F3 Knoxville

Another unneeded garage sale

THE SCENE: 70 and rain in the forecast, but no rain

Tempo lunge x12 IC
Shoulder taps x12 IC
Monkey humpers x10 IC
SSH x20 IC

Get keys in the bag and mosey south toward 11th Street parking garage.  Once inside the garage, circle up for a super easy 3 minute workout.  Workout consists of alternating planks: high plank (front leaning rest/merkin position) for 15 seconds, followed by low plank (resting on elbows) for 15 seconds, then flapjack every 15 seconds until 3 minutes are up.

Slow mosey up the ramp to the next level of the parking garage for a Hot lap around that level.  Each exercise is a way to move to the next corner.  Jack rabbits wall sit while waiting on the 6 to complete each leg of the lap.  Exercises as follows:

  • Bear crawl
  • Duck walk
  • Burpee beam jump (at each overhead concrete beam, stop and do a burpee, on the jump portion you jump up and touch the beam overhead)
  • Inch worm

Mosey up another level for the four corners routine.  Simple run between each exercise.  Exercises as follows:

  • Box cutters x20
  • Alternating hand merkins x20 (10 each hand.  Start with one hand on the curb and one hand on the ground and perform a merkin, switch high and low hands each rep OR do 10 with one hand high then switch for the remaining 10)
  • Bobby Hurleys x10 (deep deep squat jumps – squat down and put palms flat on the deck, pause then jump)
  • Jump lunges x20 (10 each leg)

Rinse and repeat for three laps around.  Recover and 10 count.  Begin mosey back to start point.  Pause for squats while waiting on Preacher who took a wrong turn in the garage.

Captain Thor up to 3:12
19 strong including 1 FNG: Passport, Soot, Swanson, Preacher, Amazon, Reverb, Quarantine, Red Writer, Guano, Jenner, G6, Gutenberg (FNG), Singlet, Butterfly, Moana, The Voice, Careless, Petey, Abort
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Expect the Unexpected


25 reps Rock Presses

10 reps 4-ct Flutter Kicks

50 reps Rock Squats

5 reps Burpees

Exercise Dice Ladder

  • Roll Dice. Do exercise.
  • Mosey to other side of field.
  • Do an 8-Count Merkins (increase by one rep every time until you reach 8 then go back down the ladder)

22 PAX

Expect the unexpected in life. Obstacles can be seen as roadblocks or opportunities for growth.

4 AUG- 2nd F at Anders

11 AUG- 3rd F at Overlook

18 AUG- Kickball


A little field work

THE SCENE: 68 degrees, cloudy, 100% humidity

Baby Arm Circles forward/back (4ct) x 12

Cherry Pickers x 10

Tempo Squat x10

Angle Grinder x 5

SSH x 20 (4ct)

  • Mosey to Emerald Youth Soccer Complex
  • 4 Corners:  4 laps around the field with exercises at the corners (Lap 1: Merkins x 15, Lap 2: BBS x 15, Lap 3: CDD’s x 15, Lap 4: Heels to heaven x 15).  Once finished alternate 15 (4ct) flutter kicks and mosey sideline until 6 arrives.
  • Bearmuda Triangle:  3 cones ~30 yards apart.  1 burpee then bear crawl to 2nd cone, 2 burpees then bear crawl to third cone, 3 burpees then bear crawl to start.
  • Burpee Dan:  sideline to sideline.  1:4 Burpee/lunge across.
  • Mosey back to AO


Flutter kick (4ct) x 15

16 strong.  Welcome Anklet from Memphis


What is your identity?  We are all going through life trying to make a name for ourselves.  We all want to be good at something.  He’s a good attorney, runner, smart, funny, etc.  We frequently feel to be successful we must take something or earn it.  Although many of these things are noble pursuits, when we chase them for our own glory or make them the cornerstones of our lives we find it exhausting, chasing after the wind.  Our frequent failures lead to guilt or depression.  Even when we succeed it is fleeting or not enough.

The truth is God has given us a name and established our identity in Him.   Even more, it is a gift, something we did not earn.

When we find our identity in Christ it frees us to pursue our passions for His glory.

Thanks to Jenner for sharing and giving an update on his pursuit of medical school.  Praise for doors opening in the application process and prayers for his continued journey to becoming a doctor

Tower of Core

THE SCENE: 11th Street Parking Garage, 100% Chance of Thunderstorms forecasted.


7s- Big Ball Pull-ups and Burpees at the top of the stairs

Tower of Core (exercise at the top and bottom of every ramp)

  • flutter kicks
  • hello-dolly’s
  • burpees
  • tempo squats
  • plank hold
  • bear crawls up last ramp

Partner Laps x2

  • PAX hold wall-sit (alternate with plank) while pairs run lap around top floor of parking garage

Indian Runs

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

12 PAX (2 FNGs: Ripper and Wingman)

Up the Hallowed Hills


Mosey to The Hill

  • Up Engineering Stairs, Derkins at the top
  • Down Main Stairs
  • Route 66 accross Pedestrian Bridge
    • 3 Squat Jumps at every light column
  • Mosey to Neyland Hill
    • Sprint to top, 2 burpees x2
  • Mosey to Loudon Hill
    • Sprint to top, 2 burpees
    • Abs at bottom
    • Sprint to top, 2 burpees at every driveway
  • Mosey back to AO