F3 Knoxville

8 Men and a Matterhorn

THE SCENE: upper 60’s…felt like October – great weather



  • SSH x 20
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • Cherry Pickers x 5
  • This/that stretch


  • Indian run to the base of the Matterhorn
  • 4 Cones spread along the upper half of the hill.  1=closest, 4=farthest.  Exercises written at each cone.
    • 4-Burpees;  3-Diamond Merkins;  2-Plankjacks;  1-Squats
    • PAX run to the 4th (farthest) cone and do 25 reps of the exercise written.  Then mosey back down the hill stopping to do 25 reps of the exercise written at each cone.   Rinse & repeat eliminating the furthest cone each round until you end with only going to the 1st cone.
  • DORA work
    • 50 Thrust Merkins;  50 Squat Jacks;  50 Leg Pass Throughs
    • Partner 1 does reps at the speed bump, while partner 2 runs up the lower portion of the Matterhorn to where the rock ditch starts.


  • Hello Dolly x 20
  • Box Cutter x 20
  • Spread Eagle Merkins x 10
  • Superman/Banana

8 PAX:  Ratchet, Pepper, Scooter, Woodshack, Shooter, Barn Door, Moped, Bartman

Words matter.  Say what you mean and don’t generalize.  Shared from John 21 an example of this when Jesus asked Peter “do you love me?” 3 times.  The first 2 times Jesus asked if Peter loved him he used the word Agape which is a deep, unconditional love…Peter in return said that yes he loved Jesus, however he used the word Phileo, which is a brotherly love.  Finally, the 3rd time Jesus asked Peter, he said “Do you Phileo me?”, in other words Jesus said “is that all Peter, do you only love me with a brotherly love and not a deep unconditional love?”.  Jesus was making the point that we should love him unconditionally.  It’s a good example of how our English language doesn’t quite capture the gravity of scripture.  Our word “love” is used for everything:  I love my wife, I love coffee, I love exercising.  The word doesn’t allow you to differentiate between its different meanings in different contexts.  Therefore we should take the time to be specific when we can be….to use the word that will relay our message the clearest.


Truckin to the Pound this weekend – 6am at the Truck Stop;  F3 anniversary celebration in November

Circle of work

THE SCENE: 70 and muggy

Skipped it

The number represents the reps, of each exercise

  1. World’s Greatest Merkin
  2. CMU lunge (each)
  3. Side crunch (each)
  4. Turkish getup (each)
  5. Mer-block-ins (each)
  6. CMU Flamingo (each)
  7. CMU V-up
  8. Block-ees
  9. Decline Merkins
  10. CMU overhead squat
  11. Reverse cow girl
  12. Donkey kicks
  13. Merkin-around-the-circle
  14. CMU Lunge twist
  15. CMU BBS
  16. CMU curls
  17. CMU tri
  18. CMU overhead press
  19. Lizard Hops
  20. Bear Crawl around the circle
  21. Bent over Row
  22. Church claps
  23. CMU Hop overs
  24. Dive bombers
  25. Bananas
  26. Squats
  27. Step throughs (total)
  28. Blockee Hurleys
  29. Incline Merkins
  30. Pickle Pounders

19 with 1 FNG and a visiting PAX from Hickory NC, Flexseal

Two kinds of wisdom…

“If you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.  Such “wisdom” does not come from heaven but us earthly, unspiritual, demonic.  For where you have envy and selfish ambition you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is pure; peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  Peace makers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” -James 3: 14-18

With starting school we try to teach my son to use wisdom when picking/making friends.  But in my life I have struggled with wisdom of selfishness.  So I encourage each of you to be 3rd.  God 1st, Everyone else 2nd, I am 3rd.

The PAX worked extremely hard, especially considering this was a Q with no moseying and no breaks.
August 25 – Truckin To The Pound

Nov. 3/4- F3 3rd Anniversary, Olympics, Ruck, Seabiscuit, and Family Picnic

Old Fashioned Family Beatdown

THE SCENE: 68 Degrees and oddly pleasant

  • Little o’ this
  • Little o’ that
  • Little o’ Michael Phelps (exc. Ratchet who hates that stretch)
  • Cherry Picker x 10 IC
  • Imperial Squat Walker x 10 IC

I had the PAX count off into three equal groups; one lucky group got to run over and pick up CMUs from the pile.

Group 1 stood shoulder-to-shoulder at Cone A and Group 3 stood should-to-shoulder at Cone B. Groups 1 and 3 began an exercise while Group 2 traveled between them as instructed. When Group 2 reached Group 3, the PAX rotated and ran back to Group 1, where the rotation continued. Exercises are below:

Set 1: World’s Greatest Merkin/CMU Run/Freddie Mercury

Set 2: Squats/Sprints/CMU Curls

Set 3: Burpees/Bernie Sanders/CMU Press

Each set lasted approximately 10 minutes with minimal rest between sets.


