F3 Knoxville

0 Expectations

F3 Q – 3.25.23

  • Asylum Daybreak
  • 7am – 8am
  • Theme: Expectations

[ The Scene ] 

  • Rainy (stopped a little before 7am)
  • 60s

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs? – 1! EH’d by Voltage

[ Warm o Rama ] 

  • SSH – 10×4
  • Baby Arm Circles – 10×4 F + B
  • Windmill – 10×4
  • Rockette – 10×4
  • Twisty – 10×4

[ The Thang ] 

(1) Square Pyramid 

  • 4 corners of the parking lot 
  • 4 rounds or 4 times at each corner
  • R1: 25 reps across the board 
  • R2: 50 reps across the board 
  • R3: 75 reps across the board 
  • R4: 100 reps across the board 
  • All on a 1-count
  • Moving counter-clockwise 
  • C1 – Calf raises 
  • C2 – Chest presses
  • C3 – Squats
  • C4 – Incline merkins

— Mosey to NewPav —  Legs

  • There and back again 
  • NewPav: Squats, Lunges, Step Ups
  • 10 reps each (1-count)
  • Do all 3 Xs
  • Run a lap around the island
  • Rinse and repeat – 3 rounds total

— Mosey back to the AO — 

[ Mary ] 

(1) Down + Backs

  • Skips
  • Side-shuffle
  • Open-chest lunges

(2) SWS

[ COT ]

  • # off – 16
  • Name o Rama – Veggie, Jumbo, Pluto, Voltage, Crawdad, Q-Bert, High-Heels, Choir Boy, Swimmies, Abacus, Lillydipper, Pele, Glamper, Curveball, Steam, FNG
  • FNGs – 1 – Parcore
  • BOM

Expectations – Luke 10:38-42

I came into this week with a lot of expectations, spoken and unspoken. I would imagine that you did as well. And to be honest, it’s been a really tough week when it comes to my expectations. Expectations professionally, personally, and relationally. I think one of the best stories on expectations in the Bible comes from Luke 10:38-42, the story of Martha and Mary. I’ve included it below.

What you see in this passage of scripture is a lot of what we go through in life: missed expectations, met expectations, exceeded expectations, and how we respond to these. In this story you see three responses (based upon expectations)

  1. Martha’s response
    1. Lord don’t you care?
    2. Don’t you see me?
    3. Don’t you see all this work I’m doing to prepare for you and others?
    4. Tell her (Mary) to help me. She should be helping me! (I have expectations for her, don’t you see that?)
  2. Mary’s response
    1. Sitting at the feet of Jesus, taking in every word He said
  3. Jesus’s response
    1. I see you. I care deeply about you. I care about your expectations.
    2. I also care about Mary sitting at my feet desiring to abide in my as I abide in her.

Marha is not wrong for completing tasks, working, and preparing, and Mary is not lazy for sitting at the feet of Jesus.

Did you know you can have expectations of yourself, of others, and of Jesus. Whether you realize it or not.

A couple of questions to think about

  1. Where does this story find you right now, in your season of life?
  2. Where do you find yourself in this story?
  3. What expectations do you have of yourself, others, and Jesus?

Regardless of what your expectations are, and how you respond, Jesus wants to be invited in and wants to meet you right there – in your missed, met, or exceeded expectations.

Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.” But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details!

  • Luke 10:38-42 https://my.bible.com/bible/116/LUK.10.38-42

Fat Kid Brings the Pi to the Asylum

THE SCENE: Chilly Tuesday Spring Break morning.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and done effectively 


Standard Blindside warm-up


Start by making our way up Route 66 with the following exercises & reps at each light pole:

  • 3 Imperial Squat Walkers (each squat equals 1)
  • 1 Burpee
  • 4 Merkins
  • 1 Burpee
  • 5 Squats
  • 9 CDD
  • 2 Shoulder Taps (2 count)
  • 6 BBS
  • 5 Squats
  • 3 Imperial Squat Walkers (each squat equals 1)
  • 6 BBS
  • 8 SSH (2 count)
  • 9 CDD
  • 7 Flutter Kicks (2 count)
  • 9 CDD

Dora at the Coliseum: Partner up, one does reps, one runs a lap

  • 314 SSH (single count)
  • 159 BBS
  • 265 Merkins
  • 368 Squats 

Mosey back to the AO for “How much pi did you have?” 

Set – 3 burpees, 1 merkin, 4 squats, 1 merkin (3.141), run down to other end of the parking lot and back, drop last exercise for next set

  1. One Set then run around the circle to wear off the pie
  2. Two sets – because you know you will eat a second piece, then run
  3. Three sets – because my five kids always want three pieces of pie, then run


Freddie Mercurys IC x 15 | Flutter Kicks IC x 15 | Georgia Cheerleaders IC x 10, single leg IC x 5 each leg


3 HIMs, 0 FNGs


Pi is an irrational number. The first day of Spring Break, I was irrationally upset at my 5 kids being home alone with them all day. As fathers, we have to be patient, especially in situations that are out of the normal or off the routine (like Spring Break). 


Prayers for Matlock’s father and the issues with insurance and his therapy.

Practices Makes Progress

Asylum PM Q

  • 3.9.3
  • 5:45pm – 6:30pm
  • Meeting up top 
  • Steam on Q

[ The Scene ] 

  • March/September Metric Workout Prep workout (11 Xs)

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 
  • FNGs?

