F3 Knoxville

Rockin’ Dora and Cardiac Attack

THE SCENE: Mostly cloudy, 73 degrees, 90% humidityTo

(25) 4 ct. SSH; Baby arm circles forward; backers; (10) 4ct. plank jacks; lunge stretch


  • Mosey to base of Everest
  • (1) sprint up Everest to rock pile
  • Selected rock and partner for Rockin’ Doras
  • Partner 1: Run west along road, with rock, to first tree and back
  • Partner 2: Curls (up to 200); Squats with rock (up to 200); BBS or flutter kicks (4 ct.), rock optional (200)
  • Mosey cross country to base of Cardiac Hill
  • (5) 4 ct. American Hammers; Bernie Sanders to first bend; (5) 4 ct. Hello Dollies; bear crawl to next bend; (5) squat jumps; sprint to benches; (5) tricep dips;
  • Rinse and repeat, add (5) to each exercise

Ab work, 2 rounds ending with 4 ct. flutter kicks.

II Timothy 1:7 – This is my Father’s favorite verse, and I had not really connected with it. I never felt that I approached life with timidity or fear. I termed it as humility. But, there is a fine line between timidity and humility.  To my shame, I have been doing F3 for a year and a half, and this is my VQ.  To be a real HIM, we need to approach life boldly. We need to lead when we are called to lead and not be timid. We also need to remember that God gives us power, but also love and self discipline.

The Peace of Wild Things

THE SCENE: Pleasant temperatures in the upper 70s, but still dang humid

Boom. Nailed it.

20 SSH IC, 20 Imperial Squat Walkers IC, 20 Windmills IC (PAX really needs to work on getting the coordination and count down on these… 😉 ), 20 baby-to-big arm circles IC, front/reverse


Mosey to Area 51.

We will do Partner DORAs starting at the parking sign off of the perimeter road just south of the Admin building.. While one partner runs to Area 51 parking lot/loading Dock and does 5 squat jumps and runs back, the other starts the exercises.  Each pair shall complete the following, cumulatively:

  • 100 Big Boy sit-ups
  • 200 Lunges (doing both legs counts as 1)
  • 100 Merkins

Mosey around perimeter road to grassy field between Admin Building and main park road. Cones will be laid out in a large rectangle.  Move around the cones, doing Bernie Sanders on the long sides and bear crawls on the short sides.  Stop at midpoints and corners for exercises.

  • At midpoints (long side only), do 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  • At each corner, do 10 mountain climbers (4-ct)

Rinse and repeat, but replace the exercises with the following:

  • At midpoints (long side), do 15 Bobby Hurleys
  • At each corner, do 10 Plank Jacks

Mosey to path leading to Admin building.

Bernie Sanders up the sidewalk to the stairs, and do 50 calf raises on the stairs.

Mosey back to AO.

Captain Thors, 20 Hello Dollies (IC), 15 tempo merkins (IC), 40 E2Ks (10 each leg, rinse and repeat), 20 modified table saws (IC), 20 froggie/heel touches (IC)
11 fine men, all tagged except for Foff (sp?) who is still not registered.

The Peace of Wild Things

Outside of church, I have always felt closest to God while immersed in the beauty of nature, surrounded by a world so achingly beautiful that it makes me so grateful and humbled that we have been placed in such surroundings.  Whether it is standing on a ledge looking at a spectacular waterfall, gazing out across a valley tinted with fall colors from a peak, or simply looking at the contours and pigments of a simple, perfect flower, I feel the work of God in my heart.  I wanted to read this poem, which I stole-borrowed from a fellow F3er’s Facebook page (Thanks Lillydipper!)

“The Peace of Wild Things” by Wendell Barry

When Despair for the World grows in me

And I wake in the night at the least sound

In fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,

I go and lie down where the wood drake

Rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds

I come into the peace of wild things

Who do not tax their lives with forethought

Of grief.  I come into the presence of still water.

And I feel above me the day-blind stars

Waiting with their light.  For a time

I rest in the grace of the world. And am free.”

Prayers that we pause and truly appreciate the beauty of our world whenever possible, and that we are wise and responsible stewards of our wondrous planet so that it is preserved for generations to come.

Congrats to Mr. Jinxy and best wishes on the marriage of his daughter this week-end!

