F3 Knoxville

Parking Lot Circuit

THE SCENE: Very Foggy morning, but cool (68 F)


SSH, Windmills, Tempo Merkins, Rocky Balboas, and different jogs across the parking lot (buttkickers, high knees, and Karaoke)

After moseying to the 1st of 3 parking lots, we started a circuit of the 3 parking lots. Circuit involved starting with 5 of an exercise, run to the end of the parking lot, complete 10 of the exercise, run to the next parking lot, complete 15, run to the other end complete 20, run 15, run 10, run 5, run to the starting point, and start the circuit again with a new exercise. Exercises are as follows:

  1. Burpees
  2. Bigboys
  3. Squats
  4. Merkins
  5. Hello Dollys
  6. Exercise of Choice

Gave a HIM choice of exercise to lead before time was up.

Words taken from Adolph Brown’s Blog DocSpeaks.com:

The phrases being grateful and being thankful are often used interchangeably as a result of most dictionaries listing them as synonyms.  However, there are subtle differences between the phrases.   The word thankful is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as “pleased and relieved.”  The word “grateful is defined as “showing an appreciation of kindness.”  Here is where the distinction lies; being thankful is a feeling, and being grateful is an action.

Being grateful has two parts, one part is about appreciating what one has, and the second part is about recognizing where the goodness comes from (often an altruistic act).  Being thankful implies one is acknowledging their appreciation for something that someone has given them.  Per the old adage, “action speaks louder than words,” being thankful is an expression of words we use to acknowledge a kind act, and the action of gratitude is a deliberate practice. Being grateful builds on being thankful by helping us give deeper meaning to our lives, make sense of our lives and learn to affirm those around us for their roles in our lives. One can be thankful without being grateful, but one cannot be grateful without being thankful.

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”

 Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do It Anyway

THE SCENE: Not too bad, all things considered… low 80s, light breeze, mostly cloudy at first, switching over to mostly sunny which made it a bit toastier.


Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community.  I’m Pele and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


-20 SSH, 4-ct, IC

-5 Burpees for Abscess, who has a mental derangement that causes him to actually LIKE Burpees

– 10 Windmills, 4-ct IC

– 15 Grady Corns , 4-ct IC

– Little of this, then that

– Hamstring stretches, right leg over left, touch toes, reverse

– 10 Tempo Merkins, 4-ct, IC


MOSEY to the soccer field below the Coliseum:

BATTLE BUDDY AB KRAKEN with 6 cones.  Do 20 REPS of the exercise (4-ct when applicable), then run around circle PLUS ONE cone, etc., until you reach the last cone.  When finished, go to the middle and alternate 10 merkins and 20 squats until 6 finishes.

  • EXERCISES: Flutter Dollies, LBCs, Big Boy Situps, Bicycle Kicks, American Hammers, Dead Bug

MOSEY to the little parking lot just above the soccer field.  Get a BATTLE BUDDY for THREE BY FIVES.  One partner will be in the “bullpen” slowly running back and forth, while the other partner runs to stop sign and does two exercises, then runs back.  Start with 5 reps of both exercises and increase by 5, i.e., first trip do 5x, then 10x, then 15x.  Three sets of exercises:

  1. Peter Parkers (2-ct) / Half-Burpees
  2. Star Jumps / Iron Mikes
  3. Decline Merkins / Dive Bombers

AYG back to AO, cresting at least 2 of the small hills in the amphitheater on the way back.

Plank holds, 5 more burpees for Abscess. Uggh.
10 HIMs, No FNGs, one doggy

One of the things I’ve been struggling with the past year or two is how to maintain my efforts to be a man of character and integrity when it seems like no one else is playing by the same rules, or setting the same standards for themselves.  There comes a point where it’s easy to shrug and say, “Why bother?” and a temptation to sacrifice your principles in any variety of situations.  I am by no means perfect, but I get frustrated when I see ignorance, or selfishness, or an acceptance and propagation of falsehoods that are passed along purely for self-gain.  I get furious when I see hypocrisy, prejudice, and self-righteousness masquerading as patriotism or religious zeal.  And sometimes when I feel like I’m at my breaking point, I remember one of favorite poems, Do It Anyway, by Mother Teresa.  It goes like this:

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

Prayers for Pusher’s co-worker’s family, the family of Jetlag’s friend in the Philippines who died of a heart attack, and other PAX members struggling with loss or are healing from injuries.
CSAUP date change, now 3rd Sat. in August; Saturday AM will likely move to parking lot where PM group meets during winter.

