F3 Knoxville

Heart Healthy Start to Valentines Week

Asylum AM
AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Cat Gut (Mike Davis), Pac-man, Love’s, Cinco (Scott McGuire), P3, Rainbow, High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Wham-o (Charlie Greene)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers (to watch @Pac-man), Windmills, Rockettes (@bunny Style – IYKYK), Bobby Hurley Suicide Sprints, Peter Parker Pickle Pounders at the base of Baby Everest, Bernie halfway up, a Man-Maker at the summit, Mosey to the Large Pine and 5 Burpees to end the warm-a-rama (because a Burpee is not a warmup)

THE THANG: Ran a 4 Station Ladder Circuit with Pictionary –

Station 1:
1. Bobby Hurleys
2. Pickle Pounders
3. Freddie Mercurys

Station 2:
1. Sumo Squats
2. V-Ups
3. Iron Mikes

Station 3:
1. Mountain Climbers
2. Junk Science
3. X-Factors

Station 4:
1. TN Rockin’ Chairs
2. Lt. Dans
3. LBCs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence at #Big_Ball on Saturday 17-Feb-24 at 0700 Hours

COT: Read Hebrews 12:12-17. Do not let a bitter root take purchase. Seek His path for us and do not squander the grace he has given.