Lots of stuff coming up… Atlanta Mud Run, F3 Olympics, Cleveland, TN F3 kickoff all in the next month.  Stay tuned…

We all worship

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning


  • 20 SSH IC
  • 12 Tempo Squats IC
  • 10 Merkins IC
  • 10 Cherry Pickers IC
  • 12 Baby Arm Circles (Forward & Reverse) IC


Escalator style workout: Each light pole has an exercise with an assigned number of reps. Go to Light Pole 1, complete the exercise, and run back to the start line. Run back to Light Pole 1, do the exercise, run to Light Pole 2, do the exercise, and run back to the start line. Light Pole 1, then 2, then 3, and back to the start line. Rinse and repeat until you make it to the last light pole (total of 8 light poles). The exercises/reps were as follows:

  • Light Pole 1 = 5 Hand-release Merkins
  • Light Pole 2 = 10 Jump Squats
  • Light Pole 3 = 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Light Pole 4 = 20 Lungs (10 each leg)
  • Light Pole 5 = 25 LBC’s
  • Light Pole 6 = 30 Iron Mikes (15 each leg)
  • Light Pole 7 = 35 Hello Dollies (single count)
  • Light Pole 8 = 40 SSH (single count)

Followed that with a little Indian run action – traditional and then with lunges and then with bear crawls. Mosey over to the cloud for the following:

  • 10 Burpee Box Jumps
  • 10 Tricep Dips IC
  • 10 Derkins
  • 10 Tricep Dips IC


  • 20 Flutter Kicks IC
  • Plank hold into Mountain Climbers
  • 20 American Hammers IC


24 HIM’s got better today. Sharky & Potter came out as well (no tag)


One of our pastors shared the following quote with us a couple Sundays back. The message is that we all worship something. If we’re not finding our identity in Christ, then we’re finding it somewhere else. Because of sin, we are all broken cisterns. If we find our worth in money, power, the approval of others, fame, glory, etc., we will never have enough. Those worldly idols were never meant to fill the void in our hearts caused by sin – no matter how much we have, we will always want more because our souls will never be satisfied with worldly possessions. A relationship, through faith, with our Father is the only sustainable source of life.

While David Foster Wallace (the man who coined this quote) wasn’t a Christian, his message regarding worldly idols is relevant to our daily struggles.

“In the day-to-day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. And the compelling reason for choosing some sort of god or spiritual being to worship – be it Jesus Christ or Allah, Yahweh or the Wiccan Mother Goddess, or some inviolable set of ethical principles – is that pretty much anything else you worship will eat you alive. If you worship money and things, if they are where you tap real meaning in life, then you will never have enough, never feel you have enough. It’s the truth. Worship your body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly. And when time and age start showing, you will die a million deaths before they finally grieve you. On one level, we all know this stuff already. It’s been codified as myths, proverbs, clichés, epigrams, parables; the skeleton of every great story. The whole trick is keeping the truth up front in daily consciousness. Worship power – you will feel weak and afraid, and you will need even more power over others to keep the fear at bay. Worship your intellect, being seen as smart – you will end up feeling stupid, a fraud, always on the verge of being found out. And so on.”

The last shall be first

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy with nice breeze, low eighties.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Bottle Caps, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers, Little of This and Little of That

Mosey down Roadshow Run and go to trail near Lyons Bend Entrance.  20 Hello Dollies.  After that we will do 14’s on trail as it goes east and then south.  We will stop when it curves by parking lot.  We will bear crawl to first light and sprint next four all the way on the trail, bear crawl one light, sprint four lights.

Mosey on roadway until we get to playground.  We will do elevens starting with one bench lift and ten bench jumps.  20 American Hammers in Cadence afterward.

Mosey to grassy area close to Pickett’s Charge.  There will be cones on he grassy area.  We will do suicides running to each cone and back to start.  Rest to do 40 Baby Crunches.  Do suicides one more time but this time do 10 Merkins each time we get back to start.  Those who finish first do Big Boy Sit-ups.

Mosey to front of Admin Bldg.  Stop to do 20 Box Cutters in Cadence.

Mosey to rock pile near Admin Bldg Parking Lot.  20 Bench Presses, 20 Curls, 20 Rows, 20 Squats.

Mosey to AO.
Plank with lifts of each hand and each leg.  Leg stretches from plank position.
Nine men including a Flying EH who was our FNG.  His hospital name is Tony Guidera and we dubbed him “Bojangles.”

But many who are first will be last, and the last first.