Modified Tabata

THE SCENE: 71 and wet-ish

0 burpee

left over right

1 burpee

cherry pickers

2 burpees

35 SSH

3 burpees
Mosey to the CMU pile and pick up a coupon. We have 2  sets of 35 intervals. 2 minutes of work and 10 seconds of rest then on the to the next. I will list the work below.

  • curls
  • freddy mercury
  • air taps
  • welsh dragons
  • OHP
  • LBC
  • triceps extensions
  • merkins
  • squat thrust

time got away from us. we fellowship moseyed back to the AO

Gentlemen, the date for the Dog Pound’s CSAUP is being moved to Saturday, August 21. 2ish hours of a boot camp workout, followed by a feast of biscuits and gravy. CSAUPs are fun and challenging, and a great way to meet other F3 men from around Knoxville. We will be working in TEAMS of 3 (you’ll be added to a team if you are by yourself). Sign up here…


Slow Mosey

  • THE SCENE: Hot and Humid
    F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Better than Gibblers last week

    20 X SSH
  • 24 x Tie Fighters
    Slow Mosey around the loop stopping 6 times for
  • 5 hand release burpees
  • 10 hand release Mercians
  • 15 4cnt LBC’s
  • 20 Froggy squats

Positive Attitude=Positive outcome

Saturday AM @ Asylum – 7/17/21

THE SCENE: Mid-70s but humid

Open circle, disclaimer, etc:

Single count 15 – side straddle hops

Cherry pickers

Baby arm circles


Little of this and that

5 Burpees and go…


Mosey to Caribbean

Caribbean Suicides (Or Old Rotary Phones, thanks Matlock)– go to island do exercise, run back to beginning and do 10 rocky balboas (each time) and then run to next island and do that exercise…etc, all the way until you complete the full loop.

1st island – 15 bobby hurleys

2nd – 15 no touch merkins

3rd – 15 flutter kicks – 2 count

4th – 15 big boys

5th – 15 wide merkins

6th – 15 lunges each leg

7th – 15 box cutters

(some covered around 2 miles total just on this section alone)


Route 66 from Caribbean to near Picketts

Exercise is merkins – start with one and every light pole add one up to 11

Mosey to Pickett’s rock pile

Battle buddies grab rocks to share or 2 rocks

One end, one buddy will start the following while other karaokes to other curb, does 10 side straddle hops and Bernies back

Shared exercises:

100 Curls

100 Overhead presses

100 Rows

100 Squats

Mosey to base of Pickett’s to do Pickett’s Charge Suicide

Each bottom – 5 burpees

Top of first tier – 10 imperial walkers 2 count

2nd tier – 10 prisoner getups

Run up to Coliseum, stay and do LBCs until 6 gets in

Mosey to AO

Finished on time


19 men total, 1 FNG

Word on the show Ted Lasso, explain new season coming out Friday

The show was initially thought of to be silly. I mean it was based off a commercial. Nobody saw critical praise as a possibility and so many people ended up loving the show.

Why was it so liked? Could have something to do with the characters, I will try to explain without major spoilers.

Main character overwhelmingly positive thinker, but is flawed. He is dealing with some life failings to the point of affecting him mentally and physically

A main female character starts out seeming to be negative, but you find out she has been emotionally abused by her ex-husband and ends up likeable.

A player on the team is a narcissist and disruptive, but you come to find out he has an abusive father and is not all bad either.

The greater point other than saying it is a good show and pumping up subscriptions for Apple TV is just that like the show itself and the characters on the show don’t be quick to judge people on first impressions, rumors, etc. Get to know a person before making that judgement.

Welcome to FNG – Chiclets (Ryan McElveen)
Dad camp Aug 12-14 – CSAUP @ Dogpound Aug 21