  • Plank Jacks x 25 IC (4 ct.)
  • LBCs x 25 IC (4 ct.)
  • Mountain Climbers x 25 IC (4 ct.)
  • Oblique crunches x 15 IC (single ct., each side)
  • Flutter Kicks x 25 IC

22 PAX including 1 FNG – strong showing!
Gerald Swindle is a professional bass angler that has been on the circuit for quite a while. He competes at the highest level in a stressful sport and yet he almost always seems collected, deliberate, and positive. I shared with PAX a quote that Swindle wrote regarding his personal slogan of “Positive Mental Attitude”:

“That’s the way my personal slogan of PMA (positive mental attitude) works in life. One of the PMA principles is that today’s bad news leads to tomorrow’s good news. You have to believe that today’s bad unexpected will lead you to tomorrow’s good unexpected.”

I really like what he’s getting at here. We will constantly have entropy in our lives, and we have to be intentional about embracing that and moving forward as HIMs.

Felt good to be back with the PAX after several tumultuous weeks off-kilter schedules!
Don’t forget about kickball, Truckin’ to the Pound, and several F3 events coming up in October & November!

What’s at your core?

THE SCENE: low 70’s I think….didn’t check.  It felt good for a mid-August morning.



  • SSH x 20
  • Cherry pickers x 5
  • This/that stretch
  • Squats x 10
  • Tempo Merkin x 10
  • 5 Burpees OYO


  • One lap around the boat dock parking lot.  Stop at each light pole for 5 Thrusters as you mosey.
  • At the other end of the lot – DORA work.
    • Partner A starts at one end of the lot and runs to the 2nd light pole.  Do 2 Burpees at the halfway mark each way (coming and going).  While Partner A is running, Partner B is doing reps of the following.  Switch when the running partner gets back.
      • 100 Plankjacks (4ct)
      • 100 Shoulder Taps (4ct)
      • 100 Spread Eagle Merkins
      • 100 Raised Arm Big Boy Situps
  • Run back around the parking lot the way we came from.  This time stop at each light pole for 5 Squats as you go.
  • Indian Run back to the AO.


  • Roll up, V up x 10
  • Hello Dolly x 25
  • Ring of Fire leg press x 2 rounds
  • Spread Eagle Merkin x 10

17 total:  Junk, Mayberry, Frosty, Booger, Barn Door, Barnacle, Shooter, I-Beam, Waxjob, Snitch, High Heels, Wall Ball, Bowflex, Wagon Wheel, Scooter, Sparky, Bartman


Today was a core workout…in keeping with that theme, I though I’d talk about what’s at my core.

My core starts at Romans 3:23 where the Bible tells us that everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory (or perfection) of God.  Later on in the 6th chapter of Romans we are told that the wages of sin (the penalty of sin) is death.  Pretty gloomy stuff, but it all gets turned on its head with the life/death/resurrection of Jesus.  Jesus came to this earth, lived a perfect life and died in your place to take the penalty of your sin for you.  Romans 10:9 tells us that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart, that you will be saved.  It’s the gospel in less than 30 seconds.  That is what’s at my core…what’s at yours?  If you aren’t sure, I encourage you to reach out with questions.  I’d love to tell you more over a cup of coffee sometime.


Guardians for Garrett kickball tournament this weekend

Truckin’ to the Pound

F3 Olympic weekend

Truckin to the Pound Round 2

Men of Knoxville, August 25, 2018 you are invited to attend a Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless (CSAUP) event.  Truckin To The Pound Round 2,  #TruckinToThePound #TTTP2

This event was created by the TruckStop/DogPound crews as a way to have a longer event such as a Ragnar Relay, Spartan, Tough Mudder, etc. without the added expenses of entry fees, travel expenses, and most importantly the time away from family and friends.

As busy men, just like you we wanted to do something bigger but not have the logistics of travelling to another city/state/province to complete the event.

So August 25, 2018, instead of wishing you could get out there and do a crazy event come do one with us!  At 0600 we will gather at the TruckStop aka Bob Leonard Park and we will mosey to the DogPound located at Concord Park.  The course is 9-ish miles, with 4 stops for mini-Qs or workouts along the way.  Consider the Qs added bonus features, if you wish to think of them that way.


This event is free!


This event is for the High Impact Men (HIM)s of Knoxville to challenge themselves and each other, and help one another get better.

It is a CSAUP event, there are no trophies, medals, prizes or awards. We are all going to go out and get better together. #IronSharpensIron  Start together finish together.

For more information contact Mayberry via DM