1.5 mile jog to HVA THA-THANG:
We have been doing a fair bit of 5k-ish pacing lately, so YHC wanted to change it up. Today’s workout was at a 1 mile race pace, trying to stay consistent through the longer distance.
200 m with 200 m recovery
200 m with 200 m recovery
400 m with 400 m recovery
Repeat 4 times
Marathon training this week was 2, 3 mile repeats. MARY:
Cooldown run back to JUCO COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA
Captain Obvious, Edit, Frenchie, Gump, Mailbox, Pool Boy, Spotter, Erector (tagged in JUCO BB) CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:
THE SCENE: A mild, dry, low 50 degree morning. F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER WARM-O-RAMA:
20 in cadence
Bat Wings: Arm circles forward/arm circles backward/seal claps/overhead claps
wind mill
tempo squats
.25-.5 mile mosey to warm up
Squat Thrusters for time
Complete the F3 Knoxville February Challenge
Record times, Mermaid will update all times on the website
Exercises in 4 corners, perform exercise, and rotate until time is called
Corner 1
Around the world Merkins, BBS, Squats
Corner 2
Werkins, LBC’s, Lunges
Corner 3
Diamond Merkins, American Hammers, Calf Raises (40)
Corner 4
Curls, tri ext, OH Press with coupon.
20 of each exercise
No mary, ab exercises were included in the workout. COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA
Paraphrase the Prodigal son
Luke 15: 11-32
God will run to and and take you back even when you squander your opportunity.
He wants a relationship with you, and he will take you with your warts, and transgressions.
Prayer Requests:
Pool Boy-His friend Linda has Lymphoma
Rosetta’s coworker Zachary committed suicide
Spotter & Gump’s mom is having surgery today related to the return of her breast cancer.
Bring food on Friday for the Wesley House.
OTB workout at Catholic High School on Thursday 2/27 5:30 AM
Q 101 workout at the Asylum on Saturday 2/29 7:00AM
Convergence at JUCO 3/28
45 degrees, a little drizzly, before sun-up. Just like the gritty like it.
Was 30 seconds late to q-ing my own q… Oh the shame. Wanted to get the packaging tape gun to tape the cheatsheet to my forearm. Didn’t end up using it.
Cherry Pickers
High Knees with Burpees
The Thang: Lots, Walls, Rails and Rocks
Starting in a line facing the wall but on the opposite of the parking lot from the wall.
All the traveling exercises progress towards the wall. Unless otherwise specified all exercises are 4 count.
5 Burpee Broad Jumps
5 Merkins
5 Frog Jumps
5 Diamon Merkins
5 Inch Worms
5 Werkins
5 Lunges
5 Plank Jacks
5 Imperial Squat Walkers
5 Pickle Pounders
5 Broad Jumps
5 Shoulder Taps
5 Reverse Lunges
5 Peter Parkers
5 Bear Crawls
5 Plank to Elbows
5 Crab Walks
5 Mtn Climbers
5 R Bear Crawl
5 Parker Climbers
At the Wall – Everyone get a CMU
5 Curls
5 Step Ups
5 Presses
5 Rocky Balboas
5 Triceps
5 Step Ups
5 Thrusters
5 Step Ups
5 CMU Burpees
Bear crawl in a line up to Guard Rail. At the Rail
10 Dips
10 Dirkens
10 Irkens
10 Pick Pounders – Inclined
10 Dips
10 Dirkens
10 Irkens
10 Reverse Pickle Pounders (aka – Baby Makers)
Pick up two rocks
10 Baby Arm Circles
10 Seal Claps
10 Overhead Seal Claps
10 Baby Arm Circles Backwards
10 Thors
10 Star Toe Touches
10 Dead Bugs
Mosey back to far corner of Parking Lot to start sequence again but this time with added Mosey to next Island destination as we Zig Zag through the parking lot Islands
5 Burpee Broad Jumps
5 Merkins
5 Frog Jumps
5 Diamon Merkins
5 Inch Worms
5 Werkins
5 Lunges
5 Plank Jacks
5 Imperial Squat Walkers
5 Pickle Pounders
5 Broad Jumps
5 Shoulder Taps
5 Reverse Lunges
5 Peter Parkers
5 Bear Crawls
5 Plank to Elbows
5 Crab Walks
Finish off with 15 Burpees with CMUs at the Wall.
