F3 Knoxville

Envelopes of Possibility

THE SCENE: Nice and warm. 63 degrees give or take

It was by birthday Q so we started off nice with 43 4ct SSH’s which was followed nicely by some tempo merkins, mountain climbers, baby arm circles forward and back, some overhead claps, rockettes, and some rocky balboa’s.
So we had 7 stations with 7 envelopes with 2 sets of exercise in each envelope.  At each station, a member of the PAX was selected to open an envelope and pick one one the two sets of exercises to perform.

Stop 1 was Little Everest.  Exercise selected was run up 3 times with 5 burpees at the top each time.


Stop 2 was bottom of Cardiac.  Exercise selected was mosey to first bend, 20 merkins, bear crawl to next bend, 20 merkins, then run to top and wait on 6


Stop 3 was Bridge. Exercise selected was 50 walking lunges, 50 squats, and 20 4ct Monkey humpers


Stop 4 was light pole. Exercise selected was Route 66 with Merkins


Stop 5 was open Church. Exercise selected was 2 minute wall sit


Stop 6 was cloud. Exercise selected was 5 burpee box jumps


Stop 7 was pavilion.  Exercise selected was 20 table rows

mosey to Little Everest again for 3 times up as hard as you can go.



She didn’t show up

Spoke on John Chapter 18 vs 36 Where Christ is being quizzed by Pilot about who he is and Christ reply’s “My kingdom is not of this world.  If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that  might not be delivered over to the Jews.  But My kingdom is not of this world.”

If anyone should have felt hopeless it was Jesus in that situation.  He was going to be tortured and killed, and he knew it.  Yet he knew it wasn’t the end for him.  That his kingdom is not of this world and neither should ours be.  That evil may when for a short time, but our God triumphs over it in the end.  So we should be hopeful not hopeless in our times of trial, because we were made for something bigger.




We’re From the Country (and we like it that way)

THE SCENE: drop dead gorgeous morning. Bunny’s cheeks had a healthy rosy hue

Tabata Rocky 7 minute workout

Partner warmup: Cindy Gets Eaten by a Bear

partner 1: bear complex with CMU

partner 2: round of Cindy 5 table rows. 10 merkins. 15 squats

Leg day Pyramid o Fun x 2

  • 10 pistol squats
  • 20 weighted step ups
  • 30 weighted calf raises
  • 40 high knee jumps
  • 50 weighted butt touches
  • 60 SSH
  • 50 alt leg weighted lunges
  • 40 Rocky Balboas
  • 30 goblet squats
  • 20 iron mikes
  • 10 jump squats

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I Wanna Rock

THE SCENE:  Nice and 62 degrees at circle up

Start with 25 SSH on 4ct, To sidewalk for bb circles forward x10, jog to other end for bb circles reverse x10, jog back down for tempo merkin x10, mtn climbers x10, then Rockettes x10 on 4ct.

Mosey to get a rock. Once everyone had one we performed circuit of 1 min of exercise with rock, 1 min of SSH or High Knees, and 10 second recovery.  Did 5 rounds of

  • 1 Min Curls
  • 1 Min SSH
  • 1 Min OH Press
  • 1 Min High Knees
  • 1 Min Front Raise
  • 1 Min SSH
  • 1 Min Kettle Bell Swings
  • 1 Min High Knees
  • 1 Min Tricep Extensions
  • 1 Min SSH

Mosey to lower parking lot to rinse and repeat.

When done, left 3 rocks at drainage pile and carried the rest to baby everest.  Up baby everest 3 times with 2 burpees at the top.  Take Rocks back and time to circle up…



Took a bit from Warren Buffet about how he asks his managers to judge their actions: By thinking about every decision or action they made appear in the newspaper for your family, friends, and neighbors to see.  Related it to the small things we do every day.  Not just the big things.  It’s the words that come out of our mouths.  The things we look at or click on.

Psalm 19:14

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Step Up

THE SCENE: High 40s and sunny

15th day of the month, 135th day of the year – 230 days left in 2021 to make it what you want it to be

SSH, windmills, tempo squats, little baby arm circles forward, little baby arm circles backward, some Michael Phelps, a little bit of this and a little bit of that (x2), and tempo merkins – 15 reps of each (4 count where appropriate).

