F3 Knoxville

Maundy Thursday Montage

THE SCENE: 60 and clear


  • SSH x 10
  • Cherry Pickers x 6
  • Circle of burpees


  • Indian run to where the boats used to be
  • Paula Abdul the length of two light poles.  Bear crawl forward 2 parking spaces, do 10 merkins.  Bear crawl backward 1 parking space, do 10 squats.  Rinse/repeat until you reach the 2nd light pole.
  • Mosey to the bottom of the stairs on long island.
  • Iron Mike countdown.  Start at the bottom of the stairs with 10 iron mikes (each leg), then run up the stairs, up the hill to the rock and do 9 iron mikes.  Run back down, do 8…run back to top, do 7.  Rinse/repeat until you work all the way down to 1.
  • Mosey to the Matterhorn.
  • Sprint to the 1st light pole, do 10 squats and 10 derkins.  Bernie Sanders to 2nd light pole, do 10 squats and 10 derkins.
  • Slowsey to the bottom of Matterhorn & indian run back to the AO


  • LBC x 25
  • Box cutters x 20

16 strong:  Toto, Snitch, Toebox, Trolley, Peek-a-boo, La-Z-Boy, Frosty, Butters, Flute Loop, Sparky, Abacus, Hot Tub, Dreadlock (FNG), Stitches (FNG), Ratchet, Bartman

Talked about the meaning of Maundy Thursday and what an important day it is.



Dig Deep

THE SCENE: 41 degrees with a big ole moon

We did some SSH during the disclaimer to get warm, and then followed up with:

  • Little bit o’ this & that
  • 15 merkins
  • 15 windmills

The PAX moseyed over to a cone circuit. 5 cones were placed at three distances (Cone 1=short sprint, Cone 2=medium sprint, Cone 3=long sprint, Cone 4=medium sprint, Cone 5=short sprint).

Each cone had an exercise listed at its base (Cone 1 = BBS, Cone 2 = Carolina Dry Docks, Cone 3 = Squats, Cone 4 = Merkins, Cone 5 = American Hammers).

Pax sprinted to each cone and performed 5 reps of the listed exercise at that cone. In between Cones 3 and 4 we paused for sets of 7-ups with the pee rocks (curls, presses, tris with a heavy rock in ascending rep count from 1 to 7 and back down to 1).

Continue this patter, increasing rep count by 5 each time. Right before Mary we re-grouped at the start line for one last sprint to the long cone.


  • Oblique Crunches x 10 IC, each side
  • Box Cutters x 20 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 25 IC

Two FNGs today – great work PAX! Welcome to Twinkletoes and Peek-a-boo!
Take some time to review the words used in traditional wedding vows and really let them soak in. I was at a wedding with my 3 yo daughter this weekend and had to explain the ceremony to her curious mind. I found myself interpreting the wedding vows in ways that I probably didn’t consider 6 years prior when I repeated them to my bride (who is way out of my league). It really stood out to me that I am not always a good example of what those vows mean, even though I should be since I’m setting the example that she may use for her future husband one day.
Felt good to be back with the PAX after two fartsacks in the last few days – thanks, guys!

Hill Sprints Suck

THE SCENE: 64 and still.

Cherry Pickers x5 IC Junk speed
Hipper Snappers – 4 count IC ready position, 1) left 2) right 3) jump
Merkins x10 IC
LBAC forward x10, reverse x10
1 CMU per pair, head to the matterhorn
– guy running carries the CMU, other guy skips
– Incans x10 oyo at the light poles
Hill Sprints (group Dora)
A] At the light pole – all w/ CMU
1) 100 Carolina Dry Docks
2) 200 Sumo Squats
3) 300 Curls
4) 200 Tri
5) 100 Clean and Press
B] Group Downhill sprint – leave on “go”
– first guy down gets to head back up oyo
– everyone else does 10 Merkins then goes
– once partner is up Rocky Balboa til the 6 gets there
Switch partners, Rinse and repeat
1/2 way through reps stopped for Mary
20 Hello dolly IC
CMUS to the bottom of the hill, now sprints are uphill and reps are at the speed hump
Mosey back. Incans at light poles again
Junk, Mayberry, Frosty, I-beam, Raindrop, Tweetee, Wagon Wheel, Sparky, Snitch, Bartman
It’s easy in life to get going  so fast it feels like we’re running downhill. If you remember as a kid running down a hill that was too steep where your legs are moving so fast that if you stopped you knew you would fall and tumble the rest away. Sometimes when running at that pace we get to where we are actually racing the people that we are running alongside, often times chasing the wrong things and filling our lives with too much stuff all the while trying to keep up and “win” the crazy race.
Sometimes we don’t even realize what’s happening as life gets tougher – relationally, work, self esteem, insecurity, true loss. Whatever the reason we find ourselves suddenly running uphill: resistance, reduced speed, aching to be done. The challenge I would propose is to consider whether you still run the uphill times like a race or do you Try to skip them and keep running downhill? Do you set yourself to work hard or just to survive? Do you seek to learn something, to get better – or do you just dwell in the misery longing for it to be over?
I tore my plantar fascia (on the bottom of my foot) a couple weeks ago during an OTB that was truly incredibly stupid. It had been feeling good the last few days so I had envisioned competing, perhaps even winning one or two of the downhill sprints. 5 minutes into the beatdown today it rose up and let me know it was there. So I had to pace myself on the downhill which I don’t like to do. Because of that, I ended up pushing myself harder on the uphills than I normally would. All part of prepping for the BOM I guess. My conclusion:  I need to push myself on the uphills more often.
Tweet-ee has lost three people from his recovery program to overdose in the last few weeks. We spent time in prayer for their families, for all of those in recovery, and especially for those in denial

