F3 Knoxville

The Ole Back At It

THE SCENE: Perfect spring morning.  Tems in the 50’s

10 ssh on 4ct, Plank jacks in cadence, then another 10 ssh for Matlock.  To the curb for tempo merkins, then mosey to other end for some imperial walkers, back down for tie fighters with the left leg out then one last mosey to finish it out with tie fighters with the right leg.
Mosey to the Lilly Pad and partner up for Dora’s: 150 reps the following while the other partner ran to the end of the parking lot and back

  • merkins
  • side straddle hops
  • plank jacks
  • dry docks

Mosey to chapel parking lot for circle up while one member of pax was chosen to go to the middle of the circle and lead and exercise.  All reps of 20.

When done, we mosey’d to cloud for 11’s with dips and table rows at the pavilion

Time enough for 20 hello dolly’s and some LBCs OyO

James 1:2-3

Raised Up

THE SCENE: Beautiful sunny morning, temp in low 60s.

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Rockettes, 10 Twisties, 10 Tempo Merkins, Michael Phelps, Little of This and That.
Men will divide into pairs of two. Each pair will grab a set of two bricks out the trailer parked in the parking lot across the street from the AO parking lot.  We will then go back to the AO parking lot to perform Doras.  While one partner starts exercising with the bricks, the other partner runs to the end of the parking lot, does 10 Rocky Balboas (both feet = 1) and then returns to take the bricks.  This pattern continues until all exercises are completed by the team of two.  The following are the exercises to perform with the bricks:

  • 100 Overhead Presses
  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Rows
  • 100 Punches where both hands = 1
  • 100 Wings Forward
  • 100 Wings Upward
  • 100 Wings Downward

We will then replace the bricks in the trailer.  We will mosey south on the roadway to the Lily Pad.  We will run around the parking lot stopping to do exercises at each corner of the parking lot.  But, before going to the next corner, we must run to the center of the parking lot and do three burpees there.  Rinse and repeat once exercises have been completed at all four corners.  Here are the exercises at each corner:

  • Cone 1:  20 Hello Dollies, 4 ct.
  • Cone 2:  20 Merkins
  • Cone 3:  20 Big-Boy Sit-ups
  • Cone 4:  20 Squats

Next, we will mosey to the grassy area across the main roadway at the base of Picket’s Charge.  We will do the following exercises in the grass:  20 Flutter Kicks (4 ct), 20 Bicycle Kicks (4 ct), and 20 Dying Bugs (4 ct).

Next, we will run up Pickett’s Charge to the Coliseum.  After each hill we will do 3 burpees.  At the Coliseum we will do the following exercises: 20 Carolina Dry Docks, 20 Moon Plunges, 10 Shoulder Taps

Next we will run counter-clockwise around the clock loop, stopping at the steps of the Admin Bldg. to do 25 Calf Raises, and stopping at the bench area of the Coliseum to do 25 Bench Dips. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey Back to AO by route of the Haslam Boulder and Dragon Tail.

Next we will do sprints from curb to curb in the parking lot.  We will sprint in the following manner from curb to other curb and back:  regular sprint, Bernie Sanders, skip, Grapevine left and right, crab walk 1/4 of the way then run there then hop 1/4 of the way and run back, and end with hard sprint there and back.

Stretch those legs!
15 men, no FNGs.
You can’t escape news of the War in Ukraine at this time.  The destruction to peoples homes and cities and the deaths of civilians has been horrible:  citizens bombed in their homes or shot with hands tied behind their backs.  It has led to some, including news people, to question the meaning of life for the Ukrainians suffering through the mess.  For what is life when your home is destroyed, your livelihood gone, family members lost? What would it be like for us if we were in those very homes, very streets, knowing that death is facing us? The news and images of the war have caused my to reflect upon it.  What if I was pigeon-holed in some building as the Russians approached me?

I would certainly be afraid.  How could one not be?  And, I would certainly fight for my life.  I may be 65-years-old but I’m not ready to die.  I wouldn’t give in without a fight.  But if the guns of the Russian army were staring me in the face, would my life be meaningless?  As I Christian, I can firmly say “no way.”