Pele wanted to do some cherry pickers, but I don’t like cherry pickers so we moseyed instead.  For once, Crawdad agreed with me.


Mosey to the bottom of Everest

15 more SSHs (4 ct)

Run up Everest to the top of the Summit

15 more SSHs (4 ct)

Mosey to the Coliseum

Divide up into two teams

Welch Dragons to 10 with one team going one way and the other team going the other way – if you don’t know what a Welch Dragon is, then look it up on the F3 Exicon or ask someone who has done it, he will remember

Meet back in the center for some Hello Flutter Cutters (one 4-ct Hello Dolly, one 4-ct Flutter Kick, one 4-ct Box Cutter – together back-to-back-to-back for one rep) while waiting on the six or at least 15

Ghost-man Baseball

Using the circle of the Coliseum, Team 1 runs to first base, does 15 reps of the exercise, and returns home.  Team 2 does a core exercise of its choice for the entire time it is waiting for Team 1 to return.  Team 1 does a core exercise of its choice while Team 2 runs to first base, does 15 reps of the exercise, and then runs back.  Repeat this process for the other bases but stop at each base on the way and do the exercise there before advancing to the next base (because you have to touch the bag before advancing in baseball) but do not do the exercises at each base on the way back (but do run back the way you came).  For the home run, do not run back, stay at home to do 15 reps of those exercises and then do a core exercise of the team’s choice while the other team finishes its home-run trot.

First Base – Merkins

Second Base – Squats

Third Base – Carolina Dry Docks

Home Run – Burpees

15 SSHs (4 ct)

Mosey to Crawdad’s Yoga Studio

15 SSHs (4 ct)

Hokey Pokeys (merkins with one leg in the air) x 15 each leg

25 SSHs (4 ct)

Mosey to the base of Baby Cardiac

35 SSHs (4 ct) – total of 135 for the entire workout

All you got sprint up Baby Cardiac to the AO

Hold a plank for one minute to time

18 HIMs


It’s time to step up.  Lillydipper usually picks up 2 Qs a month on average, but he has been out with a hip problem and will be out for a while.  It’s going to take all of us to fill that void.  So, it’s time to step up.  Sign up for Qs.  If you’ve not Qed in a while, then it’s time to sign up.  If you’ve never Qed before, then it’s definitely time to sign up.  It’s not hard.  Just pick an exercise you don’t like to do and do it twice as many times as you want to do it.  The PAX will support you.  The Q doesn’t have to be perfect.  It just needs to be.  And, a Q needs to be on the website calendar days in advance so that any sad clowns will know that F3 will be there for them on Saturday morning (remember, the sad clowns don’t have access to Slack).  Step up and sign up.  Do it for your brothers.  Do it for Lilly.  We can’t let this fade in his absence or fall only on a few of us.  He will undoubtedly be back, hopefully sooner rather than later, but we need to make sure that his legacy is still here waiting on him.

Prayers against racism, for the sick and shut in, for the journeys of Cheatsheet, his daughter, and all the F3 brothers, for Lillydipper, for Jinxy, for Doubtfire, for Convoy and his family, and for all of the unspoken prayers on our hearts and minds.  Prayers for the courage in each of us to step up in F3, in our families, and in our communities.

June 12th – Convergence at Big Ball followed by a work day at Wesley House

July 24th – CSAUP at Dog Pound (was last year’s CSAUP not enough?)

Don’t Widen the Plate!

THE SCENE: Soooo beautiful! Upper 60s, popcorn clouds, nice amount of sunshine.



-30 Split Jacks (4-ct), 15 each leg, in cadence

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Rockettes (4-ct), in cadence

– 5 PCMBs, OYO

– 10 Grady Corns (4-ct), in cadence


PE EXAM (Hat tip, Erector)

MOSEY to STOP SIGN SOUTH OF ADMIN BUILDING, in a nice shady spot in the grass.

P – 10 Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpees aka PCMBs.  Basically, a burpee with 3 merkins and pulling each knee to your chest between the merkins (see F3 Exicon).

