F3 Knoxville

Don’t be Disrupted

THE SCENE: While cold, I only saw two face coverings and 1 pair of mittens 



Standard Blindside-y Warmup things were done (included 5 Burpees on your own 2x)


3 Stations. 4 Groups. Bump-n-Run Time! 

Round 1: Complete “Kraken Lap” in between each exercise. Each station was done once.

  • 21s Curls @ AO
  • Incline/Decline Merkins @ BathHouse
  • V-ups @ Trail Head 

5 Burpees on your own after Round 1 

Round 2: Go straight from one station to the next, bumping that group to the next station. Two times around. 

  • 10 OHPress; 10 Tris; 10 Rows –Rinse and repeat @ AO
  • 10 Shoulder Taps (Incline, Decline, Regular) –Rinse and repeat @ BathHouse 
  • Flutter Kicks @ TrailHead  

5 Burpees on your own after Round 2 

Fellowship Mosey to the Tennis Court. 

11s Sideline to Sideline. Squats and Merkins (Mix in Wide, Diamond, and other types of Merkins)

Fellowship Mosey to AO

5 Burpees on your own

((25 Burpees as a result of there being no Shovel Flag at the AO this morning))


SWB → Stretching with Blindside 


9 HIMs; 0 FNGs


The New Year is a great time for resolutions, reinventions, and the start of new routines, diets, and commitments to exercise. I spent Saturday doing attending TruckStop, a PreRuck at Asylum, the Beatdown at Asylum, and the Polar Plunge in Townsend. After all of that, I still only made 3 small little tally marks in my accountability journey for 2022. It seemed like a whole lot of work for 3 little lines in my 50-page notebook. We are less than a week into 2022, do not let The Disrupter mess with progress. Do not let The Disrupter turn you away from your goals for one mistake, for one setback. 

8-Block for 2022

THE SCENE: Rain has moved on. Ground wet. Chilly. Foggy.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and Done. No, the phone won’t be used to order breakfast. It is for emergencies only. 


SSH IC x15 | LBCs EW IC x10 |Little of This, Little of That | Tempo Squat IC x5 | Cherry Pickers IC x5


Grab a CMU and line up for a “Colonizer Run” 

Colonizer Run: Opposite of an Indian Run. Men line up and walk while completing an exercise. The frontman drops off to the side and does CMU Merkins until the PAX passes by. Once the last man passes, the first man yells “Back” and rejoins the line as the new frontman drops off. First-round = curls while walking. Second-round = Rifle Carry. Repeat until getting to the bottom of Dwayne’s Hill 

Partner up. One partner runs up the hill and around Dwayne “The Rock.” The second partner starts on the exercise list. Reps are cumulative. 

  • 100 4 ct. Flutter Kicks 
  • 100 OH Press 
  • 100 Goblet Squats 
  • 150 V-Ups 
  • 150 Merkins
  • 150 Imperial Squat Walkers 

Returning to the AO: 

One partner Farmer carries both CMUs while the other does 5 4-ct. SSH, 5 2-ct. Shoulder Taps, & 1 Burpee then sprints to catch up to partner. Repeat until back to the CMU Pile/AO



Stretching out those arms and shoulders! 


8 HIMs; 0 FNGs; Gus from Memphis (sort of) downrange. 


I have been struggling during this holiday season with my mental, emotional, and spiritual strength. I have struggled with routines, home life, etc. I have also been getting more and more into the F3Nation podcasts and all the information that the Nation puts out (blogs, books, etc.). I highly suggest getting onto Twitter and looking through all of the F3Nation Leadership and other regions’ leaders to get TONS of wisdom. 

I wanted to focus on the 8-Block. It is a practice of writing down and putting all of the important things in your life into a visual medium. 

The 8 Blocks are 1. Concentrica (who is most important in your life) 2. Third F (what are doing to help with your faith journey) 3. Second F (Who are you focusing on?) 4. First F (Tracking your fitness goals/journey) 5. Jester (What is holding you back?) 6. Mental Sharpness (What are you consuming to make you better? What movies/TV are you spending time with? What are you reading/listening to? etc.) 7. Date Night (How are you “dating” your M? How are you spending time with your 2.0s?) 8. ALR (Ask, Listen, Remember. Who can you reach out to in need? Who can you get as a mentor? Who can you Mentor?) Below are a couple of links. One to a pdf of the 8-Block and one to the F3Nation Podcast “Stuff Worth Trying” where the 8-Block is explained (much better than it is here). 

I used the 8-Block this week to refocus my life going into the new year. It has allowed me to put on paper (and pasted into my journal) my focus for 2022. I provided hard copies for the PAX in attendance, it’s hard not to be a teacher sometimes. 


