F3 Knoxville

RAW 2/26

THE SCENE: upper 40’s and clear



Slowsy to the tennis court and back


Lots of kettlebells and 2 gas cans to choose from.   Pick the heaviest weight you can manage and do 5 rounds of the following exercises.  Rep count as follows:  Rd1-25, Rd2-20, Rd3-15, Rd4-10, Rd5-5.   Follow each round with 100 Jump Ropes.

  • Goblet Squat
  • Rack & Press
  • Calf Raise
  • Curls
  • Flamingo



3 brothers:  Junk, Tweet-E, Bartman


A zealous person in Christianity is preeminently a person of one thing. It is not enough to say that they are earnest, strong, uncompromising, meticulous, wholehearted, and fervent in spirit. They only see one thing, they care for one thing, they live for one thing, they are swallowed up in one thing; and that one thing is to please God. Whether they live, or whether they die-whether they are healthy, or whether they are sick-whether they are rich, or whether they are poor-whether they please man, or whether they give offense-whether the are thought wise, or whether they are thought foolish-whether they are accused, or whether they are praised-whether they get honor, or whether they get shame-for all this the zealous person cares nothing at all. They have a passion for one thing, and that one thing is to please God and to advance God’s glory. If they are consumed in the very burning of their passion for God, they don’t care-they are content. They feel that, like a candle, they were made to burn; and if they are consumed in the burning, then they have only done the work for which God has appointed them.

–J.C. Ryle




7’s at the icearium acclivity

THE SCENE: Cold, clear, beautiful
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – completed and added inexperienced

15 SSH

10 Baby Arm circle forward and backward

Lap around parking stalls

10 cherry pickers

10 windmills
Mosey to top of top of South Watt Rd – icearium hill stopping along the way to do

20 BBS, 10 side crunch left and right

  • stop and exercise at MBLP field #2
  • stop and exercise at MBLP filed 3
  • stop and exercise at baseball field along Watt Rd.
  • stop and exercise at liqour store parking lot
  • stop and execise at top of S. Watt Rod. acclivity

7’s from top of acclivity to retaining wall at base Burpee’s at top and imperial Walker at base (had to modify on 4th 5th and 6th run by decreasing distance to path and then light pole and then sign post – killer hill)

Mosey to MBLP field #3

Using the penalty box do merkins at each corner and traverse using different method between corners …

  • corner 1 – 20 Diamond merkins  – side shuffle to corner 2
  • corner 2 – 20 ranger merkins – lunge to corner 3
  • corner 3 – 20 wide merkin – broad jump to corner 4
  • corner 4 – 20 peter parkers – tunnel of love to corner 1 (lots of mumble chatter…)

Mosey back to AO

Judge Judy led a flutter kick to 50 for about 90 seconds
Judge Judy, Cornhole, Frosty, Biscut, Bartman, Mayberry, Swirlie, I-beam, Mustard, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Driftwood


Nothing special other then you group of HIM, your contagious and prove everyworkout that we can go beyond our own limits – many thanks for always pushing one another


That was much harder in the field then on google earth and paper – way to go men, you crushed it like no one else could have!

Pull-up bars Saturday at the Dog pound

Wet N’ Wild

THE SCENE: Steady Downpour

Elevator style – Complete Round 1 – Run to the area formerly known as the boat and return Complete Round 1 and 2 – Run to the boat and return. After you complete all 4 exercises in 1 round, then begin to take off one exercise each round.

  • 10 Body Builders
  • 20 Thrusters
  • 30 Lunge & Curl
  • 40 Plank Thrusters



1 Cor 10:31 – So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.


This Escalator’s broken

THE SCENE: cold and drizzling

SSH x20, Cherry picker x5, butt-kickers, high knees, lunges.

Mosey to base of Matterhorn.

Had 5 cones going up the mountain.  At each cone, PAX would do merkins, box-cutters, and jump squats.

  • 5 of each at first cone, back to base.
  • 5 at first cone, 10 at second cone, back to base
  • 5 at first cone, 10 at second, 15 at third, back to base
  • 5 at first, 10 at second, 15 at third, 20 at fourth, back to base
  • 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 at 5th cone, back to base.

Indian run back to AO.

By the end of the workout, PAX ran about 2.5 miles and did 175 merkins, 175 box-cutters, and 175 jump squats.

Side crunches on a 4-count IC (10 each side)


Exodus 2:23-25 — 23 oDuring those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel pgroanedbecause of their slavery and cried out for help. qTheir cry for rescue from slavery cameup to God. 24 And rGod heard their groaning, and God sremembered his covenant withtAbraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. 25 God usaw the people of Israel—and Godvknew.

The people only played one part — they cried out for help.  God did the rest.  He heard.  He remembered.  He saw.  He knew.

Watch out for cars.  Maybe shorten the Q to 4 cones next time instead of 5.

Your 3rd word

THE SCENE: 62 and Rainy- perfect RAW weather

Demonstrations and mumble chatter
10 stations set up with 2 exercises to hit the same body part. PAX rotated through all 10 stations doing 1:30 exercise and :30 rest in between. We did 2 rounds so each body part was worked twice. Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Ruck Weights, Jump Ropes and CMUs were used at varying stations depending PAX choice.

Exercise pairings

  • Overhead Carry / Straight Arm Carry
  • Big Boys / American Hammers
  • Wall Dips / Tricep Kickbacks
  • Bathroom Lunges / Calf Killer Lunges
  • Kettlebell Swings / Goblet Thrusters
  • Plank Hold / Stargazers (yes you read correctly)
  • Jump Rope / Flamingos
  • Chest Press / Diamond Press (Both on Bosu)
  • Hammer Curls / Close Grip Curls
  • Bent Over Row / Superman Lat Pull (Definitely a crowd favorite)

Timer worked well but the playlist wouldn’t advance. Sorry for the issue fellas!

I’ll be 50 this year and in true transparency I have been a bad man. I, like many, have made bad choices, done bad things and have regrets. The bad thing about that is I have let what I think about myself keep me from being all that God created me to be.
I have been reading a book by Pastor Steven Furtick called (Un)Qualified and it is changing how I see myself and more importantly what I say about myself. Get the book and read it, but the bottom line so far is that when God called Moses to save His children Moses didn’t feel qualified and spoke ill of himself. However, when He asked “Whom shall I say sent me?” The Lord responded “I Am.”  In other words, “You can do this because, I AM.” Think about how often we say, “I am____” it may be I am Cavalier, I am Dad, I am cold, I am weak, I am ashamed, I am redeemed… on and on.
The point is, the Lord is the “I am” but it is the 3rd word we say that defines us, shapes what we believe about ourselves, holds us back or leads us on. I have been telling myself for many years “I am ashamed. I am unable. I am fake. I am bad. Etc” but God is saying, “No Cavalier. I Am…your everything” He says, I am forgiven. I am free. I am redeemed. I am chosen. I am able. I am His!
I like His 3rd words about me A LOT better than what I’ve been saying about myself for soooo many years.
PAX, what’s your 3rd word? Is it what God says you are? Is it who He says you are?
If not, it’s time that changes.
Pray for Tapout’s Brother-in-law and sister-in-law as they recently started their child of 11 months. Terrible situation but they are looking for God’s grace in it and believe He had a purpose and a plan. Even so times ahead may be tough so remember them in your prayers.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.