F3 Knoxville

How do you spell B*E*A*T*D*O*W*N?

THE SCENE: Cool, low humidity, most beautiful sunrise in Knoxville

25-4ct. SSH, Cherry pickers, Moroccan nightclubs, Baby arm circles forward and back.

Mosey to trail

B: Burpees – Route 66 style

E: Everest on Everest up to stump (see Exicon for description of exercises), run up rest of Everest to road.

Mosey to Pier behind KUB substation

A: ATM – 1 round

T: Tammy Wynette

D: Dying cockroach (2 sets, 10-4 ct.)

O: Obama (8 rounds for 8 years)

Mosey to main lawn.

W: Wilt Chamberlain

Mosey to parking by restrooms

N: Newtons Cradle (10 – 4 ct., 3 rounds)

Run up small hill to AO

Crawdad led box cutters, Gus led shoulder blasters until time.

Remember that God is greater than our fears, insecurities, and what we understand.  Too often we put Him in a box that we comprehend, but He is so much more.  The relationship is similar to what we have with children where they have a very limited and sometimes skewed perspective of the world.  That is how we are to God.

Isaiah 55:8-9


Leave your Burden…Jesus sacrificed for you!

THE SCENE: 63* and absolutely perfect! Bombshelter AO

Tempo SSH Sealclaps x 10

Tempo Squats x 10

Tempo Merkins x 10

Tempo BBS X 10

Hurpees x 10


  • Mosey to lower softball field with Hammer/weight stopping along the way to do presses/thrusts x 10, 4 stops (Weights represent carrying burdens in life)
  • Circle the Waggons- without weight run single file around circle of cones, switch directions when hear “Switch”, when hear “Down” drop and do Burpee. Incorporate Highknees and side shuffle, RR for 5 min, pick up weights 10 presses, mosey w weight to next station Presses along the way
  • Trolly Grid- start w 3 Merkins at every star running from one star to next x 8, BBS at stars lunge to next x8, 3 Squat Jumps at stars x 8 BearCrawl to next, 2 Burpees at stars x 8 and Broad Jump to the next
  • Bo Knows- battle buddy up, one does wall sits while holding weight out while buddy does 100+ HighKnees, RR
  • Pick up weight mosey to next station pressing along way
  • run to cones stop and do 5 Carolina Drydocks at every cone x 10, go back the other way stopping to do 5 x Boxcutters at cone x 10

Tempo flutter kicks x 15, Tempo Hello Dolly x 15, Dead Bug x 20, LBCs for last minute

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
We can not control our burdens through out life but we have hope for eternal life through Jesus’ sacrifice. Leave your burden with him and rest assured!
🙏🏻Pray for Mayberry’s daughter, Mose’s Friend and people in Florida due to Hurricane, and our FNG @Treble’s friend who is having brain surgery
Check out the calendar we have a lot going on!

Faith through Doubt

  1. THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

    10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers, Little of This and That, Michael Phelps.
    Mosey to large parking lot with gardens in middle.  We will perform Iron PAX Week 0 challenge, doing the following exercises six times:
  • 24 merkins
  • 24 squats
  • 24 lunges where both legs = 1
  • 400 meter run

Those men finishing first will do the following exercises:

  • 40 Baby Crunches
  • 30 Big Boy Sit-Ups
  • 20 Side Straddle Hops (4 count)
  • 20 Hello Dollies (4 count)
  • 20 American Hammers (4 Count)
  • 20 Mountain Climbers (4 Count)
  • 20 Bicycle Kicks (4 Count)

Mosey to AO

Twelve men, no FNG’s.

The whole problem with the world is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.  –Bertrand Russell

As a Christian, I get pissed off by people who are so damned sure about the bible and about God.  I’m talking about the guy who arrogantly proclaims that it is sacrilegious for us to question God.  Do these people really think about God?  With all the pain, injustice, greed, and despair in this world, don’t we have a right to question?  Are we supposed to follow God like robots, like automatons, never wondering, never doubting?

As a Christian, I have found my knowledge of God and faith in God strengthened by my questioning and doubts.  For, it is through my questioning that I seek, read, talk to others with more knowledge than I, and ultimately ponder, wrestle with, and finally converse with God.

