F3 Knoxville

Rush – track day

THE SCENE: cool and clear at 0515

Warm-up run to HVA.  High knees, Butt-kickers, and Toy Soldier walk in the entrance.  Ready to run!
5 minute repeats at a pace slightly faster than 5k race pace with 2 minute recovery back to the 6.

Repeat 3 times for a total of 4 rounds.

3, 30 second fartleks on the way back to JUCO to shake out the legs.

Stretch until JUCO PAX show up.
7 HIMs got faster today:  Frenchie, Mustard, Pfeiffer, Spotter, Uncle Rico, Woodshack, YHC
See JUCO backblast.
Great to see some new faces for the 2nd week of Rush!
Brolympics November 9th.

Aiken Wildfire Giants

THE SCENE: Not too chilly..50.  Post rain fresh air.
A few ssh and then off to box-jump country.   In an effort to always keep variety in our recipe we’re rolling throught the Lexicon/Exicon and we are at #9  Aiken Legs  #10 Air Drama Squats  #11 Air Squared … So lets do those.

Two rounds of Aiken Legs is (20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges, 20 Split Jacks)..

15 Air Drama Squats  (Squats on curb with Calf raises)

15 Air Squared ( Squat chair while forward extended arm claps in cadence)

THA-THANG:  Looper

An AMRAP in ~ 20 minutes of Seven Exercise stations.  The stations were next to our beloved Maintenance wall by the CMUS. Distribute the 20 HIMs evenly on the stations before beginning.  The stations were

  • 20 Peter Parkers + 5 Stair Climbs
  • 20 Iron Mikes + 5 Stadium Hill Climbs
  • 20 Star Jacks + 5 wall Loops
  • 10 Handstand Pushups + 2 Building Loops
  • 20 A Hammers + CMU + 40 Imperial Squat Walkers
  • 20 Plank Destroyers + 20 Box Jumps (at other building with wall)
  • 20 (3 cmu) Derkins + 1 crab walk around the wall

I cut us off a bit early so we could get in a good ole Mary.


  • 50 Hello Dollys
  • 50 Freddy Mercuries
  • 50 LBC
  • WildFire Plank Merkin Raised Alternates.  When Crowder says Wildfire (during the song) do a merkin and finish by raising the opposite arm until the next merkin.  I think it ended up being 3 sets of 6 merkins with several minutes of holding the plank.


“We need not reinvent what a man is, but only rediscover him. How? By forsaking the uncertain sounds of society and hearkening to the war drum of Scripture. God calls us to fellowship with giants — or those who slayed them — great men who have run the race before us and offer their strengths, weaknesses, and sins to instruct us on how to walk before God this side of heaven.” —  Greg Morse.

“Through You we will push back our adversaries; Through Your name we will trample down those who rise up against us. For I will not trust in my bow, Nor will my sword save me. But You have saved us from our adversaries, And You have put to shame those who hate us. In God we have boasted all day long, And we will give thanks to Your name forever. Selah.”

Psalms 44:5-8 NASB

Brolympics  Nov 9th.    Bring Headlamps for Pool Boy’s Safari on Wednesday.

The JUCO 1500

THE SCENE: cold, dark and clear.

10 ct cherry picker, 10 ct moroccan night club, 5 burpees on your own. get your CMU and mosey to the big lot


The 1st Monthly “JUCO 1500” performed in the big parking lot, back side of campus.  each station was a parking space. The bear crawls, lunges and cmu mosey were all from line to line from one end of the lot to the other. If all 5 rds were performed the total reps would equal 1500 and the total distance would be approximately 1.5 miles. the Pax and their reported reps are listed below. Those that did not report a rep cound are listed with a 480 because I was last and I would have had 480 if I had finished my station when time was up. Therefore, I know they had at least 480. Ill be glad to update those #’s if those PAX want to report their # back to me. The JUCO 1500 will be repeated on 2019-11-18!

Station Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Total PAX 10/18/2019 11/18/2019
100 200 300 400 500 1500 Mandolin 453
Squats 10 20 30 40 50 Mermaid 500
Bear Crawl=.012 Judge Judy 600
Merkin 10 20 30 40 50 Chaco 600
Lunge Jitters 680
Big Boy Situps 10 20 30 40 50 Anchorman 568
Bear Crawl Fingerfood 550
CMU Curls 10 20 30 40 50 Nutmeg 607
CMU Mosey Spotter 570
CMU Overhead Press 10 20 30 40 50 Alterboy 570
CMU Mosey Commission 570
CMU Thrusts 10 20 30 40 50 Trolley 480
CMU Mosey Sty 510
CMU Tricep Extensions 10 20 30 40 50 Butterknife 480
Lunge Rosetta 480
Squats 10 20 30 40 50 Nadia 480
Bear Crawl Weedwacker 480
Merkin 10 20 30 40 50 Gump 540
Lunge Kick Flip 480
Big Boy Situps 10 20 30 40 50 Snaggletooth 600
Run 1 lap = 1/4 mile appx 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Poolboy 390
(FNG) M.C. Hammer 480
Mailbox 480
Guardrail 480
5K 480
Cortez 480