50 Freddy Mercuries
Grit & Tenderness – Grit by itself does not make a man. The Holy Spirit in us calls us higher. It calls us to a more complex and mature “High Impact Man”. A man that contains not only Grit but also tenderness and sensitivity. Sometimes these “goals”, “values” seem to be at odds with each other. How can I be a man of grit if I’m tender all the time and super sensitive to everything and everyone? How can I perform and compete in this EXTREMELY competitive and stressful – dog eat dog – extremely judgmental world if I’m not 100% Grit? It might just be impossible without the infinite spirit of God within us helping us. Today allow Him to reign you in when your Grit is too tough on others. Today allow Him to give you the grit to show up when you said you would and do what you said you were going to.
You are off to a great start – Your grit got you here before the sun in the cold and wet to push your body. Now don’t forget that counter-intuitive sensitivity you are to have towards others. Others might mislabel you as ALL grit or A**hole. Conversely others may mislabel you 100% weak and a push over. Do not listen to the labels. You know you are an infinitely more complex human being possessing endless amounts of gritty strength from the Lord of Hosts, and an infinite resource of tenderness to draw upon.
Lean on Jesus – He will help show the world how His amazing men can perplex the world with the combination of two contrasts.
2-27-2020 This Thursday – New AO Christening at the Vatican – OTB – @ 5:30 –
This Saturday – F3Knoxville TRUEbadours: February 29
Growschool/Q101 next Saturday
F3Knoxville TRUEbadours: February 29
If you have not yet Qd and are interested but not sure how or you just want to fine tune your abilities Check this out. Our first F3 Knoxville Truebadours Convergence Q (Q101 + GrowSchool) will happen on Saturday, February 29th 7:00a, at the Asylum AO. Steam along with other F3Knox HIMs will be leading the charge. If you have questions please reach out to Steam or Abscess.
THE SCENE: A brisk 22 degrees. F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:Administered WARM-O-RAMA: Finkle Swings OYO
Moroccan Nightclubs x 10 IC
Seal squats x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Projectivator x 12 IC
Slow mosey to the retaining wall. Half of PAX go down the fence line, half stay up on the retaining wall. Both groups do exercises in cadence. On the fence – dips. On the wall – squats. Switchero.
Move to the guardrail. Half do tempo derkins. Half do mountain climbers. Switchero.
Mosey to Jucomanjaro. We’re going on a rescue mission, men! Imagine that Jucomanjaro is an icy mountain and at the top is a frozen lake. We just received word that a husband and wife have fallen through the ice and need rescue!
Team DORA… Divide into two teams. One team attempts to scale the icy mountain (runs a set duration, then turns back to meet the other team), while the other team prepares for the rescue mission (performs exercises). Upon meeting, they switch roles.
…about half way through the workout, one team will make it to the top of Jucomanjaro, where they will find two posts (the couple needing rescue from the ice). They use the remainder of their time to move these posts down the hill. At the alarm, they run down and switch roles with the other team…
Each round is 5 exercises and the reps build on each other (e.g. Round 1 = 1 burpee, Round 2 = 1 burpee + 2 iron mikes, Round 3 = 1 burpee + 2 iron mikes + 3 imperial squawkers…)
Round 1: Team 1 runs 1.5 minutes then turns back. Team 2 does exercises.
1 Burpee
2 Iron Mikes
3 Imperial Squawkers (4 CT)
4 Clap Merkins
5 Mountain Climbers (4 CT)
BEAR CRAWL until you meet the other team – then SWITCH roles.
Round 2:
Team 1 runs 2.5 minutes then turns back. Team 2 does exercises.
6 Heals to Heaven (4 CT)
8 Parker Merkins
9 Bobby Hurleys
10 Carolina Dry Docks
BEAR CRAWL until you meet the other team – then SWITCH roles.
Round 3: Team 1 runs 3.5 minutes then turns back. Team 2 does exercises.
