F3 Knoxville

Levels of Burpin’ Bernie

THE SCENE: 40ish and damp, just about perfect.

  • 10-Cherry Pickers
  • 10 – Windmills
  • 15 – lbac forward/backward
  • 15 – Tempo Merkins
  • 20 – Tempo Squats

Mosey to rails. Battle buddy up and knock out 100 inverted rows as a team while one HIM runs down in back in the parking lot before relieving battle buddy.

Mosey to the large parking lot on East side of campus.

Burpin’ Bernies

The large parking lot has 10 parking rows. Starting on the West side of the parking lot, run to the first row (Level 1) and perform 1 burpee, Bernie back to the start and perform the level 1 exercise, run to the second row (Level 2) and perform 2 burpees, Bernie back to the start and perform the level 2 exercise. Complete until finished with level 10.

  1. 10 – Carolina Dry Docks
  2. 20 – Monkey Humpers
  3. 30 – Plank Dips
  4. 40 – Merkins
  5. 50 – Smurf Jacks
  6. 60 – Flutter Kicks
  7. 70 – Shoulder Taps
  8. 80 – Air Squats
  9. 90 – Freddie Mercuries
  10. 100 – Side Straddle Hops

In total there were 550 reps of the level exercises and 55 burpees. We ran 3/4 mile forwards and 3/4 mile backwards. Shoutout to Erector, Judge Judy, and Trolley for making it all the way to level 10!

No time. Arrived at AO with two minutes to spare.

18 HIMs came out to support me for my first VQ! Love the JUCO PAX and their enthusiasm.

Don’t allow yourself to become complacent. It’s obvious that no one here is complacent with their physical self as we are all here to grow and push ourselves to the next level. It’s important that we apply that same desire to grow in all areas of our lives. Christ addressed the church in Laodicea in Revelation 3 saying, “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” The church had become complacent with where they were spiritually and Christ reprimanded them for it. Let’s strive to be passionate about all that we do. To push ourselves to the next level physically, spiritually, and mentally. 


Shoutout to Erector for knocking out a long pre-run and to Bagger and Judge Judy for joining me in the pre-ruck.

Bring snacks on Wednesday and Friday for the kids at the Wesley House.

Invisible Pay Check, Invisible God

THE SCENE:  20’s, but hey, it’s Friday Yo!


SSH x10 (IC), 4ct Mountain Climbers x10 (IC), Groiners x10 (IC), Windmill x10 (IC), Morrocan Boat Clubs x20 (IC), Failure to Launch x5


  • 11’s – Mosey to East Parking Lot, 2 sets of stairs separated by a comfortable distance. Burpees, run down stairs to street and Boo Boo Bear Crawl 10 paces (switching legs at 5 paces) toward other set of stairs, mosey up stairs, Donkey Kicks. Head back – same route, same way. Rinse and repeat until grinder completed.
  • Mosey to CMU Pile on opposite side of campus: Grab a coupon – 30 Curls, 30 Push Press, 100 Calf Raises, Run stairs up to building, touch wall and head back.
  • Mosey to Sophomore Hill Parking Lot:  Route 66 – At every light pole (6 total): 10 Diamond Pushups, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Bobby Hurleys

Cheat Sheet gave us a tutorial of the proper way to do pushups to failure. Thank you, brother!


9 Strong


Q shared his New Year’s resolution – to spend a year studying God’s character and trying to mimic Him in his daily walk.  He then shared the following excerpt from an article he researched on God’s invisibility…..


I don’t think there’s anything that makes living the Christian life more difficult than the fact that the Lord we serve is invisible to us. You know the expression in our culture “Out of sight, out of mind.” It’s very, very difficult to live your life dedicated to someone or something you cannot see. Often you hear people say that when they can see it, taste it, touch it, or smell it, they’ll believe and embrace it, but not before. This is one of the most difficult problems of the Christian life: God is rarely perceived through our physical senses.

On the other side of the coin, I would say that one of the greatest hopes set before the Christian church is the promise in the book of John, “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2). The Latin there means “as he is in himself.” That is to say, that which is totally concealed from our eyes right now we will see in heaven.