26 in attendance
Referenced the prior message shared about Guardrails we can and should put up in our lives to keep us on the straight and narrow. my personal guard rail being financials. We put ourselves in financial situations trying to “keep up with the Jones” in the society we live in today  where we become enslaved to our debters, and our employers and so on which can in turn put us in less than desireable relationships and situations. a few scriptures that speak about debt and money. Matthew 6:24 New International Version (NIV) 24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money .Romans 13:8 New International Version (NIV)Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.

Another topic thats been weighing on my mind lately is the false sense of division thats in our country, created by the media, politics and many other things that seem to divide us, all the way down to sports. However, when you get to know your neighbor, step out of your comfort zone and reach out to meet new people, especially those that may not be like you and stop listening to what “The News” or The Politicians want us to believe, we arent all that divided. . when I searched my bible app for the word Division i got about 100 different scriptures that were applicable. Romans 16:17-18 New International Version (NIV)17 I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.1 Corinthians 1:10-13 New International Version (NIV)10 I appeal to you, brothers and sisters,[a] in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. 11 My brothers and sisters, some from Chloe’s household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. 12 What I mean is this: One of you says, “I follow Paul”; another, “I follow Apollos”; another, “I follow Cephas[b]”; still another, “I follow Christ.”13 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul?

And ultimately, to sum it all up.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 New International Version (NIV)

13 Now all has been heard;
    here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
    for this is the duty of all mankind.




Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
This same workout will be repeated on Monday November 18th for anyone that wants to get in on the next one. for those there today, be sure to send me your accumulated reps if you want it logged. Brolympics coming up November 9th.


THE SCENE: Cool and raining.

SSH, Cherry Pickers, TN Rock’n Chair

  • PAX repeatedly performed various movements half way across parking lot to cones, did Merkins (x20), then Lunged other half.  Movements: Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Partner Wheel Barrow, Burpee Broad Jump, Frog Jumps, Side Lunge
  • Jelly Arms/ Jelly Legs (15 or so minutes)
  • 4 Corner AMRAP (Merkins, Squats, Merkins, Squats – all reps of x20)
  • Increasing 8 Ct Body Builder Suicides using cones (last round we did 8)
  • Run lap around Parking Lot with Flag to pick up the RUSH crew.

MARY  Trolley led a minute of Freddy Mercury

20 strong (5 RUSHED)

2 Corinthians 12:9 “my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”

JUCO: Rush – Official Launch

THE SCENE: 61* and rain

Run 1.5 miles to the HVA track. On the track we did some dynamic warmups: High Knees, Butt Kickers, Karaoke w/high step, Backwards High Pedals, 1-2-3 walk with toe touches
6x800m intervals with 2 minutes rest between. Goal Pace = 5k mile pace minus 10 seconds

To make things interesting, we are making today’s workout a competition. The PAX were allowed to use their watches on the first interval to dial in their pace. All subsequent intervals were done “blind” with a goal of hitting your pace as close as possible. For every second above or below your goal pace you get one point. The HIM with the lowest score at the end of the workout wins. This workout is intended to help the PAX better judge their pacing based off on feel.

We ran out of time on the track to get in the sixth interval so performed it on the way back to the AO.

Scoreboard for the 6×800 Golf Tournament:

Erector Spotter Frenchie Archie Gump
Target 3:20 3:23 2:59 3:10 4:08
Lap 1 3:22 3:29 2:54 3:10 4:20
Lap 2 3:22 3:22 2:57 3:05 4:26
Lap 3 3:25 3:24 2:55 3:08 4:32
Lap 4 3:20 3:24 2:58 3:04 4:26
Score 8 9 12 13 72

Ran 1.5 miles back to the AO and joined the JUCO PAX for the COT

Five HIMs came out for the first official JUCO: Rush workout. Archie, Erector, Frenchie, Gump, and Spotter
See Judge Judy’s JUCO BB

Good speed workout especially to increase 5k times. I was avoiding puddles on the way to the track, only to realize once I got there that we would be working out in a downpour the entire time. Didn’t avoid any puddles on the way back to the AO. Good workout nonetheless. 

Brolympics II on Nov 9th.