It is nice to know that I am in good company.  Look at Christ’s disciples when he was taken to be crucified.  Look at Peter.  Christ told him that he would doubt and deny him, saying that before the rooster crowed Peter would deny his three times.  And, having done so, when the rooster crowed and Peter remember what Christ said, he wept bitterly.  But, like Paul, Peter would become a great apostle who spoke for and spread the word about Christ.  And, like Paul, he was willing to be killed to do so.  And most of Christ’s other disciples, who doubted just as Peter did, also died proclaiming Christ.

I read a 2014 Oped in the New York Times by Julia Baird.  In it, she talked about the backlash he received when Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has admitted that he sometimes questioned God.  The International Business Times proclaimed his statement was the “doubt of the century.”  The Australian atheist columnist, Peter FitzSimons, tweeted, “Victory.”  The Archbishop is a man who has reasons to doubt God.  As a teenager, he cared for an alcoholic father.  He lost his first daughter to a car accident when she was seven months  old.  But, as a follower of God, his questioning has strengthened him.  He understands others because he has suffered.  He understands doubt because he has doubted.  And, he knows that Christ, whJen he died on the cross, spoke for our doubts when He cried, “My God, Why have you forsaken me?”

As Ms. Baird aptly stated in her Oped, “Just as courage is persisting in the face of fear, so faith is persisting in the face of doubt.

So brothers, when you question this world, when you question it’s creator, know that you are in good company.  Doubt, but persist in the face of your doubt.  Persist in seeking answers to your doubts.  And have faith that God understands your doubts, but seeks you.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Be There


Cloudy with a chance of burpees.  No rain.  Around 70ish degrees or so.


I’m still not an expert, so it’s still free and the usual disclaimers.


SSH x 20, baby arm circles forward x 20, baby arm circles backward x 20, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, tempo squats x 10, tempo merkins x 10, cherry pickers x 5.

That was going to be it as I had just mentioned to Preacher (who was back from AZ) that we would not do burpees because they are not a warm-up, but Cheat Sheet arrived at that time, so we did 5 burpees OYO.

PAX counted off – 24 HIMS, so, when we do reps, we will do 24 of them.


Mosey to Everest via the long, windy path with all of the light posts (not sure if it has a name).  Pass a light post, do a burpee.

Carolina dry docks x 24 at the bottom of Everest

Run up to the first tree, do 24 squats

Run back to the bottom of Everest, do 24 merkins and then hold plank until the six arrives and finishes the merkins

Rinse and repeat, this time running to the second tree up Everest and back

Rinse and repeat, this time running to the tree at the top of Everest and back

Back at the bottom of Everest, we were on the wrong side of Everest, so we had to run all the way to the top of Everest to the area formerly-known-as the rock pile (we skipped the exercises on this trip)

Mosey to the monument for some family that gave a lot of money where the normally-wonderful view of the sunrise was dampened by clouds, but it did not affect the 24 American hammers that we did on a 4-count

Mosey to the CMU pile and battle-buddied up

One person runs across the parking lot, down the hill, around the Pavilon (counter-clockwise), stops at the picnic tables in the Pavilon, does 24 pull-me-up rows on the tables, and returns to the CMU pile

The other person does Mr. Spectaculars using the CMU until his battle buddy returns

Switch out and repeat – each person ended up doing each exercise at least twice

Mosey to the Cloud and find a bench

Derkins x 24

Dips x 24

Box jumps (or step ups) x 24

Only had time for one round of those before holding a plank until the six finished

While planking, right arm up, right leg up, down, left arm up, left leg up, down

Mosey to the AO


Proton led the PAX through some flutter kicks while the Q grabbed his phone, and Proton didn’t stop until 30 (on the 4-count) for some reason (after all of those reps of 24, you would think he would have gotten it, but Proton loves exercise so much, he probably just wanted to do those extra 6 reps)

Q returned and led the PAX through box cutters x 30 and hello Dollys x 30 (both on the 4-count) since Proton went to 30

Finished out with boat/canoes until time expired (some PAX mumbled that the workout went over, but it was 8:00 by the Q’s watch, which is the only time that matters – and it matched the time on the Q’s cell phone, for what it’s worth)


We started with 24 and ended with 25.  Assfault completed a Flyin EH on someone he knew along the way, so we were able to welcome Real Chill.  Another FNG started with us and ended with us – welcome Caitlyn.  Tank, the dog, also joined us.

Nacho and Jumbo were also there, but they did not have tags that showed up, so there are only 23 tags, but there were 25 HIMs.


