F3 Knoxville

Fake Gloom Ruckers Unite

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Getting dark around 5:45pm. We love this.


(1) Welcome to F3: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

(2) My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q tonight

(3) Few things before we begin:

  • I’m not a professional
  • You’re here on your own volition
  • If you need to modify anything we do tonight feel free to do it


Q laid out the plan for the evening ruck before stepping off.


Ruck a mile.

  • 25 merkins
  • 25 squats
  • 25×4 flutter kicks
  • 25 ruck curls

Knocked out a round of 25s, then completed 3 miles, for a total of 4 rounds of PT. Ended back at the GoodStuff AO.


Dark. Felt like 10pm.


Total: 3

Q: Steam

PAX: Blindside, Swimmies


From the QSOURCE: “King” — The Daily Discipline of Physically Training the Body

I was going over this this week and jotted down some really great insights and TPQs, or Thought Provoking Questions.

Page 37 of the QSOURCE: “F3 added the Jester because we realized that the wrong temptation will topple even the strongest man’s fitness kingdom if not held at bay through disciplined application of the DRP (Daily Red Pill). After all, what will it matter if a man is in great physical condition if he is continually tripped up by festering distraction?”

TPQ #1 — What is continually tripping me up in my daily pursuit of HIManhood?

Page 37 of the QSOURCE: “He is building a kingdom of Preparedness within which he intends other people to safely dwell……How can a man be much of a Leader if he gets smoked pulling his family’s luggage off the baggage carousel and carrying it to the minivan? What will a son learn from a father who can’t play catch with him in the backyard for more than 5 minutes without having to sit down?……This is the power of the Shield Lock, which is the horizontal relationship between men. Together, we sharpen each other — as iron sharpens iron.”

TPQ #2 — What does your Kingdom of preparedness look like?

TPQ #3 — Are you prepared to offer yourself as a safe place for others (your 2.0s, your M, etc) to dwell?

TPQ #4 — Are you leading yourself well enough to lead others?


The Q shared this: My S.O. (Significant Other/girlfriend) gave me some tough but loving feedback this past weekend. Granted, I asked. But I had asked her if she had any input on my goals for the rest of the year and going into 2022, anything that she thought I should work on to improve myself. Her response rocked me: “I think you could lose some weight.” I had never heard that from any S.O. I’ve been in relationship with. I had heard “No, I love you for exactly as you are” or “You’re just fine the way you are, I wouldn’t change a thing.” These are comfortable and affirming things to hear. Key word comfortable. I was being told what I wanted to hear maybe, but not what I needed to hear. Now my S.O. Is a God-fearing, High Impact Woman. So when she gave me this feedback, it was from a place of love, not just offering up positive sounds waves of affirmation instead of diving into a potentially hard truth. And guess what, she was right. And all the married men reading this said “AMEN, way to learn your lesson Steam.”

But seriously. She was right. She didn’t just tell me what I wanted to hear to make me feel good, she gave me truth, and also helped remind me why I do F3. She wanted me to not just stay comfortable and complacent, she wanted to encourage my growth and development. By giving me that feedback, she was loving me better than anyone ever had. And I needed to listen. Now to all you wondering, yes, she did say I was just fine the way I was, BUT it meant a lot to me that she gave me that honest feedback.

Why do I say all this? This experience with my S.O. Was very eye opening. She wasn’t being harsh or rude, she was caring for me well and helping promote my growth and goals as a HIM. So why do I do F3? So I can prepare myself to love others to the best of my ability outside of F3. That starts with that 1st F. I have to prepare myself physically, so I can be where I need to be and serve with the caliber and excellence I need to serve with.

Cap’n Crunch said this at one of his Qs years ago and it has always stuck with me: “It’s not about you.”

So what does this mean to me? It’s not JUST about me getting physically better when I come workout with F3. It’s not about me. It’s about me preparing myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to be  HIM outside of F3. The more we think F3 workouts are just for us to get healthier and in better shape physically, the farther we get from the core of why F3 exists in the first place. Getting healthier and in better shape are just byproducts of the mission of F3. It’s just an added bonus. That’s why the 1st F is the magnet, or what originally attracts men to F3 — it’s a good workout. But it’s so much more than just a good workout. Why? Because it’s not about you.


Get those coats in for the coat drive! Bring them to in numbers to your AO this week.