F3 Knoxville

Hey! Watch iss!

The Scene:  72 degrees and an ever so slight drizzle at times

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Mosey ’round outhouse
Yee haws x20
Mericans w/ 12oz curls x 20
Lightin a firecracker and runnin high knees to fence and back

Partner up
Chicken chasing course W/CMU (12 pack of Olympia) while partner does more merkins w/12oz curls

Indian runs in two lines to back of rink lot w/CMU yell “hey! check iss out” before sprinting to the front

The Redneck shopping spree:
Cone 1 Walmart)20 of each: curls, tris, presses, Squats at each station, run to previous cone and back, grab CMU move to next cone.

Cone 2 Auto Zone) 15 of each: Mericans, SSHs, Imperial walkers, mericans

Cone 3 Walmart again) 10 each: burpees, lumberjacks (5×2), BBS, Carolina Dry Docks

Cone 4 liquor store) 5 each: CMU burpees, CMU sit-ups, CMU sumo Squats, sprint to start w/CMU.

When finished do Suicide sprints to each cone and back
till 6 catches.

Partner up: at start, one farmer walks to first cone with both CMUs (12 packs) and back, while other does exercises, switch go to 2nd cone etc. exercises: Mericans, rockettes, low Ratchet squats, dry docks

Mosey w/CMU to AO


Ring of Marlboros:
1st man yells “Hey! Watch iss!” and does exercise he chooses and PAX follows. Next man says same thing when he feels the need and does his exercise.


Why We Should Love Our Enemies
“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.” (Luke 6:27)

There are two main reasons why Christians should love their enemies and do good to them.

One is that it reveals something of the way God is. God is merciful.

“He makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:45).
“He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities” (Psalm 103:10).
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32).
So, when Christians live this way, we show something of what God is like.

The second reason is that the hearts of Christians are satisfied with God and are not driven by the craving for revenge or self-exaltation or money or earthly security.

God has become our all-satisfying treasure and so we don’t treat our adversaries out of our own sense of need and insecurity, but out of our own fullness with the satisfying glory of God.

Hebrews 10:34: “You joyfully accepted the plundering of your property [that is, without retaliation], since you knew that you yourselves had a better possession and an abiding one.” What takes away the compulsion of revenge is our deep confidence that this world is not our home, and that God is our utterly sure and all-satisfying reward.

So, in both these reasons for loving our enemy we see the main thing: God is shown to be who he really is as a merciful God and as gloriously all-satisfying.

The ultimate reason for being merciful is to glorify God

No More Sixes

The Scene: 54 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

400m Run
Squat 15x IC
Around the Worlds
Figure 8s
American Swing
Russian Swings
‘Merkins 15x OYO
400m Run

Outhouse Run
6x Air Squats (Full Depth)
6x ‘Merkins
6x American Kettlebell Swings
6x Burpees
6x BBS
6x Weighted Lunges
6x American Kettlebell Swings


With only two of us we had great conversations before and after Tha-Thang…so we prayed out and headed back to responsibilities.

Draft Day!

The Scene: 58 and clear

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Number off 1-17
SSH x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Little some o’ this/that

Stance and start 20yds x4
High knees 20yds x2

Mosey to little Everest


The draft starts here. 1st guy picks an exercise, the Q picks the number of reps (mostly 32) and then run from pole to pole Rt 66 style all the way around the marina. For the faster guys, side straddle hops until the 6 is up at each pole.

Exercises included but were not limited to:
Squats, merkins, dry docks, burpees, tempo squats, Turkish getups, LBCs, BB sit-ups, needle threaders, bear crawling pole to pole, sprinting two poles, channel changers, running up little Everest, American hammers, box cutters, flutter kicks,

Sprint back to the AO

Von Miller
6’3″. 250
4.49. 225 21 times
37″ vertical

JJ Watt
6’5″. 290
4.84. 225 34 times
37″ vertical

above reproach, the husband of one wife
– children are believers, not debaucherous
– not arrogant or quick-tempered
– not a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain
– hospitable, lover of good
– self-controlled
– upright, holy, and disciplined

This is from Paul’s letter to Titus instructing him how to identify good leaders. These are not a list of things to try to become. These are description of the fact that who you are drives what you do. It all starts with striving to be the same man all the time. Not a different dude in one place, a different one at home and another at church. Don’t live by default, strive to be closer to the One in who’s image you are made and you will start to look like Him.

Lead ME!

The Scene: 64 degrees and beautiful

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SSH 15x
Imperial walkers 15x
‘Merkins 15x


Mosey to Matterhorn alternating 5 ‘Merkins/squats at every other pole

4 cones equally apart on Matterhorn
Cone 1:
squats 20x
SSH 15x
Dry Docks 20x

Cone 2:
BBS 20x
Wide ‘Merkins 15x
Rocky Balboas 20x

Cone 3:
Squat jumps 20
‘Merkins 15
LBCs 20

Cone 4:
Smurf jacks 20x
Toe touches 15x
Flutter kicks 20x

Run back to previous cone then to next cone after each exercise. Complete first number of reps then repeat that ladder 2 times till all reps are complete.

Mosey to Pavalon
10x pull ups, 10x dips, 10x declines, 10x inclines
Then round of 5x
Al gore till 6 joins

Finish reps on Matterhorn on way back

Mosey to Kory Hill
Partner up
Bear Crawls up, squat walk down
While partner ‘Merkins/SSH/planks
3x each

Mosey to little Everest.
5x V-ups and burpees

Mosey back to AO

7x ‘Merkins
Leg lift duck duck goose
Dealers choice

Discuss “lead Me” sing by Sanctus Real
We are leaders of family, wives, work etc.  we need to have God lead us. Follow his lead from scripture and prayer.

Omelette with Merlot

The Scene: 61 and clear with rain looming

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH 20x IC
Chinook x10 IC each direction
Michael Phelps x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Mosey to guardrail
Dips x20
Incline merkins x20
LBC x20
Side straddle hop til 6 is up

Mosey to bottom of Matterhorn
Ladder suicides
Run to second cone and back to cone 1
Run to third cone and back to cone 2
Repeat until you end at top

Burpees until 6 is up

Mosey to pavilion
Partner up for Dora
50 pull-ups
100 merkins
200 dips
5 merkin, 10 dips, 15 squat cycle til 6 is up

Mosey to top of Matterhorn

Ladder Suicide back down Matterhorn

Indian Run back to AO

Flutter kicks x20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x10 OYO
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
BBS x20 IC
LBC x20 IC

Count off and Name-o-Rama

This week has been eye opening for me with employee’s family members passing or having sudden major health issues. I’ve listened to me struggle with their emotions as they process through what is happening. I often take for granted my family. I pondered that yesterday as I went home from work.

Remember, life is short and death is looming for us all. Cherish those around you for you don’t know when your time is up.