Near same tree, up to nearest hill and back…

E – Elevens – squats at the bottom and BBS at the top.

MOSEY across street to curved road that leads to gravel parking lot.

E – Escalator – BEAR CRAWLING! Fives cones: 1) 10 Burpees, 2) 20 Squat Jumps 3) 30 Imperial Walkers, 4) 40 SSH, 50 lunge-walks back to start.

MOSEY to field below Coliseum


KRAKEN:` 6 cones in a circle, with Ab exercises in blue, and upper body exercises in red.  Do the blue exercise, then run around clockwise plus one cone and do the next exercise.  Rinse and repeat until back and starting point.  Then do the same thing, in the opposite direction, doing the red exercises.  * Didn’t have enough time, so we just did one circuit, alternating between blue and red exercises at each cone.

  • Blue exercises:
  1. 20 BBS
  2. 20 Gas Pumps
  3. 20 Box Cutters
  4. 20 LBCs
  5. 20 Bicycle kicks (4-ct)
  6. 20 American Hammers (4-ct)
  • Red exercises:
  1. 20 Merkins
  2. 20 Carolina Dry Docks
  3. 20 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders =1)
  4. 20 Diamond Merkins
  5. 20 Bottle Openers
  6. 20 Wide Merkins

MOSEY to small parking lot below Coliseum

X –Xs and Os , on Q’s call

MOSEY to Coliseum (… which had food trucks on it, and was being used by some people, so we went to the roundabout and did “A” there, substituting Bobby Hurleys for Bench Jumps)

A – Aiken legs – Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Split Jacks (10 each leg forward).


JAIL BREAK back to AO for the last letter.

M – Mary

Captain Thors
11 dudes

An old coach named John Scolinos, who had begun coaching in the 1940s, once spoke at a Baseball coaching conference in Nashville, Tennesse in the 1960s. His talk was called, 17 INCHES.

He walked in with a home plate hung around his neck.

He said, “You’re probably all wondering why I’m wearing home plate around my neck.

“Do you know how wide home plate is in Little League?”

After a pause, someone offered, “Seventeen inches?”

“That’s right,” he said. “How about in Babe Ruth’s day?”

Another long pause. “Seventeen inches?” a guess from another reluctant coach.

He repeated the same question for high school coaches.  Minor league coaches.  And those who had any experience in the big leagues.  The answer was always the same.  17 inches.  “That’s right,” he said.  “And what do they do with a Big League pitcher who can’t throw the ball over seventeen inches?” Pause. “The press calls him a bum and they send him down to the minors!”

“What they don’t do is this: they don’t say, ‘Ah, that’s okay, Jimmy. If you can’t hit a seventeen-inch target? We’ll make it eighteen inches or nineteen inches. We’ll make it twenty inches so you have a better chance of hitting it. If you can’t hit that, let us know so we can make it wider still, say twenty-five inches.’”

Pause. “Coaches… what do we do when your best player shows up late to practice? What if he gets caught drinking? Do we hold him accountable? Or do we change the rules to fit him? Do we widen home plate? ”

“What do we do when our kids misbehave, break the rules, and tell lies?  Do we widen home plate?”

“What do we do when our politicians lie to us, fail to live up to the moral standards that we expect out of our elected leaders, and stop doing what’s best for us and the country?  Do we widen home plate and say, “Well, that’s ok, the other side does it too”.  Or do we hold them to their actions, even if we consider ourselves in the same party as them?

We don’t teach accountability to our kids, and there is no consequence for failing to meet standards. We just widen the plate!”

“If I am lucky,” Coach Scolinos concluded, “you will remember one thing from this old coach today. It is this: “If we fail to hold ourselves to a higher standard, a standard of what we know to be right; if we fail to hold our spouses and our children to the same standards, if we are unwilling or unable to provide a consequence when they do not meet the standard; We have dark days ahead!.”

Coaches, keep your players—no matter how good they are—your own children, your government, and most of all, keep yourself at seventeen inches.  Don’t widen the plate.”

Jinxy and Lilydipper joined us for the Board Meeting!
Kickball tournament this weekend.