Burn the Wet Wood

THE SCENE: 48 and dry.

SSH IC x20

Cherry Pickers IC x5

‘Mericans IC X10

Mountain climbers IC x10


CMU Exercises
Ratchet Squrls = Ratchet squat curls
French Military Squats
Stocky Balboas = weighted Rocky’s
Lunging Tricep Extensions
Blocky Hurley’s
250 of each
Start wherever you want, finish wherever you want – but once you start an exercise you have to finish it!
When you burn out either arms or legs, run to the tennis courts and grab a ball. Do what it says x 10. Run back and start where you left off.
Dodgeball – we have balls, if you get hit you do the exercise x10. If you catch it they do it x20.. Once the exercise is done you join again


Junk, Mayberry, Sparky, I-beam, Hot Tub, Scooter, Snitch, Abacus, Waxjob

– Recapped the story of Elijah
1 Kings 18
God is the igniter of wet wood. Sometimes the wood is wet because of our circumstances, or our environment. Sometimes it’s wet because of relational issues, or our internal crapola. Sometimes it’s wet because we have been pouring buckets of water over ourselves with our own decisions. Whatever the reason, He is the igniter of wet wood. Sometimes He even wants the wood wet for His Glory, just to show that it’s only Him who could have done it. So even if you feel like you’re dealing with wet wood, ask for the fire!

We spent time praying for Wallball’s dad who is getting a consultation for a heart transplant today..

Sand Clerks, Stocky Balboa and other assorted randos

THE SCENE:  39° and chilly


 Today this included “I’ve never used a timer before“ and “I take no responsibility for this random Apple playlist“

Stretch  what you want while the Q explains the stations.
.Ratchet Squat curls (lateral elbow, medial knee – 30lb or CMU

The Thinker – lunge, curl outer arm, tricep extend inner arm – 20lb

Stocky Balboas – weighted Rocky’s
– 35s or CMU
Sand Clerk – Sandbag clean and jerk
French Military Squats – (surrender first!)
– 30lb plate overhead
Fly Squatters – bent over squat w/ 25lb dumbbell fly
Flutterbys – calf raise + deltoid raise w/ wrist extension (release your inner snowflake)

90 second stations, 15 second rests. One station in the middle for mosey/rest.

Cool Down:
SSH IC x25

Cherry Pickers IC x5

10 HIMs showed up to get stronger

A simple truth: You don’t deserve forgiveness, grace or unconditional love.
Two thoughts:
1) For you guys who always feel unworthy, like you don’t deserve love or forgiveness – you’re right! You don’t…and neither do the rest of us, but it is freely offered and not yours to try to earn or pay for. Accept it with a grateful heart and feel the warmth and love of the one who bought it for you!
2) For you guys who have a hard time forgiving or letting go of things that have been perpetrated against you. If you don’t deserve the forgiveness and unconditional love that has been offered to you – you really don’t deserve to withhold those things from someone else. Choose to forgive and love the way it has been given to you – especially for folks who REALLY don’t deserve it.
Love God first, then everyone else. MOLESKIN
Wallball shared his Dad is getting a consultation for a heart transplant. That’s not some distant cousin having a hard time with allergies, this is real stuff. Take it seriously and pray hard.