11 Twinkle Toes (single count)
12 Flutter kicks (4 CT)
13 Wide Merkins
14 LBCs (4 CT)
15 Pickle pounders (4 CT)
BEAR CRAWL until you meet the other team – then SWITCH roles.
Round 4:
Team 1 runs 4.5 minutes then turns back. Team 2 does exercises.
16 Merkins
17 Squats
18 Hello Dolly (4 CT)
19 Rosalitas (4 CT)
20 SSH (4 CT)
BEAR CRAWL until you meet the other team – then SWITCH roles.
Back to the shovel flag!
No time!
22 HIMs
We had two representations of two very real people, Larry and Chrissy Watters. Larry and Chrissy live in Nova Scotia, in a cabin on a lake. One winter when the lake had frozen over, they drove their ATV out onto the ice. The ice cracked under the weight, the front end of the ATV went through, and they rolled into the water. Fighting for their lives, they tried over and over to climb out but they couldn’t quite get themselves out of the freezing water. For 10 minutes they tried but made no progress. The ice water was sucking the life from their bodies. Freezing to death, they said their last goodbyes to each other and embraced. Then Chrissy remembered and said to her husband, “Larry, your Leatherman!!”. Larry had a Leatherman in his pocket! He took it out, stabbed the ice the ice with it, drug himself out, then got his wife out – they survived!
Can you relate to Larry and Chrissy Watters while they were in the ice water? Is there something that is sucking away your vitality – and, like Larry and Chrissy, you have tried over and over and over to get out – and nothing seems to work?
…a job that sucks, but you endure it out of obligation or because of momentum. But you get no joy from it and it is sucking away the best of you.
…an important relationship that has soured – or is just complacent? It feels like it is sucking your life away.
…a dependence on alcohol? If it is numbing you as a father, husband, or friend – then it is sucking your life away.
…pornography? You can’t stop yourself from looking at fake images of fake women – and it is impacting how you relate to your wife – and IT. IS. SUCKING. YOUR. LIFE. AWAY.
…or maybe it’s a dream that has gone unfulfilled. It would be a great thing for you – if only it would happen. And it is all the waiting and heartbreak that seems to be sucking your vitality from you…
Maybe you need different perspective on your challenge and a change to your strategy ([Chrissy] “…your Leatherman!”) By that I mean, maybe you need to explain your situation to a trusted friend and ask him, “what is something that I can do to make progress on this?” If he’s a good and wise friend, his answer might be hard for you to swallow – but you need to listen closely. His solution to your problem might be, “to get out of debt, you need to sell your house that you never should of bought because you can’t afford it”, or “to overcome your addiction to pornography, you need to get rid of every screen in your home and get a flip phone”, or “if you dream of a big family and haven’t been successful in getting pregnant, maybe it’s time to consider adoption”.
If you haven’t gained any ground on something that is challenging you and limiting the life that you are living, maybe its time for you to enlist a friend for their perspective and insights.
“The godly give good advice to their friends” (Proverbs 12:26)
“Let a righteous man strike me — it is a kindness; let him rebuke me — it is oil for my head; let my head not refuse it.” (Psalm 141:5)
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend…” Proverbs 27:6
Prayers for Dart Gun’s father, Dave, and his ongoing battle with cancer (specifically medications). Continued prayers for Spotter’s mother and her battle with cancer. Prayers for Curveball’s family – they lost his nephew 8 years ago and the anniversary of that tragedy is hard. Praise and prayers for Slappy – his oldest daughter is a teenager!
T Claps for Spotter, the Co-Q today! This could not have happened without you, brother!
Hat tips to those who inspired the Q and Word today – Drifter for his crazy and hilarious-sounding Q at the Bombshelter a few weeks back and Pool Boy for his JUCO Word a couple of weeks ago, “Press on!”
Here’s a short story of Larry and Chrissy Watters;
OTB Bootcamp at All Saints next Thursday! This is a try-out for a potential new Cedar Bluff-based AO. Contact Mermaid for details.
Save the date! March 28th, 7:00am. CONVERGENCE AT JUCO, BABY!