Scriptures tell us uniformly that no person shall see God and live; this is because God is holy, and we are not (see Exod. 33:20 and 1 Tim. 6:15). Even Moses, as righteous as he was, pleaded with God on the mountain to let him have an unveiled look at God’s glory. God only allowed him to catch a refracted glimpse, but he said to Moses, “My face shall not be seen.” Why is that? The problem is not with our eyes but with our hearts.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus made the promise that someday a certain group of people would see God. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Those who hunger and thirst shall be filled. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. It’s because we’re not pure in heart that God remains invisible, and only when we’re purified will we see him.  This can only happen thru faith in Christ.  

Tough Questions with R.C. Sproul

Thanks to Erector for the pre-run and good mumblechatter.


Elevation Training

THE SCENE: 38 degrees and clear skies!

SSH (IC) x 20, Imperial Walkers (IC) x 10, Moroccan Night Club (IC) x 10, Cherry Pickers (IC) x 10, Tempo Squats (IC) x 10, Tempo Merkins (IC) x 10, Box Cutters (IC) x 10


Mosey to Jucomanjaro.  Ascend Jucomanjaro stopping for PT along with the way.

PT# 1

  • 10 Burpees, 20 Tempo Squats (IC), Lunges (10 each leg), 15 Hello Dolly (IC), 40 LBCs

PT# 2

  • 20 Merkins, 20 Big Boys, 20 Flutter Kicks (IC), 50 Mtn Climbers, 20 Shoulder Taps

PT# 3

  • 10 Burpees, 20 Tempo Squats (IC), Side Lunges (10 each leg), 15 Freddie Mercury’s (IC), 15 SSH (IC)

PT# 4

  • 20 Merkins, 20 Big Boys, 20 Flutter Kicks (IC), 50 Mtn Climbers, 20 Shoulder Taps

PT# 5

  • 10 Burpees, 20 Tempo Squats (IC), Lunges (10 each leg), Side Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Big Boys

Mosey back to AO


20 Tempo Squats (IC), 10 American Hammers (IC), Captain Thor made it 4/16, 20 Merkins

COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA:  12 HIMs killed it today! Bonus points to Judge Judy, Doubtfire and Spotter for joining me on PreRuck!


“Man Plans, and God Laughs.”  This was a saying my wife shared with me when we were discussing 2018 and everything that transpired this past year.  2018 was an exciting and stressful year for us with many things happening personally and professionally.  We are both meticulous planners and like to have everything in order.  With my job situation, we have been reminded that just because you want something to happen a certain way, that doesn’t necessarily mean that is how it is supposed to happen.  You have to have faith that everything happens for a reason and it will work out appropriately.

Proverbs 19:21 – Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
MOLESKIN: Prayers for Pink Eyes father as he deals with cancer

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Judge Judy on Q this Friday!  Come out and support him at JUCO!

JUCO Birthday Q

THE SCENE: JUCO AO, comfortable low 40’s temp

15 SSH, 10 Peter Parker, 15 mountain climbers, 10 Tempo Merkins, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 tempo squat, 10 windmill

Mosey toward the grassy hill (Bartman, what was it called again?) near the maintenance building for some hill work.  Starting from the opposite side of the road:

  • 20 merkins at the bottom
  • bear crawl to the edge of the hill and run up the hill
  • 20 squats at the top and mosey down
  • Repeat and then mary until the 6 is done
  • Do 2 more rounds with diamond merkins and sumo squats as the exercises.
  • One more round with 10 burpees at the bottom and 10 lunges each leg at the top

Mosey to the hand rails on the edge of campus for some more fun.