.pdf of 8-Block

Stuff Worth Trying F3Nation Podcast 


Truck Stop New Year’s Day workout at the normal time (6 am)

Asylum Sat AM workout at 8:30 am

Polar Plunge at noon New Year’s Day 


steadfastness at the Dogpound

THE SCENE:32 and cold

1 10x count squat

1 burpee

5 Cherry pickers

50 SSH
Mosey to the base of Matterhorn and partner up. We will do a DORA excursive at the base while the partner runs up to the top of Matterhorn and does 10 merkins

  • 100 Squats
  • 200 SSH 4x
  • 300 Man makers

we got about 15 minutes into man makers, and I audibled.


Fellowship mosey back to the AO


  • 32 hello dollys
  • 13 box cutters
  • 5 cobra-kis
  • 5 burpees
  • 20 V-ups


Insert the WORD here.
remember when we don’t want to keep on being steadfast remember our savior was steadfast in our place all the way to death.
Christmas party tomorrow is the deadline

Haircut 100

THE SCENE: First REAL cold day. Dry

Warm up stuff, literally warm up stuff. Nothing special,
Mosey to the steps, stopping for some incline Merkins and SSHs.
start with 5 burpees, run up steps and hill to Dwayne Johnson and back, 4 burpees run up, 3 burpees run up etc Repeat till all finish.

Walkers walked to marina sign. Runners ran long way around doing a lap around the big island.
At sign start “Love plus One” Haircut 100s only hit in the 1980s.
start with 1 of the exercise and add one rep at each cone. Alternate run and Bear crawls each time. Exercises are:

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Dry docks
  • Lunges x2

once done mosey back to AO. Runners go up to Dwayne Johnson twice and walkers walk to the AO.

No time
15 including one FNG
Remember to Thank God on Thanksgiving. Don’t forget the reason of Thanksgiving.

Christmas party rsvp

The DogPound Becomes the Real ‘Man Park’

THE SCENE: Cool, but nice. INCREDIBLE moon set over the trees during the PreRuck. Probably the last not-super-cold day for a while. 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Did this. Everyone welcomed and disclaimed. 


SSH IC x20 — 1 Burpee — Tie Fighters IC x10 each way — 2 Burpees — Cherry Pickers I(DogPound)C x4 — 3 Burpees 


Blindside’s Fellowship SeaBiscuit w/ CMU: 

4 Rounds; Subject 5 reps from each exercise each round; Add a lap to each round. Selected ab work OYO until the 6 arrives. Finish with 10 reps IC and start the next round together 

  • 10 Blockees
  • 15 OH Press 
  • 20 Curls
  • 25 Rows 
  • 30 Up & Over Merkins (each Merkin counts as “1”)

Ab Work: 

  • Round 1: Hello Dolly
  • Round 2: Flutter Kicks 
  • Round 3: Freddie Mercury
  • Round 4: Box Cutters 

Return to AO for a Ring of Fire of Merkins starting with 5. 



13 HIMs including 1 FNG. Welcome Salad Spinner! 


I am reading a book called Behold the Man which is a deep dive into the spirituality and faithfulness of Catholic men in today’s culture. The author references Pope St. John Paul II when he wrote that we are currently living in a “Culture of Death.” We are in spiritual warfare. Saying that Satan and evil don’t exist is foolish. The Evil One may not walk around as a red-horned devil, but he absolutely is present. Over the past few decades, men have become marginalized in society. Our culture puts such low expectations on men that it has left many men wondering how to navigate our world. 

In last weekend’s episode of Saturday Night Live, there was a fake commercial for “Man Park.” This was a park similar to a Dog Park where men can meet and make friends, alleviating their wives and girlfriends from being the only person their husbands and boyfriends talk to. While many aspects of the skit were funny if you really look at what the writers had the men and women saying, it was incredibly sad and should be a big eye-opener for our society. A 2019 Harper’s Bazaar article wrote about how men no longer know how to form emotional bonds with each other. The tagline from the skit said, “It’s not their fault masculinity makes intimacy so hard.” F3 is the real ‘Man Park,’ and I am thankful that we are able to grow physically, mentally, spiritual, and with meaningful male friendships. 

This was so sad for me because it shows just how real male loneliness is, I absolutely experienced it before starting in the Gloom. 

I think it is that our masculinity is just what CAN make emotional intimacy possible, both here in the Gloom as well as the spiritual heads of our households. We must continue to lead, throw off spiritual laziness & timidness and become a strong witness to the Truth of our Faith with passion and conviction. When enough of us do this in our society, the stereotype of the lazy, buffoon of a father in our culture/society will change. 


Behold the Man 

Man Park SNL skit

Men’s Health Article on ‘Man Park’

F3 Twitter mentions of ‘Man Park’


Christmas Party. RSVP by December 1st. #annual-christmas-party channel on Slack 

Brovember: With the introduction of Weekly Winners, there is still time to compete! #brovember2021 on Slack!