F3 Knoxville

Keep it Simple, Make it Hurt…

54 and clear

Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH x30 (IC)
Mosey to far side

Windmill Merkins x15 (IC)
Imperial Squat Walkers x12(IC)
BAC Fwd x10 (IC)
BAC Bkwd x10 (IC)
Mosey back to SP

Circuit Circus
Divide up and head to 4 Stations
S1: Side Lunges / Dry Docks
S2: Rocky Balboas on the benches / Bench Dips
S3: Iron Mikes/ Superman Swims
S4: Shuttle Run (run to cone, 1 burpee, rinse and repeat adding 1 burpee each time)

Completed rounds of all 4 stations,
R1: 120 sec (change exercise at 60 sec except for shuttle run)
R2: 90 sec (change exercise at 45 sec except for shuttle run)

Mosey to far side near Sunsphere.  Divide into two groups

HIIT & 30s
Group 1: HIIT (8 Intervals)
– R2 1: Ranger Merkins
– Rd 2: Squats

Group 2: 30’s on Stairs
– Bottom: Flutter Kicks (4ct)
– Top: Squat Jumps

When Group 1 finishes switch

Mosey back to SP

Number off and Name-O-Rama (22 PAX)

3 Overlooked Qualities of a HIM: Humble, Teachable & Flexible

Humility is the quality of having a modest view of one’s own importance, rank or abilities. It includes a recognition that you don’t have all the answers, that you may be wrong at times and that others may have better insights, wisdom and abilities in certain areas than you do.
Proverbs 18:12 – Before destruction a man’s heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.

Teachability is the quality of being able, willing and eager to learn from others. It includes an appreciation for the gifts, abilities and experiences of others and a recognition that you can benefit and grow by listening to and learning from them.
Proverbs 19:20 – Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.

Flexibilty is the quality of being able to easily modify your own opinions, goals and actions. It includes the ability to adapt to new information, change course, compromise on non-moral issues, and value other’s interests as highly as your own.
Proverbs 22:3 – The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

The PAX at Big Ball never disappoint!  We pushed hard an nonstop for 45 minutes and got better.  Great morning with great men…

Run Towards The Danger

F3 1.24.17
40 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Warm Up
SSH X 25
Imperial Walkers x 20
Cherry Pickers x 10
Merkins x 10 – 4 count

The Thang
Mosey to Campus
Two lines and follow the leader doing high knees, butt kicks etc
-Lunge across foot bridge
Sprint stairs up to Ayres Hall
-Leg Throws x20 w/ a battle buddy
Mosey over and down to foot of “the hill”

o DORAS AT THE HILL (partner up)
Lunge up stairs / 50 Burpees
Bunny hop stairs / 100 LBCs

o PYRAMIDS (on grass steps in front of Neyland Stadium)
Do pyramid reps at 5 grass steps I.e. 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1:
-Box jumps
-Decline Merkins
-Step ups

PROGRESSIVE ABS (on our way back to the AO)

-Pfeiffer led flutter kicks ICx25 at foot of “The Hill”
Mosey up stairs to Ayres Hall
-Buddy Leg Throws OYOx20
Mosey down stairs to footbridge over Cumberland Ave.
-Dimples led American Hammers ICx25 on 4 count
Mosey back to AO

Count o Rama – 20 PAX
Name o Rama

– Red Writer
“Where is God at work in your life?” a mentor asked me one day. I didn’t know what to say. He made a compelling argument that for every man, God is standing in the middle of our fear, inviting us to run towards it.

Part of being a High Impact Man is rejecting passivity. Oftentimes as men we avoid/shrink back/check out when things get stressful, overwhelming or intimidating. We must choose to reject that natural tendency of passivity and step towards that fear knowing that God will meet us in the middle of it!

Challenge: Where is God inviting you into your fear today?