Caedmon’s Call had a song out in the 90s called Center Aisle that was about the writer’s first experience at a funeral, which happened to be the funeral of his friend’s sister who had committed suicide.  It is a good song, check it out if you haven’t already.  This line from the song has always stuck with me: “There aren’t words to say/Words aren’t remembered/But presence is.”

Show up.  Hopefully, we can also say the right things and do the right things, too, but we can’t if we don’t show up first.  And, if we can’t say and do the right thing that will make everything better, then at least we can be there, which is important, both in bad times and good times.  There are moments in people’s lives that they will remember who was there and who was not, e.g., funerals and weddings, and often times we would rather not be there because it makes us uncomfortable or it is too much of a hassle or whatever.  But that doesn’t matter.  What matters is this: should we be there for that person for that moment in his/her life?  (I’m not talking about the times that you cannot because of work, family, or other commitments – I’m not suggesting that we, as humans, can be everywhere and do everything.  I’m talking about the times that you can, but you just don’t.)

The Bible has a lot of references to God’s presence in our lives, e.g., Matthew 18:20, Matthew 28:20, and John 14:18, and Jesus is the manifestation of God’s presence.  Let God be present in your life and then be there for your wives/girlfriends (as long as you don’t have both at the same time), be there for your kids, be there for your parents, be there for your other family members, and be there for your friends.

Your presence will be remembered.  Your absence may not be forgotten.


Props to Archie for posting after being up since Friday morning.  And, he took the message to heart and attended a wedding the same day that he thought about missing.  How about that?  That is either good timing or bad timing.  Part of me wants to apologize to Archie since he probably needed to sleep.  

Good to see Preacher again as always. 

Abscess took a lot of photos and videos. 

Still praying for Junk’s wife. 

Someone said something about something that was coming up, but I can’t remember what it was now.  It might have been about the IronPax Challenge and/or Truckin to the Pound on 9/14.  I do know that there is a 2.0 event coming up on 9/22, but I did not say that then.

Hot as Blazes

THE SCENE: Upper 90s… soul-witheringly hot.  Felt like an ant under a magnifying glass.

-20 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence

– 20 BBS

– 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward, Backward (in cadence)


Mosey to intersection of road in front of Asylum and Lyons View entrance road.

  • AIKEN LEGS: 20 squats, 20 Bobby Hurleys (instead of box jumps), 20 lunges (2-ct), 20 split jacks (2-ct)
    • Run two lights, Bernie backwards one, do 5 merkins. Keep going to base of Everest.
    • 20 BBS, then run up to the base of the Summit
    • 6 x 20 seconds Carolina Dry Docks * (10 second break between all sets)
    • 6 x 20 seconds American Hammers
    • 6 x 20 seconds Peter Parkers*
    • 6 x 20 seconds BBS
    • 6 x 20 seconds Mountain Climbers**
    • (We did stargazers in here somewhere because the Q was gassed…)

* = run up small slope to the north of the workout area, **= run all the way up Summit

Mosey to AO.

No time
9 strong.
I recently attended a workout where another Q was talking about how there’s always someone struggling worse than you are, and it can help you if you make it your goal to lift them up and help them out, and raise them up.  I tore my ACL in soccer my Junior year of college, and was in the dumps for months.  The rehab work was grueling, I was uncertain I would be able to play at the level I was accustomed to again for my final year of college, and my course work was particularly challenging that semester.  I decided to go to Louisiana for a Habitat for Humanity effort over spring break after I heard about it through some classmates.  We built gardens for the Chitimatcha Indian Tribe down there on their lands outside of New Orleans, and although they appreciated our help in terms of the physical labor, they were so grateful just to have some people show up with some energy and positive spirit to be with them.  The tribe is very poor, and had very high alcoholism and suicide rates, but the effect of having a bunch of college kids from Wisconsin travel several thousand miles during their spring break to give them a hand and share some fellowship seemed to have an incredible effect on them.  It had an incredible effect on me, as well, being with these wonderful people, seeing how challenging their lives are, but seeing what generous and friendly souls they had in spite of their humble situation.  When I returned from the trip, all the self-pity and darkness that was brewing and I felt more than renewed to face my own path going forward.
Good luck to Nature Boy as he starts his new semester at UT this week.
Trucking to the Pound, Sept. 14.  Order shirts this week!!