  • 20 lunges, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
  • 10 burpees, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
  • 10 supine pull-ups, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
  • Mary until the 6 is done
  • 20 box jumps, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
  • 20 dips, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
  • 15 supine pull-ups, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
  • Mosey back to shovel flag
    Circle up for some ring of fire hand clap merkins.  All PAX hold plank as each person completes 1 merkin around the circle, then 2 hand clap merkins, and then 5 hand clamp merkins all together.
    20 PAX at the AO this morning!
    Lead by example.  I have had similar WORDs before, but this one seems to stay on my mind a lot.  Raising kids can be difficult especially considering the impact that we have on them with the way we act in our lives.  Arguing is a big topic in the Erector household with my 6 year old boy right now.  I caught myself yesterday telling him to stop arguing to which he responded “I am not arguing” and then I said “Yes you are!”.  What did I just do?  I argued about him arguing.  So there I go leading by showing my son how to argue.  Sort of the opposite affect that YHC intended.  Remember how impactful you can be with even the small things in your day-to-day.  Do your best to lead by example and look to Jesus as the ultimate example to follow in life.
    What a way to start off my birthday surrounded by a great group of HIMs early in the morning!  Thanks to all who attended.  See you in the gloom!
  • None today (forgot to ask!)

We’re Working – Rain or Shine!

THE SCENE: 45 and wet

  • Slosey to shelter
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward/Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Side Straddle Hop (IC) X 25
  • Tempo Squats (IC) X 10
  • Hand Release Merkins (OYO) X 10


Clayton Performing Arts Center Overhang

13 Stations X 3 Rounds

  • Upper Body Exercises – 15 dips, 20 Merkins, 25 CMU curls, 20 CMU bent over rows, 25 CMU overhead press
  • Lower Body Exercises – 20 squats, 40 calf raises, 16 step-ups (8 per leg)
  • Cardio/Core – 10 burpees, 10 mountain climbers, 25 LBCs, 15 flutterkicks (4ct), 10 Supermans (4 ct)

F3 Activity Card Game – Each member of the PAX pulled a card and we “played” what was dealt

Some of the fun included:

  • wide merkins, carolina dry docks
  • lunges, side squats
  • bear crawls
  • Bernie to the light pole, run to various locations several times

MARY: She was part of the workout


5K, Bagger, Doubtfire, Gump, Judge Judy, Pinnochio, Rocket, Spotter, Stye, Trolley and Booster


I follow Jon Gordon, an author, on Twitter (@jongordon11).  Every day, he posts positive messages.  He released 20 Tips for a Positive New Year and I love it!  Please take a moment to read his words and see what you might be able to apply to your personal life.  Some of these are common sense but many I take for granted!

20 Tips for a Positive New Year

1. Stay Positive. You can listen to the cynics and doubters and believe that success is impossible or you can trust that with faith and an optimistic attitude all things are possible.

2. Take a daily “Thank You Walk.” You can’t be stressed and thankful at the same time. Feel blessed and you won’t be stressed.

3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and less foods manufactured in plants.

4. Talk to yourself instead of listen to yourself. Instead of listening to your complaints, fears and doubts, talk to yourself with words of truth and encouragement.

5. Post a sign that says “No Energy Vampires Allowed.” Gandhi said, “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” Watch This.

6. Be a Positive Team Member. Being positive doesn’t just make you better, it makes everyone around you better.

7. Don’t chase success. Decide to make a difference and success will find you. [ Tweet This ]

8. Get more sleep. You can’t replace sleep with a double latte.

9. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control.

10. Look for opportunities to Love, Serve and Care. You don’t have to be great to serve but you have to serve to be great.

11. Live your purpose. Remember why you do what you do. We don’t get burned out because of what we do. We get burned out because we forget why we do it.

12. Remember, there’s no such thing as an overnight success. Love the process and you’ll love what the process produces.

13. Trust that everything happens for a reason and expect good things to come out of challenging experiences.

14. Implement the No Complaining Rule. If you are complaining, you’re not leading.

15. Read more books than you did in 2018. I happen to know of a few good ones. : )

16. Don’t seek happiness. Instead live with love, passion and purpose and happiness will find you.

17. Focus on “Get to” vs “Have to.” Each day focus on what you get to do, not what you have to do. Life is a gift not an obligation.

20 Tips for a Positive New year in 201918. The next time you “fail” remember that it’s not meant to define you. It’s meant to refine you.

19. Smile and laugh more. They are natural anti-depressants.

20. Enjoy the ride. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy it.



  • Pray for Doubtfire’s neighbors with the loss of a friend & one of my best friends JJ who lost his mother
  • Record you shifts once the scoring is ready for the monthly challenge