F3 Knoxville

A visit to the Asylum

Welcome and disclaimer

1 burpee
One lap around the outhouse
2 burpees
Cherry pickers x10
3 burpees
Little this little of that
4 burpees
Ultimate Merkin x5

One lap around the outhouse

5 Burpees
Balls to the wall 5 HSM
10 HR Merkins
1 wall walk with 5 HSM
9 HR Merkins
1 wall walk with 5 HSM
One lap around the outhouse

6 burpees
Suicide x 10 squats, 10 Merkins, 10 Flamingos
One lap around the outhouse

7 burpees
4 corners of Merkins 10,20,30

4 corners of squats

One lap around the outhouse

8 burpees

Floor wipers

Hello Dolly


Count off



I still get it it too. I was up at 3:05 this morning calling out “the next exercise is” in my head, hoping this Q today went well. But it happens all the time and I was having a real hard time getting back to sleep.

Then I prayed a simple prayer, “Lord help me get some rest so I can lead will this morning. Be with me as I got to F3, and be present in that AO with us.” After that I felt relaxed and went back to sleep.

What I found curious this morning is how easy it is to take God the big things sometimes, job, house, kids, but how we forget to take him the small things.

Have you ever been in a really really dark room with no light? And then when you see the tiniest of tiny specks of light how it seems so bright? That’s God in our world. And when we take stuff to Him he makes the whole room light up like the sun.  But we should constantly take stuff to Him, big and small, so that the room is always light and we can see.

Lastly, many of you don’t know but I have been trying to put into my life the concept that, I am 3rd. God first, others second, and myself 3rd. I encourage you to do the same, and I encourage you to go out into this world and share with others about that tiny speck of light in the darkness, and how He can save our soul.

Muggy Friday

Low 70s & muggy

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Imperial Walkers IC x 10
Tempo Squat IC x 10
This/that/these/those stretches

Indian run toward the Asylum building

Cone course of 5 cones + steep hill.  3 laps around the course performing exercises at each cone.
Everything on a single count x 20 reps.
Rd1:  Hello Dolly , Diamond Merkins, Squats, Downhill bear crawl, Dive Bombers
Rd2:  Squat Jumps, American Hammers, Dry Docks, Burpees, Smurfjacks
Rd3:  Starjacks, Iron Mikes, Plankjacks, Box Cutters, Wide Merkins

Mosey back to hill beside AO

Battle buddy up & grab 1 CMU per pair.  Buddy A runs to top of hill and performs 10 Windmill Merkins while Buddy B does the following.
Rd1:  Curls
Rd2:  Overhead Press
Rd3:  Upright Rows

Pyramids.   10 reps of each exercise with a 10 pace bear crawl out & back between rounds.
Rd1:  Merkins
Rd2:  Merkins, Squats
Rd3:  Merkins, Squats, Big Boy Situps
Rd4:  Merkins, Squats, Big Boy Situps, Lunges

Final minute:  1 minute of Merkins

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

Does your marriage serve as a witness for Christ?  How do you treat your wife…do you treat her as a daughter of God, just like you want to be treated as a son of God?  When other people look at your relationship with your wife do they see a picture of the gospel?

I recently watched a video series that revolved around these questions and it really impacted me.  The take home point was that I do indeed need to be looking at my marriage in light of eternity.  Instead of focusing on the benefits or frustrations I personally receive from my marriage, I need to put the focus on Christ.  Once I do that I become stronger and more purposeful in everything I do.  I no longer focus on how my wife has frustrated me, or made me mad, or how she doesn’t live up to stereotypical expectations.  Rather, I begin to view her as my partner for sharing the gospel.  Marriage is a perfect union that is a picture of how Christ loved the church and we should be using our marriages to bring glory to Him.

Everest Circuits

Crisp and cool

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Michael Phelps IC x10
Windmills IC x10
Imperial Walker IC x15
Mountain Climbers IC x15
Plank Jacks IC x15
The Elvis Special IC x3 (From Plank, right hand up, right foot up, right foot down, right hand down, 2 merkins, repeat on left side)

Mosey to Everest.
Audibles along the way to keep the PAX nice and tight­–and as a preview of what was to come: 20 LBS, 10 merkins, 10 squats

Circuit at the first light pole at the base of Everest.
Go for time: 5 minutes per round. Each round, drop 5 reps from each exercise. Start with 20 reps.

Round 1:

  1. LBS x20, then slow mosey to next light pole.
  2. Merkin x20, then slow mosey to next light pole.
  3. Squats x20, then SPRINT up Everest.
  4. Slow mosey back to 1st light pole.

Rinse and repeat for 5 minutes. Then 1 minute recovery. (The “1 minute recovery” turned into “Dealer’s Choice core work.”)

Round 2: Same as above, but x15 reps/exercise. Rinse and repeat for 5 minutes. Then 1 minute recovery. Challenge: try to complete the same number of laps as previous round.

Round 3: Same as above, but x10 reps/exercise. Rinse and repeat for 5 minutes. Then 1 minute recovery. Challenge: try to complete the same number of laps as previous round.

Audibles along the way to keep the PAX nice and tight: Al Gores, Lunges, Burpees.

LBS OYO x20 with Boat/Canoe at the end
Sun Dials OYO x20 with Boat/Canoe at the end
V-ups OYO x10 with Boat/Canoe at the end

CountaRama, Name-a-Rama, BOM.

Train yourself to be obedient. The Father has good things in store for us. He wants you to be a part of the work He’s doing in the world.


The Scene: hot and muggy

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

The Thang:

Michael Phelps IC x10

Imperial Walker IC x20

Side Straddle Hops IC x20

Circuit. Go for time: 20 Minutes. Each round, add 2-3 reps to each exercise. Start with 10 reps.

  1. Mosey to Playground:

Box Jumps


  1. Sprint to Pavilion:

Picnic Pull Ups


III. Sprint to Dugout:


  1. Sprint to Flag at Pavilion:




At the end of time, regroup at the flag:

Vups IC x10

Sundials OYO x20

Mosey to Cardiac Hill

-5 merkins @ bottom.

-Sprint to first turn.

-Mosey back to start.

-5 merkins @ bottom.

-Sprint to 2nd turn.

-Mosey back to start.

-5 merkins @ bottom.

-Sprint to top.

-Plank until everyone is finished. Mosey to bottom, picking up PAX, and then mosey to AO.

BOM: CountaRama, Name-a-Rama, etc.

29 PAX, 1 FNG – Two-Ply


The Scene: 70 degrees, hot, muggy, and perfect

F3 Intro and Disclaimer


SSH x20

Imperial Walkers

10 Burpees OYO

The Thang Mosey: Plank Step-ups (on the curb/CMU)

20 Mosey 1/2 way to soccer field: Merkins & Squats 30 each Mosey: Suicides at the soccer field w/5 burpees/merkins at each stop (50 yard line, 100 yards)

30 Merkins/Squats Mosey to the Gate: BBSU 20 Mosey to the rocks: 30 over head presses, 30 curls, 30 rows, 30 BBSU at the bottom of the hill Mosey to the Hill by AO:

10 deep squats, AKA “Ratchets” 7’s Merkins/BBSU Mosey to lower parking lot: Speed workout – progression sprints Back to AO Ab-o-Rama (dealer’s choice)

American Hammers

The Share (BOM):

Life experiences shape us and impact who we are. Why? Not about what you get but what you give. Be salt and light- bring taste and clarity to those around you. Title today was 6924- my experiences at 2509 N. Broadway + 4415 Washington Pike= 6924…

I loved our 3 on 3 team this morning. When you have a smaller group there is nowhere to hide and we stuck together together and made each other better.