In Christ, I know that life is more than what this world presents us.  The enemy may seem stronger.  Their missiles may destroy our homes, their tanks may crush us, their guns may mow us down.  And so, if I was a Ukrainian watching the Russians coming into my city, I would have to accept the fact that I might die.  But I would not be the loser.  Those who use the weapons to kill me are the true losers.  I can trust that God guarantees their is more to this life.  And, I have a Christ who said the meek shall inherit the Earth.  Death, where is your sting?  I have a Christ who will raise me up.  So enemy, come on in with your tanks and your weapons.  Love will endure and so will I.  I believe this truth would give me the strength and courage to deal with death and destruction and to help those around me.  And, if truly strong, I might even be able to forgive the Russian soldiers invading.  Could I like Christ say, “Forgive them, God, for they know not what they are doing”?  But, whether I could or not, whether I vomited  in horror or peed in my pants in fear of the enemy coming to get me, I have a Christ who cares.  And, he will be there for me when I breathe my last breath.  He will raise me up on my last day.


Pray for Swimmies’ grandfather who is battling cancer, for those dealing with drug addiction, and the people impacted by the War in Ukraine.


CSAUP at Haw Ridge on Friday, May 6 from 9 pm to midnight.

25 or 6 to 4 (+6=16), I think

THE SCENE: Low 40s & foggy
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the right things.

SSH, Spider Merkins, Rockettes, Tie Fighters, Rocky Balboas, Super Mario Bros., Bernie
Stations on a Circuit

Round of 25’s with a potential Bonus Round

Station 1:
– Burpees (20)
– Lt. Dan’s (5)
BONUS – LBCs (16 – 4 Count)

Station 2:
– Carolina Dry Docks (20)
– Imperial Squat Walkers (5)
BONUS – X-Factor (16 – 4 Count)

Station 3:
– Hand Release Merkins (20)
– Big Boy Sit-Ups (5)
BONUS – Windmills (16 – 4 Count)

Station 4:
– Boxcutters (20 – 4 Count)
– Hello Dolly’s (5 – 4 Count)
BONUS – Reverse Crunches (16)

Station 5:
– Table Rows (20)
– Box Jumpers (5)
BONUS – Calf Raises (16 – 4 Count)

16 CPRs with a local coupon, Parking Lot Loop & a good leg stretch
16 HIMs including one visitor from NOLA, Hogsicle
Q celebrating wedding anniversary and wanted to remember Genesis 2:27. This week the Q played the role as a single parent and appreciates the meaning of God making a helper for Adam, but that Adam still needs to help Eve.

Oak Ridge CSAUP at Haw Ridge & Hardship Hill is back this fall

Bataan Death March in April

THE SCENE: Fantastic workout weather –  65 degrees and gloomy

Cherry pickers (3 count) x10 – IC

Shoulder taps (4 count) x5 –  IC

Tempo Merkins (4 count) x 5 – IC

Tempo Squats (3 count) x10 – IC


DORA Style workout. PAX A runs to the 50 yard line and performs 10 merkins and runs back to the starting line while PAX B works through the workouts below. When all groups complete station #1, PAX forms a line on the track and performs the “Bataan Death March”. Once everyone has completed the 3 burpee cycle, run back to the starting line and start on the next workout. The “Bataan Death March” was completed between each exercise category below.

  • #1 100 squats
  • #2 200 curls
  • #3 300 LBCs

Rinse and repeat.

No time left for MARY.

Veep, Smuggler, Butterfingers, Walt, Pinnocchio, KY, and Baby Weight

My focus lately has been working to develop more effective time management skills. Pre-kids, this was one of my strong suits. However, this skillset has become much more challenging with two kids under three coupled with a more demanding job. Personally, I need to spend more time in prayer and in God’s word, but I continue to make the lame excuse of “I don’t have time”. Similar to my personal belief about God’s ability to provide more with 90% (or less) of our money via tithes than we can independently with 100% of our money, this same principle applies to time. It is purely about “relentlessly prioritizing” the important things in our life, and it is time for me to re-assess my priorities when it comes to how I spend my time on a daily basis.


B-B Que Sandwich $4.50

THE SCENE: Rainy and around 50

10 SSH, 10 4ct Windmills, 10 SSH again,Tempo Merkins, Some Wayne Dunn’s then …
Pavillion EMOM of (with CMU)

  • Curls
  • OH Press
  • Rows
  • Up and Ove merkins

Then run to top of little hill and back. Next set of EMOM

  • Standing Calf Raises
  • LBC’s
  • Squat Jumps
  • Mountain Climbers

Run to top of hill and back. Next EMOM

  • Table Rows
  • Dips
  • Step Ups
  • Incline Merkins

Rinse and repeat

Did 6 minute Abs with Hello Dollys, Flutters, LBC’s, Gas Pumpers, Right Side and Left Side Crunches

Talked about distraction and to not miss an opportunity with our savior.  Read Luke 10 about Martha and Mary.  Be a Mary not a Martha!