
The Mog Mile is a workout designed in honor of the Army Rangers and Delta Force soldiers who fought through the streets of Mogadishu following a helicopter crash. The armored convoy that was supposed to provide cover for them went too fast, leaving them on foot. Despite being left without the help they wanted and needed, they put their heads down and went to work. The 19 reps today were in honor of the 19 who died during the mission

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
We need to have ideas for the rope obstacle for hardship hill

800M Bear Crawl Sprint

THE SCENE: 70 with some humidity

SSH IC x 10

LBAC IC forward and reverse x 10

OH claps IC x 20

Temp Squat IC x10
Mosey to track. Bear crawl around track. If you have to stop and stand, 10 squat buy in to return to bear crawl. If injury or can’t bear crawl any longer, lunge it out. Four stations set up around track: flutter kicks 4ct x 20, big boys x20, box cutter x 20, V up x 20. Mosey back to Grindstone.

Hold Iron cross in honor of Woodshack attendance today:

LBAC forward and reverse IC x 8ish

OH claps IC x 10
6 HIMs and Webelo!
It’s not often you read something insightful and motivational on Facebook these days with all the division we have in this world. I read something the other day though that really struck a chord with me.

“For a long time it had seemed to me that life were about to begin- real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, some debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.”

Alfred D. Souza

“So stop waiting until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until winter, until your song comes on, until you’ve had a drink… there is no better time than right now to be happy.”

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Walt tops the podium with Gold!
Drifter speaking on Saturday in a few weeks at Swerve and Rep Sleepy’s church. Please RSVP on Slack so they know how much food to make.

CSAUP coming up- check channels for details.

The Arsenal will need help building obstacle for hardship hill in early October. It will be an upper body climbing obstacle. Look for details coming from Smuggler soon.

Training Day

  • THE SCENE: 67 degrees & the smell of campfire.
  • SSH x15

  • Swimmers x10 IC

  • High knees, side shuffle, bear crawl sidelines of basketball court

  • Tempo Dips x10

    THA-THANG: Q wanted to get some running in to recover from Drifter’s Q as well as train for Hardship Hill.

    Perform set of exercises & then run a lap. Perform exercises then run 2 laps, etc. up to 4 laps then back down.

  • 5 Superman’s  4CT (3 sec hold)

  • 10 Merkins

  • 15 Ab Blasters

  • 20 LBC’s

  • 25 Squats

15 tempo dips & hold on 15

Jim Rohn:

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

It takes 6 people to lift your casket when you die. Make sure your 6 people are lifting you in life.

Ask yourself: Who are the people you most admire? Who do you spend the most time with? Are those two groups of people the same?

We become like the people that we (choose to) expose ourselves to. It follows that you can accelerate your personal growth in whatever direction you desire by spending time with people who already are who you want to become.

The Boulevard of Broken Burpees

THE SCENE: Mid 70s, muggy, dark, with a hint of lightning.

  • Sideshuttle hops in cadence
  • Windmills in cadence
  • Little baby arm circles in cadence
  • Jog down the road to Burpee Boulevard (not actual street name)

Deconstructed Burpees combined with a hill run.  At each street with did a different part of a burpee with a full burpee at the top.  Started with a set of 5 and added 5 each around.

  • Bottom of hill: go down to merkin position and then hop back up
  • Run to the next side street: merkins
  • Run to the next side street: the jumping park of burpees
  • Run to the next side street: burpees
  • Run back down the hill and start all over, adding 5 to each set

We just jogged back to the grindstone and didn’t have time for anything else.  I ran us up until 6:10 becasue I wanted to finish the set we were on.

My dad was in foster care much of his youth and he and my mom were foster parents for several years after I graduated high school.  Several years ago, I wanted to give back in a similar way so became a “Big Brother” for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  My little was Trevor.  He lived with his mom and brother and was a good kid!  He didn’t know a stranger and LOVED claw machines.  One day I took him to play putt putt but I think we spent most of our time in the arcade.  He picked the jackpot briefcase on the Deal or NO Deal game and I was frantically trying to collect all his tickets and put them in some kind of order.  After the tickets stopped spitting out and after I had them all folded neatly I handed them over to Trevor so he could go pick his prize.  When he turned around he saw a birthday party going on in the corner.  Without missing a beat he walked right passed the prize counter to the party and interrupted the celebration by asking, “Whose birthday is it?”  Everyone pointed to a set of twins and Trevor walked over and handed all his tickets to the twins and wished them happy birthday.  I thought I was the one who was supposed to lead and teach him but that day he taught be a lesson in humility and generosity.  As leaders we are often the ones teaching but it’s important to remember we can also learn from those we lead.

Smuggler took it easy because he participated in a late night beat down that went for 2 hours last night!  He did some jogging, kept us company, and threw in some much needed mumble chatter!  We did 250 burpees between Butterfingers and I.  Smuggler might have got some bonus burpees in there too!

Prayers for Smuggler’s coworkers with family health

2.0 Workout

THE SCENE: Beautiful day could not ask for better weather

Tabata warm up: 4 rounds 30 seconds on 30 seconds off.

  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • BBS
  • SSH

Thang 1:

Relay Race

Split PAX and 2.0s into even teams. Give each team an equal number of bricks. put at opposite ends of the court. Each team must do 5 reps of the following expereices befoe they run across and steal bricks. First team with each team emmeber to complete the exercices and has the most bricks wins.

  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • Gas Pumps

Thang 2

Tug of War.

We did two rounds of 2.0 v 2.0 round. Winner had 1/2 age burpees, not winners had to bearcrawl up and back for set distance. All HIM’s did the reward with their 2.0

HIM v HIM- one round. Same penalty for winner and loser but 10 burpees and bear crawl the same

Dad’s + 2.0 V Dad’s + 2.0

This was a lot of fun! The 2.0’s really enjoyed getting to compete with their dads.

Thang 3

2.0’s v Dads race- end to end of grindstone

Dads Berrine, 2.0’s run.

The 2.0’s gave the dads everything we could take and beat the dads. They had some real burners!


Espy left everyone with a great message. Life is full of challenges, even when things look scary or hard, if your not afraid of them and work hard and are dedicated you can be successful.
We look forward to the next 2.0 work out to come next month.