So the last will be first, and the first last.”
And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”
In all these sayings, Jesus is indicating that God does not give great importance to ability, success, wealth or fame in His Kingdom.  Jesus also indicates that God places importance on us serving others.  As leaders we should think of ourselves as servants, not head of the pack.
One of the reasons that I have loved the F3 Brotherhood and F3 Philosophy so much is that I feel we follow this philosophy that Jesus speaks of.  When I came to F3, I heard that military men had started it and I was worried that it was going to be a “get your A _ _ in gear boy” type of mentality where guys are pushed and made fun of when they failed.  Instead, I found a group of men who do push THEMSELVES but who encourage the newcomers and circle back for them when they cannot keep up with those ahead of them.  I found a group who gives RESPECT to the older, slower guys.  The philosophy of F3 is to encourage EVERY MAN.  We respect each man for what he offers, for his unique set of gifts.  We admire the fastest and we admire the strongest.  We admire the slowest who is giving it all to get better.  We admire those who are great speakers, who know about our community, who are good teachers, who are awesome mumble-chatterers, who are willing to do something that they are uncomfortable with doing, who are willing to wake up early morning to get better, who are willing to come out on an afternoon of excessive heat and humidity to get better.  Who is first and who is last in F3?  Who knows?  I guess we are all first and all last.  And I get the feeling that God smiles on F3 Knoxville because we do live out the philosophy that God has asked us to live by.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Hike this weekend on Andrews Bald.  Those going will meet at Food City at 8:30 am and head out together.  Mud run in Atlanta following weekend.

4 The Love of 6!

THE SCENE: It was a dark and stormy night… but actually pretty pleasant! The rain was considerate enough to hold off until the very moment we finished the workout.

SSH (4 x 6 = 24, IC), Cherry Pickers (4 + 6 = 10, IC), Tempo Merkins (4 + 6 = 10, IC), Bolt 45s, with a bonus squat to make them Bolt 46s (IC) — YES, there’s a pattern.  One guess as to how old the Q turned today…
Mosey to drive/parking area southwest of admin building.

BEARWAY TO HEAVEN: three cones set up at approximately 15 yard intervals. Bear crawl suicides to each cone, doing 4, 6, then (4 + 6 =) 10 merkins at each cone.  Run back to start after last cone.

4/6/(4+6) 10s Part 1: Mosey to parking inlet southwest of admin building.  Battle buddy up.  One person runs the loop up the stairs and around back into the parking area while the other person does Imperial Squats, then the other partner runs the lap.  Half way through the loop, do the following three exercises.  Do three loops doing 4x, 6x, and 10x reps:

  • LBCs
  • BBSs
  • American Hammers

4/6/(4+6) 10s Part Deux: Mosey to rock pile by the AO.  One person grabs a rock, runs to the tree down the driveway, and does the three exercises below, and runs back, switching with partner after each lap.  Everyone does this three times, doing 4x, 6x, and 10x reps on the exercises.  While one partner is running, the other is doing maintenance exercise of merkins (first lap) and running in place (second and third laps).

  • jump squats
  • lunges (doing both legs count as 1)
  • Iron Mikes (4-ct)

Mosey back to AO.

Homer/Marge until the grunts were getting a bit embarrassing, modified table saw x20 (4-ct), Tempo Merkins

6 men strong!


Don’t Make It About You, Make it About the Team.

The people you have known who are great leaders, that you admired, that you would run through a brick wall for… did they tend to compliment and encourage others, or did they brag about their own accomplishments and take credit for themselves?  Strong leaders are those who have the confidence in themselves to give praise to others, thereby instilling pride in them and encouraging them to continue to put forth their best efforts.  During the retirement ceremony tight end Jason Witten, Coach Jason Garrett of the Dallas Cowboys described one of the things that made the future hall of famer so special, which was his humility and praise for his teammates.  He recalls in the clip below how Witten– when discussing one of the greatest plays of his career– gave praise to everyone else on the team for being an integral part to its success.  Witten wasn’t a rah rah guy, but he was universally respected for not only his talent as a player, but because of his team-first mentality.  We can all take a lesson from this, and take the time to lift someone else up, give them thanks and praise for being a part of your “team”, whether it’s your family, a sports team, your church group, your PAX.


Final Thursday of the month beer rendezvous at Union Jacks! The birthday boy paid the tab.  In the spirit of the Word above, I wanted to show my appreciation to the team at the Asylum that has meant so much to me.  Cheers, fellas!