F3 Knoxville

Prayer Lessons ITG

Prayer Lessons ITG

Everyone knows the drill.  The alarm goes off, you get dressed, drive to the AO, put in work, name-o-Rama, pray. Rinse and repeat.

Pray.  Hmmm, that one stands out.

What I have seen and learned in my time at F3 is that we as men need male bonding, that is no surprise, but we also need God, and we need prayer. The male bonding part is easy, and I can honestly say my closest friends of all time are men I’ve met in the gloom. They’ve helped me grow, as a man and in my faith.  Many of them might not know it, but it wasn’t just going through the motions, it is how they live life, and how they pray. To see how they have walked with God is truly an inspiration.

No one ever said life was easy, and the men at DogPound have seen all the bad, divorce, overdose, car accidents, death, sick kids, sick wives, job loss, and most recently the ongoing battle with cancer. There has also been much joy to combat the bad which is always a blessing. However, what has stayed with me is how these men through everything good and bad, has been to pray.  Prayer has been a focal point in everyone of those situations. Praying together in gloom.  Praying alone about those in need.  A text message or post requesting prayer.  A reminder to pray for someone. Day to day through adversity, celebration, and whatever comes their way, they remain calm and steadfast not only in their actions, their undying trust in God,  their support of one another, but in how they pray.

I wanted to share because prayer hits home for me.  My biggest fear about leading my first Q wasn’t the exercises, cadence, not even the public speaking.  But public praying?  Well that’s not my thing. I’ll be the first to admit even now when I pray it still isn’t fancy. I’m not eloquent like Junk or La-z-boy.  I don’t have Bible verses come to me during prayer.  I still say “uh” a lot, and there are lots of awkward pauses. I’m basically still one step above the old faithful “Now I lay me down to sleep…”.  For me, I know I have never left the BOM thinking “dude, I rocked that prayer”.  But truthfully the men in my Wolfpack have taught me that doesn’t even matter.  What I’ve seen is that it’s not about how you pray, where you pray, what you pray, but it is to just to pray. Just pray. Taking time to speak with God. Thanking him for all that He has given you, good and bad, and then laying your joys and concerns at His feet.  Submitting, asking, and allowing for His plan for our lives.

I believe God always answers prayers. Always. It might not be the answer we want, and it might not be when we want it, but He answers. He opens doors while closing others. And because of that He just wants us to pray.

It took me a long time to understand that, and I am thankful for these men who have helped me.

“pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

McDonald’s on the Fly

THE SCENE: 20’s and no Q in sight….

LBAC-F/B, Overhead Claps, Tempo Merkins, Mountain-Climbers, Tempo Squats, TN Rock’n Chair
Mosey to big student parking lot, stopping for a short Bear Crawl. Perform the Double Quarter-Pounder (without cheese) – look up in Exicon.  So Fun!!

Mosey to small parking lot. 4 corners – rotate between 10 jump squats and increasing 8ct Body Builders at each corner. I think the lead group made it to a corner of 8 BB’s.  Great work!

Dead Bug, Flutter Kicks
25 strong
Talked about inner peace and 5 steps that have helped the Q obtain inner peace: 1) Trust totally in Christ. This settles where you are headed when you die. 2) Trust in God’s sovereignty and control over all things, even the small details of your life. This eliminates fear. 3)  Trust the Lord to meet all of your needs. Takes care of the constant desire for more. 4) Maintain a clear conscience. Helps protect your inner peace. 5) Accept the way God made you.  You can’t change things that are outside of your control. Trust Him with those things.

Ribbed was on Q but slept thru his alarm. Trolley (JUCO’s newly appointed Executioner) will decide his fate upon his next appearance at JUCO.
No official workout Christmas Day at JUCO.


THE SCENE: cold and clear, 25 degrees !

10 ct Cherry Pickers, 10 ct side straddle hops 10 count baby arm circles forward, 1o ct baby ar circles reverse, all in cadence


The 3rd Monthly “JUCO 1500” performed in the big parking lot, the backside of campus.  each station was a parking space. The bear crawls, lunges and cmu mosey were all from line to line from one end of the lot to the other. If all 5 rds were performed the total reps would equal 1500 and the total distance would be approximately 1.5 miles. Below is a link to the spreadsheet to enter your reps if you’re interested in keeping count and tracking your improvement. I’ll be glad to enter your # for you as well if you want to send it to me. If you don’t care that’s okay also.


The JUCO 1500 will be repeated on 2020-01-18!

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

What message does this picture send to you? It makes me think about how Santa Claus represents Black Friday, our spend, spend, spend, consume, consume, consume culture and we take all of that to Santa Claus, yet we are supposed to be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, who lived his life as an example of the opposite of all these things. Ultimately we should focus more on Jesus and how he lived his life and less on gifts, presents, consuming and so forth

Image result for santa praying to jesus"

Prayer Requests

Poolboys cousin, Mailbox’s wife, Guard rails job, Gingers coworkers father, any other request I may have forgotten

Hanson Plan Wk 4

THE SCENE: 28F Cold and Dry

1.5 mile mosey to the Hardin Valley Academy Track
800m Track Repeats:
Run 2 laps at your 5k or 10K race pace. Then slow mosey 1 lap for the recovery.
Repeat 6 times.
Cool Down was a 1.5 mile mosey back to JUCO.
Stretching until Bootcamp Pax joined us at the flag.
Joined in with the Bootcamp guys led by Mandoline.
Erector, Spotter, Pool Boy, Frenchie, Uncle Rico, Captain Obvious, Drift Trike, Judge Judy, QIC-Archie
This is week 4 of 18 of the Hanson Running Plan. We started again at 5:00am and will need to continue to do so for the remainder of the training program. Here is the link to the plan for reference: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1754/7753/files/Advanced_Marathon_-_new.pdf?2510896761829477751

A Snow Day @ JUCO

THE SCENE: High 20’s and snow on the ground

The Motivator starting from 7
The Ole Miss Piss in honor of Lane Kiffin rejoining the SEC


Mosey to wall
Indian run Squats on Wall
Take CMU to Freshman hill
21’s Merkins @ top, squats at the bottom
Repeat until I  call time around 6:05-6:07
25 Calf Raises with CMU
20 Curls with CMU
15 Tri Ext with CMU
10 BBS with CMU
5 American Hammers with CMU
BTW @ wall hold for 1:00 min
Mosey to AO

We made it down to 7 on the 21’s, the snowy steep hill slowed us down and really made us pay attention to our footing.  Altar boy, however, was the human snowboard and flew down the hill repeatedly.

Doomsday Clock (til we finish)


Matthew 12:9-16
If Jesus can go to Church when the Pharisees set him up to break laws, we can follow his example in the face of issues we may have with doctrine.
Trolley’s work stress.
no announcements