Stairs Stairs and More Stairs

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

• Side Straddle Hops IC to 20
• Merkins to 10 IC
• Slow Tempo Squats to 20 IC
• Cherry Pickers IC to 10

The Thang

• Mosey to BB Stairs: Do 7’s At BB Stairs Burpees and Merkins
• Mosey to TN Amphitheatre: 25’s Incline Merkins & CDD
• Remain at Amphitheatre for 11’s: Pull-Ups and Box Jumps
•Circle on Amp. Stage for Ring of Fire to 5
• 10 Burpees OYO
• Mosey to AO
o Flutter Kicks IC to 20
o Power T Flutter Kicks IC to 20
o American Hammers to 20 IC
o Pickle Pounders to 20 IC
• Count-Off
• Name-O-Rama


– Proverbs 3:31 Don’t envy violent people or copy their ways (NLT)
– Do not model your behavior after people with poor reaction to emotional or bad circumstances. We have all been there and we have all reacted poorly whether it be a violent use of language in traffic or at home or whenever but remember that this bleeds over into our family and others we are influencing. We are human and make mistakes but try to take a breath amidst the scurry and ask for humility, patience, and strength along with God’s mercy and grace. We are all a high impact man to someone!

Field Trip to the Zoo and Museum

F3 Knoxville – World’s Fair Park
Quickbooks on Q

Pfeiffer, Too Late, G6, Cow Bell, Pole Dancer, Quickbooks

Warm Up:
Tempo Squats 10 on a 4 count
This Right here- Arm Stretches
Run 3 times around the fountain

Mosey to the Museum of Art Parking Lot
3 stations:
Agility ladder with Running,
50 lb Plate Push and Pull Suicides
CMU Ab pass with Partner

PAX partnered up rotating between each station when the push pull suicide group was finished.

Zoo Escape:
World’s Fair Park Drive Hill (from the mailbox to the last parking meter)
*Bear Crawls
*Frog Hops
*Crab Walk
*A… Merican Walking Horse… 10 Mericans at every parking meter, mosey in between

Mosey back to the AO

Department Stores
100 Mtn Climbers

BOM: Romans 4
Abraham Justified by his faith. In the face of fear, anxiety and the unknown he trusted God and his faith was counted to him as right standing before God. Prayed for Faith over the PAX.

Stairs, Circuits and Sprints

THE SCENE 30 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

High Knee / Squat (8 HK, 1 Sqt) on 8ct x15 IC
Merkins 4ct x20 IC
Baby Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles Backward x12 IC

Mosey to stairs near the Sun Sphere


Jelly Legs
Start bottom of stairs.
R1: Hold squat position for 10 count, perform 10 squats, run stairs, at the top do 2 Burpees.
R2: Hold squat position for 20 count, perform 20 squats, run stairs, at the top do 4 Burpees.
R3: Hold squat position for 30 count, perform 30 squats, run stairs, at the top do 6 Burpees.
R4: Hold squat position for 40 count, perform 40 squats, run stairs, at the top do 8 Burpees.
R5: Hold squat position for 50 count, perform 50 squats, run stairs, at the top do 10 Burpees.

4ct Flutter Kicks x25 IC
4ct Shoulder Tap/Merkins x15 IC

Mosey to open field.  Number off into 3 groups.

Stations + Suicides
S1: Superman Swims / Ice Skaters
S2: Carolina Dry Docks / Froggy Squats
S3: Spiderman Pushups / Reverse Lunges

Complete 3 rounds of all 3 stations,
R1: 120 sec (change exercise at 60 sec)
R2: 90 sec (change exercise at 45 sec)
R3: 60 sec (change exercise at 30 sec)

After everyone has completed all 3 stations everyone lines up and does suicides after R1 = 1, after R2 = 2.

Hello Dollys 4ct x25 IC
Freddy Mercury 4ct 20 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama

From Boyhood to Manhood
Luke 2:52 – “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.”
Wisdom – Intellect
Stature – Physical
Favor with God – Spiritual: relationship with God the father
Favor with Man – Spiritual: relationships with others

9 PAX came out to World’s Fair for an intimate beat down.  The goal was to move nonstop for 45 minutes…mission accomplished!

Always an honor and blessing to lead the K-Town PAX