F3 Knoxville

HIIT Me Baby One More Time

THE SCENE: IDK, 70’s and pleasant



Suicide with burpee at each cone on hill before each round

5 rounds 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off

  • CMU OH press
  • Mtn climbers
  • Plank
  • CMU Goblet squat
  • Box jumps
  • Wall sit
  • CMU chest press
  • Hand release merkins
  • Low wide plank
  • CMU hammer
  • Single leg climbers alt every 5
  • Touch the sky


Bear crawl suicide with merkin at each cone on hill
9 Men, including Steer who I couldn’t find a tag for.


Formula for Living:

Live beneath your means

Return everything you borrow

Stop blaming other people

Admit it when you make a mistake

Give clothes not worn to charity

Do something nice and try not to get caught

Listen more; talk less

Every day take a 30 min walk

Strive for excellence, not perfection

Be on time, don’t make excuses

Don’t argue, get organized

Be kind to unkind people

Let someone cut ahead of you in line

Take time to be alone

Cultivate good manners

Be humble

Realize and accept life isn’t fair

Know when to keep your mouth shut

Go an entire day without criticizing anyone

Learn from the past, plan for the future

Live in the present

Don’t sweat the small stuff

It’s all small stuff


9s and 11s

THE SCENE: Most excellent 67 n clear

Ssh x20 ic

plank x10 ic

squats x10 ic

mr spectacular x3 oyo

Superman opposite appendage raises x10 ic
In honor of 9/11 we did 9s and 11s!

  • 9s , one side of the grinder burpees, run to the other and do Superman appendages, just like 11s but 9s. 8 burps , 1 SP… 7 burps -2 sP…. you get it …
  • 11s,
  • 10 cones to suicide and 1 mr spectacular, 9 suicides , 2 mr spectacular until you end up with 1 cone suicide and 10 mr spectacular….
  • since we are Americans, we added 20 AMERICAN HAMMERS , each time we finished a full suicide

LBCx20 ic

lazy boys for 1 minute
18 hims including Tank in a business suit !

You haven’t tested your limits unless your try something you can’t do. Go out and try it, whatever it may be.

The best day is today 

Because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not guaranteed

Above were quoted by LAZ , the guy that puts on the Barkley marathon
Yep, I got a little emotional this morning when reading the quoted above, why? Well, just thinking about living life to its fullest and taking advantage of the present. Several men deal with some pretty heavy stuff right now , Bumblebee being one of those men . Though I don’t know him , really at all, I still think about him and his family as well as other men and their families. I pray and wish the best for ALL and hope we can all live it up, have no regrets, and reject passivity !
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Crush Your Fear

THE SCENE: Perfect Morning

SSH x 25(IC)
Imperial Walkers x 20(IC)
American Hammers x 20(IC)
Mountain Climbers x 20(IC)
Squats x 10(IC)
Flutter Kicks x 25(IC)
BBS x 20 (OYO)
Burpees x 5(OYO)

Partner Sets:

  • 100 Merkins (P1 does 10 while P2 holds plank; 100 total for group)
  • 100 LBCs (P1 does 10 while P2 holds 6″; 100 total for group)
  • 100 Squats (P1 does 10 while P2 holds air chair; 100 for total group)

Dealer’s Choice:  Pax choose movement and lead in cadence.

  • Box Cutters
  • Hand Release Merkins
  • Side Crunch
  • Jump Squats

10 Minute Work: Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes.

  • 5 Merkins
  • 3 Pull-ups
  • 2 Burpees

50yd Walking Lt. Dan to circle up for 2 rounds of SALLY:

  • Leg Lifts
  • Thrusters w/cmu

1 Round of Let The Bodies Hit The Floor.

5 PAX including 1 FNG “Terminator” I can’t believe we actually gave someone this name…we were clearly struggling for something more creative…
Your greatest accomplishments lie on the other side of fear.
Prayers for Bumblebee, his wife and family.


THE SCENE: Probably about 70. Nice.


  • SSH x 20
  • Arm Circles Front/Back x 10 each
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • Tempo Squats x 10

Indian run outer loop of park


Mosey to grassy area near Pav.

Slugger Special:

6 cones 20 yards apart. Do exercise with stated reps at each cone then sprint to the next. After last cone, bear crawl back 60 yards then jog it back to start. Repeat.

  • Cone 1 – Burpees x 10
  • Cone 2 – Jump Knee Tucks x 15
  • Cone 3 – Dry Docks x 20
  • Cone 4 – Merkins x 25
  • Cone 5 – Squats x 30
  • Cone 6 – Leg Lifts x 35

2 rounds of the following:

  • V-Ups x 10 on 4 count
  • Side Crunch Left/Right x 10 each on 4 count
  • Superman for 10 seconds x 5

14 men got better today. Sharky was there but couldn’t find a tag.

I am at my fittest in my life at 35. I couldn’t hang out here with these men in the shape I was 10 years ago. I was a defensive tackle in HS and a powerlifter. I found my first year of college that my body did not need as much fuel as before and I cut out sodas. I lost 70 lbs in about 6 months. My point is, you are never too old to make the little lifestyle changes to be the fittest you have ever been. Fitter, happier, more productive. 😉
Football field was all locked up so no staph infections from the turf!
Keep Bumblebee’s lady in your prayer.

Sept 4 Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Warm, dry, clear

Quarter mile run. Arm swings. Squat tutorial with 10 slow count followed by 15 on a 4 count. 10 hand-release Merkins.


5 pullups

10 Thrusters

15 Swings

7 minute AMRAP

#2 Dora

Partner A: Farmer carry (CMU x2)

Partner B: Merkins

Total 100


Partner A: Over head walk (CMU x 1)

Partner B: Goblet Squat

Total 200


Partner A: Lunge with CMU-lunge down, walk back

Partner B: 6 inch leg lifts (4 count)

Total 300

#3 Finished with 5 minute AMRAP (same as before)

1 minute of Leg lift ABCs

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Two words I like and one I don’t:

Agreements, Posture, and Personality



Dan Allender says that an agreement agreeing with or engaging with the lies that we hear.  Typically these agreements are caused by a wound that we have received.

“This is how I live given then harm I have suffered.”


Some examples include:

“This is as good as it gets” Maybe that’s in your marriage, kids, job, etc


“If you only knew the things I have done, then you wouldn’t love me, like me, etc” “How could I ever really be forgiven” The result is that we withhold ourselves, we protect ourselves, ultimately making ourselves, our pain, our shortcomings our center and living out of those places rather than centering our lives around Christ


“I am in charge of my happiness, my choices, my life; its all up to me” We must fight against this life being all about ourselves. What it looks like: I am annoyed when my wife asks me to change a diaper because I think I need 5 minutes peace. Basically, I am at a deficit if I don’t get what I think I need and I get back to zero when I do. Instead of, the posture of ‘I will be provided for’.


“The more I do and/or the better I do, the more I’m worth.  I do therefore I am.” “If I live a certain way, I will be blessed.” “I perform, therefore I am loved.”

Instead of, something has been done for me that I could not do for myself.  Where I could not get what I need, God made a way and provided for me. This allows me to live free and in a different way. This is a posture. This is the intended posture made possible by Christ.


Many times we blame ‘personality’ for our relational blunders.  We excuse ourselves or others because of their ‘personality’ when in fact it is our posture towards the world, ourselves or God that causes us to respond in the ways that we do.


Consider your agreements this week, what is the truth and what are the lies you are believing.  Consider your posture toward yourself, others, and God.

Welcome FNG: Hooch