[ Warm o Rama ] 

  • SSH: 25×4
  • Imperial Walker: 10×4
  • Apollo Slowno (Apollo Ono, but slow): 10×4
  • Zombies: 10×4
  • Moroccan Night Clubs (hands out and switch palms up and down): 10×4

[ The Thang ] 

Only doing the 11 Xs in the metric workout (all with your CMU, ruck plate, etc)

  • Overhead press 
  • Goblet squats 
  • Bent over rows 
  • BBS
  • Curls 
  • Lunges 
  • Derkins
  • LBCs
  • Tricep extensions 
  • Deadlifts 
  • Thrusters 

Locations (Bring CMUs, etc)

(1) Rock Pile at the top of Pickett’s Charge 

1st 5 Xs

  • Overhead press 
  • Goblet squat 
  • Bent over rows 
  • BBS
  • Curls 
  • 25s (1 count)
  • Execute 25 reps of the X
  • Run to the neighboring rock pile with your CMU/rock, etc
  • Do the same X – 25 reps 
  • Rinse and repeat this process for all 5 Xs

Mosey to location #2 

(2) Wall below the Coliseum 

2nd 5 Xs 

  • Lunges 
  • Derkins 
  • LBCs
  • Tricep extensions 
  • Deadlifts 
  • 25s (1 count)
  • Execute 25 reps of the X
  • Take a lap (no CMU/rock/etc)
  • Rinse and repeat for all 5 Xs

Mosey back to the AO for thrusters + Mary

[ Mary – FP ] 

  • 10 CMU thrusters
  • Core 4 
    • LBC: 10×4
    • American Hammer: 10×4
    • In + Outs: 10×4
    • Alabama Hello Dollys: 10×4

[ COT ]

  • # off – 15
  • Name o Rama 
  • FNGs – 0
  • Word

“Practice makes progress, not perfection.”

“The comeback is always stronger and more redemptive than the setback.”

I think these two things tie in very well to this metric workouts that we are completing together this year. If you come out here wanting to crush it and have a perfect workout every single time you’ll be disappointed. If you come out here and want to get 1% better and engage in progressive, incremental growth, your ROI will increase tenfold. 

2nd Q of Daybreak!

THE SCENE: Clear skies.

stretch, SSH, rockettes, Cherry pickers, baby arm circles, 5 burpees OYO.


Mosey to Cardiac.
Cardiac: run up cardiac to top benches. At each turn, do 26 squats. At top, d hold Al Gore till 6 is up.
Mosey to top of Baby Cardio. Do SSH.
Mosey to Haslam Rock, and do 26 Rocky Balboas. Mosey to the Overlook. 
Battle buddy up.
Modified Hindenburg BLIMPS:
One buddy does a variety of exercises (lead by me and Pele) while the other buddy does the following:
Sprint to 1st base, perform exercise. Sprint to 2nd base, perform exercise. Sprint to 3rd base, perform exercise, then sprint to home base and trade off. After both buddies finish, that’s one round.
The exercises are as follows:
Round 1- 10 BBS
Round 2- 20 Lunges (each leg)
Round 3- 30 Imperial Walkers (15 each leg)
Round 4- 20 Mericans
Round 5- 25 Plank Jacks
Mosey to Haslam Rock. Do SSH.
Mosey to Route 66. Keep with the SSH trend, and do 10 SSH each pole, ending at the parking lot at the bottom of baby cardio.

Mosey to AO.

Line up on curb. Karaoke to other side and back. Imperial walker to other side, donkey kick back. Skip to other side and back.

Circle up. Michael Phelps, stretch. 8:00!


The Gospel is God-centered. It’s easy to get away from a God-centered view of life, but according to Matthew 22:37-40, the teachings of the Old Testament in the Bible can be summed up as “love God and love others.”

So let’s go out this week, love God, and show God’s love to others!



Prayers: Safe travels for Dung Beetle’s daughter.

Wild at Heart is coming up March 24th. There’s not room in the event, but I think some people are going camping. (For more info message Steam)

Painting Cardinal’s widow’s house on March 18th. Details in slack.

Escape from Hawridge & Hardship Hill happening in the coming months. I think you can already sign up from Hardship Hill teams.

Drum Major 52nd Birthday Workout

THE SCENE: Gloomy, but rain held off

15 Side Straddle Hops

5 Cherry Pickers

10 rockettes

10 baby arm circles each way

Little bit of this and that


Mosey long route to top of the dragon (stop at Haslam rock area and do some rocky balboas)

Skip 66 – skipping to each light

Exercise is the plank jack


Doras at Parking lot by Good Restrooms (If heavy rain do this in Pavilion)

Battle buddy up

One man karaoke one way to hallway point, turn around karaoke rest of way to end and then run back, other does:

52 flutter kicks (each leg is 1)

52 Bobby Hurleys

52 Major Merkins

52 Peter Parkers (each leg is one)

52 Imperial Squat Walkers (each leg is one)

52 Big Boys

Help other teams finish after you finish

**Rinse and repeat with other Battle Buddy starting this time. Runner do high knees to halfway and then butt kickers to end before running back on this round.



Choose Your Own Adventure – Stay Dry or Get Wet – HIMs Choice run back up to AO


Added challenge is you must do 52 hand release merkins along the way to the flag

Finished in time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Grace meaning – undeserved favor

For Christians it is the belief that God bestows this undeserved favor on us all and that we all are meant to do the same for our fellow man.


“Grace is the very opposite of merit… Grace is not only undeserved favor, but it is favor, shown to the one who has deserved the very opposite.” – Harry Ironside


This belief does not need to be restricted to Christians, and I believe our world could use a lot more of this. Think of times you could offer more grace, maybe while driving, dealing with your kids, or at work and put it to practice more often in your life.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
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